Release Notes/Solved items Version 2013.1

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RadiMation version 2013.1.14

  • #693: There is no logical order in the selection of the controls, if the selection is moved with the 'TAB' key
  • #3235: Cancel button in report generation is not cancel but skip
  • #4047: First point from final measurement is not measured correctly
  • #4112: Final measurement at wrong frequency
  • #4202: HI field probe readout raises errors
  • #4216: Incorrect QP measurement on first peak measurement
  • #4287: Mast sometimes doesn't move with HD100 antenna controller
  • #4414: Maturo NCD no VISA available
  • #4669: Disable the spell checker during the generation of the report
  • #4710: Only the first line from NOTE is showed in test list
  • #4736: RG: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  • #4746: First Measured Peak is not correct with R&S ESVS 10 / ESHS 10
  • #4793: Driver: Apsin 6010 Signal Generator
  • #4818: Add direct link in Menu Help for 'Latest device drivers...'
  • #4876: RunMacro(AutoFitThisTable) is auto fitting the wrong table
  • #4877: Agilent 4440A is not working correctly in an attenuation/gain calibration test
  • #4878: HP8542E is resetted twice during the initialization
  • #4880: RadiGen doesn't always activate the AM modulation
  • #4881: Driver: GPIB and VISA support for the AnaPico APSIN signal generators
  • #4882: Detector measurement time is not correctly set in the PMM9010
  • #4886: HI-4450 probe error without description
  • #4887: Accents and special characters are replaced with question marks icons
  • #4889: Endless loops Maturo NCD AT after communication is out of sync
  • #4890: Position Maturo NCD AT is not alway set exact by driver
  • #4891: Maturo NCD TT minimum step size of 3 degrees
  • #4893: VISA (GPIB) controlled RGN error Invalid buffer mask specified
  • #4894: RadiMation Free can't connect with RPR Power meter

RadiMation version 2013.1.13

  • #1085: Field measurement during CI testing
  • #2657: A graph of an AD-Input should auto scale the y-axis to also show the limits that are relevant for the AD-Input
  • #2853: Multiband Report generator code for an ad-channel should also be available as a pre-determined code
  • #2904: EUT ad channel monitoring scale is wrong, no information is displayed.
  • #3031: AD Graph 1 does not work in multi band
  • #3236: Max limit is not viewable when all the measurements are above the limit
  • #3564: R&S ESVS device driver should be updated to use double parameters
  • #3867: Net power and calculated current on the CAN-bus
  • #4167: Power meter driver for fsiq / FSEK and fsp
  • #4171: Report generator: keyword for step frequency is not working
  • #4460: RadiCentre (RadiTower) errors
  • #4582: Wrong peak is measured with final peak measurement selection
  • #4615: Error 'Settings conflict: step size clipped to nearest value allowed'
  • #4622: Error printout ||MAX HOLD PEAKS GRAPH||
  • #4642: Modulation settings are not correctly saved
  • #4675: Graph keyword gives 'Object variable or With block variable not set' error
  • #4682: Selected peaks do not match with selected peaks in the peak table
  • #4711: Peak zoom-in is not working correctly if a limitline file is specified
  • #4728: All peaks above the limit dB value is not retained
  • #4745: RadiMation shortcut should have version number
  • #4753: HP8542E Receiver is measuring only one sweep and only one band
  • #4764: RadiCentre problems
  • #4824: Setting conflict error with a Agilent Scanning Receiver
  • #4859: RadiPower misses the last part of a pulsed signal
  • #4864: Driver: EMGen 7003-001
  • #4865: Controlling a RadiGen is raising a dialog with the message: Operation is NOT completed
  • #4868: Remaining test time is shown in 12:04:30 AM notation
  • #4870: Installation on a PC cannot be completed due to network location configuration
  • #4871: Limit values of ad-channels are not used in the scaling of the ad-channel graph
  • #4872: Installation of drivers.exe generates an error regarding registration of RADCANoeWrapper
  • #4879: How should the magnetic field antenna factor be specified?
  • #4883: Wrong readings during conducted immunity fixed current test
  • #4888: RadiCentre (RadiTower) timeout expired before OPC
  • #4895: Driver: RSS1006A Device Not Connected
  • #4896: RSW1021N and RSW1024S errors 'Not all bytes are written to the GPIB board within the timeout period'

RadiMation version 2013.1.12

  • #4108: Report generator keywords for final measurement
  • #4743: Driver: no communication and motor not moving with Emco 2090
  • #4813: RM crashes during search of DARE products
  • #4822: Unit for currentprobe is not set to dBuA, but remains dBuV
  • #4837: Initializing a powermeter while on the envelope or burst mode tab, is not working correctly
  • #4844: Changing the sample rate for the RadiPower in envelope trace mode is not working, if 1E+3 notation is used
  • #4857: RadiPower RPR3006P measurement should be corrected for the Modulation bandwidth that is used by the EUT
  • #4866: Antenna tower goes down to hard limit and gets stuck

RadiMation version 2013.1.11

  • #4406: No coupling available with Synergy database
  • #4817: Menu Help > Suggestion URL is opening DARE homepage
  • #4819: Continuity between LLF and COR
  • #4848: Error message when printout a Multiband test
  • #4856: IF overload detected error with R&S ESU 8 EMI

RadiMation version 2013.1.10

  • #4242: Issue measuring time setting in MB
  • #4269: Settings (RBW) differ in comparison with measurement results
  • #4541: Driver: Bonn amplifier BSA 0125-125
  • #4596: Problem with PMM in latest version
  • #4716: Reference Level is not correctly set during final measurement
  • #4718: COR file graph is not correctly drawn
  • #4750: RadiMate AD converter is not working
  • #4752: PMM 9010 timeout errors
  • #4754: EMCO 4825/2 LISN error Start frequency was too low
  • #4758: Detector Keywords for report generator template
  • #4759: PMM is not detecting that it isn't getting any real data
  • #4763: PMM 9010 Error detected during start sweep measurement
  • #4765: RI Uniform Field Area calculation form
  • #4766: Frequency Change Mode configuration button is not present
  • #4781: Driver: Agilent N5171B Signal generator
  • #4782: Driver: AR 1000W1000D amplifier
  • #4783: Driver: AR 2500A225 amplifier
  • #4785: Configuration to remote control RSW1002E on 12V
  • #4786: Not possible to printout a MB test
  • #4791: RI Fixed power test in a sequence doesn't remember that a frequency list should be used
  • #4798: R&S ESAI EMC receiver
  • #4803: Move and Turn during measurement settings are disappeared
  • #4807: RDM1004A with RadiCentre 1 is not connecting
  • #4816: Driver: Wandel & Goltermann EMR-10 + EMR-11

RadiMation version 2013.1.9

  • #4285: Can't change order of the frequency band (MB) for sequence testing
  • #4606: Merging graphs is loosing correction
  • #4695: Removing an information item, selects an unlogical next information item
  • #4704: Test window opens to large for the screen; buttons are not visible
  • #4721: Exit from a multiband test requires two clicks on Close button
  • #4722: Advantest R3361B Analyser event timeout
  • #4723: Graph lines are not correctly enabled and disabled
  • #4735: 4446A preselector is searched when deselected in driver settings

RadiMation version 2013.1.8

  • #1534: Large System fonts will make menu labels unreadable
  • #4250: Text is not readable in Final peak measurements frame
  • #4374: .NET: crash during continuous powermeter readout
  • #4415: PMM OR03 communication issue
  • #4451: New default installation on Windows 7 is not able to write to the CONFDVDR directory
  • #4453: No quasi-peak detector with Analyser N9000A
  • #4468: Window Client Logo: install to the correct folders by default
  • #4478: Driver: Signal generator Wiltron 68369B (10M - 40GHz)
  • #4480: Driver: Field probe Chauvin-Arnoux EF2A
  • #4490: Driver: Agilent N9010A Signal Analyser Scanning Receiver
  • #4527: Driver: EMI average detector setting
  • #4543: Strange Quasi-Peak measurements with Agilent N9000A
  • #4573: Printing the graph in the Powermeter Virtual instrument raises an error
  • #4608: Correction of the powermeter in Burst mode
  • #4609: Customization of the graph is not remembered for the burst test
  • #4618: ESU with two bands and one sweep is not performing measurement
  • #4628: First point ADC measurement is sometimes wrong
  • #4632: Number of sweeps to be taken is not visible on small screen
  • #4640: An object reference error is raised when open ESD test
  • #4645: CE Multiband hangs when first band is using different trace detectors compared to second band
  • #4646: CE Multiband keeps repeating the last band
  • #4650: Graph control is always showing logaritmic
  • #4653: Not possible to use CTR+A inside Note option in TSF
  • #4678: setup program is aborted when .NET framework is going to be downloaded on a german pc
  • #4691: Surge status window, doesn't show Pass/Fail option
  • #4694: Possibility to remove multiple 'Information items'

RadiMation version 2013.1.7

  • #4095: Before action is deleted after the test has finished
  • #4425: Long delays between multiple tests in a very large sequence
  • #4515: Error during zeroing of RadiSense
  • #4532: Limit Lines displayed outside graph in report
  • #4610: Driver: D.A.R.E!! Instruments RPR3006P
  • #4614: Limit lines overlap the legend
  • #4619: Driver: ETS HI-2200 Field Probe
  • #4623: Cannot use R&S NRPZ51 above 6 GHz
  • #4624: No coupler device driver is present for the internal coupler in the AR20ST1G18A
  • #4627: Driver: ESPI3 receiver is not set to reference level from TSF
  • #4629: In some specific situations the wrong test files are deleted
  • #4647: Stopping an emission measurement with a R&S ESI, very often generates an EABO GPIB Error
  • #4648: Driver: Anapico APSIN20G
  • #4671: Driver: Agilent 4418B
  • #4672: Insert specific attachements for report generator
  • #4673: Driver: Agilent N1914A
  • #4683: Driver: Prana AP32 MT225

RadiMation version 2013.1.6

  • #4604: R&S ESI as powermeter takes a very long time to measure 20 Hz
  • #4603: TSF is marked as changed, even if nothing is changed
  • #4602: Customization of the graphs restored to the default if 'Use this as default' is presssed
  • #4600: Adjust the amplifier protection
  • #4583: System calibration Attenuation / Gain Unhandled exeption error
  • #4581: Frequency unit in the limitline configuration seems to be specified in Hz, but is interpreted as MHz
  • #4580: Changes in the unit of a limitline are not directly updated in the grid with limitline values
  • #4579: Limitlines with a dBpT unit are still shown as dBuV/m limitlines in a multiband emission test
  • #4578: Limitlines configuration window doesn't show very small/big frequencies
  • #4577: Multiband test is not able to change to the next testsite due to frequency limitations in the testsite
  • #4501: H-Field with no measurement data
  • #4500: Receiver is set to wrong reference level
  • #4378: Error Software Protection Key when upgrading software
  • #4371: Higher value then 1000 is not displayed in COR file
  • #4285: Can't change order of the frequency band (MB) for sequence testing
  • #4278: Crash during initialising R&S FSH6 Scanning Receiver
  • #4169: AD Channels are swapped
  • #4146: Changed sorting of AD channel configuration is confusing AD Convertor readout
  • #4057: Copy to clipboard is forgetting the last item
  • #4031: AD-Channels are changing after saving EUT
  • #3455: Error message is displayed when changing from lower band to higher band with different equipment
  • #3124: Double clicking the main window for reviewing the test sometimes opens a different test
  • #2285: Port RadiMation to modern development tools (.NET)
  • #708: new file is saved while No is selected.

RadiMation version 2013.1.5

  • #4569: Reading out a powermeter in Free mode, is using maximum CPU load

RadiMation version 2013.1.4

  • #4585: Possibility to dump the waveform of a LeCroy oscilloscope to a CSV file
  • #4574: ESIB 26 preamp settings are not used
  • #4536: Unhandled exception for object name icon
  • #4535: Setting the preamplifier to 0 dB doesn't seem to be remembered
  • #4533: Resizing main EUT test data columns is not correctly done
  • #4504: Looping device check
  • #4428: Error with ESI40 as powermeter
  • #4396: Administrator password is unexpectedly changed/corrupted
  • #4337: TDEMI soft-reset
  • #4336: Abort scan on TDEMI
  • #3573: Amplifier control panel can not be resized so you can see the complete status message
  • #3304: Driver: AR 350AH1 (GPIB + USB)

RadiMation version 2013.1.3

  • #4330 RI-SB manual mode, some texts are partly hidden
  • #4529 Buttons are aligned on the right side, not very close to the other controls on the window
  • #4444 .NET: cosmetic changes to setting windows
  • #4368 not completely readable receiver settings should be extended
  • #4249 .NET: window dimensions of settings can be completely resized

RadiMation version 2013.1.2

  • #4513: The cancel button is not responding on the environmental window that is shown during the initialization
  • #4512: Graph and table controls are not correctly initialized
  • #4511: A 'Save As' dialog is displayed when the Powermeter window is closed in RadiMation Free

RadiMation version 2012.1.23

  • #4491: Wrong LLF is removed
  • #4485: Serial communication using Agilent IO libraries is not working
  • #4459: .NET: visualisation frequency bands is not working correctly
  • #4450: After installation it is still required to download and install .Net Framework 4
  • #4448: Move message of restart of PC to the end of the setup program
  • #4446: .NET: X+k*s module; issue with selection, calculation and crash
  • #4445: Driver: LAN control of Maturo NCD Antenna Tower
  • #4443 .NET: default window is showing events while unchecked
  • #4441: .NET: crash after closing a new LLF without saving
  • #4439 unlogically tab sequence for Default Address Information
  • #4437: .NET: no information and wrong deleting of Cables
  • #4436: .NET: no confirmation and wrong deleting of AD-channel(s)
  • #4434: .NET: no menu and message descriptions dutch language
  • #4433: .NET: adding and deleting two folders at once
  • #4427: Driver: Agilent 54832B as an oscilloscope
  • #4426: Driver: Agilent 54641A as an oscilloscope
  • #4419: .NET: crash customized query customer database configuration
  • #4407: .NET: crash while looking up EUT data
  • #4402: .NET: typo tab Reports information line and Eut information
  • #4393: .NET: Not all TSF files are deleted leaving a messed up EUT file and test summary
  • #4383: .NET: confusing highlight selection
  • #4376: .NET: LLF is not correctly showed
  • #4373: .NET: when closing 'Select TSF'-window the 'New TSF'-window is opened
  • #4367: .NET: crash after closing an adjusted test
  • #4366: .NET: not possible to Save TSF when adjusting a test
  • #4365: .NET: no 'save changes?' is asked when closing an adjusted test
  • #4362: .NET: no units for modulation settings
  • #4360: .NET: adjustment of constant power settings is not correctly done
  • #4348: .NET: report generator arrow up/down doesn't work
  • #4347: .NET: report generator can't use whole selection
  • #4344: .NET: object reference error when using peak info table
  • #4343: .NET: row is shifting up completely
  • #4339: .NET: deleting a TSF file from list causes crash
  • #4335: The up and down buttons in the Report Generator Configuration window are not working
  • #4330: .NET: crash when test is directly closed after message
  • #4318: .NET: some columns are reduced to an unreadable size
  • #4315: .NET: some buttons, labels and text are misplaced
  • #4314: .NET: when re-opening test re-selecting test equipment is needed
  • #4313: .NET: folder name is changed to no description available
  • #4312: .NET: screen unexpectedly disappear to background
  • #4311: column width, location and sorting are unexpectedly changed
  • #4310: sorting peak table information is illogical
  • #4292: Can't include tests for X+k*s calculation
  • #4289: .NET: Show Pulse Shape has wrong default window size/can be full resized in ESD, EFT and Surge
  • #4288: Absence tab labels in ESD setting window
  • #4266: Error and 'Loading Data' with ESD testing
  • #4228: Issues frequency range, axis is not aligned ESMI receiver
  • #4225: Issue Walter and Golterman field sensor EMR300
  • #4203: Ignored settings powermeter gives incorrect measurement
  • #4197: Send Crash dump dialog is shown when RadiMation is closed with visible sequence file
  • #4191: HP33250A signal generator switching between -22 and -56dBm
  • #4185: Readout of WG EMR 30 is not working
  • #4138: Driver: Frankonia FC 05
  • #4036: How should the CISPR25 measurement (with dBuV unit) be performed?
  • #3813: using kV instead of v unit in ESD test
  • #3712: Peak table sorting by frequency does not work correctly
  • #3710: Sorting of peak table not saved
  • #3638: Driver: Rohde & Schwarz HFH2-Z2
  • #3600: sorting of peak table
  • #3483: Sorting peaks according to frequency does not work correctly
  • #2556: Changing different templates in the report window
  • #1833: The peak-list at the end of the measurement should be sorted automatically (by Frequency)

RadiMation version 2012.1.22

  • #4408: .NET: wrong frequencies measured during final peak measurement
  • #4405: .NET: changes EUT info not recognized: no save confirmation
  • #4404: .NET: specify error to 'can't write to file' or change in warning
  • #4403: .NET: adjust the default row width
  • #4395: .NET: Coax set Probably an unknown RadiMation Error
  • #4382: Auto launch RadiMation doesn't close setup
  • #4375: .NET: report generator creates strange signs
  • #4369: Driver: PMM EP-600 with X, Y and Z-axis support
  • #4350: .NET: report generator can't open when clicking on the Template file
  • #4323: Information check failed error should be warning
  • #4279: Wrong numeric data is exported
  • #3931: Easily create a reference graph in emission measurements
  • #3688: showing old measurement results during new measurement
  • #3246: How to get the displayed data

RadiMation version 2012.1.21

  • #4416: Change build-up of image points graph to logarithmic

RadiMation version 2012.1.20

  • #4381: Driver: PMM EP-603
  • #4357: .NET: modulation can't be turned off
  • #4353: final peak measurement is done on wrong frequency with ESI40
  • #2635: Starting level is not used when disabling the power delivery test
  • #2630: Powerdelivery test cannot be disabled for Amplifier harmonic radical test
  • #2113: Driver: RadiGen

RadiMation version 2012.1.19

  • #4355: RadiPower is not detected correctly if NI-VISA is not installed
  • #4351: .NET: report generator error object reference
  • #4349: RadiPower device driver raises error: VISA received more event information of the specified type than the configured queue size could hold
  • #4342: .NET: incompatibility of test results
  • #4341: Driver: HI-6100 Field Monitor
  • #4334: Driver: Amplifier Research FM 5004 communication issue
  • #4331: When CTRL+A is pressed some unknown windows are shown
  • #4327: Activate the calculated gain regulation as the default amplifier regulation
  • #4326: .NET: improve view table information
  • #4325: .NET: enlarge name information
  • #4322: .NET: crash and wrong window name customer database configuration
  • #4309: .NET: user color and thickness settings are not working
  • #4308: .NET: equipment list is not updated
  • #4295: Advanced options hows items as bold when it shouldn't
  • #4294: Can't remove last EUT Information
  • #4293: Remove new EUT Information does delete all
  • #4291: Can't add Basic or Product standards
  • #4286: Crash while checking communication R&S FSH3
  • #4234: RadiCentre: unknown device type
  • #4233: Readout of the RadiMate 4 hangs for a minute
  • #4190: Zero frequency issue in the graph, testing from 40Hz

RadiMation version 2012.1.18

  • #4363: Starting Level Signal generator can't be configurated
  • #4297: Report Generator settings unexpectedly pop-up the Select template window
  • #4296: Scrolling is disabled in EUT Information window
  • #4249: Window dimensions of settings can be completely resized
  • #4247: Display graph isn't working properly
  • #4206: RadiMation is deleting the wrong test files
  • #4078: Driver: HI6153

RadiMation version 2012.1.17

  • #4298: Frequency range error NBM-520 Broadband Field Meter
  • #4263: Claim that AR 50S1G4 doesn't exist
  • #4262: Driver: Amplifier AR 40S1G4
  • #4240: Error when calibration file is selected that is using another amplifier
  • #4239: Not practical to have Multiband tests in a sequence
  • #4229: Standard button selection after opening test data from EUT
  • #4227: Driver: EMCO 5402 GTEM Cell
  • #4224: Error report generation Data can not be pasted in Excel
  • #4199: Showing the height graph in the RE Multiband test crashes the software
  • #4192: Verify if CS106 test is not supported by RadiMation
  • #3738: GUI pauses RI test

RadiMation version 2012.1.15

  • #4222: Several errors with .NET version on Windows XP

RadiMation version 2012.1.11

  • #4186: Command error (4198) during generation of report

RadiMation version 2012.1.9

  • #4142: Testsite in band in multiband emission is reactivated even when no peaks should be detected
  • #2952: Checkbox is not grayed out when viewing test results of Pulsed Immunity EFT

RadiMation version 2012.1.6

  • #4080: Vertical grid lines of the graph are drawn on top of the measurements, which could hide measurement results
  • #3457: Multiband menu name change
  • #3396: Status screen to small for messages
  • #2674: Popup menu in multiband test with list of test-sites is not sorted
  • #611: Immunity Manual mode directly accessible from main menu

RadiMation version 2012.1.4

  • #4438: .NET: two menu options will open same window
  • #4287: Mast sometimes doesn't move with HD100 antenna controller
  • #4178: TDEMI IF-Overload check

RadiMation version 2011.1.5

  • #3453: The "Status" column, in the "Test Initialisation" dialog, is not sized correctly by default
  • #2541: RF setting of the marconi 2023 does not check for errors

RadiMation version 5.9.0

  • #3829: Driver for Amplifier Bonn BSA1050-250/100
  • #3828: Unit is single band graph do not change after changing the unit in the unit configuration of the result file
  • #3824: Configurable alarm detection is always reporting alarm, even when the correct response is returned.
  • #3819: Network Analyser EUT Calibration, using a R&S ZVK, crashes with an overflow
  • #3782: Driver: Antenna Schwarzbeck STLP 9128D and Elektromectrics EM 6954
  • #3780: Driver: Pre amplifier Schwarzbeck BBV 9718
  • #3755: RadiMation is setting up the ESPI with incorrect RBW during CI-testing
  • #3746: Peak zoom-in doesn't seem to work in multiband emission
  • #3745: Turntable doesn't turn a complete turn when it starts on a negative angle
  • #3736: I can not select apply modulation outside dwell time when selecting pulse
  • #3735: Driver: SCHWARZBECK TEMZ 5231
  • #3734: Driver: schwarzbeck antenna's FESP 5132 + FESP 5133-7/41
  • #3732: Driver: Milmega Rf1000
  • #3724: Radisense 4 over RS232 does not set the filter setting
  • #3720: During emission test: crosses instead of line
  • #3701: Multiband Radiated Emission: Default value in dropdown list for Turntable Angle specifies 235°
  • #3652: Driver: Kalmus LA200U
  • #3651: Driver: Kalmus 122FC
  • #3637: Driver: Logimetrics AN 8100Q
  • #3636: Driver: Logimetrics AN8200G
  • #3615: Multiband-Conducted Immunity: data is not displayed
  • #3544: Device driver for Narda NBM550 uses the wrong baudrate
  • #3447: Conducted Immunity Tests are slow in 5.5.7 in comparison to 5.3.18
  • #3354: CARAD interface: two commands get combined to one
  • #2597: In multiband immunity the cancel button only reacts on the end of the dwelltime
  • #507: Overload indication of an analyser/receiver is not detected

RadiMation version 5.8.39

  • #4411: VISA error while using USB communication for device