Release Notes/Solved items Version 2014.1.13

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Revision as of 11:52, 25 April 2014 by Joro (talk | contribs)
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RadiMation version 2014.1.13

  • #1496: At the end of the test, antenna tower should go to lowest specified height
  • #2897: The unit description in the correction file is not displayed correctly, it states unknow instead of the unit
  • #3774: stepsize for receiver is not configurable
  • #4061: Unable to perform Qpk scan with R&S FSP
  • #4166: Sorting of the directory structure in the tsf selection window
  • #4182: Sweep time is doubled
  • #4388: Preamplifier R&S ESU40 Analyzer is automatically turned off
  • #4560: FSP30 rounding
  • #4564: Possibility to do Prescan and Final Measurements with different devices
  • #4588: Step frequency is not defined error
  • #4590: Selected frequency step is not supported error (R&S ESVS10 receiver)
  • #4953: Changing configuration of an Unit is not refreshing the list correctly
  • #4964: Arrows are not correctly centred in the buttons
  • #5068: Folders opened with keyboard are not showing TSF files in Select TSF window
  • #5098: After entering LLF data the wrong datafield is selected
  • #5400: RadiTurn no match was found during the specified regular expression
  • #5411: Measuring the peak will result in an endless loop of zooming-in