RadiMation Error: 805322379

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Unable to set the scan measure time. Probably is measure time too short, increase the measure time value. Minimum scan measure time seems to be <MINIMUM> ms.

A measure time is configured in the RadiMation® test which is shorter than the the smallest measure time that is supported by the TDEMI. The smallest measure time that is able for the TDEMI in the actual configuration is also shown. This smallest measure time is however also depending on other settings, and can thus be different in different test configurations.

One of the depending settings is the detector that is selected for the measurement. The 'Quasi-Peak' and 'CISPR Average' detectors for example require a measure time of at least 1 second. The device driver of the TDEMI has an option in the 'Advanced' configuration, if the 'Average' or the 'CISPR Average' detector should be selected. If the Use CISPR detector Average (if applicable) option is enabled, the CISPR Average detector will be activated, and a larger measurement time is needed.



  • Increase the measure time in the RadiMation® test to be a valid and accepted value.
  • Modify the other parameters in the configuration of the RadiMation® test to allow the desired measure time.
  • Unselect to use the Quasi-Peak or CISPR average detector for the trace measurement.