List of RadiMation competitors

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Concurrents of the RadiMation software are:

Feature comparison[edit]

See the next table for a comparison of the features between most important software packages:

Feature RadiMation® EMC32 ES-K1 RSUS / REMI Compliance 3
Manufacturer Raditeq Rohde & Schwarz Rohde & Schwarz NeweTec Schaffner
Number of customers
How does the company fullfill the number of customers
'Stability of software' principle
Latest released version (version and date) 2024.2.3
Compared version
Supported operating systems
32 Bit Yes Yes No
64 Bit Short future? No (name clash!) No
Software protection system Hardware key Hardware key Hardware key Hardware key
EUT oriented Yes No No Yes
Number of device drivers
Supported equipment brands
Create your own device drivers
Customizable device drivers
One package for emission and immunity
Immunity Yes Yes No Yes (RSUS Only)
Emission Yes Yes Yes (REMI Only)
Pulsed Immunity
Harmonic & Flicker
Calibration tests
Report generator Yes
16 point calibration verification
Maximum number of field probes 8
Different values for parameters in same test allowed (Multiband) Yes
Interlock support No
Possibility to interact with EUT controller Yes
CANoe support Yes
Video monitoring support Yes
Data logging only test No
Maximum number of monitoring inputs/channels 8
Customizable graphs
Copy graph to clipboard
Graph data also presented as table
Copy table to clipboard
Customizable events during test No
Graphical test equipment selection No
Dual head support No Yes?
Networking support yes
Data storage (file/database) File Database? Database? File
Equipment database support Yes
Customer database support Yes
Supported report generators
Fully customizable report generation Yes
Data export to excel
Virtual test possible Yes
Multiple versions of device drivers No
Allowed to have multiple versions of software installed Yes
Limit lines configurable Yes
Cable calibration Yes
Amplifier calibration Yes (Seperate module)
Printed Manual Yes
Format electronic manual PDF
User forum on web-site
Review test results without dongle
Graph printing
Supported languages English/Dutch/German/Chinese
Antenna diagram measurement
NSA test
Circular graph for emission test results
Emission measurements during turntable turning Yes (also for antenna height)
Automatic Peak search Turntable and antenna tower