Template:RadiMationFAQ AnotherQuestion

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Revision as of 09:07, 14 March 2011 by Jewe (talk | contribs) (The amplitude modulated field measurement is higher then the CW test how is this possible?)
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The amplitude modulated field measurement is higher then the CW test, how is this possible?

The peak of the generated field is depending on the depth of the modulation.

For example, with 80% modulation the field is increased 1.8 times, so 10 V/m is then 18 V/m.

The field sensor is based on a voltage measurement instead of a true RMS measurement. The current generation field sensors is fast enough to partly follow the modulated signal. When looking at the display of the read out unit of the field sensor you see that the field is fluctuating when the modulation is applied.

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I have another question, that is not answered yet

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This Template is used, to repeat some very general 'I have another question?' questions in the RadiMation® FAQ.