Release Notes/Solved items Version 5.1

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RadiMation version 5.1.25[edit]

  • #2502: turn table is not going to 0 degrees if the starting point is larger then 0 degrees.
  • #2318: Crash when closing version 5.2.4 eut window with x top right
  • #2317: Limit line is not displayed correctly. there is a peak in the middle while there should be a nice line
  • #2314: NRVS, filter is not setup correctly
  • #2309: Version 5.1.25 release
  • #2260: Turn table + antenna controller needed for York emc install
  • #2167: driver RadiMate 4 does not work correctly on version 5.1.21

RadiMation version 5.1.24[edit]

  • #2231: Temperature, humidity, pressure are always included in the EUT Information parameters
  • #2225: Temperature, humidity and pressure is always included in the EUT information item list
  • #2198: RE multi chamber testing give very high values
  • #2159: Driver FCC-801-M3-16 AMP
  • #2037: measuring Peak with FSP goes wrong
  • #1686: Driver for the HP 8592L 9kHz-22GHz and the HP ESA-L 1500A 9kHz-1,5GHz
  • #1438: A button to start the last performed test (TSF) again

RadiMation version 5.1.23[edit]

  • #2206: Remembering the explorer settings when using the EUT open function
  • #2197: G-tem wrong side is selected for zooming on the peak
  • #2182: Amplifier drivers
  • #2180: Pre Amp drivers
  • #2179: Receiver drivers
  • #2177: Antenna drivers

RadiMation version 5.1.22[edit]

  • #2117: almost same peak detected in G-tem test. Different axis and freq diff of 0.01 MHZ with rbw of 120 kz

RadiMation version 5.1.21[edit]

  • #2161: Driver AR 75A250A
  • #2158: Driver AR DC7420
  • #2157: Driver AR 1S4G11
  • #2119: 5.1 Beta
  • #2093: Driver AR FM 5501
  • #2091: Driver Prana AP32 DR 255 and AP32NT255
  • #2090: Driver Aeroflex 3413 signal generator
  • #2069: The configuration dialog for the "Configurable Field Sensor" is titled "Configurable Power Meter".
  • #1931: Scanning Receiver should also perform a 'zoom-in' on the frequency, to more accurately determine the correct frequency
  • #1817: In configuration dialog of R&S URE driver, a filter can be selected, but URE has no filter
  • #1750: Signal at 150 kHz is very often detected as a peak
  • #1692: NI-488.2M Version 1.7 give Blue Screen on Windows XP

RadiMation version 5.1.20[edit]

  • #2111: RadiMation 4.6.7 crashes often with the configuration data of the PML
  • #1958: Enabled SRQ line before radimation is started will crash RadiMation
  • #1031: Include schematic pictures of equipment setup in manual

RadiMation version 5.1.19[edit]

  • #2148: Frequency combobox not filled when selecting 1 MHZ in Compresion system calibration
  • #2143: Limit in the CO 2000 clamb mover set the hard limits instead of using the values in the ini file
  • #2117: Almost same peak detected in G-tem test. Different axis and freq diff of 0.01 MHZ with rbw of 120 kz
  • #2009: Include hexadecimal representation of error number in error message

RadiMation version 5.1.18[edit]

  • #2138: Calculating emission graph is too slow in multiband emission
  • #2109: Marconi 2022A driver does not work correctly when using external puls modulation (external AM)
  • #2033: Driver AR FL7004/Kit

RadiMation version 5.1.17[edit]

  • #2053: Crash when continueing from manual mode
  • #1763: Not possible to include used equipment of a multiband test in the report

RadiMation version 5.1.16[edit]

  • #2129: Crash when a \ is included in the name of a new (eut)file
  • #2125: Switching to the next band takes a lot of time (graph drawing)
  • #2121: Telecomunication line has been added to the cable information selection
  • #2085: Icon on the password window is not correct
  • #1908: Zooming in on the frequency should zoom in faster
  • #1904: Device driver of ESCS30 crashes
  • #1851: Step frequency is not set correctly for the ESCS 30

RadiMation version 5.1.15[edit]

  • #2118: Add report generator codes for QP diff compaired to the limit
  • #2054: Schaffner CWP 9670 should be called Schaffner CPW 9670
  • #1983: Deselect original band when a band is duplicated in a multiband test
  • #1982: Too difficult to see the selected bands in a multiband test
  • #1942: No check for connected device is included in device driver of Marconi 6960
  • #1853: Does the software take the correct limit line values when going below frequency range of the line?
  • #1852: When clicking on "cancel" during a scan, the ESCS 30 doesn´t stop
  • #1849: During the setup of an emission-test (multiband), it would be nice, to have a "select all" and "unselsct all" button when having much bands.
  • #1846: Save tsf as does not ask if you want to overwrite the file
  • #1841: The selection of the different bands is difficult when they choose more then 10 bands.
  • #1831: change the polarisation on another position then 1 Meter.
  • #1830: Switching off the reference settings after the sweep
  • #1764: Peak zoom-in in multiband is partly measuring emissions outside the configured bands
  • #1753: Band selection control in Multiband version should include a Select All option

RadiMation version 5.1.14[edit]

  • #2096: Crash when a Multiband Emission test is printed from the EUT window
  • #1994: Voltage measurement of analyser should use same algorithm as powermeter measurements in the device drivers
  • #1988: Amplifier state is not always changed correctly in multiband immunity test
  • #1954: Amplifier control is not enabled in multiband test, if manual mode is active
  • #1953: Amplifier is switched out of operate by multiband test

RadiMation version 5.1.13[edit]

  • #2078: AR Amplifier with P0/P1 command set is not using inverted gain commands
  • #2073: Start frequency is turning to 1 hz instead of 9 khz in the multiband graph
  • #2059: Peak value in the table does not match the value in the graph of a RE GTEM test
  • #2058: Detection of peaks in RE GTEM measurement is done on the not corrected data
  • #1995: Graphs starting at 20 Hz show a double left y-axis that start on 0 Hz
  • #1993: Voltage measurement with spectrum analyser is making an error of 3 dB
  • #1991: High impedance option of the HP 33120A doesn't work as expected. Option is not usable.
  • #1990: First point of a 'limit' or 'Testlevel' fixed graph line is not shown
  • #1987: Testsite control does not show complete name of testsite
  • #1984: Enable 'Graphs' button when multiband test is in automatic mode
  • #1979: If multiple graphs with the same name should be shown, only one of them is shown

RadiMation version 5.1.12[edit]

  • #2115: Marker color does not change after changing setting in MB mode
  • #2114: Receiver level is set to 10 dbuV
  • #2067: Print button on the EUT Window does not print anything
  • #2066: Exported and printed information of a CE Clamp measurement has a difference of 16.99 dB
  • #2064: RE multi band test is making too much measurement before testing peaks
  • #2062: Values in the graph are different on the printout than in the information in a CE Current clamp test
  • #2052: Zipping of setup program into a ZIP file is not working correctly in build-scripts
  • #2042: Graph is not correctly positioned on the EUT Compression Calibration info window
  • #1757: Report not created when checkbox print out is not selected

RadiMation version 5.1.11[edit]

  • #2060: ESCI does not stop scanning in receiver mode when pressing cancel in multi band emission
  • #2049: Error message during initialisation of CARAD driver
  • #2046: Corrections are not applied to the graph if the information of a RE multiband test is shown
  • #2031: Driver AR DC7144A
  • #2030: Driver AR DC3001A
  • #2003: R&S ESCI: Turning off the minimum attenuation protection
  • #2002: Device driver doesn't react when EMCO 2090 tower has reached its destination

RadiMation version 5.1.10[edit]

  • #2047: Multiband RE test crashes with 'Subscript out of range' after the sweeps are taken
  • #1989: Warning at shutdown of powered on amplifiers cannot be disabled
  • #1985: Power regulation is also regulating below the specified test-level
  • #1892: Device driver of R&S SMX sends commands too fast, carrier level has an error of 10 dB

RadiMation version 5.1.9[edit]

  • #2048: Driver for CP3000 simulation of KRE switchmatrix
  • #2035: Upgrade setup program to use the latests available sentinel system protection drivers
  • #2034: Prepare Windows 98 Test PC, to perform tests on new builds
  • #2020: The MERGE function does not work with absorbing clamp test. 30-300MHz. It works fine with a LISN
  • #2015: R&S ESCI powermeter device driver sets an invalid RBW filter type
  • #2004: R&S ESCI: Preamplifier is not controlled correctly
  • #1947: RBW of 120 kHz in analyser mode of R&S ESI(B)
  • #1867: RS FSP spectrum analyser with 4001 or 8001 points causes overflow

RadiMation version 5.1.8[edit]

  • #2021: minimize window causes crash of software
  • #2018: Communication problems with R&S ESI caused by an old R&S PSU
  • #2017: Software protection key is not always needed to start test
  • #2016: Limitation of software versions on identification of the dongle
  • #2005: R&S ESCI starts at 30 MHz instead of 9 kHz
  • #1999: The cable correction of the CE current measurement does not work properly
  • #1951: Create driver for CO2000 clamp mover
  • #1936: Data storage through the Persistance library is not working correctly on unicode systems like chinese
  • #1926: Emission plot is showing gaps in review window

RadiMation version 5.1.7[edit]

  • #1980: Multiband immunity should include a graph for the VSWR

RadiMation version 5.1.6[edit]

  • #1978: Chinese language translation added
  • #1976: Correction of current probe device in second band is not correctly selected
  • #1975: Graph lines in multiband test, are always using the calibration file that is specified in the first band
  • #1972: Used calibration file data is not stored in test results of a multiband immunity test
  • #1970: ESPI/ESCI as powermeter is giving error when selecting input 1
  • #1967: Analyser read out of HP4395A crashes, problems with determining the correct data format (IEEE 32 bit floating point)
  • #1966: Multiband Immunity tests are using 0 Hz carrier frequency in the begin of the test
  • #1964: Multiband immunity test is always requiring a coupler. Also if only signal power is used
  • #1963: Description of Radimation Error number 13005 cannot be found: Coupler could not be found!
  • #1955: Review of manual data in Network Analyser EUT calibration test, crashes software
  • #1952: Unclear error when frequency of multiband test is out of frequency range of calibration file
  • #1546: Multiband for immunity testing
  • #626: Samenvoegen van verschillende frequentie gebieden in een TSF is niet mogelijk

RadiMation version 5.1.5[edit]

  • #1844: The frequency zoom-in on the peaks (the frequency of the peaks) has to be switched off

RadiMation version 5.1.4[edit]

  • #1956: Even bands are not tested in Multiband immunity, all other bands are tested twice

RadiMation version 5.1.3[edit]

  • #1889: Carrier level is not turned off in multiband immunity if an error occurs.
  • #1886: Continueing a test in automatic mode should continue on the correct angle (position) instead of the modified angle
  • #1880: AM Conservation in Multiband Immunity should be checked
  • #1879: A message should be shown before a test-site is selected in Multiband immunity to allow for manual changes
  • #1878: Pulse Modulation needs to be added to the known modulation types in multiband immunity
  • #1877: Voltage measurement using the Spectrum analyser/sensor powermeter/multimeter/oscilloscope is now possible in multiband immunity. The measured voltage can be shown in a graph, used as a limitation, or used to regulate the RF power.
  • #1876: All configured and activated AD-Channels in the EUT file, will be measured during the multiband tests.
  • #1871: Carrier level is not set in the signal generator if it is loaded in the multiband immunity test
  • #1866: Device initialization in multiband immunity should check all equipment before initializing equipment

RadiMation version 5.1.2[edit]

  • #1953: Opening an multiband emission test in 5.1.1 crashes software
  • #1870: Net power input in Multiband immunity does not measure reflected power input
  • #1865: Only first band is tested in Multiband immunity

RadiMation version 5.1.1[edit]

  • #1869: Radiated Emission multiband Change order is not filled and can thus not be changed
  • #1631: The amplitude of the graph can now be configured by the customization of the graph
  • #1627: Quasi Peak markers in the emission graph are yellow, which is not visible when the graph is printed
  • #1547: Show limits in immunity graphs
  • #1463: It is not possible to set the Graph scaling manually
  • #1437: Customizing the scaling of the graphs
  • #951: Colors of a graph or scaling of a graph are reset to default
  • #853: Limit lines are not shown correctly, when stick method is used as drawing type in the graph

RadiMation version 5.1.0[edit]

  • #1823: Radimation dll register program crashes on win98 machine.
  • #1816: Selecting 'Take photograph' in a CE LISN TSF is generating an error during initalisation
  • #1815: Measurement during turning does not work if start angle is 0 and end angle is 360 degrees
  • #1767: Calculation of electrical field for the 'average' method in 16 point calculation is not correct
  • #1548: Show test results of two tests in the same graph
  • #1211: After customizing an emission graph, the graph is printed/copied with a gray background
  • #1083: 2 power graphs in one

RadiMation version 5.1[edit]

  • #2278: information items are not set correctly when doing a 1 point RI calibration
  • #2102: Graph difference between 4.3.72 and version 5.1.906
  • #1850: No error-message occurs when a device (e.g. ESCS 30) is switched off during a test.
  • #1847: The error messages for wrong configuration (e.g. wrong GPIB-address) should be more clear.
  • #1819: Optimize Height is not using the lowest and heighest antenna height value