Customizable AD-Channel measurement table

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De report generator is uitgebreid waarbij het mogelijk is om beter te specificieren hoe een tabel met AD-waarden getoond moet worden.

The code 'AD CHANNEL 1 LIST' will generate a table with 2 columns:

  • Frequency
  • Measured value of AD-Channel 1

The code 'AD CHANNEL 3,2,4,1 LIST' will generate a table with the columns:

  • Frequency
  • Measured value of AD-Channel 3
  • Measured value of AD-Channel 2
  • Measured value of AD-Channel 4
  • Measured value of AD-Channel 1

If one of the specified channels is not measured, those columns will not be included in the table.

The code 'AD CHANNEL 5,8 TABLE' will generate a table with the columns:

  • Frequency
  • Measured value of AD-Channel 5
  • Measured value of AD-Channel 8

But only those frequencies will be included in the table, on which the measured value was out of the specified range of that AD-Channel.

Deze rapport generator code werkt momenteel alleen nog maar in de single-band versie van de immuniteits testen, aangezien de ondersteuning voor de AD-kanalen nog niet 100% volledig is geimplementeerd in de multiband test modules.

This functionality is included in RadiMation version 5.2 and newer