Release Notes/Solved items Version 2024.1
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RadiMation version 2024.1.10[edit]
Solved items[edit]
- #13537: When saving files fewer intermediate temporary files are created and then deleted again.
- #14555: Improved R&S NRT configuration screen and added option checking
- #15491: Fix rotate maturo turntable from 0 to 360 degrees
- #15665: The 'Save as' menu for a new TSF file now loads much faster when there are many directories and files.
- #15690: Configurable EUT controller now replaces the correct __polarisation__ value
- #15717: R&S NRT Calibration table selection added
- #15739: Fix Maturo does not start movement
RadiMation version 2024.1.9[edit]
- #14901: Add reseller: TM Technology
- #15096: Question about Antenna spurious and harmonics test
- #15101: Fix amplitude unit preset for keysight series X analyzers
- #15116: Do not control stirrers in emission test where they are not applicable
- #15146: RS ESW/ESU/ESRP can now enable the max hold trace in the driver configuration
- #15203: Fix preset keysight series X analyzers
- #15248: Fixed 'array out of bounds' error
- #15286: Fixed an issue where opening test results could hang due to a deadlock
- #15289: Fixed 'array out of bounds' error
- #15302: Fix cannot start test Emission burst test in free mode
- #15310: Configurable device driver to update test specific general information
- #15321: Add reseller Protea
- #15343: Driver: Anapico APULN20
- #15352: VI window signal generator carrier frequency combobox width is not reduced when reducing the window width
- #15358: Allow factory power ofset for the RPR 4006R
- #15376: Forward power not reaching targeted power level
- #15379: APC Technology Group (previously MDL) is not listed in SOFTKEY
- #15394: Driver RadiSense RSS2060S
- #15406: RPR4000 implement the command to read the offset
- #15415: Driver: Multicomp pro MP730027
- #15421: Driver: Teseq CBA 6G-050D
- #15431: HP34401A multimeter does not switch to AC measurement
- #15434: Tested RadiPower 4000 series new firmware 4.3.0
- #15437: Driver Rohde & Schwarz SMJ100A
- #15438: Avoid execution of duplicate measurement commands
- #15442: Datadebugger shows multiple Identifiers combined in eachother in the datastorage elements
- #15449: Frankonia FC 06: communication delay of tower is overruled by turntable
- #15465: Pecos 7 AD-Converter driver does not work
- #15483: Prana N-MT 500 D error
- #15485: Customized printout template with extension other than word documents are working again
- #15489: Fix for crash when Teseq CBA D series driver is used
- #15517: I/O error when reading the power from an NRP18A
- #15521: Test cannot be regulated within tolerance
- #15534: Fix Teseq CBA4K400M-100E raises timeout on IDN query
- #15539: Correctly switch the relays of Teseq ITS6006
- #15543: Driver Vectawave VBA 1000-2000
- #15544: Driver: Vectawave VBA 250-2000
- #15545: Driver: Vectawave VBA 3100 series amplifier
- #15546: Generating a report of this test after the test does work only with word document
- #15555: Prana MT400 timeout error
- #15559: Prana Driver timeout error
- #15560: Driver: Rohde & Schwarz RTE 1104
- #15572: OPHIR GRF 5041
- #15577: R&S ESRP 7 communication error
- #15581: EP-603 Isotropic Electric Field Probe
- #15582: Add Bonn BLMA Amplifiers Device driver
- #15583: NRP18AN Communication via USB to SMB100A
- #15584: UCS 500 M4 Surge CNI 503 increase wait time when switching memory banks
- #15617: how to show the VSWR on the table
- #15633: Spectrum analyzer Rigol RSA5065N - two sweep
- #15640: BONN BSA 1040-250/150 does not switch into Operate mode
- #15647: Creating a multiband surge test with certain culture settings is working now.
- #15651: Teseq CBA 4K400M enable connection sharing
- #15655: SMR 20 now raises an error when the option B11 is missing under 1 GHz
- #15664: Fixed an issue where opening test results could hang due to a deadlock
- #15668: Rohde & Schwarz SMA 100A: To use the Rohde & Schwarz SMR below 1 GHz, option B11 is required.
- #15669: Value cannot be null error during execution of EFT tests
- #15674: Rohde & Schwarz SMA 100A: checks for non supported option
RadiMation version 2024.1.8[edit]
- #15208: Don't send BAND:AUTO commands for the RS FSW
- #15262: The default filter setting of the RadiSense RSS2000-series and ETS-Lindgren EMSense-series probes will be set to the default filter of the fieldprobe
- #15277: Update documentation regarding configuration of the serial number for Mini-Circuits GHS powermeters
- #15290: SMCV100B Include password in lock command for firmware version 5.30 and higher
- #15305: Add support for pulse modulated analysers as power meters
- #15311: Printouts did not show graphs, this is fixed now.
- #15324: NRP18A Power Sensor is slow sometimes
- #15333: Printouts did not show graphs, this is fixed now.
- #15338: The default baud rate of amplifier TESEQ CBA4K400M-100E is 115200
- #15341: Unable to download RadiMation from the website
- #15390: How to speed up power measurements with the R&S ESRP
- #15439: INNCO CO2000 Turn table should use UNIT_2 to address device 1.
- #15589: Regulation of power with thermo-couple HP 437B powerhead is improved and stable
- #15646: Teseq CBA 4K400M E series, enable connection sharing
RadiMation version 2024.1.7[edit]
- #14719: Fix switching of the R&S OSP
- #14794: Data files and TSF files from 2020.0.x can be opened again.
- #15095: Driver: Haefely AXOS 5
- #15103: Add reseller: Altoo
- #15106: RadiMation force closes when setting up GPIB connection to Keithley DMM7510
- #15137: Frankonia FPD-REM is now controlled using a single command byte
- #15138: Frankonia RSU: No mutex error is raised anymore
- #15139: Check of Frankonia VLH 500B1 amplifier is improved
- #15142: Check of Frankonia VLH-series amplifier is further improved when controlled over GPIB
- #15143: Check of Frankonia VLH-series amplifiers, using GPIB over VISA is improved
- #15144: R&S SMB100B is not sending the AM-off command anymore, if the AM modulation option is not present
- #15152: R&S FSW do not send BAND:AUTO ON in zero span
- #15161: Report Templates, Test Case overview
- #15163: Frankonia FPD-REM improve default wait time
- #15166: Implemented an extra switch state check for the Frankonia RSU
- #15168: Do not send *GTL at deinitialize of Teseq ITS-6006
- #15171: Report Generator - Monitoring table of the used AD converters
- #15172: SMA100A minimum carrier incorrectly determined
- #15175: Add RadiCoupler drivers
- #15175: Remove duplicated injection devices.
- #15183: Include test status column for the PI sequence overview table
- #15192: R&S FSW do not send BAND:AUTO ON in zero span
- #15212: VBW selection is not shown anymore for the Raditeq RPR4006R powermeter
- #15218: Show RadiMation QLogo on limit line configuration forms
- #15225: Improve parralel detector selection for the R&S FPL1000 driver
- #15226: When switching to receiver mode use the unmapped original RBW value
- #15241: Detect if the PECOS software license does not allow remote XML interface support
- #15265: Improved the error message when the canoe registry item is missing
- #15267: Driver: Mini-Circuits PWR-4GHS
- #15269: Add Frankonia EFS-300 field probe
- #15276: Block old dongles
- #15283: Invalid Password
RadiMation version 2024.1.6[edit]
- #13074: Improve resolution calculation for the AFJ FFT3110 receiver
- #14070: Manual shows example on how to export an angle indexed graph
- #14258: Audivo Pecos 7.1 support
- #14459: Add pulsed immunity sequence overview keyword to export sequence configuration to a table
- #14695: Driver: Audivo Pecos 7.1
- #14750: Improve detection of RadiMation license keys
- #14868: Calibration file name creator now also has a test level description option
- #14490: A report generator keyword which can output a test overview of an EUT in table format
- #15058: CI calibrations use the same report functionality as the RI calibration document
- #15063: Attenuation system test can now generate reports after the test is already performed
- #15065: correctionfile copy-paste unit tests should not use the actual clipboard
- #15085: Add pulsed immunity sequence overview report generator keyword
- #15123: Update of RadiField firmware prevents bricking of the plugin card
- #15132: License key is sometimes detected as Essential even though it is a Pro license
- #15133: Software protection key error without valid license
- #15165: Report Generator for pulsed results
RadiMation version 2024.1.5[edit]
- #11944: Correctly maximize the PI ESD configuration window
- #13818: Driver: Milmega AS0860-030D
- #14151: Improve multiple dongle management in RadiMation
- #14537: Take additional 10% of the sweeptime for the rigol RSA
- #14873: Driver: Vectawave VBA230-25 amplifier
- #14940: Do not re-enable the timer to measure inputs when an error occured.
- #14960: How to use SQL queries to insert customized tables in reports
- #14964: Add preamp status command to the PMM 9000 driver
- #14966: Multiband testing datapoint are filterable under unexpected setting combinations
- #14974: Prana N-DT310/220 amplifier can be controlled over ethernet
- #14975: Control of Prana N-DT310/220 amplifier is now using RFON/RFOFF command set
- #14976: Prana Ampliers can now be controlled by RS232 and USB port
- #14978: Default socket port of an ethernet controlled Prana amplifier is set to be 23
- #14979: Improved retrieval of actual status of ethernet controlled Prana amplifiers
- #14980: Improved Ethernet communication with Prana amplifiers
- #14988: Improved RS232 communication with the Prana amplifiers, resolving 'unknown system errors'
- #14999: Prevent inclusion of unexpected graphlines when a trailing seperator is added to the keyword
- #15000: RS3018U Wait for laser to start when the device is reset.
- #15022: Integration NI USB-6525 in RadiMation
- #15024: Add range selection for the DT 310/220 amplifier
- #15066: Do not show 1 Hz for generic messages in the event log
- #15081: Unittest Start_ShouldFindFiles_WhenNewFileAppear also succeeds if not all created files are detected
- #15084: AutoDetectNewDriverWatcher does not report every created driver
- #15093: Driver: Frankonia FPD-REM
- #15102: Compiler warnings with VS 2022 when compiling Cryptopp: _SILENCE_STDEXT_ARR_ITERS_DEPRECATION_WARNING
- #15105: Driver: Schwarzbeck CDN M5PE 32 A
- #15107: Driver: RadiSense RSS2018S
- #15112: ESL 6 Scanning Receiver: Pre-amplifier does not activate
- #15114: RadiMation free cannot measure above 10 GHz in free mode
- #15122: Improved handling of temporary files on the network
- #15125: Build RadiMation 2024.1.5
- #15128: Set correct link to application notes
RadiMation version 2024.1.4[edit]
- #14576: Communication improvements with the Boonton 4220(A) power meters
- #14904: 10 second timeout is prevented when Maturo FCU clamp mover starts moving
- #14944: Improvements to starting virtual instruments tests
- #14951: Detection of available axes on a Maturo FCU controller is improved
- #14952: measurement issue by using ESR 26 Spectrum analyzer input 1
- #14956: Fix loading calibration files created in 2024.1.2
- #14959: Detection of the state of the preamplifier of the PMM9010 is improved
- #14965: Value of retrieved preamplifier gain is shown correctly in RadiLog
- #14967: Application Note 159: How to create nicely formatted tables in a report
RadiMation version 2024.1.3[edit]
- #12772: Application note 147: MIL-STD RE101
- #13138: Objects used together must be created from the same factory instance
- #13425: Fix error: Objects used together must be created from the same factory instance
- #13651: Fix update of plugin card is not working correctly in a multislot RadiCentre
- #13758: The progress of the software update of a Raditeq device is only running once from 0 % to 100 %
- #13759: The dialog cannot be closed as long as the software update of a Raditeq device is busy
- #13760: At the end of the software update of Raditeq device a messagebox is shown
- #13761: During the software update of a Raditeq device a message is shown that the update is busy
- #13984: Fix error Objects used together must be created from the same factory instance
- #13998: Fix error objects used together must be created from the same factory instance
- #14365: Loading previous Reverberation calibration files shows all the information again
- #14483: 'Suggest an improvement' redirects to the RadiMation download page
- #14498: Antenna distance exported from Multiband Calibration matches with the antenna distance used during the test
- #14507: UFA calculation stores logarithmic step frequency into resulting CAL file
- #14567: Add reseller ASTAT
- #14589: Keysight E4446A factory preset type is set during the initialisation
- #14617: Terminator is correctly skipped in binary response of Narda PMM600
- #14620: CI system calibration does not allow to set a constant current with decimals e.g. 7.5 mA
- #14632: Fix hiding controls on the virtual instrument window
- #14633: Fix display of controls on Virtual instrument window
- #14636: Fix auto triggering of RSS3018U is not performed
- #14653: FSV40 correctly set the center frequency in final measurement mode
- #14677: Driver: ETS-Lindgren HI-6023
- #14678: Add reseller Comtest SRL
- #14679: Check for system errors in NRT power meter driver
- #14694: Log the new operation mode when it is changed
- #14716: Software update can be be performed on Raditeq RadiSense Ultra
- #14731: Add reseller Netscope RM
- #14760: Fix Logging when directory configuration does not match CONFDVDR directory configuration
- #14764: Update packages
- #14768: Updates to assembly info
- #14769: Fix amplifier initialisation display mismatch
- #14772: Fix freezing when closing MB with open event window
- #14773: Improve PMM9010 communication by clear communication buffers around commands
- #14805: SRM3006 Correctly handle '\r' characters and use ';' as termination only
- #14826: Fix object used together must be created from the same factory instance
- #14855: A saved reverberation calibration file is not triggering a file corrupted error anymore
- #14872: Do not show the stirrer in the signal generator list
- #14884: More retries added to handle sudden disconnects and timeouts for Maturo FCU
- #14890: Prevented deadlock in pulsed immunity multiband EFT test
- #14899: Support for windows 10 enterprise LTSC 2019 x64 17763
- #14917: Drivers added for Raditeq RadiPol RPL3001L, RPL3001H and RPL3001R
- #14928: Resolved a problem that < 1 ms differences between different timing loops are present
RadiMation version 2024.1.2[edit]
- #8756: Virtual Instrument amplifier window. Triangle button is not drawing a triangle
- #12693: A correction file that is opened by a restricted engineer can still be modified by using TAB
- #13711: Fix for error 'Error: Objects used together must be created from the same factory instance. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x88990012)'
- #13819: Added EN61000-4-20:2022 UFA Calculation and TEM mode verification
- #13826: Update to DevExpress 23.2.3
- #13873: Driver: EMCO 5390 XYZ Positioner
- #13916: 2 or more calibration files can be opened at the same time again
- #13921: Show the default button in the Raditeq skin more distinctive
- #13967: Keysight N9038A: Alignment status is not checked during test
- #14030: Consecutive tables in a generated report are not merged anymore
- #14150: Simplify selection of the type of the RadiCentre when a RadiCentre Ultra 8 is controlled
- #14283: On/Off buttons should not behave as toggle buttons
- #14315: Textboxes in word templates disappear
- #14323: Driver: Rohde & Schwarz SMB100M
- #14331: A readonly TSF file can still be saved by selecting 'Are you sure to replace it?'
- #14354: Objects used together must be created from the same factory instance. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x88990012)
- #14411: RadiCentre selection is always set to 'RadiCentre Ultra'
- #14413: Raise warning when main template is used as test specific template
- #14419: Returned value of SwitchHoldContinuousOff is always ignored
- #14437: Error while measuring with R&S FPC1500
- #14438: Objects used together must be created from the same factory instance
- #14438: Objects used together must be created from the same factory instance
- #14443: For RadiCentre devices when directly connected to the pc it is not possible to change the baudrate
- #14443: Allow baudrate change for RadiCentre1 devices connected by RS232
- #14444: No response from directly connected RadiPower
- #14446: Error while clicking table
- #14451: Fixed firmware check for the RPR2006C
- #14453: Improve battery check speed for raditower
- #14470: Error opening EUT calibration test graph "attenuation"
- #14472: Implemented a check if the Maturo FCU is enabled and referenced
- #14516: AR75S1G6C was not going to operate
- #14518: No stirrer driver in test site in normal RI MB closed loop test
- #14520: Amplifier not powering on
- #14523: Allow internal and external AM sine and square wave modulation for the R&S SMF100A generator
- #14547: Copying a limit line file table does not consider the unit when pasted into another limit line file
- #14552: Not possible to copy and paste the address information
- #14554: Driver does not read power anymore during zero operation.
- #14564: Objects used together must be created from the same factory instance. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x88990012)
- #14568: Objects used together must be created from the same factory instance. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x88990012)
- #14583: RadiSense Ultra: Add hidden advanced ability to skip range selection
- #14583: RadiSense Ultra should wait until probe is active after laser is activated
- #14584: Agilent ESG-D (E4431B) is automatically switching int/ext reference.
- #14590: Allow pasting correction data in units different from the receiving correction file
RadiMation version 2024.1.1[edit]
- #12009: Support 64 bit time stamps
- #14039: Switching band in a RI MB test using a stepper with a frequency list can be slow
- #14134: Add antenna efficiency setting to all antenna device drives.
- #14163: Objects used together must be created from the same factory instance. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x88990012)
- #14269: Controls on reverberation calibration configuration window are incorrectly aligned
- #14270: Description on the reverberation calibration configuration window is unexpected.
- #14271: Add validator if 'allowed deviation' is selected
- #14272: Add validator if at least one field probe input is selected
- #14273: Add a validator if at least one testlevel is selected
- #14274: Positioning of the field probe cannot be changed in the change order
- #14278: 'Save Calibration As' dialog is shown if reverberation calibration takes longer than 5 minutes
- #14281: Overflow is prevented when searching very large arrays
- #14292: Allignment of radiated immunity related test configurations forms
- #14320: Remove PropertyChanged events in settingbase class