How to perform a MIL-STD CS114, Conducted susceptibility, bulk cable injection test[edit]
This application note explains how the MIL-STD CS114, Conducted susceptibility, bulk cable injection test can be performed with RadiMation®
The exact requirements and test methods for the CS114 are specified in the MIL-STD-461.
Necessary equipment[edit]
The following devices are necessary to run this test:
- Signal generator
- Amplifier
- Coupler
- Forward power meter
- Reflected power meter (optionally)
- Current sensor
- Sensor power meter / Analyser
- 50 Ohm load
- 50 Ohm attenuator
- Current injection device
- Current injection calibration jig (Calibration fixture)
- Cable drivers with corrections
Configuration of the test sites[edit]
The configuration of the calibration test site should contain the following devices:
Device name |
Tab in testsite configuration window |
Signal generator |
Devices 1 |
The signal generator to use
Amplifier |
Devices 1 |
The amplifier to use
Coupler |
Devices 1 |
The coupler to use
Forward power meter |
Devices 1 |
The forward power meter to use
Reflected power meter |
Devices 1 |
The reflected power meter to use (optionally)
Sensor power meter |
Devices 2 |
The power meter or analyser to use for measuring the current
Current sensor |
Devices 2 |
The current sensor to use with transfer factor attached to the driver
Injection device |
Devices 2 |
The injection clamp to use
Jig |
Devices 2 |
The jig to use
Cable current -> power meter |
Cables |
Cable (1) with a correction file specified for the cable loss
Cable current -> power meter |
Cables |
Cable (2) with the specified loss of the used attenuator
Cable current -> power meter |
Cables |
Cable (3) with a correction file specified for the cable loss
The configuration of the verification test site should contain the following devices:
Device name |
Tab in testsite configuration window |
Signal generator |
Devices 1 |
The signal generator to use
Amplifier |
Devices 1 |
The amplifier to use
Coupler |
Devices 1 |
The coupler to use
Forward power meter |
Devices 1 |
The forward power meter to use
Reflected power meter |
Devices 1 |
The reflected power meter to use (optionally)
Sensor power meter |
Devices 2 |
The power meter or analyser to use for measuring the current
Current sensor |
Devices 2 |
The current sensor to use with transfer factor attached to the driver
Injection device |
Devices 2 |
The injection clamp to use
Cable current -> power meter |
Cables |
Cable (1) with a correction file specified for the cable loss
Cable current -> power meter |
Cables |
Cable (2) with the specified loss of the used attenuator
Cable current -> power meter |
Cables |
Cable (3) with a correction file specified for the cable loss
EUT Testing[edit]
The configuration of the eut test site should contain the following devices:
Device name |
Tab in testsite configuration window |
Signal generator |
Devices 1 |
The signal generator to use
Amplifier |
Devices 1 |
The amplifier to use
Coupler |
Devices 1 |
The coupler to use
Forward power meter |
Devices 1 |
The forward power meter to use
Reflected power meter |
Devices 1 |
The reflected power meter to use (optionally)
Sensor power meter |
Devices 2 |
The power meter or analyser to use for measuring the current
Current sensor |
Devices 2 |
The current sensor to use with transfer factor attached to the driver
Injection device |
Devices 2 |
The injection clamp to use
Cable current -> power meter |
Cables |
Cable (1) with a correction file specified for the cable loss
Cable current -> power meter |
Cables |
Cable (2) with the specified loss of the used attenuator
Cable current -> power meter |
Cables |
Cable (3) with a correction file specified for the cable loss
Calibration procedure[edit]
Create a correction file for the test level[edit]
First create a correction file in RadiMation® and specify the applicable test level (See 'TABLE IV CS114 limit curves.' and 'FIGURE CS114-1. CS114 calibration limits.').
In this example the limits for 'Aircraft (External or safety critcal) / Curve 5 are configured.
Make sure to remove the Correction column and add the Current column with the unit set to dBuV.
Create calibration test setup files[edit]
There are three frequency ranges that have to be calibrated with the following settings (see TABLE III).
Band |
Frequency range |
Step size
Band 1 |
10 kHz - 1 MHz |
5 %
Band 2 |
1 MHz - 30 MHz |
1 %
Band 2 |
30 MHz - 200 MHz |
0.5 %
System calibration
Conducted immunity
Create three test setup files, this example shows the settings for band 1.
The start frequency of the test. For example 10 kHz.
The stop frequency of the test. For example 1 MHz.
The frequency step, in this case 5%.
Test level
The test level, in this case current.
The variable test level, select the correction file created earlier.
The regulation tolerance.
Calibration method
Forward power.
Test equipment
Calibration test equipment.
Test engineer
The engineer that performed the calibration.
Calibration result[edit]
When the three calibrations are performed there should be three calibration files created.
Create the Test Setup File (TSF)[edit]
CS114 requires to perform a verification of the setup with the probes in the calibration setup. With this verification it is important to verify that the forward power of the calibration is followed and that the developed current is within 3 dB tolerance of the current test limit.
Conducted Immunity
Create a new multi band conducted immunity test and define three bands with the following settings:
Band |
Frequency range |
Step size
Band 1 |
10 kHz - 1 MHz |
10 %
Band 2 |
1 MHz - 30 MHz |
2 %
Band 2 |
30 MHz - 200 MHz |
1 %
Each band needs a test level defined with the test level "Current substitution method" and the appropriate calibration file attached.
Make sure to select the same "Power Method" as done during the calibration, in this case "Forward Power".
Next to the test level add an input "Current sensor", this will ensure that the current is measured during the test.
The start frequency of the test. For example 10 kHz.
The stop frequency of the test. For example 1 MHz.
Frequency Step
The frequency step, see
Dwell Time
The dwell time specified see TABLE II.
Frequency Change Mode
Modulation is optional during the verification.
Test equipment
The equipment needed for the verification.
Location Type
Injection clamp.
Test Level
Specify the current substitution method.
Add the current sensor as an input.
Run the verification test[edit]
When all settings are configured press Start Test to run the verification test.
Verification result[edit]
With the result of the verification it should be possible to determine if the measured current is within the 3 dB tolerance of the current test limit as specified in
EUT Testing[edit]