Radimation is searching for field sensor but no sensor in the test site

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RadiMation is searching for field sensor but no sensor in the test site, why is this happening?

How to fix the problem

In the configuration window of the test goto:

   Menu.png Inputs
      Menu.png Field probes

Deselect all the field sensors in this window.

If the check boxes are greyed out, close all windows and add the needed field sensor to the website. If you do not have any add the virtual field sensor to the test equipment.

How does it work?

In the test configuration you can specify that you want the field sensor to be measured, even if this is not the device RadiMation is levelling on.

For example:

  • Do a calibration on a room.
  • Put the EUT in the room
  • You put the Field Sensor on top of the EUT

In this example you are measuring correctly, but you just want know how much field you are generating now that the EUT is in the room.

You do this by telling RadiMation in the menu

   Menu.png Inputs
      Menu.png Field probes

It then know that you want the use this equipment.

Why does it remove it when not configured?

RadiMation does not automatically remove the option when not available for a very simple reason. If it does it, there will be an option for measurement errors.

This is best explained by an example. Your default tests are always done with a field sensor in the room, but today your field sensor is not available. Your customer has agreed that the tests can be performed without the field sensor, so you made an copy of the test file and save it. For some reason you need to leave the customer care in the hand of your colleague. He just runs the "normal" test with the field sensor, finds out that this is not connected and removes it from the test equipment. RadiMation then will automatically remove it from the test, and your colleague is happy. Only the next time you want to start the test again, and you have connected the field sensor, there is not trigger that RadiMation should use the field sensor. Because you think it is using it because it has done it a million times before. This is why RadiMation does not do it automatically, so it is always a thoughtful action.