D.A.R.E!! Instruments RPR2006P: Difference between revisions

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Line 36: Line 36:
|1 ||10
|1 ||10
|1 ||30
|2 ||30
|1 ||100
|3 ||100
|1 ||300
|4 ||300
|1 ||1000
|5 ||1000
|1 ||3000
|6 ||3000
|1 ||5000
|7 ||5000

Revision as of 15:08, 18 June 2013


Firstly you have to open the advanced device driver configuration window.

   Menu.svg Configuration
      Menu.svg Configuration

Now click Device Drivers and then select Power meters from the drop down list. Choose your powermeter (e.g. D.A.R.E!! Instruments RPRxxxxX) and click the "Avanced" button. You now have a window with several tabs and the different settings to configure you Powermeter.

ScreenElementDescription.svg Powermeter General settings of the Powermeter.
ScreenElementDescription.svg Option Filter settings of the Powermeter.
ScreenElementDescription.svg RadiCentre Connection type settings of the powermeter.
ScreenElementDescription.svg Communication Communication settings of the powermeter.
ScreenElementDescription.svg Firmware Firmware update of the powermeter.


In the first screen it is possible to configure some general settings of the Powermeter.

File:2 Tab1 PowerMeter.PNG

According these settings RadiMation will perform a minimum of three measurements with a maximum of ten with a wait time between measurements with a minimum of 75ms.


At the second tab you will find the filter selection.

File:3 Tab2 Option.PNG

From the drop-down menu you can select the filtering of the Powermeter. If a higher filter is selected then the sampling rate will also be higher. Default the filtering is set to automatic; 'Filter Auto'. This filter is depending on the actual power level which is being measured.

An overview of the different filters and the corresponding sampling range:

Filter: Sampling rate:
1 10
2 30
3 100
4 300
5 1000
6 3000
7 5000

For more information read the operation manual of your RadiPower device.


Here you can set the right connection type of the communication with the Powermeter device.

  • If the Powermeter is connected directly to your computer without intervention of a RadiCentre or an other device, you should select "Directly to PC".
  • If the Powermeter is connected to a RadiCentre 1, you should select "RadiCentre 1".
  • If the Powermeter is connected to an other RadiCentre with multiple slots, you should select "RadiCentre Multi-slot".

Additionally, when you have selected the "RadiCentre Multi-slot" you have to select the right "Device Identification" from the drop down menu, which is corresponding with the used slot and port in the RadiCentre. Your Powermeter itself is always connected by USB. However, the communication with the RadiCentre is important when configuring your RadiPower, this will be further explained under communication.

File:4 Tab3 RadiCentre.PNG


The type of communication can here be configured. When your RadiCentre is connected by USB, select "USB" from the list of Communication Streams and click "Ok". Otherwise, choose the correct type of communication used as interface for the RadiCentre.

File:5 Tab4 Communication.PNG

It is very important when you have connected your device with the USB interface to detect the device identification number. Otherwise, the device will not be recognized by RadiMation. To do so, click 'Configure', you will get the following screen:

File:8 Tab4 Communication 4USB configure.PNG

Click the 'Detect' button and after that confirm with 'Ok'. Your USB communication is now correctly established.

File:6 Tab4 Communication 1GPIB configure.PNG

File:7 Tab4 Communication 3RS-232 configure.PNG

File:9 Tab4 Communication 5VISA configure.PNG


It is also possible to update the firmware of your Power meter to a newer version. When you have download and extract the newest version of the firmware you can use the "Browse" button to select the .upd file. Click "Update firmware" to update the firmware and wait for the process to finish.

File:10 Tab5 Firmware.PNG

The D.A.R.E!! Instruments RPR2006P device driver is a Power Meter which is supported by RadiMation®.  


The following tabs are available in the advanced configuration of the D.A.R.E!! Instruments RPR2006P:


ScreenElementDescription.svg Pre Wait Time Wait time before starting the measurement-loop. Can be used to wait for a signal generator, and or amplifier to stabilize.
ScreenElementDescription.svg Measure The minimum amount of measurements in the measure loop. Continues to loop even if power level is stable.
ScreenElementDescription.svg Wait Time The wait time between each measurement is taken, during the measurement-loop.
ScreenElementDescription.svg Max. Difference If the measured power between each measurement in the measurement-loop, is less than this value. The measured power is stable. The measurement-loop will then stop.
ScreenElementDescription.svg Max. Measure The maximum amount of measure times, for the measurement-loop

According to these settings, RadiMation® will perform a minimum of 3 power measurements with a wait time between the measurements of 75ms. If all those 3 measurements are within 0.1 dB, the power measurement is assumed to be stable, and RadiMation® will continue to average of the last 3 measurements. If the difference between the measurements is larger than the specified 0.1 dB, an additional power measurement will be performed, and the last 3 samples will be compared to the 0.1 dB difference again. At most 10 measurements will be performed if the difference between the 3 samples will not be within the specified 0.1 dB.

Both for the leveling, and the monitoring these settings can be set individually. The leveling is used, whenever RadiMation® is measuring the power, to regulate the signal generator. If the powermeter is only used as input, without regulating on it, then the monitoring settings are used.

More detailed information on how to achieve a fast and stable power measurement is available in Application Note 106: Powermeter parameter configuration.


The frequency range of the D.A.R.E!! Instruments RPR2006P as provided by the manufacturer is shown and selected as default. It is possible to overrule these frequencies and to manually adjust the allowed frequency range of the D.A.R.E!! Instruments RPR2006P.

ScreenElementDescription.svg Use default start frequency If the checkbox is checked, the default start frequency will be used as the lowest usable frequency in a test for this device.
ScreenElementDescription.svg Custom start frequency If the Use default start frequency checkbox is unchecked, another start frequency (expressed in MHz) can be specified. The customized start frequency will then be used as the lowest usable frequency in a test for this device. The customized frequency can be a limitation or an extension of the default start frequency.
ScreenElementDescription.svg Use default stop frequency If the checkbox is checked, the default stop frequency will be used as the highest usable frequency in a test for this device.
ScreenElementDescription.svg Custom stop frequency If the Use default stop frequency checkbox is unchecked, another stop frequency (expressed in MHz) can be specified. The customized stop frequency will then be used as the highest usable frequency in a test for this device. The customized frequency can be a limitation or an extension of the default stop frequency.

Specifying a different frequency range can be useful if for example:

  • A device (like a coupler, antenna, injection device, cable, etc...) is still usable (but out of specification) outside the standard suggested frequency range.
  • An external mixer is used to measure an extended frequency range.
  • An up- or down-convertor is used to shift the frequency range.
  • A newer model of a device is present that has an extended frequency range, and still uses the same remote control commands.

Be careful changing these settings as RadiMation® is no longer able to verify if the D.A.R.E!! Instruments RPR2006P is used outside frequency range that is specified by the manufacturer. This may result in serious damage to your measurement device.


The settings on the Reference tab influence the measurement frequency that is communicated to the measurement device. The frequency that is forwarded to the measurement device can for example be used by the device to perform the measurement on the correct frequency, or use the correct internal frequency dependant correction or calibration factor on the measurement result. Normally it is desired that the measurement frequency is the same as the carrier frequency of the signal generator. In some situations it can however be required to communicate a different frequency to the measurement device. In such a situation the settings on the Reference tab can be modified.

ScreenElementDescription.svg Signal generator frequency Selects that the actual carrier frequency of the signal generator is communicated to the measurement device. This is the default behaviour.
ScreenElementDescription.svg Fixed reference frequency Selects that a fixed frequency (independent of the signal generator carrier frequency) is communicated to the measurement device.
ScreenElementDescription.svg Signal generator frequency offset An additional offset frequency specified in MHz, that is added to frequency that is communicated to the measurement device. This value can be positive or negative, and defaults to 0.0 MHz.
ScreenElementDescription.svg Specific reference frequency The fixed reference frequency specified in MHz that is communicated to the measurement device, when the Fixed reference frequency option is selected.

Warning: When a different reference frequency is specified and communicated to the measurement device, it is only relevant for the measurement device. A correction file that is attached to the device driver in RadiMation® will still use the correction value that is specified for the actual signal generator carrier frequency.

Related pages


This information about an equipment is automatically generated from the list of supported device drivers from RadiMation.
If you need more information you can contact radimation-support@raditeq.com.