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The AR FP 2000 is a field sensor

The following information is extracted from an e-mail send by Dave Baxter (EMV ltd.) to Jeffrey Westgeest(D.A.R.E!! Development)

The probe over-range problem...

Some years ago, we had a potential serious problem when it was found that a batch of FP2000's would when used on Range 2 (30V/m) read OK up to 30V, above that, they would read OK, but with the "Over range" flag set correctly.

However, if the field carried on up to over some 67V/m or more (the user at that time was using a mode stirred chamber) the affected probes would suddenly drop the "Over Range" flag, and also indicate a field below 30V/m!

You can imagine the phone call's and fax's that were flying about at that time.

The only fix is to replace the internal CPU chip with one programmed up with later firmware, we were told it is not possible to "Flash" them or whatever. That of course invalidates the calibration, involving even more cost.

So... If you find any of the 2 inch cube type probes (FP1000, 2000, 3000, 4000 or 5000) series that exhibit this fault (and it is a "Fault" with the firmware) we need to know the model and serial number in the first instance to see if it can be rectified. I can imagine for some older probes, it may be a case of total replacement being the cheapest option, but.......
