ISetting values
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RadiMation® is internally using an enumeration to define specific test parameters. The values of this enumeration are also used in several advanced options.
The table below will give a description of all the possible ISetting values, and the corresponding test parameter
enumeration value name | value | description |
radestSettings | 1 | Settings array |
radestBand | 2 | Band Settings array |
radestStartStopFrequency | 3 | A start and stop frequency |
radestReferenceLevel | 4 | Reference level |
radestVBW | 5 | VBW for emission tests |
radestRBW | 6 | RBW for emission tests |
radestModulation | 7 | Modulation settings |
radestUnits | 8 | Units |
radestOperationMode | 9 | Manual Mode Operation Mode |
radestTestSite | 10 | Test-site with sub-settings |
radestDevice | 11 | Used measurement device |
radestLoadedDevices | 12 | A caching-ISetting object to 'maintain' a cache of the loaded objects |
radestCenterFrequency | 13 | Center Frequency |
radestSpan | 14 | Span |
radestStartTime | 15 | Start Time (of Test, Sweep, dwell-time) |
radestStopTime | 16 | Stop Time (of Test, Sweep, dwell-time) |
radestSweepNumber | 17 | Sweep Number |
radestCorrectionID | 18 | ID of the corrections to use |
radestPeakIdentifier | 19 | Unique Peak Identifier (number) |
radestSelectedPeak | 20 | Selected peak identifier (number) |
radestStepFrequency | 21 | Step frequency for emission tests |
radestTraceDetector | 22 | List of all detectors used for Traces |
radestAttenuation | 23 | Attenuation of a receiver |
radestSweepTime | 24 | Sweeptime of an analyser |
radestMeasureTime | 25 | Measuretime of a (scanning) receiver |
radestPreAmplification | 26 | Pre-amplification of the analyzer |
radestAntennaDistance | 27 | Distance of the antenna |
radestAntennaHeight | 28 | Height of the antenna |
radestAntennaPolarization | 29 | Antenna polarization |
radestTurnTableAngle | 30 | Turntable angle |
radestNumberOfSweeps | 31 | The number of sweeps to take in a certain band |
radestNumberOfPeaks | 32 | The number of peaks to detect in a certain band |
radestBandSelected | 33 | If a band is selected or not |
radestBandColor | 34 | The color to show for the band |
radestGraphScaleMode | 35 | Graph scale mode (Lineair/Logarithmic) |
radestGraphScaling | 36 | Graph Scaling (auto or fixed to a value, for the bottom and the top of the graph) |
radestLimitLine | 37 | one single Limit line |
radestBandDone | 38 | Maintains information if a band is already tested (done) or not |
radestGraphColor_NOT_USED_ANYMORE | 39 | Color of a graph element (Is not used anymore) |
radestGraphLineStyle | 40 | Style of the line of a graph element |
radestGraphMarkerStyle | 41 | Style of the marker of a graph element |
radestPeakDetector | 42 | Detectors that are used to measure a peak |
radestDetectorMeasureTime | 43 | Measure time of a detector measuring a peak |
radestDetectorObservationTime | 44 | Observation time of a detector measuring a peak |
radestLogarithmicAmplifier | 45 | Logarithmic amplifier of the receiver/spectrum analyser |
radestDetectorMeasurement | 46 | The results of the last detector measurement |
radestAntennaHeightMovement | 47 | Movement of the height of the antenna tower |
radestTurnTableAngleMovement | 48 | Movement of the angle of the turntable |
radestEUTAngle | 49 | The angle of the EUT that is measured (doesn't need to be the same as the Turntable angle) |
radestEUTAngleOffset | 50 | The offset between the turntable angle and the EUT angle |
radestFormattableRequestType | 51 | The type of request that is asked to the IFormattableData objects |
radestFormattableRequestLevel | 52 | The level of request that is asked to the IFormattableData objects |
radestCorrectionManager | 53 | CorrectionManager |
radestChangeOrder | 54 | The order in which the settings need to be changed |
radestAngleOptimization | 55 | Settings for finding the optimized angle of a peak |
radestHeightOptimization | 56 | Settings for finding the optimized height of a peak |
radestDeviceCapability | 57 | Data that describes the capability of a device (driver) |
radestVirtualLimitOffset | 58 | The virtual limit line offset |
radestDataStorage | 59 | Data Storage Array setting |
radestAbsoluteTime | 60 | An absolute time stamp setting |
radestCarrierFrequency | 61 | The carrier frequency of the signal generator, and thus for all immunity tests |
radestCouplerAttenuationForward | 62 | The forward power attenuation of the coupler |
radestCouplerAttenuationReflected | 63 | The reflected power attenuation of the coupler |
radestDwellTime | 64 | The dwelltime during immunity tests |
radestFrequencyStepper | 65 | The Frequency stepper that is used for calculating the frequency stepsize in immunity tests |
radestITestLevel | 66 | The ISetting object is an ITestLevel and also has that interface implemented |
radestCarrierState | 67 | The state of the carrier. If the carrier of the signal generator is turned on or off |
radestFrequencyChangeMode | 68 | The mode that is used to change from a frequency to another frequency |
radestStartOfDwellTime | 69 | An identifier for the 'Action in Time' setting, to mark the begin of the dwell time |
radestEndOfDwellTime | 70 | An identifier for the 'Action in Time' setting, to mark the end of the dwell time |
radestStartOfPowerRegulation | 71 | An identifier for the 'Action in Time' setting, to mark the begin of the power regulation |
radestStartOfPowerRegulationDown | 72 | An identifier for the 'Action in Time' setting, to mark the begin of the power regulation down. This action can be used by graphs to prevent the update of the achieved power levels. |
radestCustomizations | 73 | All kind of customization settings |
radestUse | 74 | A boolean state to remember if certain option is USEd (activated/deactivated etc...) |
radestGraphgridStyle | 75 | Style of the grid of a graph |
radestMonitoringInput | 76 | The information of a monitoring input. |
radestReRegulate | 77 | Information over reregulation of the test-level |
radestLISNLine | 78 | List of selected LISN lines |
radestLocationType | 79 | The type of 'location' on which the EUT is measured |
radestEvent | 80 | An (textual) event, that is part of the 'event-log' |
radestGrid | 81 | The customization and configuration of a grid |
radestAttachment | 82 | A file attachment |
radestXYCoordinate | 83 | A setting to store an (X,Y) coordinate, for example to remember the position of a window |
radestSize | 84 | A setting to store a (width, height) size, for example to remember the size of a window |
radestSweepDirection | 85 | The direction for (frequency) sweeping (forward or backwards). |
radestSorting | 86 | The sorting of a table, which column and inverted or not. |
radestMaximumSelectedPeaks | 87 | The maximum number of simultaneously selected peaks |
radestPrintReport | 88 | print the report after the report generation has been completed. |
radestEditReport | 89 | edit the report after the report generation has been completed. |
radestShowAdvanced | 90 | show the advanced window in the report Generator window |
radestGraphStartStopFrequency | 91 | The start and stop frequency as it is shown in the frequency graph |
radestLinkGraphSpanCenter | 92 | If the start and stop frequency of the graph are linked to the currently used span and center |