Maturo unit configuration

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One of the parameters that is shown on the page of the device is the 'Remote Address' field. The value of the 'Remote Address' should be used to select the corresponding 'Unit' field in the RadiMation® device driver.

Maturo mcApp AntennaTower RemoteAddress.png

A 'Remote Address' of '0' can be converted to a 'unit' number by adding 1. A 'Remote Address' of '0' thus corresponds to 'Unit 1'. The 'Dx' number that is shown in the Maturo mcApp software is not related at all to the Unit selection in the RadiMation® software. If the devices are added in another order to the Maturo mcApps software, the 'Dx' number will be different, however the 'Remote Address' will remain the same.

Depending on the type of the device, most Maturo devices are programmed by Maturo to use a predefined 'Unit'-number.

Unit Device type
Unit 1 Antenna Mast, Field Probe Positioner FPP axis 1, EAS-90
Unit 2 Turntable 1
Unit 3 Cable Guide Rail
Unit 4 Turn Device, EAS-365
Unit 5 Second Antenna Mast, Field Probe Positioner axis 2
Unit 6 Second Turntable
Unit 7 Second Cable Guide Rail
Unit 8 Second Turn Device
Unit 9 Third Antenna Mast
Unit 10 Third Turntable
