ISetting values: Difference between revisions

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|Burst Sample Rate
|Burst Sample Rate
|Burst Minimum Gap Time


Revision as of 11:13, 9 June 2011

RadiMation® is internally using an enumeration to define specific test parameters. The values of this enumeration are also used in several advanced options.

The table below will give a description of all the possible ISetting values, and the corresponding test parameter

enumeration value name value description
radestSettings 1 Settings array
radestBand 2 Band Settings array
radestStartStopFrequency 3 A start and stop frequency
radestReferenceLevel 4 Reference level
radestVBW 5 VBW for emission tests
radestRBW 6 RBW for emission tests
radestModulation 7 Modulation settings
radestUnits 8 Units
radestOperationMode 9 Manual Mode Operation Mode
radestTestSite 10 Test-site with sub-settings
radestDevice 11 Used measurement device
radestLoadedDevices 12 A caching-ISetting object to 'maintain' a cache of the loaded objects
radestCenterFrequency 13 Center Frequency
radestSpan 14 Span
radestStartTime 15 Start Time (of Test, Sweep, dwell-time)
radestStopTime 16 Stop Time (of Test, Sweep, dwell-time)
radestSweepNumber 17 Sweep Number
radestCorrectionID 18 ID of the corrections to use
radestPeakIdentifier 19 Unique Peak Identifier (number)
radestSelectedPeak 20 Selected peak identifier (number)
radestStepFrequency 21 Step frequency for emission tests
radestTraceDetector 22 List of all detectors used for Traces
radestAttenuation 23 Attenuation of a receiver
radestSweepTime 24 Sweeptime of an analyser
radestMeasureTime 25 Measuretime of a (scanning) receiver
radestPreAmplification 26 Pre-amplification of the analyzer
radestAntennaDistance 27 Distance of the antenna
radestAntennaHeight 28 Height of the antenna
radestAntennaPolarization 29 Antenna polarization
radestTurnTableAngle 30 Turntable angle
radestNumberOfSweeps 31 The number of sweeps to take in a certain band
radestNumberOfPeaks 32 The number of peaks to detect in a certain band
radestBandSelected 33 If a band is selected or not
radestBandColor 34 The color to show for the band
radestGraphScaleMode 35 Graph scale mode (Lineair/Logarithmic)
radestGraphScaling 36 Graph Scaling (auto or fixed to a value, for the bottom and the top of the graph)
radestLimitLine 37 one single Limit line
radestBandDone 38 Maintains information if a band is already tested (done) or not
radestGraphColor_NOT_USED_ANYMORE 39 Color of a graph element (Is not used anymore)
radestGraphLineStyle 40 Style of the line of a graph element
radestGraphMarkerStyle 41 Style of the marker of a graph element
radestPeakDetector 42 Detectors that are used to measure a peak
radestDetectorMeasureTime 43 Measure time of a detector measuring a peak
radestDetectorObservationTime 44 Observation time of a detector measuring a peak
radestLogarithmicAmplifier 45 Logarithmic amplifier of the receiver/spectrum analyser
radestDetectorMeasurement 46 The results of the last detector measurement
radestAntennaHeightMovement 47 Movement of the height of the antenna tower
radestTurnTableAngleMovement 48 Movement of the angle of the turntable
radestEUTAngle 49 The angle of the EUT that is measured (doesn't need to be the same as the Turntable angle)
radestEUTAngleOffset 50 The offset between the turntable angle and the EUT angle
radestFormattableRequestType 51 The type of request that is asked to the IFormattableData objects
radestFormattableRequestLevel 52 The level of request that is asked to the IFormattableData objects
radestCorrectionManager 53 CorrectionManager
radestChangeOrder 54 The order in which the settings need to be changed
radestAngleOptimization 55 Settings for finding the optimized angle of a peak
radestHeightOptimization 56 Settings for finding the optimized height of a peak
radestDeviceCapability 57 Data that describes the capability of a device (driver)
radestVirtualLimitOffset 58 The virtual limit line offset
radestDataStorage 59 Data Storage Array setting
radestAbsoluteTime 60 An absolute time stamp setting
radestCarrierFrequency 61 The carrier frequency of the signal generator, and thus for all immunity tests
radestCouplerAttenuationForward 62 The forward power attenuation of the coupler
radestCouplerAttenuationReflected 63 The reflected power attenuation of the coupler
radestDwellTime 64 The dwelltime during immunity tests
radestFrequencyStepper 65 The Frequency stepper that is used for calculating the frequency stepsize in immunity tests
radestITestLevel 66 The ISetting object is an ITestLevel and also has that interface implemented
radestCarrierState 67 The state of the carrier. If the carrier of the signal generator is turned on or off
radestFrequencyChangeMode 68 The mode that is used to change from a frequency to another frequency
radestStartOfDwellTime 69 An identifier for the 'Action in Time' setting, to mark the begin of the dwell time
radestEndOfDwellTime 70 An identifier for the 'Action in Time' setting, to mark the end of the dwell time
radestStartOfPowerRegulation 71 An identifier for the 'Action in Time' setting, to mark the begin of the power regulation
radestStartOfPowerRegulationDown 72 An identifier for the 'Action in Time' setting, to mark the begin of the power regulation down. This action can be used by graphs to prevent the update of the achieved power levels.
radestCustomizations 73 All kind of customization settings
radestUse 74 A boolean state to remember if certain option is USEd (activated/deactivated etc...)
radestGraphgridStyle 75 Style of the grid of a graph
radestMonitoringInput 76 The information of a monitoring input.
radestReRegulate 77 Information over reregulation of the test-level
radestLISNLine 78 List of selected LISN lines
radestLocationType 79 The type of 'location' on which the EUT is measured
radestEvent 80 An (textual) event, that is part of the 'event-log'
radestGrid 81 The customization and configuration of a grid
radestAttachment 82 A file attachment
radestXYCoordinate 83 A setting to store an (X,Y) coordinate, for example to remember the position of a window
radestSize 84 A setting to store a (width, height) size, for example to remember the size of a window
radestSweepDirection 85 The direction for (frequency) sweeping (forward or backwards).
radestSorting 86 The sorting of a table, which column and inverted or not.
radestMaximumSelectedPeaks 87 The maximum number of simultaneously selected peaks
radestPrintReport 88 print the report after the report generation has been completed.
radestEditReport 89 edit the report after the report generation has been completed.
radestShowAdvanced 90 show the advanced window in the report Generator window
radestGraphStartStopFrequency 91 The start and stop frequency as it is shown in the frequency graph
radestLinkGraphSpanCenter 92 If the start and stop frequency of the graph are linked to the currently used span and center
radestPeakDiscrimination 93 The type of peak discrimination that should be used
radestPeakType 94 The peak type that is detected for a specific peak
radestAutoTrigger 95 Settings for the auto/manual trigger
radestBurstTriggerLevel 96 Burst Trigger Level
radestBurstMeasureTime 97 Burst Measure Time
radestBurstSampleRate 98 Burst Sample Rate
radestBurstMinimumGapTime 99 Burst Minimum Gap Time