RadiMation Application Note 160

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How to perform an ISO 11452-4 BCI (Bulk Current Injection) substitution test

This application note explains how the ISO 11452-4 BCI (Bulk Current Injection) substitution test can be performed with RadiMation®.

The ISO 11452-4 standard is used to test the immunity of automotive electronic components to conducted RF (radio frequency) disturbances injected into the wiring harness. The test frequency typically ranges from 1 MHz to 400 MHz, using both continuous and amplitude-modulated signals. The test ensures that the electronic devices can withstand the RF disturbances without performance degradation or failure.

The exact requirements and test methods for the BCI test are specified in the ISO 11452-4.

Necessary equipment

The following devices are required to run the calibration, verification, and EUT (Equipment Under Test) test:

  • Signal generator
  • Amplifier
  • Coupler
  • Forward power meter
  • Current sensor
  • Sensor power meter / Analyser
  • 50 Ohm load
  • 50 Ohm attenuator
  • Current injection device
  • Current injection calibration jig
  • Cable drivers with corrections


Note: If the current unit is shown as μA, it can be changed to dBμA by clicking Units, select Current and click Edit to change this.

Define the test level

The ISO 11452-4 BCI test requires test levels to be defined for different frequency ranges. The test level may vary depending on the application class or specific test plan, and these levels are set up as a correction file in RadiMation®.

Create a correction file for the test level by selecting the menu:

   Menu.png File
      Menu.png New
         Menu.png Correction

First, create a correction file in RadiMation® and specify the applicable test level for the BCI test based on the test requirements. The levels are typically specified in terms of current in mA for different frequency bands (see 'ISO 11452-4 BCI test severity levels '). In this example the levels for test severity level 1 are configured.

Ensure that the correction file has a Frequency column and a Current column with the unit set to mA.

ISO-11452-4 Test level.png

Store the correction file for the test level by selecting the menu:

   Menu.png File
      Menu.png Save correction Save the test level as a correction file on disk.

This correction file will be used during the calibration and EUT testing.

Calibration procedure

The calibration procedure is necessary to characterize losses in the setup and determine the correct power level for injection.

Calibration equipment


The configuration of the calibration test setup should include the following equipment:

# Device name Tab in test site configuration window note
Signal Generator Devices 1 The signal generator to use
Amplifier Devices 1 The amplifier to use
Coupler Devices 1 The directional coupler to use
Forward power meter Devices 1 The forward power sensor to use
Power meter Devices 2 The power meter or analyzer for measuring current
Injection clamp Devices 2 The bulk current injection (BCI) clamp
Calibration jig Devices 2 The jig used for the current injection calibration
Cable current -> power meter Cables Cable with a correction file specified for cable loss
Cable current -> power meter Cables Cable with specified loss of the used attenuator
Cable current -> power meter Cables Cable with a correction file specified for cable loss

Configure the calibration

The BCI test covers four primary frequency bands. The following settings can be configured according to ISO 11452-4 requirements: The minimal requirements related to the step sizes are found in ISO 11452-1, 5.6 Table 2.

Band Frequency range
Band 1 0.1 MHz - 1 MHz
Band 2 1 MHz - 3 MHz
Band 3 3 MHz - 200 MHz
Band 4 400 MHz - 400 MHz

These four bands can be configured and performed in one calibration. The calibration can be started by selecting:

   Menu.png Calibration
      Menu.png System calibration
         Menu.png Conducted immunity

This example shows an example of the configuration for required for the calibration.

ISO-11452-4 Calibration config.png

ScreenElementDescription.png Start The start frequency of the calibration (e.g., 1 MHz).
ScreenElementDescription.png End The stop frequency of the calibration (e.g., 30 MHz).
ScreenElementDescription.png Step The frequency step, in this case, 1%.
ScreenElementDescription.png Test level The test level, in this case current.
ScreenElementDescription.png Variable The variable test level, select the correction file created earlier.
ScreenElementDescription.png Tolerance The regulation tolerance.
ScreenElementDescription.png Calibration method The power measurement that should result from the calibration: Forward power.
ScreenElementDescription.png Test equipment The calibration test equipment.
ScreenElementDescription.png Test engineer The engineer performing the calibration.

Calibration result

Once calibration is complete, the engineer will save the results in a calibration (.CAL) file.

EUT Testing

EUT Testing equipment

CS114 EUT Testing.png

The configuration for EUT testing should contain the following devices:

# Device name Tab in test site configuration window note
Signal Generator Devices 1 The signal generator to use
Amplifier Devices 1 The amplifier to use
Coupler Devices 1 The coupler to use
Forward power meter Devices 1 The forward power sensor
Power meter Devices 2 (optional)The analyzer for measuring current
Current probe Devices 2 (optional)The current probe with transfer factor applied
Injection clamp Devices 2 The bulk current injection clamp

Configure the EUT test

To perform the EUT test, configure the conducted immunity multiband test by selecting from the menu:

   Menu.png Tests
      Menu.png Conducted Immunity
         Menu.png Multiband

The following bands should be configured:

Band Frequency range Step size
Band 1 1 MHz - 30 MHz 1 %
Band 2 30 MHz - 200 MHz 1 %
Band 3 200 MHz - 400 MHz 0.5 %

CS114 Test Setup.png

ScreenElementDescription.png Start The start frequency of the test. For example 10 kHz.
ScreenElementDescription.png End The stop frequency of the test. For example 1 MHz.
ScreenElementDescription.png Frequency Step The frequency step, see Table III.
ScreenElementDescription.png Dwell Time The dwell time.
ScreenElementDescription.png Frequency Change Mode Constant.
ScreenElementDescription.png Modulation Configure Pulse Modulation with 1 kHz and 50% duty cycle.
ScreenElementDescription.png Test equipment The equipment needed for the conducted immunity test.
ScreenElementDescription.png Location Type Injection clamp.
ScreenElementDescription.png Test Level Specify the current substitution method. Also add a "Measured Current Limit"
ScreenElementDescription.png Inputs No inputs are needed.

To configure the pulse modulation settings click Config next to the modulation settings, click the PM tab, and enter the pulse modulation settings as specified in ISO 11452-4.

CS114 Modulation settings.png

ScreenElementDescription.png Activate modulation Check this checkbox to enable the pulse modulation.
ScreenElementDescription.png Frequency The PM frequency 1 kHz.
ScreenElementDescription.png Duty Cycle A duty cycle of 50%.
ScreenElementDescription.png Also apply modulation out of the dwell-time period Check this checkbox to enable modulation outside the dwell-time.

At TestLevel click Add to add a new Test level and select TestLevel - Current substitution method

CS114 Current Testlevel Configuration.png

ScreenElementDescription.png Description The description of the test level.
ScreenElementDescription.png Calibration file Select the calibration file to use for this band.
ScreenElementDescription.png Test level Variable current, and specify the correction file for the applicable test level.
ScreenElementDescription.png Calibration method Select Forward Power.
ScreenElementDescription.png Tolerance Specify the tolerance to use.

When all bands are configured press Start Test to run the EUT test.

EUT Test Result

Once the test is complete, the results are stored in a .LOG file. The test results can be reviewed by selecting the corresponding test from the list and clicking Info.

CS114 Test Result.png


Using RadiMation®, you can effectively perform the ISO 11452-4 BCI test, ensuring compliance with automotive RF immunity standards and ensuring product robustness in the presence of RF interference.

[[Category Application Note]]