E-Mail support suggestion

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E-Mail support suggestion(s)

As communication with a customer is often done by e-mail it is very hard to keep the right people notified without sending everybody in the company e-mails.

The RadiMation® support team has got the same problems as to how do you manage this? This page contains suggestions of how you can structure the e-mail flow into the right direction.

  1. Create one e-mail address and give this a clear name like Support or RadiMationSupport. By doing so you can direct the e-mail flow in to one direction. Your customer can bookmark this address, and use this in future communication.
  2. Use the support e-mail account for sending e-mails to customers. Customers often reply to an e-mail you send, 99,9% of your customers use the reply button. The e-mail comes back into your support box.