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The RadiSense tab can be used to configure the specific settings of the DeviceDriverRadiSenseTab.

ScreenElementDescription.png Direction If the field strength of a specific single axis or an isotropic value should be measured.
ScreenElementDescription.png Band selection Allows if the Low frequency band, High frequency band, or both frequency bands should be used for the electrical field strength measurement.
ScreenElementDescription.png RadiSense Firmware Version Allows to select the firmware version that is present in the RadiSense probe. This information is used to used version specific commands to control the RadiSense and which baudrate to use for serial communication (version 4.6.0 and below use 9k6, versions above 4.6.0 use 19k2).
ScreenElementDescription.png Filter Setting The filter that should be used during the measurements.
ScreenElementDescription.png Automatically turn laser on If this option is checked, the driver will automatically activate the laser when the device is being used.