SQL queries on tables

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The report generator of RadiMation supports the usage of SQL Queries on tables that are provided by the report generator. This makes it possible to include a customized table in the final report. Some of the possibilities that are possible are:

In combination with the 'SQL' filter selection, also more advanced tables can be created like:

  • Changing the order of the columns in the table
  • Hiding selected columns from the table
  • Change the sorting of the rows, based on a specific column
  • Filtering of the rows, based on the data that is included

The most simple SQL statement is:


Where '<TABLE>' is an existing report generator code that includes a table in the report. This most simple SQL statement can be extended with:

  • An optional 'WHERE' clause can be included that defines an additional filter that should be used on the rows.
  • An optional 'ORDER BY' clause can be included that specifies any specific ordering of the rows.
  • The names of the columns that can be used in the SQL queries is the same as they appear in the table itself. Any column names that include a space, should be included in '[ ]'


Only the frequencies above 50 MHz will be included:

SELECT * FROM AD CHANNEL 4,3,2,1 LIST WHERE Frequency  > 50E6

Only the frequencies between 1 Hz and 20 MHz will be included, where the AD-channel was measured out of the specified range ('TABLE'), where the tables is reverse-sorted on the frequency column.

SELECT *  FROM AD CHANNEL 8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 TABLE WHERE FREQUENCY >= 1 and FREQUENCY <= 20E6 order by Frequency desc

Include the 'EQUIPMENT TABLE' including all the columns (also the hidden columns)


Internally the SQL statements are passed through the SQLite database engine. This engine is included in the setup program of RadiMation. Because the SQLite database engine is used, almost all variations of the SQL queries are supported.

This functionality is included in RadiMation version 5.2 and newer