Release Notes/Solved items Version 5.8.0

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RadiMation version 5.8.0

  • #1713: Continuous scanning is not possible in Multiband Emission Manual mode
  • #2512: Zooming into emission graph while measurement still running
  • #2597: In multiband immunity the cancel button only reacts on the end of the dwelltime
  • #3203: Manual mast control does not work correctly, Up is not always Up
  • #3386: the Radisense ctr1001B driver does not allow you to set the filter when using in gpib mode.
  • #3490: Multi band emission manual mode is generating error when selecting the test site
  • #3456: Manual mode multiband emission test does not have an initial graph which results in a crash
  • #3547: First graph in a multiband emission measurements shows a bottom y-axis value of -1000 dBuV/m
  • #3552: Spurious peaks in polar plot as a result of the initial measurement
  • #3566: Change the frequency/angle/height of a detected peak by moving the marker in the graph
  • #3611: Turning range of the antenna tower when changing polarization
  • #3709: zero-span mode in radiated emission multiband
  • #3714: Emission Multiband: Scan analysis while scan is running
  • #3720: During emission test: crosses instead of line
  • #3724: Radisense 4 over RS232 does not set the filter setting
  • #3729: CE multi band measurement is not showing the information below 1 MHz
  • #3736: I can not select apply modulation outside dwell time when selecting pulse