RadiMation Application Note 101

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Optimize Height and Optimize Angle

This Application Note will explain how the Optimize Height and Optimize Angle settings can be configured in RadiMation. It is used when performing the Radiated Emission measurements.


In this application note detailed explanations of the specific functionalities ‘Optimize Angle’ and ‘Optimize Height’ are described. The main purpose it to convey how it can be used during a test or to further optimize the performance of a test. The objective is to present the measurement tips and procedures to be used in practice. When applying this application note in practice we advise to use at least RadiMation 2013.x or 2014.x versions. A valid Software Protection Key with the Radiated Emission module installed is required to perform the tests. Expected end-user skill level is rated beginner or novice.

How to perform a basic Radiated Emission test?