CARAD Controller (BMW)

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The CARAD Controller (BMW) device driver is a EUT Controller which is supported by RadiMation®.  

This device driver is able to communicate with the CARAD software, to inform that CARAD software when a test in RadiMation® is started or ended. Also other test relevent information is communicated.


ScreenElementDescription.png Sending address The (IP-)address and port number of the computer that is running the CARAD software. The default port number on which the CARAD software is listening is port number 7891
ScreenElementDescription.png Receiving address The local address and port number on which RadiMation® is listening for a connection from the CARAD software. This should thus be a local address. The default port number on which the CARAD software is transmitting the data to is 7890
ScreenElementDescription.png Timeout The timeout in seconds that is used to wait for a response