The RadiMationInterface.can file is a CANoe CAPL file that provides specifically named CAPL functions that are called from the RadiMation® software. Those CAPL functions are used to generate an interface to provide measurement values from the RadiMation® software to the CANoe software.
You can download the zip file that contains the RadiMationInterface.can file here.
By including the RadiMationInterface.can file inside your CANoe or CANalyzer project, it will be possible to get updates of the RadiMation® measurement values. The CANoe Switch Matrix device driver is calling the specifically named CAPL functions that are defined in the RadiMationInterface.can file.
The functions that are called in the CAPL interface are event triggered. This means that the updated measurement values are transmitted to the CAPL interface at the moment that the updated measurement value becomes available.
For example, when the Forward power has been measured in the immunity test, then the forward power measurement result is directly transmitted to the corresponding CAPL function. The same happens for the other defined functions, like the updated frequency directly after a frequency change.
This also means that when a specific measurement value is not available, that the corresponding CAPL function is also not called. When a RadiMation® immunity test, for example is configured to only perform a signal generator carrier level test, then the forward power is not available, and the corresponding CAPL function will not be called at all. Which events are triggered, and how often they are triggered is thus completely depending on the configuration of the TSF in RadiMation®.
When filtering of the called CAPL function is needed, for example in the situation that the updated value of signal generator level value is not needed, then that should be done in implementation of the corresponding function in the RadiMationInterface.can file in the CANoe software. Those functions can for example be programmed to perform a 'No Operation' call.
Note: | The CANoe Switch Matrix device driver is not able to determine if a specifically named CAPL function is existing in the running CANoe environment.
When one or more of the specifically named CAPL functions from the RadiMationInterface.can file, is not implemented, the function call is being forwarded to the CANoe software itself, and there will be no error message or return value. The CANoe Switch Matrix is thus not able to warn or raise an error when one or more of the specifically called CAPL functions is not implemented. |
For more details on how to use and attach this file in your CANoe project, please see then CANoe page.
Explanation of the available specifically named CAPL functions[edit]
The current frequency of the test, in other words the frequency of the signal generator.
Parameter: mdFreqMHz
Unit parameter: MHz
The carrier level of the signal generator
Parameter: mdPowerIndBm
Unit parameter: dBm
The measured value of the forward power.
Parameter: mdPowerIndBm
Unit parameter: dBm
The measured value of the reflected power.
Parameter: mdPowerIndBm
Unit parameter: dBm
The measured value of the netto power.
Parameter: mdPowerIndBm
Unit parameter: dBm
The measured value of the average field.
Parameter: mdFieldVm
Unit parameter: V/m
The calculated value of the field based on the calibration file.
Parameter: mdFieldVm
Unit parameter: V/m
The measured value of the current.
Parameter: mdCurrentInmA
Unit parameter: mA
The calculated value of the current.
Parameter: mdCurrentInmA
Unit parameter: mA
The measured power of by the current sensor power meter.
Parameter: mdPowerIndBm
Unit parameter: dBm
The modulation in the signal generator is configured as internal amplitude modulation.
Parameter1: mdFreqency
Unit parameter1: Hz
Parameter2: mdDepth
Unit parameter2: %
Note: | The modulation may not be active at this moment, Test_Modulation_On is the event called when the modulation is turned on. |
The modulation in the signal generator is configured as external amplitude modulation.
Note: | The modulation may not be active at this moment, Test_Modulation_On is the event called when the modulation is turned on. |
The modulation in the signal generator is configured as internal frequency modulation.
Parameter1: mdFreqency
Unit parameter1: kHz
Parameter2: dmShift
Unit parameter2: kHz
Note: | The modulation may not be active at this moment, Test_Modulation_On is the event called when the modulation is turned on. |
The modulation in the signal generator is configured as external frequency modulation.
Note: | The modulation may not be active at this moment, Test_Modulation_On is the event called when the modulation is turned on. |
The modulation in the signal generator is configured as internal pulse modulation.
Parameter1: mdFreqency
Unit parameter1: kHz
Parameter2: mdWidth
Unit parameter2: %
Note: | The modulation may not be active at this moment, Test_Modulation_On is the event called when the modulation is turned on. |
The modulation in the signal generator is configured as external pulse modulation.
Note: | The modulation may not be active at this moment, Test_Modulation_On is the event called when the modulation is turned on. |
The currently configured modulation is turned on.
The current configured modulation is turned off.
The currently dwelltime has started.
The currently dwelltime has stopped.
Starting of the movement of the antenna tower with the target position of the antenna tower.
Parameter: position
Unit parameter: Meter
The stop position of the antenna tower.
Parameter: position
Unit parameter: Meter
The current percentage of the antenna tower movement from the start position to the end position
Parameter: percentage
Unit parameter: %
Changing the antenna polarisation.
Parameter: target
Unit parameter: unitless
When the target is 1 the antenna is changed to horizontal.
When the target is 2 the antenna is changed to vertical.
Notification that the changing of the antenna polarisation has finished.
Parameter: target
Unit parameter: unitless
When the target is 1 the antenna is changed to horizontal.
When the target is 2 the antenna is changed to vertical.
Starting of the movement of the turn table with the target position of the turn table.
Parameter: position
Unit parameter: Degrees
The stop position of the turn table.
Parameter: position
Unit parameter: Degrees
The current percentage of the turn table movement from the start position to the end position
Parameter: percentage
Unit parameter: %