RadiMation Application Note 117

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Updating RadiMation device drivers

RadiMation makes use of device drivers to control equipment. Besides a RadiMation release and installation, a device driver installation and version exists.
You can find the latest device drivers here: [Download]

RadiMation device drivers, will be installed to a specific RadiMation version.
For each RadiMation <version>, a seperate folder is created containg the files for this version.
RadiMation drivers are installed as a list of .DLL files that are placed in the RadiMation <version> installation folder.
When installing device drivers to a specific version, its overwrites the old .DLL device driver files.
For each updated .DLL device driver file, a backup is made to the "<RadiMation installation <version>>/backup" folder.

Incase issues occur after updating device drivers. You may copy & overwrite all the .dll device driver files from the backup folder, to the RadiMation installation folder.


Note: The RadiMation device drivers are a list of .DLL files. Each .DLL file can contain multiple drivers that are related to eachother. Often the same device-types with the same brand are combined in 1 .DLL file. Vise versa: For each device-type and brand, a seperate .DLL exists
Note: Besides drivers for RadiMation, the installation also includes drivers for windows. The windows drivers, are for equipment made by DARE!!