Chapter 13: Difference between revisions

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{{ScreenElementDescription|Export EUT data|Export EUT data allows you to select, if you want, the EUT data to be exported. Only the EUT information stored in the top test can be exported.}}
{{ScreenElementDescription|Export EUT data|Export EUT data allows you to select, if you want, the EUT data to be exported. Only the EUT information stored in the top test can be exported.}}
{{ScreenElementDescription|Include not measured columns|Include not measured columns allows you to select, if you want, not measured columns to be exported. If you want to run a macro after exporting, it may be easier to export all the columns. You can then use the same macro for a signal level, forward power level and net power level test. It is not possible to have {{RadiMation}} run the macro automatically after the export. Deselecting exporting not measured columns will result in faster exporting of the information.}}
{{ScreenElementDescription|Include not measured columns|Include not measured columns allows you to select, if you want, not measured columns to be exported. If you want to run a macro after exporting, it may be easier to export all the columns. You can then use the same macro for a signal level, forward power level and net power level test. It is not possible to have {{RadiMation}} run the macro automatically after the export. Deselecting exporting not measured columns will result in faster exporting of the information.}}
{{Warning|Microsoft Excel needs to be installed on the PC to export the EUT information. The version of Microsoft Excel should be greater then or equal to version 'Microsoft Excel 97'.}}

== Performing the export ==
== Performing the export ==

Revision as of 06:14, 29 October 2010

Report Generator[edit]

The Report Generator is a software module to automatically generate a test report from tests that are carried out by RadiMation®. Once RadiMation® had carried out a test, all collected test data is available to the RadiMation® report generator, and this data can be merged into a test report. Using the Report Generator module, a test engineer can save a huge amount of time. The Report Generator only needs a few minutes to generate a complete test report.

Test reports can be written in Microsoft Word or in Microsoft Excel. Other formats can be added on request.

Getting started[edit]

Before the Report Generator module can be used, it needs to be configured.


   Menu.svg Configuration
      Menu.svg Configuration

And then select the Report Generator tab. The Report Generator screen will be displayed.

Configuration ReportGenerator.png

This screen contains only one items: The format of the template file. Choose your favourite format and select Close. The Report Generator is now configured properly.

Generating a report[edit]

Open an EUT and press the Report button on the Reports tab of the EUT window. This button shows the screen in which the settings for the generation of the report can be selected.

Report Generator Settings Window.png

To select a template file, select the folder button for the template. The red cross is for deleting the file selection, not the file itself. The magnifying glass is for viewing the template. If you want to print the report directly after it has been generated then check the check box for print report. If you want to edit the report then check the Edit report check box. By default all tests are included for generating a report. If you want to alter the selection press the Advanced Option button. An additional screen will be displayed like as shown above. All tests with the red checks in front will be included. Double clicking a test will alter the include/exclude selection. With the "Include All" button all tests will be included. With "Include None" all tests will be excluded from the report. "Invert Selection" will invert all the including/excluding. Selecting the "Generate" button will start the report generation process. The report will be finished in a few moments. The generation time varies between a couple of seconds for a text file to several minutes for an extensive report containing many tables and graphs in MS Word.

Template files and Report files[edit]

The report Generator uses two files to generate a report. These two files are the Template file and the Report file. The Template file is the complete Report containing keywords. The test Data is represented by unique keywords, which tell the report generator which data to insert at the position of the code. The Report Generator changes all codes into test data and thus creates the report. This Report file is the complete test report including all test data. The Template file is not altered. It is recommended to make this Template file read-only, so no one can accidentally delete or modify this file. The Template file must exist, the Report file will be created, if it doesn’t exist. The Template file and report file may not be the same file!

Keywords and Main Keywords[edit]

A template file contains one or more unique keywords. These keywords consist of a Main Keyword and a second Keyword. The codes are of the following type: ||Main keyword | second keyword|| The Main Keyword indicates the part of RadiMation® from which the data must be retrieved. The Keyword specifies the data to be merged into the report file. The Main Keyword can be:

  • EUT
  • "Configuration" - The name of a test specified in the list in the EUT Window

Every Main Keyword has a set of Keywords that can only be used in combination with the used Main Keyword.

For example:

The EUT Main Keyword can use the keyword "Serial Number", but the "Serial Number" keyword is not supported by the "Configuration" Main Keyword. A list of Keywords is given in the succeeding paragraphs of in this manual. The keywords must be spelled correctly, including spaces and other symbols. To separate multiple words, only one space is used. Keywords and Main keywords are not case sensitive. When a Keyword or Main Keyword is not recognised, or when there is no test data available for this Keyword or Main keyword, the code will not be altered. The test engineer will be given a message in the settings screen of the Report Generator. One failure will be added to the total amount of failures. If a template file is altered, or the test-name has changed, the test engineer should search a generated report for codes from the template file for he may have used codes that contain no data or are not recognised by the Report Generator.

Available Report Generator Codes for EUT's[edit]

The Main keyword for EUT data is "EUT". All data entered in the EUT Window in RadiMation® can be merged into a report file. All data can be merged as single lines of text or in tables. Tables are supported for Client data, Manufacturer data and Test site data. In addition, a table with all information can be merged.

Available Report Generator Keywords[edit]

As different tests use different equipment and perform different actions each test has its own set of keywords. In many cases tests share the same keywords although this will refer to different data as the combination of main keyword and secondary keyword will always result in a unique combination. Errors are easily located by searching the report for the characters "||". Once found these can be deleted, or changed into an existing code. If the Report Generator is executed once again, using the modified file as the template, the Report Generator will finish the report without errors.



Keyword Description
FILENAME The filename of the EUT
BRAND The brand of the EUT specified in the EUT Window
CONDITION RECEPTION The condition of reception of the EUT specified in the EUT Window
DATE RECEIPT The date of reception of the EUT specified in the EUT Window
DATE MEASURMENT The date of measurment of the EUT specified in the EUT Window
DIMENSIONS The dimensions of the EUT specified in the EUT Window
EMISSION STANDARD The emission standard of the EUT specified in the EUT Window
ENVIRONMENT The environment of the EUT specified in the EUT Window
IMMUNITY STANDARD The immunity standard of the EUT specified in the EUT Window
NAME The name of the EUT specified in the EUT Window
ORDER NUMBER The order number of the EUT specified in the EUT Window
PCB RELEASE The PCB release of the EUT specified in the EUT Window
PERIPHERAL EQUIPMENT The peripheral equipment of the EUT specified in the EUT Window
PLACE MEASURMENT The place of measurment of the EUT specified in the EUT Window
RADIMATION VERSION The RadiMation® version
RATED POWER The rated power of the EUT specified in the EUT Window
SERIAL NUMBER The serial number of the EUT specified in the EUT Window
SETUP TYPE The test setup type of the EUT specified in the EUT Window
SOFTWARE RELEASE The software release of the EUT specified in the EUT Window
TYPE NUMBER The type number of the EUT specified in the EUT Window
VOLTAGE SUPPLY The voltage supply of the EUT specified in the EUT Window

Client Address Information[edit]

Keyword Description
CLIENT ADDRESS The address of the client specified in the EUT Window
CLIENT CAPACITY The capacity of the client specified in the EUT Window
CLIENT CITY The city of the client specified in the EUT Window
CLIENT COMPANY The client name specified in the EUT Window
CLIENT CONTACT PERSON The contact person of the client specified in the EUT Window
CLIENT COUNTRY The country of the client specified in the EUT Window
CLIENT EMAIL ADDRESS The email address of the client specified in the EUT Window
CLIENT FAX NUMBER The fax number of the client specified in the EUT Window
CLIENT STATE The state of the client specified in the EUT Window
CLIENT TELEPHONE NUMBER The telephone number of the client specified in the EUT Window
CLIENT ZIP CODE The ZIP code of the client specified in the EUT Window

Manufacturer Address Information[edit]

Keyword Description
MANUFACTURER ADDRESS The address of the manufacturer specified in the EUT Window
MANUFACTURER CITY The city of the manufacturer specified in the EUT Window
MANUFACTURER COMPANY The manufacturer name specified in the EUT Window
MANUFACTURER CONTACT PERSON The contact person of the manufacturer specified in the EUT Window
MANUFACTURER COUNTRY The country of the manufacturer specified in the EUT Window
MANUFACTURER EMAIL ADDRESS The email address of the manufacturer specified in the EUT Window
MANUFACTURER FAX NUMBER The fax number of the manufacturer specified in the EUT Window
MANUFACTURER STATE The state of the manufacturer specified in the EUT Window
MANUFACTURER TELEPHONE NUMBER The telephone number of the manufacturer specified in the EUT Window
MANUFACTURER ZIP CODE The ZIP code of the manufacturer specified in the EUT Window

Test Site Address Information[edit]

Keyword Description
TEST SITE ADDRESS The address of the test site specified in the EUT Window
TEST SITE CITY The city of the test site specified in the EUT Window
TEST SITE COMPANY The test site name specified in the EUT Window
TEST SITE CONTACT PERSON The contact person of the test site specified in the EUT Window
TEST SITE COUNTRY The country of the test site specified in the EUT Window
TEST SITE EMAIL ADDRESS The email address of the test site specified in the EUT Window
TEST SITE FAX NUMBER The fax number of the test site specified in the EUT Window
TEST SITE STATE The state of the test site specified in the EUT Window
TEST SITE TELEPHONE NUMBER The telephone number of the test site specified in the EUT Window
TEST SITE ZIP CODE The ZIP code of the test site specified in the EUT Window

Cable information[edit]

Keyword Description
CABLE TABLE A table with the cable information specified in the EUT Window
CABLE X PORT TYPE The port type of cable X in the EUT window ( X starting from 1)
CABLE X CABLE TYPE The cable type of cable X in the EUT window (X starting from 1)
CABLE X CABLE LENGTH The cable length of cable X in the EUT window (X starting from 1)
CABLE X FIXING SHIELD The fixing shield of cable X in the EUT window (X starting from 1)
CABLE X LOAD AT PORT The load at port of cable X in the EUT window (X starting from 1)

Standards Information[edit]

Keyword Description PRODUCT STANDARD ... Specifications of the used Product Standard BASIC STANDARD ... Specifications of the used Basic Standard

Where ... is one of the following parameters:

Parameter Description
DATEOFRELEASE Release date of the standard
DESCRIPTION String containing official name / scope
FILELOCATION The location of the file associated with the standard
LANGUAGE The language in which the standard is described
NOTE Additional note to the standard
OFFICIALNAME The official name of the standard
REFERRED STANDARDS A string of referred standards, separated by a ","
SCOPE The scope of the standard
STANDARDISATIONINSTITUTE Description of Measurement equipment given by the user
TABLE Table of the used standards


Report Generator[edit]

Keyword Description
COMNAME Internal COM Name selected report generator
DESCRIPTION Selected report generator
EXTENSION Report generator extension
CHECKEXTENSION Report generator should check extension
EDITOR Report generator


Keyword Description
DIRECTORIES All directories


Keyword Description
FIELD Electrical Field
UNITS All units


Keyword Description
CURRENTUSERNAME Current username

Radiated Immunity[edit]


Keyword Description
NUMBER OF EVENTS The number of events that occur during a test
EVENTS Table of events which occur during a test

Uniform Field Area Calculation[edit]

Keyword Description
NUMBER OF EVENTS The number of events that occur during a test
TEST START TIME The date and time at which the test is started
TEST STOP TIME The date and time at which the test is stopped
TEST DATE The date at which the test is performed
TEST ENGINEER The name of the test engineer
TEST TIME The time at which the test is performed
TEST SITE NAME The name of the test equipment list
AVERAGE FIELD GRAPH The graph representing the average field graph
CALCULATED FIELD GRAPH The graph representing the calculated field graph
ERROR GRAPH The graph representing the error graph
FIELD GRAPH x The graph representing the field graph of field strength sensor number [x], where x is a number between 1 and 8
FORWARD POWER GRAPH The graph representing the forward power graph
NET POWER GRAPH The graph representing the net-power power graph
POINT 16 ERROR GRAPH x The graph representing the error graph of point number [x], where x is a number between 1 and 16
POINT 16 FIELD GRAPH x The graph representing the field graph of point number [x], where x is a number between 1 and 16
POINT 16 POWER GRAPH x The graph representing the power graph of point number [x], where x is a number between 1 and 16
REFLECTED POWER GRAPH The graph representing the reflected power graph
SIGNAL POWER GRAPH The graph representing the signal power graph
AMPLIFIER PROTECTION MODE The Amplifier Protection mode: Signal Power, Forward Power and / or Reflected Power.
AVERAGE FIELD Which probes are selected for the calculation of the average field
CURRENT MEASURED Indication whether or not the current is measured: Yes / No
DESCRIPTION The description of the Test Setup File (TSF)
DISTANCE The distance between the antenna and the EUT in meters [m]
DWELL TIME The dwell time in seconds [s]
FIELD TEST LEVEL The field strength level in the unit selected by the user
FORWARD POWER MEASURED Indication whether or not the forward power is measured: Yes / No
FREQUENCY CHANGE MODE The method used to change frequency: Stress Method, Ramp Method, Constant Method or Fast Constant Method.

Keyword Description
HUMIDITY Relative Humidity during the test in percentage relative Humidity [%RH]
LOGARITHMIC STEP The logarithmic frequency step in a percentage of the previous step
LOGARITHMIC STEP FROM The frequency the test was started from to calculate the proper logarithmic step size
MAIN VOLTAGE The mains voltage during the test in Volt [V]
NET POWER MEASURED Indication whether or not the net-power power is measured: Yes / No
NOTE Note or remark made during the test
POLARIZATION Antenna polarisation: Horizontal or Vertical
PRESSURE Air Pressure during the test in milliBar [mbar]
RECALCULATE AVERAGE Indication whether or not the average is recalculated: Yes / No
REFLECTED POWER MEASURED Indication whether or not the reflected power is measured: Yes / No
START FREQUENCY The start frequency in megahertz [MHz]
STEP FREQUENCY The linear frequency step in megahertz [MHz]
STOP FREQUENCY The stop frequency in megahertz [MHz]
TEMPERATURE Temperature during the test in degrees Celsius [oC]
TSF FILENAME The filename of the TSF file
EQUIPMENT TABLE A table containing all used equipment
EVENTS Table of events which occur during a test
FIELD UNIT The selected unit for field strength: [dBuV/m], [dBmV/m], [dBV/m], [uV/m], [mV/m] or [V/m]
POWER UNIT The selected unit for power: [dBuW], [dBm], [dBmW], [dBW], [uW], [mW] or [W]
VOLTAGE UNIT The selected unit for voltage: [dBuVrms], [dBmVrms], [dBVrms], [uVrms], [mVrms] or [Vrms]

Equipment for Uniform Field Area calculation[edit]

The equipment keyword consists of two parts: the keyword followed by a parameter. For each keyword all parameters are valid.

Example: AMPLIFIER BRAND returns the brand name of the amplifier.

Keyword Description
AMPLIFIER ... Specifications of the used Amplifier
ANTENNA ... Specifications of the used Antenna
COUPLER ... Specifications of the used Coupler
FIELD SENSOR x ... Specifications of the used Field Sensor number [x], where x is a number between 1 and 8
FORWARD POWER METER ... Specifications of the used Forward Power Meter
REFLECTED POWER METER ... Specifications of the used Reflected Power Meter
SIGNAL GENERATOR ... Specifications of the used Signal Generator

Where ... is one of the following parameters:

Parameter Description
BRAND Brand of Measurement equipment
CALIBRATION EXPIRES Date when calibration expires of equipment, given by the user
DESCRIPTION Description of Measurement equipment given by the user
DEVICE DRIVER NAME The internal name of the device driver
HARDWARE VERSION Hardware version of Measurement equipment
ID Internal ID of Measurement equipment
NAME Name of Measurement equipment
SERIAL NUMBER Serial number of Measurement equipment
SOFTWARE VERSION Software version of Measurement equipment
TYPE Type of Measurement equipment

Radiated Immunity Tests[edit]

Keyword Description
"keyword or name of photo" The name or keyword of the photo
NUMBER OF EVENTS The number of events that occur during a test
TEST START TIME The date and time at which the test is started
TEST STOP TIME The date and time at which the test is stopped
TEST DATE The date at which the test is performed
TEST ENGINEER The name of the test engineer
TEST TIME The time at which the test is performed
TEST SITE NAME The name of the test equipment list
AD GRAPH x The graph representing the A/D graph of channel number [x], where x is a number between 1 and 8
AVERAGE FIELD GRAPH The graph representing the average field graph
CALCULATED FIELD GRAPH (1) The graph representing the calculated field graph
CURRENT GRAPH The graph representing the current graph
FIELD GRAPH x The graph representing the field graph of field strength sensor number [x], where x is a number between 1 and 8
FORWARD POWER GRAPH The graph representing the forward power graph
NET POWER GRAPH The graph representing the net-power power graph
REFLECTED POWER GRAPH The graph representing the reflected power graph
SIGNAL POWER GRAPH The graph representing the signal power graph
AMPLIFIER PROTECTION MODE The Amplifier Protection mode: Signal Power, Forward Power and or Reflected Power.
AVERAGE FIELD Which probes are selected for the calculation of the average field
CALCULATED FIELD MEASURED(1) Indication whether or not the calculated power is measured: Yes / No
CALIBRATION FILE (1) The name of the calibration file used for the test
CALIBRATION METHOD The calibration method used: Signal Generator Level, Forward Power or Net-Power
CURRENT LIMIT The Current limit in Ampere [A]
CURRENT MEASURED Indication whether or not the current is measured: Yes / No
CURRENT UNIT The selected current unit: [dBuA],[dBmA], [dBA], [uA], [mA] or [A]
DESCRIPTION The description of the Test Setup File (TSF)
DISTANCE The distance between the antenna and the EUT in meters [m]
DWELL TIME The dwell time in seconds [s]
FIELD TEST LEVEL (2) The field strength level in the unit selected by the user
FORWARD POWER MEASURED Indication whether or not the forward power is measured: Yes / No
FREQUENCY CHANGE MODE The method used to change frequency: Stress Method, Ramp Method, Constant Method or Fast Constant Method.
HUMIDITY Relative Humidity during the test in percentage relative Humidity [%RH]
LOGARITHMIC STEP The logarithmic frequency step in a percentage of the previous step
LOGARITHMIC STEP FROM The frequency the test was started from to calculate the proper logarithmic step size
MAIN VOLTAGE The mains voltage during the test in Volt [V]

Keyword Description
MODULATION The type of modulation: none, Internal AM, External AM or Pulse
MODULATION CONSERVATION Indication whether peak conservation is used: Power, Voltage, none
MODULATION DEPTH Modulation depth in percentage of the carrier [%]
MODULATION DUTY CYCLE The duty cycle of the pulse modulation as a percentage [%]
MODULATION FREQUENCY The modulation frequency in Hertz [Hz]
MODULATION SIGNAL The type of modulation signal: Sine Wave or Square Wave
NET POWER MEASURED Indication whether or not the net-power power is measured: Yes / No
NOTE Note or remark made during the test
POLARIZATION Antenna polarisation: Horizontal or Vertical
PRESSURE Air Pressure during the test in milliBar [mbar]
REFLECTED POWER MEASURED Indication whether or not the reflected power is measured: Yes / No
START FREQUENCY The start frequency in megahertz [MHz]
STEP FREQUENCY The linear frequency step in megahertz [MHz]
STOP FREQUENCY The stop frequency in megahertz [MHz]
TAKE START PICTURE Indication whether or not to take a photo at the start of the test: Yes/No
TEMPERATURE Temperature during the test in degrees Celsius [oC]
TSF FILENAME The filename of the TSF file
USE CURRENT LIMIT Is the current limit used: Yes / No
EQUIPMENT TABLE A table containing all used equipment
EVENTS Table of events which occur during a test
MANUAL MODE Table containing the information collected during a manual mode session
FIELD UNIT The selected unit for field strength: [dBuV/m], [dBmV/m], [dBV/m], [uV/m], [mV/m] or [V/m]
POWER UNIT The selected unit for power: [dBuW], [dBm], [dBmW], [dBW], [uW], [mW] or [W]
VOLTAGE UNIT The selected unit for voltage: [dBuVrms], [dBmVrms], [dBVrms], [uVrms], [mVrms] or [Vrms]

1) Substitution Method only 2) Substitution Method and Fixed Field Method only

Equipment for Radiated Immunity Tests[edit]

The equipment keyword consists of two parts: the keyword followed by a parameter. For each keyword all parameters are valid.

Example: AMPLIFIER SERIAL NUMBER returns the serial number of the amplifier.

Keyword Description
AD CONVERTOR ... Specifications of the used A/D Converter
AMPLIFIER ... Specifications of the used Amplifier
ANTENNA ... Specifications of the used Antenna
CABLE x ... Specifications of the used Cable number [x], where x is a number between 1 to 8
COUPLER ... Specifications of the used Coupler
CURRENT SENSOR ... Specifications of the used Current Sensor
FIELD SENSOR x ... Specifications of the used Field Sensor number [x], where x is a number between 1 and 8
FORWARD POWER METER ... Specifications of the used Forward Power Meter
REFLECTED POWER METER ... Specifications of the used Reflected Power Meter
SENSOR POWER METER ... Specifications of the used Sensor Power Meter
SIGNAL GENERATOR ... Specifications of the used Signal Generator

Where ... is one of the following parameters:

Parameter Description
BRAND Brand of Measurement equipment
CALIBRATION EXPIRES Date when calibration expires of equipment, given by the user
DESCRIPTION Description of Measurement equipment given by the user
DEVICE DRIVER NAME The internal name of the device driver
HARDWARE VERSION Hardware version of Measurement equipment
ID Internal ID of Measurement equipment
NAME Name of Measurement equipment
SERIAL NUMBER Serial number of Measurement equipment
SOFTWARE VERSION Software version of Measurement equipment
TYPE Type of Measurement equipment

Conducted Immunity[edit]


Keyword Description
NUMBER OF EVENTS The number of events that occur during a test
TEST START TIME The date and time at which the test is started
TEST STOP TIME The date and time at which the test is stopped
TEST DATE The date at which the test is performed
TEST ENGINEER The name of the test engineer
TEST TIME The time at which the test is performed
TEST SITE NAME The name of the test equipment list
AMPLIFIER PROTECTION MODE The Amplifier Protection mode: Signal Power, Forward Power and / or Reflected Power.
CALIBRATION METHOD The calibration method used: Signal Generator Level, Forward Power or Net-Power
CURRENT MEASURED Indication whether or not the current is measured: Yes / No
CURRENT TEST LEVEL The current test level in Ampere [A]
CURRENT UNIT The selected current unit: [dBuA], [dBmA], [dBA], [uA], [mA] or [A]
DESCRIPTION The description of the Test Setup File (TSF)
DISTANCE The distance between the antenna and the EUT in meters [m]
DWELL TIME The dwell time in seconds [s]
FORWARD POWER MEASURED Indication whether or not the forward power is measured: Yes / No
FREQUENCY CHANGE MODE The method used to change frequency: Stress Method, Ramp Method, Constant Method or Fast Constant Method.
HUMIDITY Relative Humidity during the test in percentage rel. Humidity [%RH]
LOGARITHMIC STEP The logarithmic frequency step in a percentage of the previous step
LOGARITHMIC STEP FROM The frequency the test was started from to calculate the proper logarithmic step size
MAIN VOLTAGE The mains voltage during the test in Volt [V]
NET POWER MEASURED Indication whether or not the net-power power is measured: Yes / No
NOTE Note or remark made during the test
POLARIZATION Antenna polarisation: Horizontal or Vertical
PRESSURE Air Pressure during the test in milliBar [mbar]
REFLECTED POWER MEASURED Indication whether or not the reflected power is measured: Yes / No
START FREQUENCY The start frequency in megahertz [MHz]
STEP FREQUENCY The linear frequency step in megahertz [MHz]
STOP FREQUENCY The stop frequency in megahertz [MHz]
TEMPERATURE Temperature during the test in degrees Celsius [oC]
TSF FILENAME The filename of the TSF file
USE CURRENT TEST LEVEL Indication the current test level is used: Yes / No
USE VOLTAGE TEST LEVEL Indication the voltage test level is used: Yes / No
VOLTAGE TEST LEVEL The voltage test level in the unit selected by the user
EQUIPMENT TABLE A table containing all used equipment
EVENTS Table of events which occur during a test
POWER UNIT The selected unit for power: [dBuW], [dBm], [dBmW], [dBW], [uW], [mW] or [W]
VOLTAGE UNIT The selected unit for voltage: [dBuVrms], [dBmVrms], [dBVrms], [uVrms], [mVrms] or [Vrms]

Equipment for Calibration[edit]

The equipment keyword consists of two parts: the keyword followed by a parameter. For each keyword all parameters are valid.

Example: COUPLER TYPE returns the type of the coupler.

Keyword Description
AMPLIFIER ... Specifications of the used Amplifier
ANTENNA ... Specifications of the used Antenna
CABLE x ... Specifications of the used Cable number [x], where x is a number between 1 to 8
CLAMP ... Specifications of the used Clamp
CLAMP RESISTANCE The resistance in Ohm (Ω) of the clamp
COUPLER ... Specifications of the used Coupler
CURRENT SENSOR ... Specifications of the used Current Sensor
FORWARD POWER METER ... Specifications of the used Forward Power Meter
JIG ... Specifications of the used Calibration Jig
REFLECTED POWER METER ... Specifications of the used Reflected Power Meter
SENSOR POWER METER ... Specifications of the used Sensor Power Meter
SIGNAL GENERATOR ... Specifications of the used Signal Generator

Where ... is one of the following parameters:

Parameter Description
BRAND Brand of Measurement equipment
CALIBRATION EXPIRES Date when calibration expires of equipment, given by the user
DESCRIPTION Description of Measurement equipment given by the user
DEVICE DRIVER NAME The internal name of the device driver
HARDWARE VERSION Hardware version of Measurement equipment
ID Internal ID of Measurement equipment
NAME Name of Measurement equipment
SERIAL NUMBER Serial number of Measurement equipment
SOFTWARE VERSION Software version of Measurement equipment
TYPE Type of Measurement equipment

Conducted Immunity Tests[edit]

Keyword Description
"keyword or name of photo" The name or keyword of the photo
NUMBER OF EVENTS The number of events that occur during a test
TEST START TIME The date and time at which the test is started
TEST STOP TIME The date and time at which the test is stopped
TEST DATE The date at which the test is performed
TEST ENGINEER The name of the test engineer
TEST TIME The time at which the test is performed
TEST SITE NAME The name of the test equipment list
AD GRAPH x The graph representing the A/D graph of channel number [x], where x is a number between 1 and 8
CALCULATED CURRENT GRAPH (1) The graph representing the current graph
CALCULATED VOLTAGE GRAPH (1) The graph representing the calculated voltage graph
CURRENT GRAPH The graph representing the current graph
FIELD GRAPH x The graph representing the field graph of field strength sensor number [x], where x is a number between 1 and 8
FORWARD POWER GRAPH The graph representing the forward power graph
NET POWER GRAPH The graph representing the net-power power graph
REFLECTED POWER GRAPH The graph representing the reflected power graph
SIGNAL POWER GRAPH The graph representing the signal power graph
VOLTAGE GRAPH The graph representing the voltage graph
CALIBRATED POWER GRAPH The graph representing the calibrated power limitation graph
CALIBRATED POWER LIMIT GRAPH The graph representing the calibrated power limitation graph
AMPLIFIER PROTECTION MODE The Amplifier Protection mode: Signal Power, Forward Power and / or Reflected Power.
CALIBRATION FILE (1) The name of the calibration file used for the test
CALIBRATION METHOD The calibration method used: Signal Generator Level, Forward Power or Net-Power
CURRENT LIMIT The Current limit in Ampere [A]
CURRENT MEASURED Indication whether or not the current is measured: Yes / No
CURRENT TEST LEVEL The current test level in Ampere [A]
CURRENT UNIT The selected current unit: [dBuA],[dBmA], [dBA], [uA], [mA] or [A]
DESCRIPTION The description of the Test Setup File (TSF)
DISTANCE The distance between the antenna and the EUT in meters [m]
DWELL TIME The dwell time in seconds [s]
FORWARD POWER MEASURED Indication whether or not the forward power is measured: Yes / No
FREQUENCY CHANGE MODE The method used to change frequency: Stress Method, Ramp Method, Constant Method or Fast Constant Method.
HUMIDITY Relative Humidity during the test in percentage relative Humidity [%RH]
LOGARITHMIC STEP The logarithmic frequency step in a percentage of the previous step
LOGARITHMIC STEP FROM The frequency the test was started from to calculate the proper logarithmic step size
MAIN VOLTAGE The mains voltage during the test in Volt [V]

Keyword Description
MODULATION The type of modulation: none, Internal AM, External AM or Pulse
MODULATION CONSERVATION Indication whether peak conservation is used: Power, Voltage, none
MODULATION DEPTH Modulation depth in percentage of the carrier [%]
MODULATION DUTY CYCLE The duty cycle of the pulse modulation as a percentage [%]
MODULATION FREQUENCY The modulation frequency in Hertz [Hz]
MODULATION SIGNAL The type of modulation signal: Sine Wave or Square Wave
NET POWER MEASURED Indication whether or not the net-power power is measured: Yes / No
NOTE Note or remark made during the test
POLARIZATION Antenna polarisation: Horizontal or Vertical
PRESSURE Air Pressure during the test in milliBar [mbar]
REFLECTED POWER MEASURED Indication whether or not the reflected power is measured: Yes / No
START FREQUENCY The start frequency in megahertz [MHz]
STEP FREQUENCY The linear frequency step in megahertz [MHz]
STOP FREQUENCY The stop frequency in megahertz [MHz]
TAKE START PICTURE Indication whether or not a photo is taken at the start of the test: Yes/No
TEMPERATURE Temperature during the test in degrees Celsius [oC]
TSF FILENAME The filename of the TSF file
USE CURRENT LIMIT Is the current limit used: Yes / No
USE CURRENT TEST LEVEL (2) Indication the current test level is used: Yes / No
USE VOLTAGE TEST LEVEL (6) Indication the voltage test level is used: Yes / No
VOLTAGE TEST LEVEL (6) The voltage test level in the unit selected by the user
EQUIPMENT TABLE A table containing all used equipment
EVENTS Table of events which occur during a test
MANUAL MODE Table containing the information collected during a manual mode session
POWER UNIT The selected unit for power: [dBuW], [dBm], [dBmW], [dBW], [uW], [mW] or [W]
VOLTAGE UNIT The selected unit for voltage: [dBuVrms], [dBmVrms], [dBVrms], [uVrms], [mVrms] or [Vrms]
POWER TEST LEVEL (3) The power test level in the unit selected by the user
STEP DOWN (4) The number of dB's the test level is stepped down during a minimum performance test
TOLERANCE (5) The maximum allowable tolerance of the test-level

1) Fixed Generator method and Minimum Performance Level Method Excluded 2) Substitution method and Fixed Current Method only 3) Fixed Generator level method only 4) Minimum Performance test method only 5) Fixed Current method and Minimum Performance test method only 6) Substitution method only

Equipment for Conducted Immunity Tests[edit]

The equipment keyword consists of two parts: the keyword followed by a parameter. For each keyword all parameters are valid.

Example: ANTENNA DESCRIPTION returns the description of the antenna.

Keyword Description
AD CONVERTOR ... Specifications of the used A/D Converter
AMPLIFIER ... Specifications of the used Amplifier
ANTENNA ... Specifications of the used Antenna
CABLE x ... Specifications of the used Cable number [x], where x is a number between 1 to 8
CLAMP ... Specifications of the used Clamp
CLAMP RESISTANCE The resistance in Ohm (Ω) of the clamp
COUPLER ... Specifications of the used Coupler
CURRENT SENSOR ... Specifications of the used Current Sensor
FORWARD POWER METER ... Specifications of the used Forward Power Meter
REFLECTED POWER METER ... Specifications of the used Reflected Power Meter
SENSOR POWER METER ... Specifications of the used Sensor Power Meter
SIGNAL GENERATOR ... Specifications of the used Signal Generator

Where ... is one of the following parameters:

Parameter Description
BRAND Brand of Measurement equipment
CALIBRATION EXPIRES Date when calibration expires of equipment, given by the user
DESCRIPTION Description of Measurement equipment given by the user
DEVICE DRIVER NAME The internal name of the device driver
HARDWARE VERSION Hardware version of Measurement equipment
ID Internal ID of Measurement equipment
NAME Name of Measurement equipment
SERIAL NUMBER Serial number of Measurement equipment
SOFTWARE VERSION Software version of Measurement equipment
TYPE Type of Measurement equipment

Pulsed Immunity[edit]

ESD Test[edit]

Keyword Description
NEG AIR MEASURED POINT x Indication a Negative Air Discharge is performed at point number [x]: Yes / No
NEG AIR RESULT POINT x Results of Negative Air Discharge at point number [x]: pass or fail
NEG CONTACT MEASURED POINT x Indication a Negative Contact Discharge is performed at point number [x]: Yes / No
NEG CONTACT RESULT POINT x Results of Negative Contact Discharge at point number [x]: pass or fail
NUMBER OF EVENTS The number of events that occur during a test
POS AIR MEASURED POINT x Indication a Positive Air Discharge is performed at point number [x]: Yes / No
POS AIR RESULT POINT x Results of Positive Air Discharge at point number [x]: pass or fail
POS CONTACT MEASURED POINT x Indication a Positive Contact Discharge is performed at point number [x]: Yes / No
POS CONTACT RESULT POINT x Results of Positive Contact Discharge at point number [x]: pass or fail
TEST START TIME The time at which the test is stopped
TEST STOP TIME The time at which the test is started
TEST SITE NAME The name of the test equipment list
AMPLITUDE POINT x Amplitude of pulse performed at point number [x] in [V]
CONFIGURATION TIME The date and time when the TSF file is saved
DESCRIPTION Description of the Test Setup File (TSF)
DISCHARGE INTERVAL The interval of the discharge in seconds.
HUMIDITY Relative Humidity during the test in percentage relative Humidity [%RH]
MAIN VOLTAGE Mains Voltage during the test in Volt [V]
NEG AIR LEVEL POINT x Level of the Negative Air Discharge at point number [x] in [V]
NEG CONTACT LEVEL POINT x Level of the Negative Contact Discharge at point number [x] in [V]
NOTE Note or remark made during the test
NOTE POINT x Note or remark for point number [x]
NUMBER OF DISCHARGES The number of discharges
PERFORMANCE CRITERIA CUSTOMER The performance criteria according to the customer
PERFORMANCE CRITERIA PRODUCT STANDARD The performance criteria according to the product standard
POS AIR LEVEL POINT x Level of the Positive Air Discharge at point number [x] in [V]
POS CONTACT LEVEL POINT x Level of the Positive Contact Discharge at point number [x] in [V]
PRESSURE Air Pressure during the test in MilliBar [mbar]
TDURATION POINT x Duration of pulse at point number [x] in milliseconds [ms]
TEMPERATURE Temperature during the test in degrees Celsius [oC]
TEST ENGINEER The name of the test engineer
TESTPOINT DESCRIPTION POINT nr Position at EUT where discharge was applied
TRISE POINT x Rise time of pulse at point number [x] in milliseconds [ms]
EQUIPMENT TABLE A table containing all used equipment
EVENTS Table of events which occur during a test

Equipment for ESD Tests[edit]

The equipment keyword consists of two parts: the keyword followed by a parameter. For each keyword all parameters are valid.

Example: ESDGUN BRAND returns the brand name of the ESD gun.

Keyword Description
ESDGUN ... Specifications of the used ESD Gun

Where ... is one of the following parameters:

Parameter Description
BRAND Brand of Measurement equipment
CALIBRATION EXPIRES Date when calibration expires of equipment, given by the user
DESCRIPTION Description of Measurement equipment given by the user
DEVICE DRIVER NAME The internal name of the device driver
HARDWARE VERSION Hardware version of Measurement equipment
ID Internal ID of Measurement equipment
NAME Name of Measurement equipment
SERIAL NUMBER Serial number of Measurement equipment
SOFTWARE VERSION Software version of Measurement equipment
TYPE Type of Measurement equipment

EFT Test[edit]

Keyword Description
(L1-L2)/PE RESULT Results on (L1-L2)/PE: Pass or Fail
CAPCLAMP RESULT Results on Capacitive Clamp: Pass or Fail
L1 RESULT Results on L1: Pass or Fail
L1/L2 RESULT Results on L1/L2: Pass or Fail
L1/PE RESULT Results on L1/PE: Pass or Fail
L2 RESULT Results on L2: Pass or Fail
L2/PE RESULT Results on L2/PE: Pass or Fail
NUMBER OF EVENTS The number of events that occur during a test
PE RESULT Results on PE (Protective Earth): Pass or Fail
TEST START TIME The time at which the test is stopped
TEST STOP TIME The time at which the test is started
TEST SITE NAME The name of the test equipment list
BRAND Brand of Measurement equipment
CALIBRATION EXPIRES Date when calibration expires of equipment, given by the user
DESCRIPTION Description of Measurement equipment given by the user
DEVICE DRIVER NAME The internal name of the device driver
HARDWARE VERSION Hardware version of Measurement equipment
ID Internal ID of Measurement equipment
NAME Name of Measurement equipment
SERIAL NUMBER Serial number of Measurement equipment
SOFTWARE VERSION Software version of Measurement equipment
TYPE Type of Measurement equipment
(L1-L2)/PE MEASURED (L1-L2)/PE Measured: Yes / No
AMPLITUDE Amplitude of burst in Volt [V]
CAPCLAMP MEASURED Capacitive Clamp Measured: Yes / No
CONFIGURATION TIME The date and time when the TSF file is saved
DESCRIPTION Description of the Test Setup File (TSF)
DURATION Duration of test in milliseconds [ms]
FREQUENCY Frequency of burst in Hertz [Hz]
HUMIDITY Relative Humidity during the test in percentage relative Humidity [%RH]
L1 MEASURED L1 Measured: Yes / No
L1/L2 MEASURED L1/L2 Measured: Yes / No
L1/PE MEASURED L1/PE Measured: Yes / No
L2 MEASURED L2 Measured: Yes / No
L2/PE MEASURED L2/PE Measured: Yes / No
MAIN VOLTAGE Mains Voltage during the test in Volt [V]

Keyword Description
NOTE Note or remark made during the test
NOTE (L1-L2)/PE Notes or remarks for (L1-L2)/PE
NOTE CAPCLAMP Notes or remarks for Capacitive Clamp
NOTE L1 Notes or remarks for L1
NOTE L1/L2 Notes or remarks for L1/L2
NOTE L1/PE Notes or remarks for L1/PE
NOTE L2 Notes or remarks for L2
NOTE L2/PE Notes or remarks for L2/PE
NOTE PE Notes or remarks for PE
PE MEASURED PE Measured: Yes / No
PRESSURE Air Pressure during the test in milliBar [mbar]
TBURST Duration of burst in milliseconds [ms]
TEMPERATURE Temperature during the test in degrees Celsius [oC]
TEST ENGINEER The name of the test engineer
TPERIOD Duration of period in milliseconds [ms]
EQUIPMENT TABLE A table containing all used equipment
EVENTS Table of events which occur during a test

For every possible line the following items are available:

Keyword Description
MEASURED If the line was measured
RESULT The result on this line
AMPLITUDE The amplitude on this line
NOTE The note that is related to this line

So for example code ||<testname>|L1 / L2 RESULT|| is valid.

Equipment for EFT Tests[edit]

The equipment keyword consists of two parts: the keyword followed by a parameter. For each keyword all parameters are valid.

Example: EFTGENERATOR TYPE returns the type of the EFT generator.

Keyword Description
EFTGENERATOR ... Specifications of the used EFT Generator

Where ... is one of the following parameters:

Parameter Description
BRAND Brand of Measurement equipment
CALIBRATION EXPIRES Date when calibration expires of equipment, given by the user
DESCRIPTION Description of Measurement equipment given by the user
DEVICE DRIVER NAME The internal name of the device driver
HARDWARE VERSION Hardware version of Measurement equipment
ID Internal ID of Measurement equipment
NAME Name of Measurement equipment
SERIAL NUMBER Serial number of Measurement equipment
SOFTWARE VERSION Software version of Measurement equipment
TYPE Type of Measurement equipment

Surge Test[edit]

Keyword Description
(L1-L2)/PE MEASURED (L1-L2)/PE measured: Yes / No
(L1-L2)/PE RESULT Results of Surge Test at (L1-L2)/PE: pass or fail
L1/L2 MEASURED Indication whether or not L1/L2 is measured: Yes / No
L1/L2 RESULT Results of Surge Test at L1/L2: pass or fail
L1/PE MEASURED Indication whether or not L1/PE is measured: Yes / No
L1/PE RESULT Results of Surge Test at L1/PE: pass or fail
L2/PE MEASURED Indication whether or not L2/PE is measured: Yes / No
L2/PE RESULT Results of Surge Test at L2/PE: pass or fail
NUMBER OF EVENTS The number of events that occur during a test
TEST START TIME The time at which the test is stopped
TEST STOP TIME The time at which the test is started
TEST SITE NAME The name of the test equipment list
CINTSETTINGS (L1-L2)/PE Internal Capacitance for (L1-L2)/PE
CINTSETTINGS L1/L2 Internal Capacitance for L1/L2
CINTSETTINGS L1/PE Internal Capacitance for L1/PE
CINTSETTINGS L2/PE Internal Capacitance for L2/PE
CONFIGURATION TIME The date and time when the TSF file is saved
DESCRIPTION Description of the Test Setup File (TSF)
HUMIDITY Relative Humidity during the test in percentage relative Humidity [%RH]
MAIN VOLTAGE Mains Voltage during the test in Volt [V]
NOTE Note or remark made during the test
NOTE (L1-L2)/PE Note or remark for Surge Test at (L1-L2)/PE
NOTE L1/L2 Note or remark for Surge Test at L1/L2
NOTE L1/PE Note or remark for Surge Test at L1/PE
NOTE L2/PE Note or remark for Surge Test at L2/PE
PHASE (L1-L2)/PE Phase angle between L1 - L2 and PE in degrees: 0, 90, 270, random
PHASE L1/L2 Phase angle between L1 and L2 in degrees: 0, 90, 270, random
PHASE L1/PE Phase angle between L1 and PE in degrees: 0, 90, 270, random
PHASE L2/PE Phase angle between L2 and PE in degrees: 0, 90, 270, random
POLARISATION OF (L1-L2)/PE TESTLEVEL Polarisation of test voltage at (L1-L2)/PE: Positive, Negative or both
POLARISATION OF L1/L2 TESTLEVEL Polarisation of test voltage at L1/L2: Positive, Negative or both
POLARISATION OF L1/PE TESTLEVEL Polarisation of test voltage at L1/PE: Positive, Negative or both
POLARISATION OF L2/PE TESTLEVEL Polarisation of test voltage at L2/PE: Positive, Negative or both
PRESSURE Air Pressure during the test in milliBar [mbar]
RINTSETTINGS (L1-L2)/PE Internal Resistance for (L1-L2)/PE
RINTSETTINGS L1/L2 Internal Resistance for L1/L2
RINTSETTINGS L1/PE Internal Resistance for L1/PE
RINTSETTINGS L2/PE Internal Resistance for L2/PE
TEMPERATURE Temperature during the test in degrees Celsius [oC]
TEST ENGINEER The name of the test engineer

Keyword Description
TESTLEVEL (L1-L2)/PE Test level at (L1-L2)/PE in kilo Volt [kV]
TESTLEVEL L1/L2 Test level at L1/L2 in kilo Volt [kV]
TESTLEVEL L1/PE Test level at L1/PE in kilo Volt [kV]
TESTLEVEL L2/PE Test level at L2/PE in kilo Volt [kV]
EQUIPMENT TABLE A table containing all used equipment
EVENTS Table of events which occur during a test

For every available line the following codes can be applied:

Keyword Description
MEASURED If the selected line was measured
RESULT The result of the measurement
POSITIVE TEST LEVEL The positive test level(Yes / No)
NEGATIVE TEST LEVEL The negative testlevel(Yes / No)
CI The capacity used for this line configuration
RI The resistance used for this line configuration
Test Level The test level used for this line configuration
Note The note that applies to this line configuration
PHASE 0 Phase 0 measured (Yes / No)
PHASE 90 Phase 90 measured (Yes / No)
PHASE 270 Phase 270 measured (Yes / No)
PHASE RANDOM Phase random measured (Yes / No)

Equipment for Surge Tests[edit]

The equipment keyword consists of two parts: the keyword followed by a parameter. For each keyword all parameters are valid.

Example: SURGEGENERATOR ID returns the internal ID of the Surge generator.

Keyword Description
SURGEGENERATOR ... Specifications of the used Surge Generator

Where ... is one of the following parameters:

Parameter Description
BRAND Brand of Measurement equipment
CALIBRATION EXPIRES Date when calibration expires of equipment, given by the user
DESCRIPTION Description of Measurement equipment given by the user
DEVICE DRIVER NAME The internal name of the device driver
HARDWARE VERSION Hardware version of Measurement equipment
ID Internal ID of Measurement equipment
NAME Name of Measurement equipment
SERIAL NUMBER Serial number of Measurement equipment
SOFTWARE VERSION Software version of Measurement equipment
TYPE Type of Measurement equipment

Radiated Emission[edit]

Note: The pass/fail criteria, shown in the tables of the report generator do not take the measure uncertainty of the test setup into account.

Radiated Emission Tests[edit]

Keyword Description
"keyword or name of photo" The name or keyword of the photo
NUMBER OF EVENTS The number of events that occur during a test
PEAK DETECTION COUNT The number of detected peaks
TEST START TIME The time at which the test is stopped
TEST STOP TIME The time at which the test is started
MAX HOLD GRAPH The max hold graph of the all the traces
MAX HOLD PEAKS GRAPH The max hold graph of all the traces and markers
MAX PEAK GRAPH The max hold graph of the Peak trace
MAX AVERAGE GRAPH The max hold graph of the Average trace
MAX QUASI PEAK GRAPH The max hold graph of the Quasi Peak trace
MAX RMS GRAPH The max hold graph of the RMS trace
ANGLE STEPS The number of steps between the start position and the stop position
ATTENUATOR The attenuation of the attenuator in dB
ATTENUATOR MODE The Attenuator Mode: Auto, Coupled or Manual
AVERAGE DETECTOR Indication whether or not the Average detector is measured: Yes / No
AVERAGE MEASURE TIME The measurement time of the average peak detector in seconds [s]
AVERAGE OBSERVATION TIME The observation time per average peak in seconds [s]
BELOW LIMITLINE OFFSET The level of peaks to detect in dB below the limit line
CONFIGURATION TIME The date and time when the TSF file is saved
CURRENT UNIT The selected unit for current: [dBuA], [dBmA], [dBA], [uA], [mA] or [A]
DESCRIPTION Description of the Test Setup File (TSF)
DISTANCE The distance between the antenna and the EUT in meters [m]
HEIGHT STEPS The number of steps between the minimum height and the maximum height
HIGHEST HEIGHT The maximum height of the antenna tower in meters [m]
HUMIDITY Relative Humidity during the test in percentage relative Humidity [%RH]
INTERNAL PREAMPLIFIER The amplification of the internal pre amplifier in [dB]
INTERNAL PREAMPLIFIER MODE The Internal Pre Amplifier Mode: Auto, Coupled or Manual
LOWEST HEIGHT The minimum height of the antenna tower in meters [m]
MAIN VOLTAGE Mains Voltage during the test in Volt [V]
MAXIMUM PEAK COUNT The maximum number of peaks to be detected
MEASURE TIME The measure time in milliseconds [ms]
MEASURE TIME MODE The Mode: Auto, Coupled or Manual
NOTE Note or remark made during the test
PEAK DETECTOR Indication whether or not the Peak detector is measured: Yes / No
PEAK MEASURE TIME The measurement time of the peak detector in seconds [s]
PEAK OBSERVATION TIME The observation time per peak in seconds [s]
PEAK SEARCH Indication whether or not a peak search is performed: Yes / No
PEAK SEARCH Indication a peak search is performed: Yes / No
PEAK TRACE Indication whether or not the Peak trace is measured: Yes / No
PEAKSWEEPS Number of peak sweeps performed
Keyword Description
POINT X FREQUENCY The frequency of point X in the peak list ( X starting from 1)
POINT X PEAK The peak value of point X in the peak list (X starting from 1)
POINT X QUASI PEAK The quasi peak value of point X in the peak list (X starting from 1)
POINT X AVERAGE The average value of point X in the peak list (X starting from 1)
POLARIZATION The polarisation of the antenna: horizontal, vertical or both
PRESSURE Air Pressure during the test in milliBar [mbar]
QUASIPEAK DETECTOR Indication whether or not the Quasi peak detector is measured: Yes/No
QUASIPEAK MEASURE TIME The measurement time of the quasi peak detector in seconds [s]
QUASIPEAK OBSERVATION TIME The observation time per quasi peak in seconds [s]
QUASIPEAK TRACE Indication whether or not the Quasi peak trace is measured: Yes / No
RBW The Radio Bandwidth in kilo Hertz [kHz]
RBW MODE The RBW Mode: Auto, Coupled or Manual
RECEIVER DATA SAVE MODE Indication whether all data is saved or only the test results
REFERENCE LEVEL The reference level in the unit selected by the user
REFERENCE LEVEL MODE The Reference Level Mode: Auto, Coupled or Manual
RMS DETECTOR Indication whether or not the RMS detector is measured: Yes / No
RMS MEASURE TIME The measurement time of the RMS peak detector in seconds [s]
RMS OBSERVATION TIME The observation time per RMS peak in seconds [s]
RMS TRACE Indication whether or not the RMS trace is measured: Yes / No
START ANGLE The start position in degrees
START FREQUENCY The start frequency in megahertz [MHz]
STEP FREQUENCY The step frequency in kilo Hertz [kHz]
STEP FREQUENCY MODE The Step frequency Mode: Auto, Coupled or Manual
STOP ANGLE The stop position in degrees
STOP FREQUENCY The stop frequency in megahertz [MHz]
SWEEP TIME The sweep time in milliseconds [ms]
SWEEP TIME MODE The Sweep Time Mode: Auto, Coupled or Manual
TAKE START PICTURE Indication whether or not a picture is taken at the start of the test: Yes / No
TEMPERATURE Temperature during the test in degrees Celsius [oC]
TEST ENGINEER The name of the test engineer
TEST SITE NAME The name of the test equipment list
USE START STOP FREQUENCY Yes / No, if Yes: Start/Stop if No: Frequency list is used.
VBW The Video Bandwidth in kilo Hertz [kHz]
VBW MODE The Video Bandwidth Mode: Auto, Coupled or Manual
EMISSION TABLE Table of detected peaks and per peak: frequency, level(s), limit value, pass/fail, location
EQUIPMENT TABLE A table containing all used equipment
EVENTS Table of events which occur during a test
EUT HEIGHT (1) The height of the EUT in meters [m]
SEPTUM HEIGHT (1) The height of the septum in meters [m]

1) GTEM Method only

Equipment for Radiated Emission Tests[edit]

The equipment keyword consists of two parts: the keyword followed by a parameter. For each keyword all parameters are valid.

Example: ANTENNA TOWER BRAND returns the brand name of the antenna tower.

Keyword Description
ANTENNA ... Specifications of the used Antenna
ANTENNA TOWER ... Specifications of the used Antenna Tower
CABLE x ... Specifications of the used Cable number [x], where x is a number between 1 to 8
NUMBER OF DETECTORS The number of detectors the Receiver is able to handle simultaneously
PRE AMPLIFIER ... Specifications of the used Pre Amplifier
RECEIVER TYPE The type of receiver: Spectrum Analyser, Measurement Receiver or Scanning Receiver
SPECTRUM ANALYZER ... Specifications of the used Spectrum Analyser or Measurement Receiver
TURN TABLE ... Specifications of the used Turntable

Where ... is one of the following parameters:

Parameter Description
BRAND Brand of Measurement equipment
CALIBRATION EXPIRES Date when calibration expires of equipment, given by the user
DESCRIPTION Description of Measurement equipment given by the user
DEVICE DRIVER NAME The internal name of the device driver
HARDWARE VERSION Hardware version of Measurement equipment
ID Internal ID of Measurement equipment
NAME Name of Measurement equipment
SERIAL NUMBER Serial number of Measurement equipment
SOFTWARE VERSION Software version of Measurement equipment
TYPE Type of Measurement equipment

Conducted Emission[edit]

Note: The pass/fail criteria, shown in the tables of the report generator do not take the measure uncertainty of the test setup into account.

Conducted Emission Tests[edit]

Keyword Description
"keyword or name of photo" The name or keyword of the photo
NUMBER OF EVENTS The number of events that occur during a test
PEAK DETECTION COUNT The number of detected peaks
TEST START TIME The time at which the test is stopped
TEST STOP TIME The time at which the test is started
TEST SITE NAME The name of the test equipment list
MAX HOLD GRAPH The max hold graph of the all the traces
MAX HOLD PEAKS GRAPH The max hold graph of all the traces and markers
MAX PEAK GRAPH The max hold graph of the Peak trace
MAX AVERAGE GRAPH The max hold graph of the Average trace
MAX QUASI PEAK GRAPH The max hold graph of the Quasi Peak trace
MAX RMS GRAPH The max hold graph of the RMS trace
ATTENUATOR The attenuation of the attenuator in dB
ATTENUATOR MODE The Attenuator Mode: Auto, Coupled or Manual
AVERAGE DETECTOR Indication whether or not the Average detector is measured: Yes / No
AVERAGE MEASURE TIME The measurement time of the average peak detector in seconds [s]
AVERAGE OBSERVATION TIME The observation time per average peak in seconds [s]
BELOW LIMITLINE OFFSET The level of peaks to detect in dB below the limit line
CONFIGURATION TIME The date and time when the TSF file is saved
CURRENT UNIT The selected unit for current: [dBuA], [dBmA], [dBA], [uA], [mA] or [A]
DESCRIPTION Description of the Test Setup File (TSF)
HUMIDITY Relative Humidity during the test in percentage relative Humidity [%RH]
INTERNAL PREAMPLIFIER The amplification of the internal pre amplifier in [dB]
INTERNAL PREAMPLIFIER MODE The Internal Pre Amplifier Mode: Auto, Coupled or Manual
LISN LINE Which LISN line is used: Neutral, Phase 1, Phase 2 or Phase 3
MAIN VOLTAGE Mains Voltage during the test in Volt [V]
MAXIMUM PEAK COUNT The maximum number of peaks to be detected
MEASURE TIME The measure time in milliseconds [ms]
MEASURE TIME MODE The Mode: Auto, Coupled or Manual
NOTE Note or remark made during the test
PEAK DETECTOR Indication whether or not the Peak detector is measured: Yes / No
PEAK MEASURE TIME The measurement time of the peak detector in seconds [s]
PEAK OBSERVATION TIME The observation time per peak in seconds [s]
PEAK TRACE Indication whether or not the Peak trace is measured: Yes / No
PEAKSWEEPS Number of peak sweeps performed
PRESSURE Air Pressure during the test in milliBar [mbar]
QUASIPEAK DETECTOR Indication whether or not the Quasi peak detector is measured: Yes / No
QUASIPEAK MEASURE TIME The measurement time of the quasi peak detector in seconds [s]
QUASIPEAK OBSERVATION TIME The observation time per quasi peak in seconds [s]
QUASIPEAK TRACE Indication whether or not the Quasi peak trace is measured: Yes / No
Keyword Description
RBW The Radio Bandwidth in kilo Hertz [kHz]
RBW MODE The RBW Mode: Auto, Coupled or Manual
RECEIVER DATA SAVE MODE Indication whether all data is saved or only the test results
REFERENCE LEVEL The reference level in the unit selected by the user
REFERENCE LEVEL MODE The Reference Level Mode: Auto, Coupled or Manual
RMS DETECTOR Indication whether or not the RMS detector is measured: Yes / No
RMS MEASURE TIME The measurement time of the RMS peak detector in seconds [s]
RMS OBSERVATION TIME The observation time per RMS peak in seconds [s]
RMS TRACE Indication whether or not the RMS trace is measured: Yes / No
START FREQUENCY The start frequency in megahertz [MHz]
STEP FREQUENCY The step frequency in kilo Hertz [kHz]
STEP FREQUENCY MODE The Step frequency Mode: Auto, Coupled or Manual
STOP FREQUENCY The stop frequency in megahertz [MHz]
SWEEP TIME The sweep time in milliseconds [ms]
SWEEP TIME MODE The Sweep Time Mode: Auto, Coupled or Manual
TAKE START PICTURE Indication whether or not a picture is taken at the start of the test: Yes / No
TEMPERATURE Temperature during the test in degrees Celsius [oC]
TEST ENGINEER The name of the test engineer
USE START STOP FREQUENCY Yes / No, if Yes: Start/Stop if No: Frequency list is used.
VBW The Video Bandwidth in kilo Hertz [kHz]
VBW MODE The Video Bandwidth Mode: Auto, Coupled or Manual
EMISSION TABLE Table of detected peaks and per peak: frequency, level(s), limit value, pass/fail, location
EQUIPMENT TABLE A table containing all used equipment
EVENTS Table of events which occur during a test
ABSORBING CLAMP ... (1) Specifications of the used Absorbing Clamp
CLAMP MOVER ... (1) Specifications of the used Clamp Mover
LARGEST DISTANCE The maximum distance of the clamp in meters [m]
SMALLEST DISTANCE The minimum distance of the clamp in meters [m]
STEPS The number of steps between the minimum distance and the maximum distance

1) Absorbing clamp method only

Equipment for Conducted Emission Tests[edit]

The equipment keyword consists of two parts: the keyword followed by a parameter. For each keyword all parameters are valid.

Example: CABLE 5 BRAND returns the brand name of cable nr. 5.

Keyword Description
CABLE x ... Specifications of the used Cable number [x], where x is a number between 1 to 8
LISN ... Specifications of the used LISN
NUMBER OF DETECTORS The number of detectors the Receiver is able to handle simultaneously
PRE AMPLIFIER ... Specifications of the used Pre Amplifier
RECEIVER TYPE The type of receiver: Spectrum Analyser, Measurement Receiver or Scanning Receiver
SPECTRUM ANALYZER ... Specifications of the used Spectrum Analyser or Measurement Receiver

Where ... is one of the following parameters:

Parameter Description
BRAND Brand of Measurement equipment
CALIBRATION EXPIRES Date when calibration expires of equipment, given by the user
DESCRIPTION Description of Measurement equipment given by the user
DEVICE DRIVER NAME The internal name of the device driver
HARDWARE VERSION Hardware version of Measurement equipment
ID Internal ID of Measurement equipment
NAME Name of Measurement equipment
SERIAL NUMBER Serial number of Measurement equipment
SOFTWARE VERSION Software version of Measurement equipment
TYPE Type of Measurement equipment

Excel Exporter[edit]

The EUT data can be exported using the Excel Exporter to Microsoft Excel. Press the Export button on the Reports tab of the EUT window, and the Excel Export window will open:

Excel Export.png

Selecting filename[edit]

To select the filename you want to use for saving the information press the select file button next to the red cross. A save window will appear allowing you to select the path and filename. After closing the save window the name will be displayed on the export window.

Selecting tests to be exported[edit]

You can select or deselect a test for export by checking or un-checking the checkbox in front of the name of the test. Pressing Select all will select all tests, pressing Unselect all will deselect all tests and pressing Invert selection will invert the selected. Invert means that all selected tests will be deselected and all deselect tests will be selected.

Changing the test order[edit]

The export module exports all the selected tests from the first test at the top to the last test at the bottom of the list. This order of the tests can be changed. Select the test you want to move, press the arrow up Button arrow up.png or down Button arrow down.png button and the test is moved one place up or one place down.

Export options[edit]

There are some options that can be selected when exporting the test information:

ScreenElementDescription.svg Insert header above data With insert header above data you can select, if you want, headers above every exported column, for example signal generator level, forward power and reflected power for immunity test.
ScreenElementDescription.svg Export EUT data Export EUT data allows you to select, if you want, the EUT data to be exported. Only the EUT information stored in the top test can be exported.
ScreenElementDescription.svg Include not measured columns Include not measured columns allows you to select, if you want, not measured columns to be exported. If you want to run a macro after exporting, it may be easier to export all the columns. You can then use the same macro for a signal level, forward power level and net power level test. It is not possible to have RadiMation® run the macro automatically after the export. Deselecting exporting not measured columns will result in faster exporting of the information.

Performing the export[edit]

Once the Export button is pressed, all the raw data of the selected tests will be exported to the selected Excel file. The exported data, it's format and the amount of data that is exported is depending on the selected tests. When the export of the data is finished, the Export Data window will close.