keyword |
inserted value
__freq__ |
The signal generator frequency expressed in MHz
__freqHz__ |
The signal generator frequency expressed in Hz
__freqkHz__ |
The signal generator frequency expressed in kHz
__freqMHz__ |
The signal generator frequency expressed in MHz
__freqGHz__ |
The signal generator frequency expressed in GHz
__carrier__ |
The signal generator carrier level expressed in dBm
__carrierdBm__ |
The signal generator carrier level expressed in dBm
__carrierW__ |
The signal generator carrier level expressed in Watt
__carriermW__ |
The signal generator carrier level expressed in milli-Watt
__forward__ |
The forward power expressed in dBm
__forwarddBm__ |
The forward power expressed in dBm
__forwardW__ |
The forward power expressed in Watt
__forwardmW__ |
The forward power expressed in milli-Watt
__reflected__ |
The reflected power expressed in dBm
__reflecteddBm__ |
The reflected power expressed in dBm
__reflectedW__ |
The reflected power expressed in Watt
__reflectedmW__ |
The reflected power expressed in milli-Watt
__height__ |
The height where the antenna is moving to expressed in metre
__heightm__ |
The height where the antenna is moving to expressed in metre
__heightcm__ |
The height where the antenna is moving to expressed in centimetre
__angle__ |
The angle where the turntable is turning to expressed in degrees
__degree__ |
The angle where the turntable is turning to expressed in degrees
__radian__ |
The angle where the turntable is turning to expressed in radians
__polarisation__ |
The antenna polarisation where the antenna is set to expressed as 'Horizontal' of 'Vertical'.
__averagefield__ |
The averagefield expressed in V/m.
__calculatedfield__ |
The calculated field expressed in V/m.
__modulation__ |
The current modulation as textual description of the applied modulation. For example: 'None', 'AM:1 kHz, 80%', 'FM: 1 kHz, 20 kHz' or 'PM: 200 Hz, 15%'.
__modulationtype__ |
The current modulation type, where this can be 'None', 'AM', 'FM' or 'Pulse'.
__modulationfrequency__ |
The modulation frequency expressed in Hz, if the modulation is active.
__modulationfrequencyHz__ |
The modulation frequency expressed in Hz, if the modulation is active.
__modulationfrequencykHz__ |
The modulation frequency expressed in kHz, if the modulation is active.
__modulationfrequencyMHz__ |
The modulation frequency expressed in MHz, if the modulation is active.
__modulationdepth__ |
The modulation depth that is being used by the AM modulation, if the AM modulation is active.
__modulationdeviation__ |
The modulation frequency expressed in Hz, if the modulation is active.
__modulationdeviationHz__ |
The modulation frequency expressed in Hz, if the modulation is active.
__modulationdeviationkHz__ |
The modulation frequency expressed in kHz, if the modulation is active.
__modulationdeviationMHz__ |
The modulation frequency expressed in MHz, if the modulation is active.
__modulationdutycycle__ |
The dutycycle expressed in %, if pulse modulation is active.
__calculatedvoltage__ |
The calculated current expressed in dBA.
__calculatedcurrent__ |
The calculated current expressed in A.
__calculatedcurrentuA__ |
The calculated current expressed in uA.
__calculatedcurrentmA__ |
The calculated current expressed in mA.
__calculatedcurrentA__ |
The calculated current expressed in A.
__calculatedcurrentdBuA__ |
The calculated current expressed in dBuA.
__calculatedcurrentdBmA__ |
The calculated current expressed in dBmA.
__calculatedcurrentdBA__ |
The calculated current expressed in dBA.