Release Notes/Solved items Version 2014.1.5

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Revision as of 13:52, 4 April 2014 by Joro (talk | contribs)
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RadiMation version 2014.1.5

  • #3898: When cancelling an emission measurement the defined values for the final measurement are lost
  • #4802: Magnetic Field method can't use TT and AT
  • #4899: Peaks detection is not correct after initial sweeps and final peaks are not/wrong measured
  • #5150: R&S SMA100A/SMC100A timeout while waiting for OPC command
  • #5236: Cannot access a disposed object after closing RadiMation
  • #5257: RM is not returning RTT1001B turntable controller motor error
  • #5297: Unhandled Exception 'disposed object' for LISN and Merge
  • #5299: R&S SMP02 Signal generator -222 Data out of range error
  • #5303: RF Amplifier Impossible to get description string (..) Unknown RadiMation error
  • #5308: R&S ESU8 timeout expired before OPC
  • #5314: RadiMation database table and fields are somethimes not retained
  • #5318: CAL file used by TSF is not easily visible
  • #5331: ESVS10 performs two scans instead of one
  • #5348: When auto trigger mode is selected for a VI Powermeter, it always remains in auto trigger mode