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This page shows an overview of the latest version numbers for RadiMation® during the development

Latest stable release Previous supported release Latest build of new major release
RadiMation® build 2017.2.10 2017.1.7 / 2016.2.10 / 2016.1.13 2018.1.3
In use at DARE Measurements 2018.1.2 2017.2.9 / 2017.1.6 / 2016.2.8 / 2016.1.6
Download 2017.2.10 2017.1.7 / 2016.2.10

Some examples on how to use the above version numbers:

  • If a fix is made in a supported version of RadiMation®, it will be fixed in the (<RadiMation build, latest stable release> + 0.0.1) or the (<RadiMation build, previous supported release> + 0.0.1).
  • If a device driver modification is done, it will be fixed in the (<download, latest stable release> + 0.0.1).
  • If an improvement is made in RadiMation® that is new functionality, it will be fixed in the (<RadiMation build, latest build of new major release> + 0.0.1).
  • The <RadiMation build, latest stable release> version number will be updated after a successful build
  • The <Download, latest stable release> version number will be updated after the verification is successful, and the download from the website is available.