RadiMation Error: 536871984
Too Much Reflected Power[edit]
During the initialization of a test, a power delivery test is performed to verify if the system is correctly configured and working as expected. During this power delivery test, the signal power is incremented in 4 dB steps, and the forward powermeter is monitored to determine if the amplified signal also increments with 4 dB steps. This verification ensures that the cabling from the signal generator through the amplifier, coupler and switchmatrixes is correct, and also that the forward powermeter can correctly measure the power.
The error "Too Much Reflected Power" is raised when the power delivery test has failed, due to a too small difference between the forward and reflected power. The differences between the forward and reflected power is determined by measuring the Forward and Reflected power meters during the power delivery test. RadiMation® requires that the forward powermeter value is at least 6.0 dB more than the measured reflected powermeter value. If this condition is not met it will cause this error.
This test is included to verify if the antenna (or other injection device) is connected to the cable from the amplifier/coupler. If no antenna is connected all the forward power will probably also be reflected. An indication of a too high reflected power is often an indication that the antenna or injection device is not connected.
- Ensure that the antenna, CDN or injection device is connected to the cable
- Ensure that the Forward and Reflected Power meters are not swapped in the current test setup (both physically as in RadiMation®!)
- Inspect the current test setup if there are no unusual malfunctions.
- Ensure that no bad or broken cables are used.
- Ensure that (if applicable) corrections are applied for both Forward and Reflected powermeter in RadiMation.
- Remove the Reflected Powermeter from the used test equipment (and eventually disable the Amplifier protection Reflected powermeter from the TSF).
- Manually set the Signal generator to the correct frequency (normally the center of the configured test frequency range) and carrier level and measure both Forward as Reflected power. Is the difference between these manual measurements also < 6 dBm?
Expert user solutions[edit]
In case you are an advanced user and know what you are doing, it is also possible to adjust advanced settings of this functionality.
To modify any value first close RadiMation®. Browse to the the CONFDVDR folder and open the TUNING.INI and search for the table [PowerDelivery]. Be very careful now, as this concerns a safety feature.
- To disable that a Reflected powermeter is used during the power delivery test (but does not turn off the power delivery test); set the 'CheckReflectedPower' to False.
- To increase or decrease the default required difference of 6 dB; set the 'NeededForwardReflectedPowerDifference' to a different value in dB.
- To completely disable this safety precaution (not recommended); set 'Enabled' to False.
Power is limited during power delivery test[edit]
During the initialization of a test, a power delivery test is performed to verify if the system is correctly configured and working as expected. During this power delivery test, the signal power is incremented in 4 dB steps, and the forward powermeter is monitored to determine if the amplified signal also increments with 4 dB steps. This verification ensures that the cabling from the signal generator through the amplifier, coupler and switchmatrixes is correct, and also that the forward powermeter can correctly measure the power.
When RadiMation® is instructed to use the forward power meter in an immunity test, it will always perform the power delivery test. The following situations will cause a forward power measurement:
- Forward power amplifier protection was activated.
- Forward power or Net power is measured as an input.
- Forward power or Net power calibration method is selected.
In all these cases, also a power delivery test is performed. The power delivery test is performed at the frequency in the middle of the frequency band.
This error is generated during a situation that the power level could not be further raised, due to the (amplifier) protection.
- Ensure that the amplifier is activated
- Ensure that all the switchmatrixes are in the correct position
- Ensure that the interlock system is closed
- Ensure that at the shown signal power level, a forward power signal is generated that is at least 6 dB above the noise level
- Ensure that the amplifier input power protection is set to an appropiate level (not too low).