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[[Image: {{{DeviceType}}} front.jpg|thumb|Front view of a {{{DeviceType}}}]] [[Image: {{{DeviceType}}} back.jpg|thumb|Back view of a {{{DeviceType}}}]] The {{{DeviceType}}} device driver is a [[]] which is supported by RadiMation.


This information about an equipment is automatically generated from the list of supported device drivers from RadiMation.
If you need more information you can contact radimation-support@raditeq.com.

This template is used to show the details of a supported device driver. Possible named arguments are:

  • DeviceBrand: The brand of the device (also known as the manufacturer)
  • DeviceType: The type of the device (the type-number/description)
  • DLLFile: The name of the DLL in which the device driver is included
  • SupportedDeviceTypes: The numeric encoding of the supported device types
  • DeviceDriverName: The internal device driver name
  • HideAutoData: If the automatic 'guessed' data should be hidden (1: Hides the data)
  • GenericPage: The name of the page with some generic data of this device (which is used to group information of a serie of similar devices)