Unit configuration

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The Unit configuration dialog allows to specify specific settings for a selected unit.

Unit configuration.png

ScreenElementDescription.png Unit The unit that should be used for a certain unit use
ScreenElementDescription.png Precision The number of digits that should be shown behind the comma, when a value is shown for this unit
ScreenElementDescription.png Show trailing zeros Determines if zero's at the end should be shown (when selected) or hidden. This setting only has effect if the Precision is 1 or higher
ScreenElementDescription.png Auto scale unit If this option is selected, RadiMation will automatically adjust the used Unit, based on the value that is shown.
ScreenElementDescription.png Example Shows an example of how a value is being shown, using the selections that are made in the Unit configuration window.
ScreenElementDescription.png Ok Closes the window, and stores the made changes.
ScreenElementDescription.png Cancel Closes the window, but discards the made changes.

Same example values, and the their corresponding result

Real value Selected unit With Auto scale unit disabled With Auto scale unit enabled
2500 MHz MHz 2500 MHz 2.5 GHz
340 kHz MHz 0.34 MHz 340 kHz