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A Microsoft SQL (MSSQL) server can be used as a Customer database in RadiMation®. Using your company MSSQL database, will simplify the selection of the customer address information into the RadiMation® EUT window.


A detailed description of the configuration of an ODBC connection to a Customer database is explained on the ODBC page. However some MSSQL specific ODBC connection parameters are needed to correctly configure the MSSQL ODBC connection.

At least the following configuration items are necessary for every MSSQL connection. Your MSSQL database administrator will be able to provide you with the correct values, after which they can be configured in the SQL Server ODBC Driver Configuration dialog.

  • server
  • login-id
  • password
  • database name

The SQL Server ODBC Driver Configuration dialog allows you to configure the details of an ODBC connection to a MSSQL database. This dialog is not part of RadiMation®, but it is provided by Microsoft.

SQL Server ODBC Driver1.png

ScreenElementDescription.svg Name A unique name that uniquely identifies the Data Source from the other available Data Sources.
ScreenElementDescription.svg Description Any additional information regarding the Data Source
ScreenElementDescription.svg Server The name (or IP address) of the MSSQL server, to which a connection should be made

When the Next > button is pressed, a second configuration dialog is shown.

SQL Server ODBC Driver2.png

ScreenElementDescription.svg Windows NT Authentication Select this option to use the credential of the logged in user to connect to the MSSQL server.
ScreenElementDescription.svg SQL Server Authentication Select this option to use a SQL Server specific username and password to connect to the MSSQL server.
ScreenElementDescription.svg Client Configuration... Will show additional configuration details for the MSSQL connection. Your MSSQL database administrator can help you with setting this details.
ScreenElementDescription.svg Login ID The name of the MSSQL user that should be used to connect to the MSSQL Server
ScreenElementDescription.svg Password The password of the MSSQL user that should be used to connect to the MSSQL Server

When the Next > button is pressed, a third configuration dialog is shown.

SQL Server ODBC Driver3.png

ScreenElementDescription.svg Change default database Enable the option, and specify or select the name of the database on the MSSQL Server that should be used.

All other parameters should be left on their default value, or they should be set accoording to the instructions of your MSSQL database administrator.

When the Next > button is pressed, a fourth configuration dialog is shown.

SQL Server ODBC Driver4.png

All parameters should be left on their default value, or they should be set accoording to the instructions of your MSSQL database administrator.

When the Finish button is pressed, a final configuration dialog is shown.

SQL Server ODBC Driver5.png

ScreenElementDescription.svg Test Data Source... Will perform a connection test, to determine if a connection with the MSSQL server can be established, using the configured parameters. A confirmation or error dialog with some additional information will be shown.
ScreenElementDescription.svg Ok Stores the configured ODBC connection.
ScreenElementDescription.svg Cancel Closes the dialogs without creating an ODBC connection.

Once the MSSQL ODBC Data Source connection is correctly configured, the configuration of the customer database in RadiMation® can be performed.
