Chapter 18

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Reference data[edit]

RadiMation® file types and locations[edit]

RadiMation® uses different types of file extensions to store different types of data and different sub-directories to store different file types. During the installation of RadiMation® these sub-directories are automatically generated. The exact location of these sub-directories depends on the location where RadiMation® is installed. All the directories are created by default in the main installation directory used for RadiMation®. The default directories can be changed on the Directories tab of the Configuration window of RadiMation®.

RadiMation® Installation Directory[edit]

Depending on the Windows® operating system that is being used (and the language of this operating system), the main installation directory can vary. For example:

The default main installation directory for RadiMation® is: "C:\Program Files\Raditeq\RadiMation\"

The default main installation directory for an Italian operating system is: "C:\Programmi\Raditeq\RadiMation\"

The main installation directory for RadiMation® can be changed during the installation of the software and can also be different because of the use of an older RadiMation® version.

Equipment Under Test file (*.EUT)[edit]

An Equipment Under Test file (or EUT-file) contains information about the EUT. These files are stored from the EUT window. The EUT-file contains basic information about the EUT and does not contain any test results. The test results are stored in the same directory under the same filename, but under a different extension.

The name and location of the file can be specified by the user.

The extension of the test results is “.T??”.

The extension of the file is “.EUT”.

The default location to store the EUT-files is: "C:\Users\Public\Documents\RadiMation\EUT_File"

Calibration file (*.CAL)[edit]

A Calibration file contains all the information and results of a calibration test/measurement. The calibrations are used during substitution tests to apply the correct power level.

The name and location of the file can be specified by the user.

The extension of the file is “.CAL”.

The default location to store Correction files is: "C:\Users\Public\Documents\RadiMation\CAL_File"

Test Setup File (*.TSF)[edit]

A Test Setup File (or TSF-file) contains all the settings required to perform a test. These files can be loaded and stored with the help of the different Test Settings windows. The names of these files is not important because these (names) are not visible to the user. The ‘description’ of these files is visible. The description of the file that the user sees (when selecting a TSF-file) is stored inside the TSF-file and is not relatable to the name of the file.

The name and location of the files is managed by the RadiMation® software.

The extension of the file is “.TSF”.

The default location to store Test Setup Files is: "C:\Users\Public\Documents\RadiMation\TSF_File"

Correction file (*.COR)[edit]

A correction file contains all the information of a correction. These files are stored from the Correction editor window. The files are used for different purposes, such as:

  • Correction of values measured in a device driver
  • Limitation of power for amplifier protection
  • Test levels during immunity tests
  • Limitation of injected current during immunity tests
  • Measured frequencies during emission tests

Different data columns, with an unlimited number of data-rows, can be included in a correction file. This is dependent on the use of the correction file. In addition to the data table, the correction file also remembers how to interpolate between the data-rows.

The name and location of the file can be specified by the user.

The extension of the file is “.COR”.

The default location to store Correction files is: "C:\Users\Public\Documents\RadiMation\COR_File\"

Limit Line File (*.LLF)[edit]

A limit line file contains all the information of a limit line. These files are stored from the limit line editor window. The files are used during emission measurements.

The name and location of the file can be specified by the user.

The extension of the file is “.LLF”.

The default location to store Limit Line Files is: "C:\Users\Public\Documents\RadiMation\LLF_File\"

Sequence file (*.SEQ)[edit]

A Sequence file contains the configuration of one or more Test Setup Files (TSF-files). The Sequence file can be used to perform multiple tests automatically (one after the other, in sequence).

The name and location of the file can be specified by the user.

The extension of the file is “.SEQ”.

The default location to store Sequence files is: "C:\Users\Public\Documents\RadiMation\SEQ_File\"

Location file (*.LOC)[edit]

A Location file contains information on a ‘to be measured’ antenna tower. These files are stored from the Location window. The file contains basic information on the antenna tower and the ‘to be measured’ frequencies. The Location file does not contain any test results. The test results are stored in a sub-directory with the same name as the Location file. The sub-directory contains the test result files with the same filename but under a different extension. The sub-directory also contains the available Frequency (FRQ-files) and Test Setup files (TSF-files) for the location.

This file type is only available when the Antenna Diagram module is activated.

The name and location of the file can be specified by the user.

The extensions of the test results are “.T??” and “.M??”.

The extension of the file is “.LOC”.

The default location to store Location files is: "C:\Program Files\DARE Development\RadiMation\LOC_File\"

Configured Device Drivers (CONFDVDR)[edit]

The CONFDVDR sub-directory of the RadiMation® main installation directory contains the complete configuration of the RadiMation® software. This directory can contain the following files:

  • SETTINGS.INI: The main RadiMation® configuration file. This file contains all the important settings of the software.
  • RDC*.INI: Each RDC*.INI file, stores the configuration of a configured device driver. All the modifications made on the "Device Drivers" tab of the Configuration window of the software, will be stored in one of the RDC*.INI files.
  • Other files can be present that store specific configuration items of the RadiMation® software.

The default location of the "Configured Device Drivers" directory is: "C:\ProgramData\Raditeq\RadiMation\ConfDvdr"

Frequency file (*.FRQ)[edit]

A Frequency file contains all the information of a ‘to be measured’ frequency. The Frequency files are used during the antenna diagram measurements. The Frequency files that have to be used can be selected in the Location file window.

This file type is only available when the Antenna Diagram module is activated.

The extension of the file type is “.FRQ”.

Frequency files should be stored in a sub-directory with the name of the Location file.

List of abbreviations, terms and definitions[edit]

This paragraph lists commonly used abbreviations, terms and definitions in the RadiMation® software.

Term Description
AC Alternating Current
AD Analog to Digital
AGL Above Ground Level
ALSE Absorber Lined Shielded Enclosure
AMN Artificial Mains Network
AVF Antenna Validation Factor
BCI Bulk Current Injection
CAL CALibration
CDN Coupling Decoupling Network

Conducted Emission

Conformité Européenne - Complying to European regulations

CI Conducted Immunity
CISPR Comité International Spécial des Perturbations Radioélectriques
CLF Chamber Loading Factor
CLI Command-Line Interface: That software can be controlled using arguments passed to the executable
COR Correction
CVF Chamber Validation Factor

Carrier Wave : An unmodulated RF signal

Continuous Wave: An unmodulated RF signal

dB Decibel
dBm Power expressed in milliWatt in dB values.
dBOhm Resistance expressed in Ohm in dB values.
DC Direct Current
DGPS Differential Global Positioning System. An improvement to GPS, where small GPS errors are corrected by a broadcasted radio signal.
DUT Device Under Test. This is equivalent to the term EUT (Equipment Under Test). RadiMation® always uses the term EUT.
EMC ElectroMagnetic Compatibility
EMI ElectroMagnetic Interference: The electromagnetic energy that interferes with how an EUT works
ERP Effectively Radiated Power
EPAC Electrically Power Assisted Cycles
ESD ElectroStatic Discharge
EUT Equipment Under Test
EV Electric Vehicle
GPIB General Purpose Industrial Bus: A communication system used to 'remote control' test and measurement equipment.
GPS Global Positioning System
HCP Horizontal Coupling Plane
HV High Voltage
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
IL Insertion Loss
Immunity The ability of an EUT to be immune to incoming electromagnetic interference. This is equivalent to the term susceptibility that is used by some standards.
ISO International Organization for Standardization
LISN Line Impedance Stabilisation Network
LLF Limit Line File
LOC LOCation
LUF Lowest Usable Frequency
LV Low Voltage

MultiBand. Tests that allow more flexible test configurations, where multiple bands with different settings can be specified in a single TSF.

MegaByte: 1 million bytes.

MSC Mode Stirred Chamber
MSRC Mode Stirred Reverberation Chamber
MU Measurement Uncertainty
NC Normally Closed: The connector of a relay that is connected to the common connector of the relay (and thus closed) if the relay is not powered
NO Normally Open: The connector of a relay that is not connected to the common connector of the relay if the relay is not powered
OATS Open Area Test Site
PC Personal Computer
PE Protective Earth
PI Pulsed Immunity
Quality factor
Frequency-dependent measure of how well a reverberation chamber stores energy
QP Quasi-Peak
RBW Resolution BandWidth
RC Reverberation Chamber
RE Radiated Emission
RF Radio Frequency
RGP Reference Ground Plane
RI Radiated Immunity
RMS Root Mean Square
RS232 A serial communication system, often used to control small equipment connected to a PC.
RVC ReVerberation Chamber
SEQ SEQuence
SQL Structured Query Language
stirrer Mechanical device constructed from low-loss electrically conductive material which alters the electromagnetic boundary conditions inside a reverberation chamber.
Susceptibility The sensitivity of an EUT to incoming electromagnetic interference. This is equivalent to the term Immunity. RadiMation® always uses the term Immunity.
TME Test and Measurement Equipment.
TSF Test Setup File
tuner Mechanical device constructed from low-loss electrically conductive material which alters the electromagnetic boundary conditions inside a reverberation chamber.
UFA Uniform Field Area.
USB Universal Serial Bus: A modern serially controlled communication system, found on all new PC's
VBW Video BandWidth
VCP Vertical Coupling Plane
VISA The Virtual Instrument Software Architecture is a standard for configuring, programming, and troubleshooting instrumentation systems comprising GPIB, VXI, PXI, Serial, Ethernet, and/or USB interfaces.
working volume Region defined by 8 points inside the chamber at sufficient distance away from the walls to avoid boundary effects, in which the EUT can be positioned.