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The DEVICES.DAT file contains the numerical values for the DeviceDriverType, which is supported by that device driver. This DeviceDriverType is the numerical value of a bit-field. It is allowed to specify a numerical value that is a combination of multiple DeviceDriverType values.
The list of known DeviceDriverType values is:
Device driver type | Numerical value | Base class name | Base class header |
[[Signal Generator]] | 1 | SignalGeneratorBase | baseddsg.h |
[[Amplifier]] | 2 | AmplifierBase | baseddam.h |
[[Coupler]] | 4 | CouplerBase | basedd.h |
[[Power Meter]] | 8 | PowerMeterBase | baseddpm.h |
[[Antenna]] | 16 | AntennaBase | basedd.h |
[[Field Sensor]] | 32 | FieldSensorBase | baseddfs.h |
[[AD Converter]] | 64 | ADConvertorBase | baseddad.h |
[[Injection Device]] | 128 | ClampBase | baseddcl.h |
[[Current Sensor]] | 256 | CurrentSensorBase | basedd.h |
[[Spectrum Analyser]] | 512 | SpectrumAnalyzerBase | baseddsa.h |
[[LISN]] | 1024 | LISNBase | basedd.h |
[[Calibration Jig]] | 2048 | JigBase | baseddcl.h |
[[Turn Table]] | 4096 | TurnTableBase | baseddtt.h |
[[Output Box]] | 8192 | --- | --- |
[[Cable]] | 16384 | CableBase | basedd.h |
[[Pre-Amplifier]] | 32768 | PreAmplifierBase | basedd.h |
[[Climat Chamber]] | 65536 | ClimatChamberBase | baseddcc.h |
[[Antenna Tower]] | 131072 | AntennaTowerBase | baseddat.h |
[[ESD Generator]] | 262144 | ESDBase | basedd.h |
[[EFT Generator]] | 524288 | EFTBase | basedd.h |
[[Surge Generator]] | 1048576 | SurgeBase | basedd.h |
[[Absorbing Clamp]] | 2097152 | AbsorbingClampBase | basedd.h |
[[Positioner]] | 4194304 | ClampMoverBase | baseddcm.h |
[[Switch Matrix]] | 8388608 | SwitchMatrixBase | baseddsm.h |
[[EUT Controller]] | 16777216 | SwitchMatrixBase | baseddsm.h |
[[Oscilloscope]] | 33554432 | OscilloscopeBase | baseddos.h |
[[Resistor]] | 67108864 | ResistorBase | basedd.h |
[[Multimeter]] | 134217728 | MultiMeterBase | baseddmm.h |
[[Network Analyser]] | 268435456 | NetworkAnalyserBase | baseddna.h |