The Configurable Switch Matrix device driver is a Switch Matrix which is supported by RadiMation®.
For all text field applies: when a text field is left empty, no command is being send at that time.
Device Driver
Text field to specify the reset command. The command is send to the device during the test initialization.
Text field to specify the initialize command. The command is send to the device during the test initialization.
Get ID
Text field to specify the *IDN? query. The command is send to the device during the device check.
Returned ID
Text field to specify the expected respond to have the Get ID compared with. The string is used during the device check in case a query is specified.
Text field to specify the deinitialize command. The command is send to the device during the test deinitialization.
Operation Complete
Wait for Operation Completion after sending command(s)
This will append the *OPC? to the commands being send.
The following fields can be specified to send commands at each event. In several of the commands a keyword can be specified, which will be replaced by the actual value.
Test started
Test stopped
Frequency changed
Keyword __freq__ will be replaced by the frequency in MHz.
Carrier Level changed
Keyword __carrier__, will be replaced by the carrier level in dBm.
Dwell-time started
Dwell-time stopped
Modulation on
Modulation off
The following fields can be specified to send commands at each event. Depending on the event, the keyword __result__ can be used and is replaced by a value. For example: "My forward power is __result__dBm" will be replaced by: "My forward power is -3.15dBm".
Before Forward Power
After Forward Power
Keyword __result__ will be replaced by measured Forward power in dBm.
Before Reflected Power
After Reflected Power
Keyword __result__ will be replaced by measured Reflected power in dBm.
Net Forward Power
Keyword __result__ will be replaced by measured Net power in dBm
Field Sensor
Keyword __result__ will be replaced by measured Field strength in V/m
The following fields can be specified to send commands at each event.
Antenna Tower
Antenna Tower started
Antenna Tower stopped
Antenna Tower changed
Antenna Tower polarization
Turntable started
Turntable stopped
Turntable changed
In all of the commands, it is also possible to include a keyword to insert the latest known value of another measurement value. Several keywords are available can be included in these commands. When one of these keywords is detected, it will be replaced by the corresponding value.
keyword |
inserted value
__freq__ |
the signal generator frequency expressed in MHz
__freqHz__ |
the signal generator frequency expressed in Hz
__freqkHz__ |
the signal generator frequency expressed in kHz
__freqMHz__ |
the signal generator frequency expressed in MHz
__freqGHz__ |
the signal generator frequency expressed in GHz
__carrier__ |
the signal generator carrier level expressed in dBm
__carrierdBm__ |
the signal generator carrier level expressed in dBm
__carrierW__ |
the signal generator carrier level expressed in Watt
__carriermW__ |
the signal generator carrier level expressed in milli-Watt
__forward__ |
the forward power expressed in dBm
__forwarddBm__ |
the forward power expressed in dBm
__forwardW__ |
the forward power expressed in Watt
__forwardmW__ |
the forward power expressed in milli-Watt
__reflected__ |
the reflected power expressed in dBm
__reflecteddBm__ |
the reflected power expressed in dBm
__reflectedW__ |
the reflected power expressed in Watt
__reflectedmW__ |
the reflected power expressed in milli-Watt
__height__ |
the height where the antenna is moving to expressed in metre
__heightm__ |
the height where the antenna is moving to expressed in metre
__heightcm__ |
the height where the antenna is moving to expressed in centimetre
__angle__ |
the angle where the turntable is turning to expressed in degrees
__degree__ |
the angle where the turntable is turning to expressed in degrees
__radian__ |
the angle where the turntable is turning to expressed in radians
Some remarks should be taken into account with these keywords:
- the keywords are case sensitive,
- the latest known value at that moment will be used,
- if no value is known at all, the keyword will not be replaced, and will remain in the command,
- the values are transmitted in non-scientific notation, and will use a '.' as a decimal point.