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=Report Generator=
= Report Generator =
The [[Report Generator]] is a software module to automatically generate a test report from tests that are carried out by {{RadiMation}}. Once {{RadiMation}} had carried out a test, all collected test data is available to the {{RadiMation}} report generator, and this data can be merged into a test report.
Using the Report Generator module, a test engineer can save a huge amount of time. The Report Generator only needs a few minutes to generate a complete test report.
Test reports can be written in Microsoft Word or in Microsoft Excel. Other formats can be added on request.
== Introduction ==
The Report Generator is a software module that can automatically generate a test report from tests carried out by {{RadiMation}}. This function can save a test engineer a lot of time, since the Report Generator only needs a few minutes to generate a complete test report. These test reports can be written in Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel or Text format.
==Getting started==
The basic information needed to create to generate a test report, as well as the more specific features of the Report Generator, are explained in the following paragraphs.
Before the Report Generator module can be used, it needs to be configured.
== About the Report Generator ==
=== Template files and Report files ===
And then select the {{ScreenElement|Report Generator}} tab. The Report Generator screen will be displayed.
[[Image:Configuration ReportGenerator.png]]
The Report Generator uses two files to generate a report; the Template file and the Report file.
This screen contains only one items: The format of the template file.
The '''Report file''' is the 'output' of the Report Generator and the actual test report. It is containing all the desired data from the tests performed in the form of text, graphs, tables, etc. . Depending on the Template file, this report will be written in Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel or Text format.
Choose your favourite format and select {{ScreenElement|Close}}. The Report Generator is now configured properly.  
==Generating a report==
The '''Template file''' is the 'input' of the Report Generator. It contains the data for the Report file in the form of specific keywords. The Report Generator then replaces these keywords with test data to produce the actual test report (i.e. the Report file). Depending on the wishes of the test engineer, this file can be written in Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel or Text format.
Open an EUT and click the "Report" button on the EUT screen. This button shows the screen in which the settings can be selected.  
The Template file is not altered or destroyed when a Report file is generated. As such it can be 're-used' (as an example) for other test reports if the situation allows for it. (Great care should be taken to make sure that the content of the 're-used' Template file is suitable for the desired test report.)
[[Image:Report Generator Settings Window.png]]
Since the Template file is the foundation for the test report we recommend that you safeguard its content. Make the Template file read-only so it cannot be (accidentally) deleted or modified.
The Template file and report file may not be the same file!
Multiple 'test-specific' templates can be used instead of one 'generic' template. The biggest advantage of this option is that it simplifies the process of setting up and generating very large test reports. For more information, please read the paragraph 'Test-specific templates' (under 'Special features') further down.
=== Keywords ===
In the Template file, the test data is represented by specific keywords that tell the Report Generator which data to insert at the position of the code. These are divided into Main Keywords and Secondary Keywords.
To select a template file, select the folder button for the template. The red cross is for deleting the file selection, not the file itself. The magnifying glass is for viewing the template. If you want to print the report directly after it has been generated then check the check box for print report. If you want to edit the report then check the Edit report check box. By default all tests are included for generating a report. If you want to alter the selection press the Advanced Option button. An additional screen will be displayed like as shown above. All tests with the red checks in front will be included. Double clicking a test will alter the include/exclude selection. With the "Include All" button all tests will be included. With "Include None" all tests will be excluded from the report. "Invert Selection" will invert all the including/excluding. Selecting the "Generate" button will start the report generation process. The report will be finished in a few moments. The generation time varies between a couple of seconds for a text file to several minutes for an extensive report containing many tables and graphs in MS Word.
In the (generic) Template file these keywords are coded as followed:  {{ReportGeneratorCode| Main keyword | second keyword }}
The '''Main Keyword''' indicates the part of {{RadiMation}} from which the data must be retrieved, such as; EUT, Configuration, Radiated Immunity, etc. (A list of Main Keywords and their complementing Secondary Keywords is visible further in this chapter.)
===Template files and Report files===
The report Generator uses two files to generate a report. These two files are the Template file and the Report file. The Template file is the complete Report containing keywords. The test Data is represented by unique keywords, which tell the report generator which data to insert at the position of the code. The Report Generator changes all codes into test data and thus creates the report. This Report file is the complete test report including all test data. The Template file is not altered. It is recommended to make this Template file read-only, so no one can accidentally delete or modify this file. The Template file must exist, the Report file will be created, if it doesn’t exist. The Template file and report file may not be the same file!
The '''Second Keyword''' indicates the data that must be retrieved, such as; filename, test start time, frequency, etc. (A list of Main Keywords and their complementing Secondary Keywords is visible further in this chapter.)
===Keywords and Main Keywords===
Every Main Keyword has a set of (Secondary) Keywords that can only be used in combination with that specific Main Keyword. In many cases tests share the same Keywords even though they refer to different data. (This is not a problem because the combination of the Main and Secondary Keywords will always result in a unique code.)
A template file contains one or more unique keywords. These keywords consist of a Main Keyword and a second Keyword. The codes are of the following type: ||Main keyword | second keyword|| The Main Keyword indicates the part of {{RadiMation}} from which the data must be retrieved. The Keyword specifies the data to be merged into the report file. The Main Keyword can be:
An overview of these keywords is visible further in this chapter.
Keep in mind that:
* "Configuration" - The name of a test specified in the list in the EUT Window
* The Keywords must be spelled correctly, including spaces and other symbols.
* To separate multiple words, only one space is used.
* Keywords are not case sensitive.
* Keywords that are not recognized cannot be replaced with data.
* Unrecognized Keywords will appear in the Report file 'unchanged' (as codes).
* In a 'test-specific' template the Main Keywords are not used, (only the second keywords).
Every Main Keyword has a set of Keywords that can only be used in combination with the used Main Keyword.
==== Unrecognized Keywords ====
For example:  
If a Keyword is not recognized the test engineer will be alerted to this error in the 'settings screen' of the Report Generator. This might occur when:
The EUT Main Keyword can use the keyword "Serial Number", but the "Serial Number" keyword is not supported by the "Configuration" Main Keyword. A list of Keywords is given in the succeeding paragraphs of in this manual.
* The Keyword is spelled incorrectly.
The keywords must be spelled correctly, including spaces and other symbols. To separate multiple words, only one space is used. Keywords and Main keywords are not case sensitive. When a Keyword or Main Keyword is not recognised, or when there is no test data available for this Keyword or Main keyword, the code will not be altered. The test engineer will be given a message in the settings screen of the Report Generator. One failure will be added to the total amount of failures. If a template file is altered, or the test-name has changed, the test engineer should search a generated report for codes from the template file for he may have used codes that contain no data or are not recognised by the Report Generator.
* The data it refers to does not exist/no longer exists.
* The data it refers to does not exist/no longer exists in the specified location.
* The data it refers to does not exist/no longer exists under the specified name.
===Available Report Generator Codes for EUT's===
Errors are easily located by searching the test report (i.e. Report file) for the characters "||". Once found these can be deleted, or changed into a correct code. If the Report Generator is executed once again, (using the modified file as the template), the Report Generator should generate the report without errors (not replaced keywords).
The Main keyword for EUT data is "EUT". All data entered in the EUT Window in {{RadiMation}} can be merged into a report file. All data can be merged as single lines of text or in tables. Tables are supported for Client data, Manufacturer data and Test site data. In addition, a table with all information can be merged.
== Generating a report ==
===Available Report Generator Keywords===
Generating a report is a three step process. First you (make and) select a Template file to use as the foundation for your report. Then you set-up the desired Report Generator settings. Lastly you generate (and check) the test report (i.e. the Report file).
As different tests use different equipment and perform different actions each test has its own set of keywords. In many cases tests share the same keywords although this will refer to different data as the combination of main keyword and secondary keyword will always result in a unique combination.
If the test report contains an error or is not to your liking for some reason, it can be altered. Please read the following paragraphs for more information about 'generating a report'.  
Errors are easily located by searching the report for the characters "||". Once found these can be deleted, or changed into an existing code. If the Report Generator is executed once again, using the modified file as the template, the Report Generator will finish the report without errors.
We also recommend that you read the 'Specific features' paragraphs, because they contain further and more detailed information about specific features and uses of the Report Generator.
|FILENAME ||The filename of the EUT
|BRAND || The brand of the EUT specified in the EUT Window
|CONDITION RECEPTION || The condition of reception of the EUT specified in the EUT Window
|DATE RECEIPT || The date of reception of the EUT specified in the EUT Window
|DATE MEASURMENT || The date of measurment of the EUT specified in the EUT Window
|DIMENSIONS || The dimensions of the EUT specified in the EUT Window
|EMISSION STANDARD || The emission standard of the EUT specified in the EUT Window
|ENVIRONMENT || The environment of the EUT specified in the EUT Window
|IMMUNITY STANDARD || The immunity standard of the EUT specified in the EUT Window
|NAME || The name of the EUT specified in the EUT Window
|ORDER NUMBER || The order number of the EUT specified in the EUT Window
|PCB RELEASE || The PCB release of the EUT specified in the EUT Window
|PERIPHERAL EQUIPMENT || The peripheral equipment of the EUT specified in the EUT Window
|PLACE MEASURMENT || The place of measurment of the EUT specified in the EUT Window
|RADIMATION VERSION || The {{RadiMation}} version
|RATED POWER || The rated power of the EUT specified in the EUT Window
|SERIAL NUMBER || The serial number of the EUT specified in the EUT Window
|SETUP TYPE || The test setup type of the EUT specified in the EUT Window
|SOFTWARE RELEASE || The software release of the EUT specified in the EUT Window
|TYPE NUMBER || The type number of the EUT specified in the EUT Window
|VOLTAGE SUPPLY || The voltage supply of the EUT specified in the EUT Window
===Client Address Information===
=== Step 1. Making and selecting a Template file ===
!Keyword || Description
A Template file is needed to generate a report. Select/alter an existing file or create a new file if necessary.
|CLIENT ADDRESS || The address of the client specified in the EUT Window
==== Making a template file ====
Template files can be made in Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel or Text format. As described previously, the Template file is the 'input' for the Report Generator and contains the data for the Report file in the form of specific keywords. These codes can be included in the templates in a variety of ways. Some of the possibilities are visible below:
|CLIENT CAPACITY || The capacity of the client specified in the EUT Window
In a template file made in '''Microsoft Word''':
|CLIENT CITY || The city of the client specified in the EUT Window
* Report generator codes can be included 'as is' (meaning, without context).
* Report generator codes can be included in a table.
|CLIENT COMPANY || The client name specified in the EUT Window
* Report generator codes can be included in a header or footer.
* Report generator codes can be included in a heading.
|CLIENT CONTACT PERSON || The contact person of the client specified in the EUT Window
* Report generator codes can be combined with other text and report generator codes in a cell of a table.
* Report generator codes that include texts into the final report are allowed.
|CLIENT COUNTRY || The country of the client specified in the EUT Window
* Report generator codes that include tables into the final report are allowed.
* Report generator codes that include pictures into the final report are allowed.
|CLIENT EMAIL ADDRESS || The email address of the client specified in the EUT Window
|CLIENT FAX NUMBER || The fax number of the client specified in the EUT Window
|CLIENT STATE || The state of the client specified in the EUT Window
|CLIENT TELEPHONE NUMBER || The telephone number of the client specified in the EUT Window
|CLIENT ZIP CODE || The ZIP code of the client specified in the EUT Window
===Manufacturer Address Information===
In a template file made in '''Microsoft Excel''':
* Report generator codes can be included 'as is' (meaning, without context) in a single cell.
!Keyword || Description
* Report generator codes can be combined with other text in a cell.
* Multiple report generator codes (and also text) can be combined in a cell.
|MANUFACTURER ADDRESS || The address of the manufacturer specified in the EUT Window
* (Multiple) Report generator codes can be included in a note attached to a cell.
* Multiple worksheets are allowed, all worksheets will be checked for report generator codes.
|MANUFACTURER CITY || The city of the manufacturer specified in the EUT Window
* Report generator codes can be used as part of a formula of a cell. However it might be necessary to convert the contents from a text to numerical value. The simplest form of a formula is: "=VALUE("{{ReportGeneratorCode|START FREQUENCY}}")".
* Report generator codes that include texts into the final report are allowed.
|MANUFACTURER COMPANY || The manufacturer name specified in the EUT Window
* Report generator codes that include tables into the final report are allowed.
* Report generator codes that include pictures into the final report are allowed.
|MANUFACTURER CONTACT PERSON || The contact person of the manufacturer specified in the EUT Window
|MANUFACTURER COUNTRY || The country of the manufacturer specified in the EUT Window
|MANUFACTURER EMAIL ADDRESS || The email address of the manufacturer specified in the EUT Window
|MANUFACTURER FAX NUMBER || The fax number of the manufacturer specified in the EUT Window
|MANUFACTURER STATE || The state of the manufacturer specified in the EUT Window
|MANUFACTURER TELEPHONE NUMBER || The telephone number of the manufacturer specified in the EUT Window
|MANUFACTURER ZIP CODE || The ZIP code of the manufacturer specified in the EUT Window
===Test Site Address Information===
Additional information and possibilities about the use of Microsoft Word and Excel as template files is described in the paragraph 'Microsoft Word/Excel report generator editor' (under 'Special features') further below.
==== Selecting a template file in RadiMation ====
!Keyword || Description
To generate a report, open the ''' 'EUT' window''' and go to the ''' 'Reports' tab'''. Click ''' 'Report' ''' to open the ''' 'Report Generator settings' window'''.
|TEST SITE ADDRESS || The address of the test site specified in the EUT Window
[[Image:Report Generator Settings Window.png]]
|TEST SITE CITY || The city of the test site specified in the EUT Window
|TEST SITE COMPANY || The test site name specified in the EUT Window
To select a Template file, click on the 'Template' path or the folder button next to it and select a file from the pop-up window.
|TEST SITE CONTACT PERSON || The contact person of the test site specified in the EUT Window
To view the selected Template file, click the magnifying glass.
|TEST SITE COUNTRY || The country of the test site specified in the EUT Window
|TEST SITE EMAIL ADDRESS || The email address of the test site specified in the EUT Window
|TEST SITE FAX NUMBER || The fax number of the test site specified in the EUT Window
|TEST SITE STATE || The state of the test site specified in the EUT Window
|TEST SITE TELEPHONE NUMBER || The telephone number of the test site specified in the EUT Window
|TEST SITE ZIP CODE || The ZIP code of the test site specified in the EUT Window
===Cable information===
To delete the file selection, click the red cross. (The red cross does not delete the file itself.)
!Keyword || Description
|CABLE TABLE || A table with the cable information specified in the EUT Window
|CABLE X PORT TYPE || The port type of cable X in the EUT window ( X starting from 1)
|CABLE X CABLE TYPE || The cable type of cable X in the EUT window (X starting from 1)
|CABLE X CABLE LENGTH || The cable length of cable X in the EUT window (X starting from 1)
|CABLE X FIXING SHIELD || The fixing shield of cable X in the EUT window (X starting from 1)
|CABLE X LOAD AT PORT || The load at port of cable X in the EUT window (X starting from 1)
===Standards Information===
=== Step 2. Viewing and/or altering the report content ===
Keyword Description
By default all the tests performed on the EUT are included in the report. To view these tests, click the ''' 'Advanced Options' button''' in the ''' 'Report Generator settings' window'''.
PRODUCT STANDARD ... Specifications of the used Product Standard
BASIC STANDARD ... Specifications of the used Basic Standard
Where ... is one of the following parameters:
The tests that are included in the report, as well as the order in which they are displayed, is visible in the ''' 'Included Tests' section''' of the ''' 'Report Generator settings' window'''. Excluding tests from the report and/or changing the order of the tests can be achieved in this section as well.
Click the ''' 'Advanced Options' button''' in the ''' 'Report Generator settings' window''' to open this field.
!Parameter || Description
To '''chance the order of the list''', select a test from the list and change its position by using the arrows on the right side of the field.
|DATEOFRELEASE || Release date of the standard
|DESCRIPTION || String containing official name / scope
|FILELOCATION || The location of the file associated with the standard
|LANGUAGE || The language in which the standard is described
|NOTE || Additional note to the standard
|OFFICIALNAME || The official name of the standard
|REFERRED STANDARDS || A string of referred standards, separated by a ","
|SCOPE || The scope of the standard
|STANDARDISATIONINSTITUTE || Description of Measurement equipment given by the user
|TABLE || Table of the used standards
==Configuration ==
To '''include/exclude tests from the list''', use the buttons just below the field. Only the tests that are marked be included in the final report.
=== Report Generator ===
!Keyword || Description
|COMNAME || Internal COM Name selected report generator
|DESCRIPTION || Selected report generator
|EXTENSION || Report generator extension
|CHECKEXTENSION ||  Report generator should check extension
|EDITOR || Report generator
=== Directories ===
[[Image:Report Generator Settings Window Advanced Options.png]]
!Keyword || Description
|DIRECTORIES || All directories
=== Step 3. Generating the report ===
=== Units ===
The report can be generated ones the template file has been selected and the content of the report has been determined.
!Keyword || Description
|CURRENT || Current
|FIELD || Electrical Field
|FREQUENCY || Frequency
|POWER || Power
|VOLTAGE || Voltage
|UNITS || All units
=== General ===
!Keyword || Description
| CURRENTUSERNAME || Current username
==Radiated Immunity==
The report will be generated when you click the ''' 'Generate' button'''. If you want to print the report directly after it has been generated, check the ''' 'Print Report' checkbox''' on the bottom left of the window. If you want to open the report in your screen (and possibly edit it as well), check the ''' 'Edit Report' checkbox'''.
The report generation process cannot be paused or cancelled be the end user. Depending on the content, this process can take a few seconds (for a text file) up to several minutes (for an extensive report containing many tables and graphs in MS Word).
!Keyword || Description
|NUMBER OF EVENTS || The number of events that occur during a test
|EVENTS || Table of events which occur during a test
=== Uniform Field Area Calculation ===
== Specific Features ==
=== Available report generator codes for EUT's ===
The Main Keyword for EUT data is "EUT". All the data entered in the EUT Window in {{RadiMation}} can be placed in one Report file. This data can be added as single lines of text or in tables. Tables are supported for Client data, Manufacturer data and Test site data. In addition, a table with all the information can be inserted as well.
=== Removing unrecognized codes 'automatically' ===
When working with a template system, it is not unusual for superfluous (or 'unrecognized') codes to appear in the resulting report. There are two 'automatic' ways to remove these codes from the report. The first method simply removes all the unrecognized codes, the second method is more selective and can be used to remove text as well. Both methods are described below.
==== Removing all 'unrecognized' codes ====
Normally when a keyword is neither correct nor recognized by the Report Generator, it will remain unchanged. The keyword {{ReportGeneratorCode|RemoveIllegalCodes(TRUE)}} can automatically remove all these 'errors'. Keep in mind that using this keyword can be both an advantage and a disadvantage. If you are aware of the error(s), then this is a handy way to remove them from the test report. However, if you are not aware of them, this might lead you to miss errors that need to be addressed!
==== Removing selected text and codes ====
The special {{ReportGeneratorCode|STARTDELETEBLOCK()}} and {{ReportGeneratorCode|ENDDELETEBLOCK()}} keywords identify a block of text that will be removed from the report if none of the report generator codes between the tags are replaced.
Client: {{ReportGeneratorCode|EUT|CLIENT CONTACT PERSON}}
{{ReportGeneratorCode|ENDDELETEBLOCK()}} }}
* If the 'Client Contact Person' data has been entered in the EUT file, the code above will be replaced (with the corresponding data) and the text 'Client: ' and the actual data will remain visible in the report.
* If no data was entered for the 'Client Contact Person' in the EUT file, the code will '''not''' be replaced and the complete block including the text 'Client: ' and the not replace report generator code will be removed from the final report.
* If multiple report generator keywords are specified within the {{ReportGeneratorCode|STARTDELETEBLOCK()}} and {{ReportGeneratorCode|ENDDELETEBLOCK()}}, the block will only be removed if all of the report generator codes are not replaced. The complete block will remain in the report if one or more of the report generator codes are replaced.
* It is allowed and possible to use a {{ReportGeneratorCode|STARTDELETEBLOCK()}} and {{ReportGeneratorCode|ENDDELETEBLOCK()}} combination within another {{ReportGeneratorCode|STARTDELETEBLOCK()}} and {{ReportGeneratorCode|ENDDELETEBLOCK()}} set.
This can help to automatically adjust what is or is not included in the report when certain data is not available.
=== Test-specific templates ===
The [[report generator]] has been extended in such a way, that it is no longer necessary to create one single template that includes all the codes for all the (performed) tests. Instead, it is now possible to link a 'test-specific' template to each test and then combine these into one 'main-template'. (This is an additional method to create a template file and does NOT replace the original method. Templates made with the original method will still work correctly.)
The biggest advantage of this option is that it simplifies the process of setting up and generating a test report, because:
* Test-specific template files contain simpler codes, are more compact and easier to 're-use'.
* The main-template is easier to set up and more accessible because its content is divided into more manageable chunks.
With this system, each test uses a different 'test-specific' template that contains the report generator codes for that test. It is necessary to combine these specific templates in order to generate a (complete) test report. This can be done by including the 'test-specific' templates into one 'main-template' for the report generator to process.
==== Example of a 'main-template' ====
{{Example|header=Example of a 'main-template':
{{ReportGeneratorCode|EUT|ALL TESTS}}
During the report generation, the '''{{ReportGeneratorCode|EUT|ALL TESTS}}''' code will be replaced with the codes of the ‘test-specific’ templates of all the (different) tests performed on a EUT. It is also possible generate a report based on a specific set of tests, for example '''{{ReportGeneratorCode|EUT|ALL IMMUNITY TESTS}}'''. (See the [[Test specific report generator inclusion codes]] for a complete list of all the available codes.)
! Keyword || Description
==== Making a 'test-specifc' template ====
| NUMBER OF EVENTS || The number of events that occur during a test
'Test-specific' templates are created in the same way as the ‘generic’ report generator templates are created. All the available report generator codes (from the 'generic' templates) can also be included in the 'test-specific' templates.
| TEST START TIME || The date and time at which the test is started
However there is one big difference, and that it is no longer necessary to specify the first-part of the report generator code with a 'Main Keyword' (as described in the previous chapter 'Keywords').
| TEST STOP TIME || The date and time at which the test is stopped
* In 'generic' templates the Main Keyword is used to indicate the location of the data that needs to be retrieved. For example: '''{{ReportGeneratorCode|TEST 1|MODULATION}}''', where 'TEST 1' refers to the test from which the used modulation should be included.
| TEST DATE || The date at which the test is performed
* With 'test-specific' templates is it sufficient to specify '''{{ReportGeneratorCode|MODULATION}}''', because the Report Generator already knows that the template (and the codes within) are linked to that test.
| TEST ENGINEER || The name of the test engineer
A 'test-specific' template can be linked to a test by using the ''' 'Reporting' button''' of the test. Each TSF configuration window, and each test-information window have this button. By pressing the button the ''' 'Reporting Settings' window''' will open. More detailed reporting settings can be modified in this configuration window. The top entry field can be used to specify the name of the 'test-specific' template that should be linked to the test.
| TEST TIME || The time at which the test is performed
| TEST SITE NAME || The name of the test equipment list
=== Combining graphs in a report ===
The [[report generator]] has been extended in such a way that it is more flexible and powerful in its ability to include graphs in a report. Not only is it easier to specify which graphs should be included, but it is even possible to include multiple 'lines' in one single graph.
| AVERAGE FIELD GRAPH || The graph representing the average field graph
With the support for this combination of report generator codes, a very powerful solution is presented to include graphs with multiple lines in a report.
| CALCULATED FIELD GRAPH || The graph representing the calculated field graph
==== Combining multiple graph lines ====
| ERROR GRAPH || The graph representing the error graph
The code '{{ReportGeneratorCode|SIGNAL POWER GRAPH}}' will include a graph with the signal power in a report. The same code can be extended with other 'graph lines' which are semi-colon separated. All the possible graph report generator codes can be combined into one single report generator code, as long as codes are ';' separated. If a specified graph line is not measured, the graph line will not be included in the final graph. It is thus acceptable to include the code '{{ReportGeneratorCode|SIGNAL POWER GRAPH; FORWARD POWER GRAPH}}', even if the forward power is not measured. The graph will still be inserted but only contain the graph line for the signal power. If one or more of the graph lines are using a different unit, additional y-axes will be displayed.
| FIELD GRAPH x || The graph representing the field graph of field strength sensor number [x], where x is a number between 1 and 8
| FORWARD POWER GRAPH || The graph representing the forward power graph
{{ReportGeneratorCode|SIGNAL POWER GRAPH; FORWARD POWER GRAPH}} Will create a graph with the signal power and the forward power graph lines.
| NET POWER GRAPH || The graph representing the net-power power graph
{{ReportGeneratorCode|FIELD GRAPH 1; FIELD GRAPH 2; AVERAGE FIELD GRAPH}} Will create a field strength graph with the field strength of the probes 1 and 2, and the average field graph.
| POINT 16 ERROR GRAPH x || The graph representing the error graph of point number [x], where x is a number between 1 and 16
{{ReportGeneratorCode|CURRENT GRAPH; NET POWER GRAPH}} Will create a graph with the current and the net power. This graph will have two y-axes to indicate the different units.
| POINT 16 FIELD GRAPH x || The graph representing the field graph of point number [x], where x is a number between 1 and 16
A special report generator code '{{ReportGeneratorCode|ALL GRAPHS}}' is available, which will include a graph in the report which includes all the measured graph lines.
| POINT 16 POWER GRAPH x || The graph representing the power graph of point number [x], where x is a number between 1 and 16
==== Single band immunity tests ====
| REFLECTED POWER GRAPH || The graph representing the reflected power graph
The known graph report generator codes for a single band immunity test are:
| SIGNAL POWER GRAPH || The graph representing the signal power graph
| AMPLIFIER PROTECTION MODE || The Amplifier Protection mode: Signal Power, Forward Power and / or Reflected Power.
| AVERAGE FIELD || Which probes are selected for the calculation of the average field
| CURRENT MEASURED || Indication whether or not the current is measured: Yes / No
| DESCRIPTION || The description of the Test Setup File (TSF)
| DISTANCE || The distance between the antenna and the EUT in meters [m]
| DWELL TIME || The dwell time in seconds [s]
| FIELD TEST LEVEL || The field strength level in the unit selected by the user
| FORWARD POWER MEASURED || Indication whether or not the forward power is measured: Yes / No
| FREQUENCY CHANGE MODE || The method used to change frequency: Stress Method, Ramp Method, Constant Method or Fast Constant Method.
* POINT 16 POWER GRAPH <n>    where <n> is a number between 1 and 16 inclusive.
* POINT 16 FIELD GRAPH <n>    where <n> is a number between 1 and 16 inclusive.
* POINT 16 ERROR GRAPH <n>    where <n> is a number between 1 and 16 inclusive.
These report generator codes are currently only implemented in the single band version of the immunity tests. The functionality for the multiband version is a little bit different.
==== Multiband immunity and Multiband emission ====
The list of known graph report generator codes for multiband tests is not a fixed list, because an unlimited number of graph lines can be created in a multiband test. However, the report generator can include any graph that is also available in the multibnad test. The report generator code to include a graph in the report for a multiband test is the same as the name of the graph as it is shown in the legend above the graph in the multiband test results. A combination of the available graphs can also be included as a single graph in the report by combining the desired graph names in a single report generator code. As long as the labels of the graph are ';' separated, any number of graph lines can be included in the graph in the report.
{{Example|text={{ReportGeneratorCode|POWER; MEASURED POWER LIMIT; Amplifier forward power; Amplifier input}}
! Keyword || Description
will result in the following graph:
| HUMIDITY || Relative Humidity during the test in percentage relative Humidity [%RH]
| LOGARITHMIC STEP || The logarithmic frequency step in a percentage of the previous step
| LOGARITHMIC STEP FROM || The frequency the test was started from to calculate the proper logarithmic step size
By default the graphs are used from the frequency tab. It is also possible to include a time, angle or height graph. If a graph from another graph tab should be included in the report, the graph name should be prefixed with one of the following prefixes:
* time:
| MAIN VOLTAGE || The mains voltage during the test in Volt [V]
* frequency:
* angle:
| NET POWER MEASURED || Indication whether or not the net-power power is measured: Yes / No
* height:
| NOTE || Note or remark made during the test
Export an angle graph: {{ReportGeneratorCode|angle:RBW: 1000 kHz, Horizontal Max Peak for peak 1}}
| POLARIZATION || Antenna polarisation: Horizontal or Vertical
Export a time graph: {{ReportGeneratorCode|time:Signal Power;Channel1;Channel2}}
| PRESSURE || Air Pressure during the test in milliBar [mbar]
Export a height graph: {{ReportGeneratorCode|height:RBW: 1000 kHz, Horizontal Max Peak for peak 1}}
| RECALCULATE AVERAGE || Indication whether or not the average is recalculated: Yes / No
It is also possible to include a time, angle or height table in the report. This is done by prefixing the graph name with the applicable graph tab prefix and ending the keyword with the TABLE suffix.
| REFLECTED POWER MEASURED || Indication whether or not the reflected power is measured: Yes / No
| START FREQUENCY || The start frequency in megahertz [MHz]
Export an angle indexed table: {{ReportGeneratorCode|angle:RBW: 1000 kHz, Horizontal Max Peak for peak 1 TABLE}}
| STEP FREQUENCY || The linear frequency step in megahertz [MHz]
Export an time indexed table: {{ReportGeneratorCode|time:Signal Power TABLE}}
| STOP FREQUENCY || The stop frequency in megahertz [MHz]
Export a height indexed table: {{ReportGeneratorCode|height:RBW: 1000 kHz, Horizontal Max Peak for peak 1 TABLE}}
| TEMPERATURE || Temperature during the test in degrees Celsius [oC]
=== Customizable AD-Channel measurement table ===
| TSF FILENAME || The filename of the TSF file
The [[report generator]] is extended in such a way that it is more flexible and powerful in its ability to specify the columns that should be included in a 'frequency sorted table' that includes the values of one or more measured channels.
| EQUIPMENT TABLE || A table containing all used equipment
With the support for this extensive report generator code, a very powerful solution is presented to include tables in a report with a customizable number of columns.
| EVENTS || Table of events which occur during a test
==== Implementation in version 5.2 ====
| FIELD UNIT || The selected unit for field strength:  [dBuV/m], [dBmV/m], [dBV/m], [uV/m], [mV/m] or  [V/m]
The code '{{ReportGeneratorCode|AD CHANNEL 1 LIST}}' will generate a table with the columns:
| POWER UNIT || The selected unit for power: [dBuW], [dBm], [dBmW], [dBW], [uW], [mW] or  [W]
* Frequency
* Measured value of AD-Channel 1
| VOLTAGE UNIT || The selected unit for voltage:  [dBuVrms], [dBmVrms], [dBVrms], [uVrms], [mVrms] or  [Vrms]
The code '{{ReportGeneratorCode|AD CHANNEL 3,2,4,1 LIST}}' will generate a table with the columns:
* Frequency
* Measured value of AD-Channel 3
* Measured value of AD-Channel 2
* Measured value of AD-Channel 4
* Measured value of AD-Channel 1
If one of the specified channels is not measured, those columns will not be included in the table.
===Equipment for Uniform Field Area calculation===
The equipment keyword consists of two parts: the keyword followed by a parameter. For each keyword all parameters are valid.
The code '{{ReportGeneratorCode|AD CHANNEL 5,8 TABLE}}' will generate a table with the columns:
Example: AMPLIFIER BRAND returns the brand name of the amplifier.
* Frequency
* Measured value of AD-Channel 5
* Measured value of AD-Channel 8
! Keyword || Description
| AMPLIFIER ... || Specifications of the used Amplifier
| ANTENNA ... || Specifications of the used Antenna
| COUPLER ... || Specifications of the used Coupler
| FIELD SENSOR x ... || Specifications of the used Field Sensor number [x], where x is a number between 1 and 8
| FORWARD POWER METER ... || Specifications of the used Forward Power Meter
| REFLECTED POWER METER ... || Specifications of the used Reflected Power Meter
| SIGNAL GENERATOR ... || Specifications of the used Signal Generator
Where ... is one of the following parameters:
Please keep in mind that there is a significant difference between the '{{ReportGeneratorCode|.... LIST}}' and '{{ReportGeneratorCode|.... TABLE}}' codes.
* The '{{ReportGeneratorCode|.... TABLE}}' code will only include the frequencies for which the values were out of the specified range for that AD-Channel.
* The '{{ReportGeneratorCode|.... LIST}}' code will include all the frequencies.
These report generator codes are currently only implemented in the single band version of the immunity tests. This functionality is not yet included in the multiband version, because the support for AD-Channels is not yet for 100% supported in the multiband test modules.
==== Implementation in version 5.3 ====
The 'column' report generator codes are even more powerful in RadiMation version 5.3. From version 5.3.0 (and higher) it is also possible to include other 'measurement values' in the code.
{{Example|text={{ReportGeneratorCode|SIGNAL POWER, FORWARD POWER, AD CHANNEL 5 LIST}}
All the above report generator codes will result in a table that is included in the final report, containing the columns that are included in the report generator code. The order of the columns in the table is the same as the order in which the 'measurement values' are included in the code. A frequency column is always included as a first column. Invalid 'measurement values' or channels that are not measured will not be included in the generated table.
The '''frequency dependent''' measurement values that can be used in the codes are:
All the 'measurement values' mentioned above are dependent on the frequency that is used for that row of the table. It is also possible to include '''frequency independent data''' as part of the table. If one or more of these frequency independent codes are included in the report generator code, an additional column will be added to the table, where the value is repeated on each row. This feature can for example be used in combination with the Microsoft Excel report generator, where each row contains all the needed information.
The '''frequency independent''' measurement values that can be used in the codes are:  
! Parameter || Description
| BRAND || Brand of Measurement equipment
| CALIBRATION EXPIRES || Date when calibration expires of equipment, given by the user
| DESCRIPTION || Description of Measurement equipment given by the user
| DEVICE DRIVER NAME || The internal name of the device driver
| HARDWARE VERSION || Hardware version of Measurement equipment
| ID || Internal ID of Measurement equipment
| NAME || Name of Measurement equipment
| SERIAL NUMBER || Serial number of Measurement equipment
| SOFTWARE VERSION || Software version of Measurement equipment
| TYPE || Type of Measurement equipment
===Radiated Immunity Tests===
These report generator codes are currently only implemented in the single band version of the immunity tests. This functionality has not been included in the multiband version yet, because the support for AD-Channels is not supported in the multiband test modules.
=== Microsoft Word report generator editor ===
! Keyword || Description
==== Inclusion of other files ====
When the "{{ReportGeneratorCode|InsertFile(<OTHER WORD DOCUMENT FILENAME>)}}" code is used, the contents from the other specified Microsoft Word document will be included in the generated report. The complete contents of the other document will be inserted at the location of the report generator code.
| "keyword or name of photo" || The name or keyword of the photo
The filename of a Bitmap, JPEG or PNG file can also be specified as part of the "{{ReportGeneratorCode|InsertFile(<PICTURE FILENAME>)}}" report generator code. The corresponding picture will then be loaded from the specified disk location and will be included at the location of the report generator code. This function is similar to the 'Insert Picture, From File' action of Microsoft Word.
| NUMBER OF EVENTS || The number of events that occur during a test
The filename of a text or ASCII file can also be specified as part of the "{{ReportGeneratorCode|InsertFile(<TXT FILENAME>)}}" report generator code. The contents of the file be loaded from the specified disk location and will be included at the location of the report generator code.
| TEST START TIME || The date and time at which the test is started
==== Inclusion of EUT attachments ====
| TEST STOP TIME || The date and time at which the test is stopped
Pictures, Microsoft Word documents and other files can also be attached to the EUT document, on the {{ScreenElement|Attachments}} tab. These attachments can also be included in the generated report using the code "{{ReportGeneratorCode|EUT|ATTACHMENT <FILENAME> CONTENTS}}". The '<FILENAME>' part should be the name of the attachment. It is also possible to use the code "{{ReportGeneratorCode|EUT|ATTACHMENT 1 CONTENTS}}", where the "1" is the number of the attachment, but can be any number. The complete contents of the attachment will be inserted at the location of the report generator code.
| TEST DATE || The date at which the test is performed
| TEST ENGINEER || The name of the test engineer
==== Macros ====
With the report generator code "{{ReportGeneratorCode|RunMacro(<MACRO NAME>)}}" it is possible to start a predefined macro function. The '<MACRO NAME>' may be:
| TEST TIME || The time at which the test is performed
* A macro defined by Microsoft Word
* The name of a public function in a public macro module
| TEST SITE NAME || The name of the test equipment list
* A macro name predefined by the Microsoft Word report generator editor. These macro's are:
** AutoFitThisTable: Will perform an 'Auto-Fit' on the table in which the "{{ReportGeneratorCode|RunMacro(AutoFitThisTable)}}" is present.
| AD GRAPH x || The graph representing the A/D graph of channel number [x], where x is a number between 1 and 8
It is not possible to call macro functions that require an argument, so only 'argument-less' macro functions can be called.
| AVERAGE FIELD GRAPH || The graph representing the average field graph
==== Table Formatting ====
| CALCULATED FIELD GRAPH (1) || The graph representing the calculated field graph
The report generator will also use the formatting and settings, that are present in the template document. This does allow to define how inserted tables are formatted in the final report. To make this possible, the table code should be placed in a table in the template. In Microsoft Word, you then can set the border styles of the outer table.
| CURRENT GRAPH || The graph representing the current graph
==== Specific graph sizes ====
It is also possible to specify the size of the graph in the report generator template. This can be done by including a table in the report generator template, where the report generator code for the graph is placed in a cell of that table. By disabling the auto resizing of the table cell, the final report will contain the graph with the specified size. In the screenshot below, you will find how to disable auto resizing of the table.
| FIELD GRAPH x || The graph representing the field graph of field strength sensor number [x], where x is a number between 1 and 8
| FORWARD POWER GRAPH || The graph representing the forward power graph
=== Microsoft Excel report generator editor ===
| NET POWER GRAPH || The graph representing the net-power power graph
The Microsoft Excel report generator editor allows that Microsoft Excel reports can be generated. A normal Microsoft Excel file can be specified as the template file for the report generator, and all the available {{RadiMation}} report generator codes can be used in that template file.
| REFLECTED POWER GRAPH || The graph representing the reflected power graph
Values that are inserted in the generated in Microsoft Excel report are always using the US English formatting, to prevent problems with the interpretation of the values, if Microsoft Excel is using different Culture settings. If additional formulas and calculations are performed in the generated Microsoft Excel report, the formulas should be aware that the values are inserted in the US English format, and may need to be converted to the local format.
| SIGNAL POWER GRAPH || The graph representing the signal power graph
==== Table-inclusion modes ====
The report generator has several modes to include a table into the final report if the Microsoft Excel report generator editor is used. These are the:
| AMPLIFIER PROTECTION MODE || The Amplifier Protection mode: Signal Power, Forward Power and or Reflected Power.
* Row insert mode
| AVERAGE FIELD || Which probes are selected for the calculation of the average field
* Cell insert mode
* Overwrite mode
| CALCULATED FIELD MEASURED(1) || Indication whether or not the calculated power is measured: Yes / No
* Sheet insert mode
| CALIBRATION FILE (1) || The name of the calibration file used for the test
Each mode works differently and has its own advantages. Please read the descriptions of these modes to decide which mode suits your intentions.
| CALIBRATION METHOD || The calibration method used: Signal Generator Level, Forward Power or Net-Power
==== Row insert mode ====
The 'row insert mode' is the default mode used by the report generator.
| CURRENT LIMIT || The Current limit in Ampere [A]
For example:
| CURRENT MEASURED || Indication whether or not the current is measured: Yes / No
* An Excel-sheet contains a report generator code for a table with 10 rows and 5 columns.
* When the code is detected, 9 rows are inserted below the cell containing the code. (Together creating a '10 row area'.)
* After the new rows have been added, the table is inserted at the cell where the code is detected, overwriting the '10 rows and 5 columns area' connected to this starting cell.
Because additional rows are inserted before the table is included, the content/codes below the starting cell are shifted down (and not overwritten).
This mode can be activated by including the following report generator code: "{{ReportGeneratorCode|RunMacro(CELL_PASTE_MODE_ROWS)}}"
==== Cell insert mode ====
The 'cell insert mode' is very similar to the 'row insert mode' in that new cells are inserted before the table is included. The difference however is that the surrounding content is not just moved down, but also to the right. Meaning that, ones the table is inserted, any content that was placed next to the starting cell will now be present next to the table. This can be useful if calculations should be performed on the data that is present in the inserted table.
For example:
* An Excel-sheet contains a report generator code for a table with 10 rows and 5 columns.
* When the code is detected, a block of 9 rows and 4 columns is inserted to the right and below the cell containing the code. (Together creating a '10 row, 5 column area'.)
* After the new rows and columns have been added, the table is inserted at the cell where the code is detected, overwriting the '10 rows and 5 columns area' connected to this starting cell.
Because additional rows and columns are inserted before the table is included, the content/codes below the starting cell are shifted down and to the right (and not overwritten).
This mode can be activated by including the following report generator code: "{{ReportGeneratorCode|RunMacro(CELL_PASTE_MODE_CELLS)}}"
==== Overwrite mode ====
In the 'overwrite mode' a table is inserted at the cell where the code is detected, overwriting the cells that are to the right and below this starting cell.
For example:
* An Excel-sheet contains a report generator code for a table with 10 rows and 5 columns.
* When the code is detected, the table is inserted at the cell where the code is detected, overwriting the '10 rows and 5 columns area' connected to this starting cell.
Because of this the content of other cells (below and next to the starting cell) can be lost if the inserted table is bigger than expected.
This mode can be activated by including the following report generator code: "{{ReportGeneratorCode|RunMacro(CELL_PASTE_MODE_OVERWRITE)}}"
==== Sheet insert mode  ====
If, in the 'sheet insert mode', a report generator code is detected that will result in the inclusion of a table, then a new worksheet will be created after the active worksheet. The table will be inserted at the 'A1' cell of the newly created worksheet, overwriting the cells that are to the right and below the 'A1' cell.
This means that each table will be placed on a new worksheet. 'Non-table' content (such as graphs or text) that follows after the table will be placed on the same worksheet as the table.
This mode can be activated by including the following report generator code: "{{ReportGeneratorCode|RunMacro(CELL_PASTE_MODE_SHEET)}}"
==== Inclusion of other files ====
When the "{{ReportGeneratorCode|InsertFile(<OTHER EXCEL WORKBOOK>)}}" code is used, the contents from the other specified Microsoft Excel workbook or worksheet will be included in the generated report. The complete contents of the other document will be inserted at the location of the report generator code.
The size of the 'to be inserted' data is determined, starting at the 'A1' cell until the last filled cell. This data is then inserted at the location of the keyword, using the selected table-inclusion mode. To prevent that unnecessary worksheets are included in the report, a check is done which prevents that empty worksheets are inserted.
The filename of a Bitmap, JPEG or PNG file can also be specified as part of the "{{ReportGeneratorCode|InsertFile(<PICTURE FILENAME>)}}" report generator code. The corresponding picture will then be loaded from the specified disk location and will be included at the location of the report generator code. This function is similar to the 'Insert Picture, From File' action of Microsoft Excel.
==== Inclusion of EUT attachments ====
Pictures, Microsoft Excel documents and other files can also be attached to the EUT document, on the {{ScreenElement|Attachments}} tab. These attachments can also be included in the generated report using the code "{{ReportGeneratorCode|EUT|ATTACHMENT <FILENAME> CONTENTS}}". The '<FILENAME>' part should be the name of the attachment. It is also possible to use the code "{{ReportGeneratorCode|EUT|ATTACHMENT 1 CONTENTS}}", where the "1" is the number of the attachment, but can be any number. The complete contents of the attachment will be inserted at the location of the report generator code.
==== Macros ====
With the report generator code "{{ReportGeneratorCode|RunMacro(<MACRO NAME>)}}" it is possible to start a predefined macro function. The '<MACRO NAME>' may be:
* A macro defined by Microsoft Excel
* The name of a public function in a public macro module
* A macro name predefined by the Microsoft Excel report generator editor, which can be:
It is not possible to call macro functions that require an argument, so only ‘argument-less’ macro functions can be called.
=== SQL queries on tables ===
The [[report generator]] of [[RadiMation]] supports the usage of [[wikipedia:SQL|SQL Queries]] on tables that are provided by the report generator. This makes it possible to include a customised table in the final report.
In combination with the 'SQL' queries, more advanced table configurations are possible, such as:
* Changing the order of the columns in the table
* Hiding selected columns from the table
* Changing the sorting of the rows, based on a specific column
* Filtering of the rows, based on the data that is included
The most simple SQL statement is:
Where '&lt;TABLE&gt;' is an existing report generator code that includes a table in the report. This simple SQL statement can be extended with:
* An optional 'WHERE' clause that defines an additional filter that should be used on the rows.
* An optional 'ORDER BY' clause that specifies any specific ordering of the rows.
The names of the columns that can be used in the SQL queries are the same as they names that appear in the header row of the generated table itself. Any column name that includes a space, should be included in '[    ]' brackets.
The general keywords can't be used for selection within a table. For an example of keywords used within the table selection see the [[Chapter_13#Radiated_Emission_Table | Radiated Emission Table]]
The report generator is passing the SQL statements and the table data itself through an internal SQLite database engine. Because the [[wikipedia:SQLite|SQLite]] database engine is used, almost all variations of the SQL queries are supported.
==== Examples ====
{{Example|header=Example to only include the frequencies above 50 MHz:
|text={{ReportGeneratorCode|SELECT * FROM AD CHANNEL 4,3,2,1 LIST WHERE Frequency  > 50E6}}
{{Example|header=Example to only include the frequencies between 1 Hz and 20 MHz, where the AD-channel was measured out of the specified range ('TABLE'), and the table is reverse-sorted on the frequency column:
|text={{ReportGeneratorCode|1=SELECT * FROM AD CHANNEL 8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 TABLE WHERE FREQUENCY >= 1 and FREQUENCY <= 20E6 ORDER BY Frequency desc}}
{{Example|header=Example to include the 'EQUIPMENT TABLE' including all the columns (also the hidden columns):
|text={{ReportGeneratorCode|SELECT ALL FROM EQUIPMENT TABLE}}
==== Including additional columns in the table ====
By default the report generator codes that insert a table in the report, only show a reduced set of the columns that are available for the table. It is possible to also include additional columns in the table that is inserted in the report.
The report generator code <code>{{ReportGeneratorCode|SELECT ALL FROM <nowiki><TABLE></nowiki>}}</code> (where <nowiki><TABLE></nowiki> is the actual report generator code that inserts a table), will insert the table including all available (and by default hidden) columns.
{{Example|header=Example to include all columns of a table:|text=The report generator code <code>{{ReportGeneratorCode|SELECT ALL FROM PEAKTABLE}}</code> will show the table including all the available columns, and could result in:
! Peak Number {{!}}{{!}} Peak Number_RAW {{!}}{{!}} Frequency {{!}}{{!}} Frequency_RAW {{!}}{{!}} Peak {{!}}{{!}} Peak_RAW {{!}}{{!}} Peak Limit {{!}}{{!}} Peak Limit_RAW {{!}}{{!}} Peak Difference {{!}}{{!}} Peak Difference_RAW {{!}}{{!}} Peak Correction {{!}}{{!}} Peak Correction_RAW {{!}}{{!}} Peak Status {{!}}{{!}} Peak Status_RAW {{!}}{{!}} Status {{!}}{{!}} Status_RAW {{!}}{{!}} Angle {{!}}{{!}} Angle_RAW {{!}}{{!}}Height {{!}}{{!}} Height_RAW {{!}}{{!}} Polarization {{!}}{{!}} Polarization_RAW
{{!}} 1 {{!}}{{!}} 1 {{!}}{{!}} 829.92 MHz {{!}}{{!}} 829921205 {{!}}{{!}} 80 dBµV/m {{!}}{{!}} 80 {{!}}{{!}} 60 dBµV/m {{!}}{{!}} 60 {{!}}{{!}} 20 dB {{!}}{{!}} 20 {{!}}{{!}} 0.00 dB {{!}}{{!}} 0.00 {{!}}{{!}} Fail {{!}}{{!}} Fail {{!}}{{!}} Fail {{!}}{{!}} Fail {{!}}{{!}} 0 Degree {{!}}{{!}} 0 {{!}}{{!}} 1 m {{!}}{{!}} 1 {{!}}{{!}} Horizontal {{!}}{{!}}Horizontal
Instead of the previous table, we would like to create one with the following information:
*Peak Number
*Peak Limit
*Peak difference to the limit
*Peak status
*Peak status overall
When you try to do this with the following code …
{{ReportGeneratorCode|SELECT Peak Number,Frequency,Peak,Peak Limit,Peak Difference,Peak Status,Status FROM PEAKTABLE}}
… you find out that it does not work.
The reason for this, as stated earlier, is that any column name that include a space, should be included in '[ ]'.
When you alter the code with that in mind, you end up with the code …
{{ReportGeneratorCode|SELECT [Peak Number],Frequency,Peak,[Peak Limit],[Peak Difference],[Peak Status],Status FROM PEAKTABLE}}
… which does work.
The resulting table will look like this:
<TABLE border=1>
  <TD>Peak Number</TD>
  <TD>Peak Limit</TD>
  <TD>Peak Difference</TD>
  <TD>Peak Status</TD>
  <TD>829,92 MHz</TD> 
  <TD>80 dBµV</TD> 
  <TD>60 dBµV</TD> 
  <TD>20 dB</TD>
==== Limiting the number of rows in the table ====
To limit the number of rows that are included in a table, the 'LIMIT <nr>' keyword can be appended to the SQL query, where the '<nr>' is the maximum number of rows in the table.
{{Example|header=Example to limit the number of rows in the table to 3 rows:|text=
<code>{{ReportGeneratorCode|SELECT [Peak Number],Frequency,Peak,[Peak Limit],[Peak Difference],[Peak Status],Status FROM PEAKTABLE '''LIMIT 3'''}}</code>
will thus result in:
! Peak Number {{!}}{{!}} Frequency {{!}}{{!}} Peak {{!}}{{!}} Peak Limit {{!}}{{!}} Peak Difference {{!}}{{!}} Peak Status {{!}}{{!}} Status
{{!}}  1 {{!}}{{!}} 829.92 MHz {{!}}{{!}} 80 dBµV/m {{!}}{{!}} 60 dBµV/m {{!}}{{!}} 20 dB {{!}}{{!}} Fail {{!}}{{!}} Fail
{{!}}  2 {{!}}{{!}} 749.42 MHz {{!}}{{!}} 68.8 dBµV/m {{!}}{{!}} 60 dBµV/m {{!}}{{!}} 8.8 dB {{!}}{{!}} Fail {{!}}{{!}} Fail
{{!}}  3 {{!}}{{!}} 951.44 MHz {{!}}{{!}} 73.2 dBµV/m {{!}}{{!}} 60 dBµV/m {{!}}{{!}} 12.2 dB {{!}}{{!}} Fail {{!}}{{!}} Fail
==== Sorting the rows in another order ====
To sort the rows in a table in another order, the 'ORDER BY <column-name>' keyword can be appended to the SQL query, where the '<column-name>' is the name of the column that should be used for the sorting. Additionally the 'ASC' or 'DESC' keyword can also be appended to use ascending or descending ordering.
{{Example|header=Example to sort the rows in the table descending on the frequency:|text=
<code>{{ReportGeneratorCode|SELECT [Peak Number],Frequency,Peak,[Peak Limit],[Peak Difference],[Peak Status],Status FROM PEAKTABLE '''ORDER BY Frequency DESC'''}}</code>
will thus result in:
! Peak Number {{!}}{{!}} Frequency {{!}}{{!}} Peak {{!}}{{!}} Peak Limit {{!}}{{!}} Peak Difference {{!}}{{!}} Peak Status {{!}}{{!}} Status
{{!}}  3 {{!}}{{!}} 951.44 MHz {{!}}{{!}} 73.2 dBµV/m {{!}}{{!}} 60 dBµV/m {{!}}{{!}} 12.2 dB {{!}}{{!}} Fail {{!}}{{!}} Fail
{{!}}  1 {{!}}{{!}} 829.92 MHz {{!}}{{!}} 80 dBµV/m {{!}}{{!}} 60 dBµV/m {{!}}{{!}} 20 dB {{!}}{{!}} Fail {{!}}{{!}} Fail
{{!}}  4 {{!}}{{!}} 805.11 MHz {{!}}{{!}} 62.1 dBµV/m {{!}}{{!}} 60 dBµV/m {{!}}{{!}} 1.2 dB {{!}}{{!}} Fail {{!}}{{!}} Fail
{{!}}  2 {{!}}{{!}} 749.42 MHz {{!}}{{!}} 68.8 dBµV/m {{!}}{{!}} 60 dBµV/m {{!}}{{!}} 8.8 dB {{!}}{{!}} Fail {{!}}{{!}} Fail
== Keywords Overview ==
== EUT ==
=== Common ===
| CURRENT UNIT || The selected current unit: [dBuA],[dBmA], [dBA], [uA], [mA] or [A]
|{{ReportGeneratorCode|EUT|FILENAME}} || The filename of the EUT
| DESCRIPTION || The description of the Test Setup File (TSF)
|{{ReportGeneratorCode|EUT|BRAND}} || The brand of the EUT specified in the EUT Window
| DISTANCE || The distance between the antenna and the EUT in meters [m]
|{{ReportGeneratorCode|EUT|CONDITION UPON RECEPTION}} || The condition of reception of the EUT specified in the EUT Window
| DWELL TIME || The dwell time in seconds [s]
|{{ReportGeneratorCode|EUT|DATE OF RECEIPT}} || The date of reception of the EUT specified in the EUT Window
| FIELD TEST LEVEL (2) || The field strength level in the unit selected by the user
|{{ReportGeneratorCode|EUT|DATE OF MEASUREMENT}} || The date of measurement of the EUT specified in the EUT Window
| FORWARD POWER MEASURED || Indication whether or not the forward power is measured: Yes / No
|{{ReportGeneratorCode|EUT|DIMENSIONS}} || The dimensions of the EUT specified in the EUT Window
| FREQUENCY CHANGE MODE || The method used to change frequency: Stress Method, Ramp Method, Constant Method or Fast Constant Method.
|{{ReportGeneratorCode|EUT|EMISSION STANDARD}} || The emission standard of the EUT specified in the EUT Window
| HUMIDITY || Relative Humidity during the test in percentage relative Humidity [%RH]
|{{ReportGeneratorCode|EUT|ENVIRONMENT}} || The environment of the EUT specified in the EUT Window
| LOGARITHMIC STEP || The logarithmic frequency step in a percentage of the previous step
|{{ReportGeneratorCode|EUT|IMMUNITY STANDARD}} || The immunity standard of the EUT specified in the EUT Window
| LOGARITHMIC STEP FROM || The frequency the test was started from to calculate the proper logarithmic step size
|{{ReportGeneratorCode|EUT|NAME}} || The name of the EUT specified in the EUT Window
| MAIN VOLTAGE || The mains voltage during the test in Volt [V]
|{{ReportGeneratorCode|EUT|ORDER NUMBER}} || The order number of the EUT specified in the EUT Window
! Keyword || Description
| MODULATION || The type of modulation: none, Internal AM, External AM or Pulse
|{{ReportGeneratorCode|EUT|PCB RELEASE}} || The PCB release of the EUT specified in the EUT Window
| MODULATION CONSERVATION || Indication whether peak conservation is used: Power, Voltage, none
|{{ReportGeneratorCode|EUT|PERIPHERAL EQUIPMENT}} || The peripheral equipment of the EUT specified in the EUT Window
| MODULATION DEPTH || Modulation depth in percentage of the carrier [%]
|{{ReportGeneratorCode|EUT|PLACE MEASURMENT}} || The place of measurment of the EUT specified in the EUT Window
| MODULATION DUTY CYCLE || The duty cycle of the pulse modulation as a percentage [%]
|{{ReportGeneratorCode|EUT|RADIMATION VERSION}} || The {{RadiMation}} version
| MODULATION FREQUENCY || The modulation frequency in Hertz [Hz]
|{{ReportGeneratorCode|EUT|RATED POWER}} || The rated power of the EUT specified in the EUT Window
| MODULATION SIGNAL || The type of modulation signal: Sine Wave or Square Wave
|{{ReportGeneratorCode|EUT|SERIAL NUMBER}} || The serial number of the EUT specified in the EUT Window
| NET POWER MEASURED || Indication whether or not the net-power power is measured: Yes / No
|{{ReportGeneratorCode|EUT|TEST SETUP TYPE}} || The test setup type of the EUT specified in the EUT Window
| NOTE || Note or remark made during the test
|{{ReportGeneratorCode|EUT|SOFTWARE RELEASE}} || The software release of the EUT specified in the EUT Window
| POLARIZATION || Antenna polarisation: Horizontal or Vertical
|{{ReportGeneratorCode|EUT|TYPE NUMBER}} || The type number of the EUT specified in the EUT Window
| PRESSURE || Air Pressure during the test in milliBar [mbar]
|{{ReportGeneratorCode|EUT|VOLTAGE SUPPLY}} || The voltage supply of the EUT specified in the EUT Window
=== Client Address Information ===
!Keyword || Description
| REFLECTED POWER MEASURED || Indication whether or not the reflected power is measured: Yes / No
|{{ReportGeneratorCode|EUT|CLIENT ADDRESS}} || The address of the client specified in the EUT Window
| START FREQUENCY || The start frequency in megahertz [MHz]
|{{ReportGeneratorCode|EUT|CLIENT CAPACITY}} || The capacity of the client specified in the EUT Window
| STEP FREQUENCY || The linear frequency step in megahertz [MHz]
|{{ReportGeneratorCode|EUT|CLIENT CITY}} || The city of the client specified in the EUT Window
| STOP FREQUENCY || The stop frequency in megahertz [MHz]
|{{ReportGeneratorCode|EUT|CLIENT COMPANY}} || The client name specified in the EUT Window
| TAKE START PICTURE || Indication whether or not to take a photo at the start of the test: Yes/No
|{{ReportGeneratorCode|EUT|CLIENT CONTACT PERSON}} || The contact person of the client specified in the EUT Window
| TEMPERATURE || Temperature during the test in degrees Celsius [oC]
|{{ReportGeneratorCode|EUT|CLIENT COUNTRY}} || The country of the client specified in the EUT Window
| TSF FILENAME || The filename of the TSF file
|{{ReportGeneratorCode|EUT|CLIENT EMAIL ADDRESS}} || The email address of the client specified in the EUT Window
| USE CURRENT LIMIT || Is the current limit used: Yes / No
|{{ReportGeneratorCode|EUT|CLIENT FAX NUMBER}} || The fax number of the client specified in the EUT Window
| EQUIPMENT TABLE || A table containing all used equipment
|{{ReportGeneratorCode|EUT|CLIENT STATE}} || The state of the client specified in the EUT Window
| EVENTS || Table of events which occur during a test
| MANUAL MODE || Table containing the information collected during a manual mode session
| FIELD UNIT || The selected unit for field strength:  [dBuV/m], [dBmV/m], [dBV/m], [uV/m], [mV/m] or  [V/m]
| POWER UNIT || The selected unit for power: [dBuW], [dBm], [dBmW], [dBW], [uW], [mW] or  [W]
|{{ReportGeneratorCode|EUT|CLIENT TELEPHONE NUMBER}} || The telephone number of the client specified in the EUT Window
| VOLTAGE UNIT || The selected unit for voltage:  [dBuVrms], [dBmVrms], [dBVrms], [uVrms], [mVrms] or  [Vrms]
|{{ReportGeneratorCode|EUT|CLIENT ZIP CODE}} || The ZIP code of the client specified in the EUT Window
1) Substitution Method only
=== Manufacturer Address Information ===
2) Substitution Method and Fixed Field Method only
!Keyword || Description
===Equipment for Radiated Immunity Tests===
The equipment keyword consists of two parts: the keyword followed by a parameter. For each keyword all parameters are valid.
Example: AMPLIFIER SERIAL NUMBER returns the serial number of the amplifier.
! Keyword || Description
| AD CONVERTOR ... || Specifications of the used A/D Converter
|{{ReportGeneratorCode|EUT|MANUFACTURER ADDRESS}} || The address of the manufacturer specified in the EUT Window
| AMPLIFIER ... || Specifications of the used Amplifier
|{{ReportGeneratorCode|EUT|MANUFACTURER CITY}} || The city of the manufacturer specified in the EUT Window
| ANTENNA ... || Specifications of the used Antenna
|{{ReportGeneratorCode|EUT|MANUFACTURER COMPANY}} || The manufacturer name specified in the EUT Window
| CABLE x ... || Specifications of the used Cable number [x], where x is a number between 1 to 8
|{{ReportGeneratorCode|EUT|MANUFACTURER CONTACT PERSON}} || The contact person of the manufacturer specified in the EUT Window
| COUPLER ... || Specifications of the used Coupler
|{{ReportGeneratorCode|EUT|MANUFACTURER COUNTRY}} || The country of the manufacturer specified in the EUT Window
| CURRENT SENSOR ... || Specifications of the used Current Sensor
|{{ReportGeneratorCode|EUT|MANUFACTURER EMAIL ADDRESS}} || The email address of the manufacturer specified in the EUT Window
| FIELD SENSOR x ... || Specifications of the used Field Sensor number [x], where x is a number between 1 and 8
|{{ReportGeneratorCode|EUT|MANUFACTURER FAX NUMBER}} || The fax number of the manufacturer specified in the EUT Window
| FORWARD POWER METER ... || Specifications of the used Forward Power Meter
|{{ReportGeneratorCode|EUT|MANUFACTURER STATE}} || The state of the manufacturer specified in the EUT Window
| REFLECTED POWER METER ... || Specifications of the used Reflected Power Meter
|{{ReportGeneratorCode|EUT|MANUFACTURER TELEPHONE NUMBER}} || The telephone number of the manufacturer specified in the EUT Window
| SENSOR POWER METER ... || Specifications of the used Sensor Power Meter
|{{ReportGeneratorCode|EUT|MANUFACTURER ZIP CODE}} || The ZIP code of the manufacturer specified in the EUT Window
| SIGNAL GENERATOR ... || Specifications of the used Signal Generator
Where ... is one of the following parameters:
=== Test Site Address Information ===
!Keyword || Description
! Parameter || Description
| BRAND || Brand of Measurement equipment
|{{ReportGeneratorCode|EUT|TEST SITE ADDRESS}} || The address of the test site specified in the EUT Window
| CALIBRATION EXPIRES || Date when calibration expires of equipment, given by the user
|{{ReportGeneratorCode|EUT|TEST SITE CITY}} || The city of the test site specified in the EUT Window
| DESCRIPTION || Description of Measurement equipment given by the user
|{{ReportGeneratorCode|EUT|TEST SITE COMPANY}} || The test site name specified in the EUT Window
|{{ReportGeneratorCode|EUT|TEST SITE CONTACT PERSON}} || The contact person of the test site specified in the EUT Window
| DEVICE DRIVER NAME || The internal name of the device driver
|{{ReportGeneratorCode|EUT|TEST SITE COUNTRY}} || The country of the test site specified in the EUT Window
| HARDWARE VERSION || Hardware version of Measurement equipment
|{{ReportGeneratorCode|EUT|TEST SITE EMAIL ADDRESS}} || The email address of the test site specified in the EUT Window
| ID || Internal ID of Measurement equipment
| NAME || Name of Measurement equipment
| SERIAL NUMBER || Serial number of Measurement equipment
|{{ReportGeneratorCode|EUT|TEST SITE FAX NUMBER}} || The fax number of the test site specified in the EUT Window
| SOFTWARE VERSION || Software version of Measurement equipment
|{{ReportGeneratorCode|EUT|TEST SITE STATE}} || The state of the test site specified in the EUT Window
|{{ReportGeneratorCode|EUT|TEST SITE TELEPHONE NUMBER}} || The telephone number of the test site specified in the EUT Window
| TYPE || Type of Measurement equipment
|{{ReportGeneratorCode|EUT|TEST SITE ZIP CODE}} || The ZIP code of the test site specified in the EUT Window
==Conducted Immunity==
=== Cable information ===
!Keyword || Description
! Keyword || Description
| NUMBER OF EVENTS || The number of events that occur during a test
|{{ReportGeneratorCode|EUT|CABLE TABLE}} || A table with the cable information specified in the EUT Window
| TEST START TIME || The date and time at which the test is started
|{{ReportGeneratorCode|EUT|CABLE X PORT TYPE}} || The port type of cable X in the EUT window ( X starting from 1)
| TEST STOP TIME || The date and time at which the test is stopped
|{{ReportGeneratorCode|EUT|CABLE X CABLE TYPE}} || The cable type of cable X in the EUT window (X starting from 1)
| TEST DATE || The date at which the test is performed
|{{ReportGeneratorCode|EUT|CABLE X CABLE LENGTH}} || The cable length of cable X in the EUT window (X starting from 1)
| TEST ENGINEER || The name of the test engineer
|{{ReportGeneratorCode|EUT|CABLE X FIXING SHIELD}} || The fixing shield of cable X in the EUT window (X starting from 1)
| TEST TIME || The time at which the test is performed
|{{ReportGeneratorCode|EUT|CABLE X LOAD AT PORT}} || The load at port of cable X in the EUT window (X starting from 1)
| TEST SITE NAME || The name of the test equipment list
=== Standards Information ===
Keyword Description
{{ReportGeneratorCode|EUT|PRODUCT STANDARD ...}} Specifications of the used Product Standard
{{ReportGeneratorCode|EUT|BASIC STANDARD ...}} Specifications of the used Basic Standard
Where ... is one of the following parameters:
!Parameter || Description
| AMPLIFIER PROTECTION MODE || The Amplifier Protection mode: Signal Power, Forward Power and / or Reflected Power.
|DATEOFRELEASE || Release date of the standard
| CALIBRATION METHOD || The calibration method used: Signal Generator Level, Forward Power or Net-Power
|DESCRIPTION || String containing official name / scope
| CURRENT MEASURED || Indication whether or not the current is measured: Yes / No
|FILELOCATION || The location of the file associated with the standard
| CURRENT TEST LEVEL || The current test level in Ampere [A]
|LANGUAGE || The language in which the standard is described
| CURRENT UNIT || The selected current unit: [dBuA], [dBmA], [dBA], [uA], [mA] or  [A]
|NOTE || Additional note to the standard
| DESCRIPTION || The description of the Test Setup File (TSF)
|OFFICIALNAME || The official name of the standard
| DISTANCE || The distance between the antenna and the EUT in meters [m]
|REFERRED STANDARDS || A string of referred standards, separated by a "," (Only applicable to product standards)
| DWELL TIME || The dwell time in seconds [s]
|SCOPE || The scope of the standard
| FORWARD POWER MEASURED || Indication whether or not the forward power is measured: Yes / No
|STANDARDISATIONINSTITUTE || Description of Measurement equipment given by the user
| FREQUENCY CHANGE MODE || The method used to change frequency: Stress Method, Ramp Method, Constant Method or Fast Constant Method.
|TABLE || Table of the used standards
| HUMIDITY || Relative Humidity during the test in percentage rel.  Humidity [%RH]
<code>{{ReportGeneratorCode|EUT|PRODUCT STANDARD REFERRED STANDARDS}}</code>
<code>{{ReportGeneratorCode|EUT|PRODUCT STANDARD DESCRIPTION}}</code>
<code>{{ReportGeneratorCode|EUT|SELECT * FROM [BASIC STANDARD TABLE]}}</code>
<code>{{ReportGeneratorCode|EUT|SELECT ALL FROM [BASIC STANDARD TABLE]}}</code>
== Configuration ==
=== Report Generator ===
!Keyword || Description
| LOGARITHMIC STEP || The logarithmic frequency step in a percentage of the previous step
|COMNAME || Internal COM Name selected report generator
| LOGARITHMIC STEP FROM || The frequency the test was started from to calculate the proper logarithmic step size
|DESCRIPTION || Selected report generator
| MAIN VOLTAGE || The mains voltage during the test in Volt [V]
|EXTENSION || Report generator extension
| NET POWER MEASURED || Indication whether or not the net-power power is measured: Yes / No
|CHECKEXTENSION || Report generator should check extension
| NOTE || Note or remark made during the test
|EDITOR || Report generator
| POLARIZATION || Antenna polarisation: Horizontal or Vertical
|STARTDELETEBLOCK() || Start block to remove unused keywords
| PRESSURE || Air Pressure during the test in milliBar [mbar]
|ENDDELETEBLOCK() || End block to remove unused keywords
| REFLECTED POWER MEASURED || Indication whether or not the reflected power is measured: Yes / No
|RemoveIllegalCodes(TRUE) || Removal illegal keywords
=== Directories ===
!Keyword || Description
| START FREQUENCY || The start frequency in megahertz [MHz]
|{{ReportGeneratorCode|Configuration|DEVICEDRIVERFILESDIRECTORY}} || CONFDVDR directory
| STEP FREQUENCY || The linear frequency step in megahertz [MHz]
|{{ReportGeneratorCode|Configuration|CALFILESDIRECTORY}} || CAL Files directory
| STOP FREQUENCY || The stop frequency in megahertz [MHz]
|{{ReportGeneratorCode|Configuration|EUTFILESDIRECTORY}} || EUT Files directory
| TEMPERATURE || Temperature during the test in degrees Celsius [oC]
|{{ReportGeneratorCode|Configuration|TSFFILESDIRECTORY}} || TSF Files directory
| TSF FILENAME || The filename of the TSF file
|{{ReportGeneratorCode|Configuration|SEQFILESDIRECTORY}} || SEQ Files directory
| USE CURRENT TEST LEVEL || Indication the current test level is used: Yes / No
|{{ReportGeneratorCode|Configuration|CORFILESDIRECTORY}} || COR Files directory
| USE VOLTAGE TEST LEVEL || Indication the voltage test level is used: Yes / No
|{{ReportGeneratorCode|Configuration|DIRECTORIES}} || All directories
=== Units ===
!Keyword || Description
|{{ReportGeneratorCode|Configuration|CURRENT}} || Current
|{{ReportGeneratorCode|Configuration|EMISSION AMPLITUDE}} || Emission
|{{ReportGeneratorCode|Configuration|FIELD}} || Electrical Field
|{{ReportGeneratorCode|Configuration|FREQUENCY}} || Frequency
| VOLTAGE TEST LEVEL || The voltage test level in the unit selected by the user
|{{ReportGeneratorCode|Configuration|POWER}} || Power
| EQUIPMENT TABLE || A table containing all used equipment
|{{ReportGeneratorCode|Configuration|VOLTAGE}} || Voltage
| EVENTS || Table of events which occur during a test
|{{ReportGeneratorCode|Configuration|UNITS}} || All units
=== General ===
!Keyword || Description
| POWER UNIT || The selected unit for power: [dBuW], [dBm], [dBmW], [dBW], [uW], [mW] or  [W]
|{{ReportGeneratorCode|Configuration|CURRENTUSERNAME}} || Current username
| VOLTAGE UNIT || The selected unit for voltage:  [dBuVrms], [dBmVrms], [dBVrms], [uVrms], [mVrms] or  [Vrms]
|{{ReportGeneratorCode|Configuration|RADIMATION VERSION}} || The {{RadiMation}} version
===Equipment for Calibration===
== EUT Calibration ==
EUT's can be calibrated in multiple ways:
* Attenuation / Gain
* Amplifier linearity
* Gain compression
* Harmonics
* S Parameter
* Antenna scan
* Antenna
* Field strength
The equipment keyword consists of two parts: the keyword followed by a parameter. For each keyword all parameters are valid.
The available report generator codes for those calibrations are listed in the sections below.
Example: COUPLER TYPE returns the type of the coupler.
=== Amplifier Linearity ===
! Keyword || Description
!Keyword || Description
| AMPLIFIER ... || Specifications of the used Amplifier
|DESCRIPTION|| Test level to calibrate with
| ANTENNA ... || Specifications of the used Antenna
|TEST-TYPE|| Signal gen, forward-power or net-power
| CABLE x ... || Specifications of the used Cable number [x], where x is a number between 1 to 8
|START FREQUENCY || Start frequency of the calibration
| CLAMP ... || Specifications of the used Clamp
|STOP FREQUENCY|| End frequency of the calibration
| CLAMP RESISTANCE || The resistance in Ohm ({{Ohm}}) of the clamp
| COUPLER ... || Specifications of the used Coupler
|CALIBRATION FILE|| Used Calibration file
| CURRENT SENSOR ... || Specifications of the used Current Sensor
|ALL GRAPHS|| Output graph
=== Gain compression ===
!Keyword || Description
| FORWARD POWER METER ... || Specifications of the used Forward Power Meter
|START FREQUENCY || Start frequency of the calibration
|STOP FREQUENCY|| End frequency of the calibration
|STEP || Step size specifically for using log step in %
| JIG ... || Specifications of the used Calibration Jig
|CALIBRATION METHOD || Signal gen, forward-power or net-power
| REFLECTED POWER METER ... || Specifications of the used Reflected Power Meter
|TABLE || Output table
| SENSOR POWER METER ... || Specifications of the used Sensor Power Meter
|GRAPH|| Output graph
| SIGNAL GENERATOR ... || Specifications of the used Signal Generator
|POWER TABLE|| Table with all the compression power levels for every frequency
Where ... is one of the following parameters:
=== Harmonics ===
! Parameter || Description
!Keyword || Description
|START FREQUENCY || Start frequency of the calibration
|STOP FREQUENCY|| End frequency of the calibration
| BRAND || Brand of Measurement equipment
|STEP || Step size specifically for using log step in %
| CALIBRATION EXPIRES || Date when calibration expires of equipment, given by the user
|CALIBRATION METHOD || Signal gen, forward-power or net-power
| DESCRIPTION || Description of Measurement equipment given by the user
|TABLE || Output table
|GRAPH|| Output graph
| DEVICE DRIVER NAME || The internal name of the device driver
|POWER TABLE|| Specific table for harmonics
=== S Parameter ===
The xx after the S must be replaced by the appropriate test number: 11, 12, 21 or 22.
!Keyword || Description
| HARDWARE VERSION || Hardware version of Measurement equipment
|ALL GRAPHS || All available graphs plotted in one graph
| ID || Internal ID of Measurement equipment
|Sxx PRESCAN GRAPH || Prescan Graph
|Sxx MAGNITUDE AVG GRAPH || Magnitude Average Graph
| NAME || Name of Measurement equipment
|Sxx MAGNITUDE MAX GRAPH || Magnitude Maximum Graph
| SERIAL NUMBER || Serial number of Measurement equipment
|Sxx MAGNITUDE MIN GRAPH || Magnitude Minimum Graph
| SOFTWARE VERSION || Software version of Measurement equipment
|Sxx MAGNITUDE STDDEV GRAPH || Magnitude Standard Deviation Graph
|Sxx IMPEDANCE AVG GRAPH || Graph with the average of the measured impedance
|Sxx IMPEDANCE MAX GRAPH || Graph with the max-hold of the measured impedance
|Sxx IMPEDANCE MIN GRAPH || Graph with the min-hold of the measured impedance
|Sxx IMPEDANCE STDDEV GRAPH || Graph with the Standard Deviation of the measured impedance
| TYPE || Type of Measurement equipment
===Conducted Immunity Tests===
It is also possible to retrieve the data as table
!Keyword || Description
|S11 TABLE || All columns default visible
|Select * FROM S11 TABLE || Using sql to retrieve all values
|Select IMPEDANCE FROM S11 TABLE || Because we added impedance later, it is not visible by default
=== Antenna scan ===
To request the data as table from an antenna scan use the following code
!Keyword || Description
|POWER TABLE || Default table with frequency, signal power and forward power.
|SELECT ALL FROM [Power Table]|| To request all possible columns
== Radiated Immunity ==
=== Calibration ===
! Keyword || Description
! Keyword || Description
| "keyword or name of photo" || The name or keyword of the photo
|NUMBER OF EVENTS || The number of events that occur during a test
|EVENTS || Table of events which occur during a test
=== Uniform Field Area Calculation ===
! Keyword || Description
| NUMBER OF EVENTS || The number of events that occur during a test
| NUMBER OF EVENTS || The number of events that occur during a test
Line 830: Line 1,089:
| TEST SITE NAME || The name of the test equipment list
| TEST SITE NAME || The name of the test equipment list
| AD GRAPH x || The graph representing the A/D graph of channel number [x], where x is a number between 1 and 8
| AVERAGE FIELD GRAPH || The graph representing the average field graph
| CALCULATED CURRENT GRAPH (1) || The graph representing the current graph
| CALCULATED FIELD GRAPH || The graph representing the calculated field graph
| CALCULATED VOLTAGE GRAPH (1) || The graph representing the calculated voltage graph
| ERROR GRAPH || The graph representing the error graph
| CURRENT GRAPH || The graph representing the current graph
| FIELD GRAPH x || The graph representing the field graph of field strength sensor number [x], where x is a number between 1 and 8
| FIELD GRAPH x || The graph representing the field graph of field strength sensor number [x], where x is a number between 1 and 8
Line 844: Line 1,101:
| NET POWER GRAPH || The graph representing the net-power power graph
| NET POWER GRAPH || The graph representing the net-power power graph
| REFLECTED POWER GRAPH || The graph representing the reflected power graph
| POINT 16 ERROR GRAPH x || The graph representing the error graph of point number [x], where x is a number between 1 and 16
| SIGNAL POWER GRAPH || The graph representing the signal power graph
| POINT 16 FIELD GRAPH x || The graph representing the field graph of point number [x], where x is a number between 1 and 16
| VOLTAGE GRAPH || The graph representing the voltage graph
| POINT 16 POWER GRAPH x || The graph representing the power graph of point number [x], where x is a number between 1 and 16
| CALIBRATED POWER GRAPH || The graph representing the calibrated power limitation graph
| REFLECTED POWER GRAPH || The graph representing the reflected power graph
| CALIBRATED POWER LIMIT GRAPH || The graph representing the calibrated power limitation graph
| SIGNAL POWER GRAPH || The graph representing the signal power graph
| AMPLIFIER PROTECTION MODE || The Amplifier Protection mode: Signal Power, Forward Power and / or Reflected Power.
| AMPLIFIER PROTECTION MODE || The Amplifier Protection mode: Signal Power, Forward Power and / or Reflected Power.
| CALIBRATION FILE (1) || The name of the calibration file used for the test
| AVERAGE FIELD || Which probes are selected for the calculation of the average field
| CALIBRATION METHOD || The calibration method used: Signal Generator Level, Forward Power or Net-Power
| CURRENT LIMIT || The Current limit in Ampere [A]
| CURRENT MEASURED || Indication whether or not the current is measured: Yes / No
| CURRENT MEASURED || Indication whether or not the current is measured: Yes / No
| CURRENT TEST LEVEL || The current test level in Ampere [A]
| CURRENT UNIT || The selected current unit: [dBuA],[dBmA], [dBA], [uA], [mA] or [A]
| DESCRIPTION || The description of the Test Setup File (TSF)
| DESCRIPTION || The description of the Test Setup File (TSF)
Line 873: Line 1,122:
| DWELL TIME || The dwell time in seconds [s]
| DWELL TIME || The dwell time in seconds [s]
| FIELD TEST LEVEL || The field strength level in the unit selected by the user
| FORWARD POWER MEASURED || Indication whether or not the forward power is measured: Yes / No
| FORWARD POWER MEASURED || Indication whether or not the forward power is measured: Yes / No
Line 880: Line 1,131:
| HUMIDITY || Relative Humidity during the test in percentage relative Humidity [%RH]
| HUMIDITY || Relative Humidity during the test in percentage relative Humidity [%RH]
| LOGARITHMIC STEP || The logarithmic frequency step in a percentage of the previous step
| MAIN VOLTAGE || The mains voltage during the test in Volt [V]
| LOGARITHMIC STEP FROM || The frequency the test was started from to calculate the proper logarithmic step size
| NET POWER MEASURED || Indication whether or not the net-power power is measured: Yes / No
| MAIN VOLTAGE || The mains voltage during the test in Volt [V]
| NOTE || Note or remark made during the test
! Keyword || Description
| MODULATION || The type of modulation: none, Internal AM, External AM or Pulse
| POLARIZATION || Antenna polarisation: Horizontal or Vertical
| MODULATION CONSERVATION || Indication whether peak conservation is used: Power, Voltage, none
| PRESSURE || Air Pressure during the test in milliBar [mbar]
| MODULATION DEPTH || Modulation depth in percentage of the carrier [%]
| RECALCULATE AVERAGE || Indication whether or not the average is recalculated: Yes / No
| MODULATION DUTY CYCLE || The duty cycle of the pulse modulation as a percentage [%]
| REFLECTED POWER MEASURED || Indication whether or not the reflected power is measured: Yes / No
| MODULATION FREQUENCY || The modulation frequency in Hertz [Hz]
| START FREQUENCY || The start frequency in megahertz [MHz]
| MODULATION SIGNAL || The type of modulation signal: Sine Wave or Square Wave
| STOP FREQUENCY || The stop frequency in megahertz [MHz]
| NET POWER MEASURED || Indication whether or not the net-power power is measured: Yes / No
| FREQUENCY STEP || The linear frequency step in megahertz [MHz]
| NOTE || Note or remark made during the test
| LOGARITHMIC STEP || The logarithmic frequency step in a percentage of the previous step
| POLARIZATION || Antenna polarisation: Horizontal or Vertical
| LOGARITHMIC STEP FROM || The frequency the test was started from to calculate the proper logarithmic step size
| PRESSURE || Air Pressure during the test in milliBar [mbar]
| STEP || A textual description of the used frequency step, also containing if it is linear or logarithmic step size
| REFLECTED POWER MEASURED || Indication whether or not the reflected power is measured: Yes / No
| TEMPERATURE || Temperature during the test in degrees Celsius [oC]
| START FREQUENCY || The start frequency in megahertz [MHz]
| TSF FILENAME || The filename of the TSF file
| STEP FREQUENCY || The linear frequency step in megahertz [MHz]
| EQUIPMENT TABLE || A table containing all used equipment
| STOP FREQUENCY || The stop frequency in megahertz [MHz]
| EVENTS || Table of events which occur during a test
| FIELD UNIT || The selected unit for field strength:  [dBuV/m], [dBmV/m], [dBV/m], [uV/m], [mV/m] or  [V/m]
| POWER UNIT || The selected unit for power: [dBuW], [dBm], [dBmW], [dBW], [uW], [mW] or  [W]
| VOLTAGE UNIT || The selected unit for voltage:  [dBuVrms], [dBmVrms], [dBVrms], [uVrms], [mVrms] or  [Vrms]
| TAKE START PICTURE || Indication whether or not a photo is taken at the start of the test: Yes/No
| NUMBER OF TOTAL POINTS || The total of calibration points
| NUMBER OF POINTS TO REMOVE || The number of points removed
| ACCEPTED TOLERANCE || The accepted tolerance in dB
| ACCEPTED EXTENDED TOLERANCE || The accepted extended tolerance in dB
| TEMPERATURE || Temperature during the test in degrees Celsius [oC]
| PERCENTAGE WITHIN TOLERANCE || The percentage of frequencies within the accepted tolerance
| TSF FILENAME || The filename of the TSF file
| PERCENTAGE WITHIN EXTENDED TOLERANCE || The percentage of frequencies within the accepted extended tolerance
| USE CURRENT LIMIT || Is the current limit used: Yes / No
| PERCENTAGE OUTSIDE TOLERANCE || The percentage of frequencies outside the tolerance
| USE CURRENT TEST LEVEL (2) || Indication the current test level is used: Yes / No
| MAX STANDARD DEVIATION MEASURED || The maximum standard deviation
| USE VOLTAGE TEST LEVEL (6) || Indication the voltage test level is used: Yes / No
| FREQUENCY FOR MAX STANDARD DEVIATION || The frequency with the maximum standard deviation
| VOLTAGE TEST LEVEL (6) || The voltage test level in the unit selected by the user
| MAX TOLERANCE DEVIATION MEASURED || The maximum tolerance deviation
| EQUIPMENT TABLE || A table containing all used equipment
| FREQUENCY FOR MAX DEVIATION || The frequency with the max tolerance
| EVENTS || Table of events which occur during a test
| RESULT || UFA pass or fail result
| MANUAL MODE || Table containing the information collected during a manual mode session
| STDEV GRAPH || The graph representing the standard deviation per frequency
| POWER UNIT || The selected unit for power: [dBuW], [dBm], [dBmW], [dBW], [uW], [mW] or  [W]
| PROBABILITY PERCENTAGE || The probability percentage
| VOLTAGE UNIT || The selected unit for voltage:  [dBuVrms], [dBmVrms], [dBVrms], [uVrms], [mVrms] or  [Vrms]
| CROSS POLAR PROBABILITY PERCENTAGE || The cross-polar probability percentage
| CROSS POLAR ACCEPTED TOLERANCE || The cross-polar accepted tolerance in dB
| POWER TEST LEVEL (3) || The power test level in the unit selected by the user
| CROSS POLAR ACCEPTED EXTENDED TOLERANCE || The cross-polar accepted extended tolerance in dB
| STEP DOWN (4) || The number of dB's the test level is stepped down during a minimum performance test
| CROSS POLAR EXTENDED TOLERANCE PERCENTAGE || The cross-polar extended tolerance percentage
| TOLERANCE (5) || The maximum allowable tolerance of the test-level
| CROSS POLAR RESULT || The cross-polar result, pass or fail
| CROSS POLAR PERCENTAGE WITHIN TOLERANCE || The cross-polar percentage within tolerance
1) Fixed Generator method and Minimum Performance Level Method Excluded
| CROSS POLAR NUMBER OF POINTS WITHIN TOLERANCE || The cross-polar number of frequency points within tolerance
2) Substitution method and Fixed Current Method only
3) Fixed Generator level method only
| CROSS POLAR PERCENTAGE WITHIN EXTENDED TOLERANCE || The cross-polar percentage of frequency points within the extended tolerance
4) Minimum Performance test method only
5) Fixed Current method and Minimum Performance test method only
| CROSS POLAR NUMBER OF POINTS WITHIN EXTENDED TOLERANCE || The cross-polar number of frequency points within the extended tolerance
6) Substitution method only
| CROSS POLAR PERCENTAGE OUTSIDE TOLERANCE || The cross-polar percentage outside the tolerance
| CROSS POLAR NUMBER OF POINTS OUTSIDE TOLERANCE || The cross-polar number of points outside the tolerance
| CROSS POLAR MAX PQUANTILE || The cross-polar maximum PQuantile
| CROSS POLAR FREQUENCY FOR MAX PQUANTILE || The cross-polar frequency for the max PQuantile
| PQUANTILE GRAPH || The graph representing the PQuantile per frequency
===Equipment for Conducted Immunity Tests===
=== Equipment for Uniform Field Area calculation ===
The equipment keyword consists of two parts: the keyword followed by a parameter. For each keyword all parameters are valid.
The equipment keyword consists of two parts: the keyword and a parameter. For each keyword all parameters are valid.
Example: ANTENNA DESCRIPTION returns the description of the antenna.
! Keyword || Description
! Keyword || Description
| AD CONVERTOR ... || Specifications of the used A/D Converter
| AMPLIFIER ... || Specifications of the used Amplifier
| AMPLIFIER ... || Specifications of the used Amplifier
| ANTENNA ... || Specifications of the used Antenna
| ANTENNA ... || Specifications of the used Antenna
| CABLE x ... || Specifications of the used Cable number [x], where x is a number between 1 to 8
| CLAMP ... || Specifications of the used Clamp
| CLAMP RESISTANCE || The resistance in Ohm ({{Ohm}}) of the clamp
| COUPLER ... || Specifications of the used Coupler
| COUPLER ... || Specifications of the used Coupler
| CURRENT SENSOR ... || Specifications of the used Current Sensor
| FIELD SENSOR x ... || Specifications of the used Field Sensor number [x], where x is a number between 1 and 8
| FORWARD POWER METER ... || Specifications of the used Forward Power Meter
| FORWARD POWER METER ... || Specifications of the used Forward Power Meter
| REFLECTED POWER METER ... || Specifications of the used Reflected Power Meter
| REFLECTED POWER METER ... || Specifications of the used Reflected Power Meter
| SENSOR POWER METER ... || Specifications of the used Sensor Power Meter
| SIGNAL GENERATOR ... || Specifications of the used Signal Generator
| SIGNAL GENERATOR ... || Specifications of the used Signal Generator
Where ... is one of the following parameters:
Where ... is one of the following parameters:
! Parameter || Description
! Parameter || Description
Line 1,026: Line 1,282:
==Pulsed Immunity==
{{Example|text={{ReportGeneratorCode|AMPLIFIER BRAND}} returns the brand name of the amplifier.}}
===ESD Test===
=== Radiated Immunity Tests ===
! Keyword || Description
! Keyword || Description
| NEG AIR MEASURED POINT x || Indication a Negative Air Discharge is performed at point number [x]: Yes / No
| "keyword or name of photo" || The name or keyword of the photo
| NEG AIR RESULT POINT x || Results of Negative Air Discharge at point number [x]: pass or fail
| NUMBER OF EVENTS || The number of events that occur during a test
| NEG CONTACT MEASURED POINT x || Indication a Negative Contact Discharge is performed at point number [x]: Yes / No
| TEST START TIME || The date and time at which the test is started
| NEG CONTACT RESULT POINT x || Results of Negative Contact Discharge at point number [x]: pass or fail
| TEST STOP TIME || The date and time at which the test is stopped
| NUMBER OF EVENTS || The number of events that occur during a test
| TEST DATE || The date at which the test is performed
| POS AIR MEASURED POINT x || Indication a Positive Air Discharge is performed at point number [x]: Yes / No
| TEST ENGINEER || The name of the test engineer
| POS AIR RESULT POINT x || Results of Positive Air Discharge at point number [x]: pass or fail
| TEST TIME || The time at which the test is performed
| POS CONTACT MEASURED POINT x || Indication a Positive Contact Discharge is performed at point number [x]: Yes / No
| TEST SITE NAME || The name of the test equipment list
| POS CONTACT RESULT POINT x || Results of Positive Contact Discharge at point number [x]: pass or fail
| AD GRAPH x || The graph representing the A/D graph of channel number [x], where x is a number between 1 and 8
| TEST START TIME || The time at which the test is stopped
| AVERAGE FIELD GRAPH || The graph representing the average field graph
| TEST STOP TIME || The time at which the test is started
| CALCULATED FIELD GRAPH (1) || The graph representing the calculated field graph
| TEST SITE NAME || The name of the test equipment list
| CURRENT GRAPH || The graph representing the current graph
| AMPLITUDE POINT x || Amplitude of pulse performed at point number [x] in [V]
| FIELD GRAPH x || The graph representing the field graph of field strength sensor number [x], where x is a number between 1 and 8
| CONFIGURATION TIME || The date and time when the TSF file is saved
| FORWARD POWER GRAPH || The graph representing the forward power graph
| DESCRIPTION || Description of the Test Setup File (TSF)
| NET POWER GRAPH || The graph representing the net-power power graph
| DISCHARGE INTERVAL || The interval of the discharge in seconds.
| REFLECTED POWER GRAPH || The graph representing the reflected power graph
| HUMIDITY || Relative Humidity during the test in percentage relative Humidity [%RH]
| SIGNAL POWER GRAPH || The graph representing the signal power graph
| MAIN VOLTAGE || Mains Voltage during the test in Volt [V]
| AMPLIFIER PROTECTION MODE || The Amplifier Protection mode: Signal Power, Forward Power and  or Reflected Power.
| NEG AIR LEVEL POINT x || Level of the Negative Air Discharge at point number [x] in [V]
| AVERAGE FIELD || Which probes are selected for the calculation of the average field
| NEG CONTACT LEVEL POINT x || Level of the Negative Contact Discharge at point number [x] in [V]
| CALCULATED FIELD MEASURED(1) || Indication whether or not the calculated power is measured: Yes / No
| NOTE || Note or remark made during the test
| CALIBRATION FILE (1) || The name of the calibration file used for the test
| NOTE POINT x || Note or remark for point number [x]
| CALIBRATION METHOD || The calibration method used: Signal Generator Level, Forward Power or Net-Power
| NUMBER OF DISCHARGES || The number of discharges
| CURRENT LIMIT || The Current limit in Ampere [A]
| PERFORMANCE CRITERIA CUSTOMER || The performance criteria according to the customer
| CURRENT MEASURED || Indication whether or not the current is measured: Yes / No
| PERFORMANCE CRITERIA PRODUCT STANDARD || The performance criteria according to the product standard
| CURRENT UNIT || The selected current unit: [dBuA],[dBmA], [dBA], [uA], [mA] or [A]
| POS AIR LEVEL POINT x || Level of the Positive Air Discharge at point number [x] in [V]
| DESCRIPTION || The description of the Test Setup File (TSF)
| POS CONTACT LEVEL POINT x || Level of the Positive Contact Discharge at point number [x] in [V]
| DISTANCE || The distance between the antenna and the EUT in meters [m]
| PRESSURE || Air Pressure during the test in MilliBar [mbar]
| DWELL TIME || The dwell time in seconds [s]
| TDURATION POINT x || Duration of pulse at point number [x] in milliseconds [ms]
| FIELD TEST LEVEL (2) || The field strength level in the unit selected by the user
| TEMPERATURE || Temperature during the test in degrees Celsius [oC]
| FORWARD POWER MEASURED || Indication whether or not the forward power is measured: Yes / No
| TEST ENGINEER || The name of the test engineer
| FREQUENCY CHANGE MODE || The method used to change frequency: Stress Method, Ramp Method, Constant Method or Fast Constant Method.
| TESTPOINT DESCRIPTION POINT nr || Position at EUT where discharge was applied
| HUMIDITY || Relative Humidity during the test in percentage relative Humidity [%RH]
| TRISE POINT x || Rise time of pulse at point number [x] in milliseconds [ms]
| MAIN VOLTAGE || The mains voltage during the test in Volt [V]
| EQUIPMENT TABLE || A table containing all used equipment
| MODULATION || The type of modulation: none, Internal AM, External AM or Pulse
| EVENTS || Table of events which occur during a test
| MODULATION CONSERVATION || Indication whether peak conservation is used: Power, Voltage, none
===Equipment for ESD Tests===
The equipment keyword consists of two parts: the keyword followed by a parameter. For each keyword all parameters are valid.
Example: ESDGUN BRAND returns the brand name of the ESD gun.
! Keyword || Description
| ESDGUN ... || Specifications of the used ESD Gun
| MODULATION DEPTH || Modulation depth in percentage of the carrier [%]
Where ... is one of the following parameters:
! Parameter || Description
| BRAND || Brand of Measurement equipment
| MODULATION DUTY CYCLE || The duty cycle of the pulse modulation as a percentage [%]
| CALIBRATION EXPIRES || Date when calibration expires of equipment, given by the user
| MODULATION FREQUENCY || The modulation frequency in Hertz [Hz]
| DESCRIPTION || Description of Measurement equipment given by the user
| MODULATION SIGNAL || The type of modulation signal: Sine Wave or Square Wave
| NET POWER MEASURED || Indication whether or not the net-power power is measured: Yes / No
| DEVICE DRIVER NAME || The internal name of the device driver
| NOTE || Note or remark made during the test
| HARDWARE VERSION || Hardware version of Measurement equipment
| POLARIZATION || Antenna polarisation: Horizontal or Vertical
| ID || Internal ID of Measurement equipment
| PRESSURE || Air Pressure during the test in milliBar [mbar]
| REFLECTED POWER MEASURED || Indication whether or not the reflected power is measured: Yes / No
| NAME || Name of Measurement equipment
| START FREQUENCY || The start frequency in megahertz [MHz]
| SERIAL NUMBER || Serial number of Measurement equipment
| STOP FREQUENCY || The stop frequency in megahertz [MHz]
| SOFTWARE VERSION || Software version of Measurement equipment
| FREQUENCY STEP || The linear frequency step in megahertz [MHz]
| LOGARITHMIC STEP || The logarithmic frequency step in a percentage of the previous step
| TYPE || Type of Measurement equipment
| LOGARITHMIC STEP FROM || The frequency the test was started from to calculate the proper logarithmic step size
===EFT Test===
! Keyword || Description
| (L1-L2)/PE RESULT || Results on (L1-L2)/PE: Pass or Fail
| STEP || A textual description of the used frequency step, also containing if it is linear or logarithmic step size
| CAPCLAMP RESULT || Results on Capacitive Clamp: Pass or Fail
| TAKE START PICTURE || Indication whether or not to take a photo at the start of the test: Yes/No
| L1 RESULT || Results on L1: Pass or Fail
| TEMPERATURE || Temperature during the test in degrees Celsius [oC]
| L1/L2 RESULT || Results on L1/L2: Pass or Fail
| TSF FILENAME || The filename of the TSF file
| L1/PE RESULT || Results on L1/PE: Pass or Fail
| USE CURRENT LIMIT || Is the current limit used: Yes / No
| L2 RESULT || Results on L2: Pass or Fail
| EQUIPMENT TABLE || A table containing all used equipment
| L2/PE RESULT || Results on L2/PE: Pass or Fail
| EVENTS || Table of events which occur during a test
| NUMBER OF EVENTS || The number of events that occur during a test
| MANUAL MODE || Table containing the information collected during a manual mode session
| PE RESULT || Results on PE (Protective Earth): Pass or Fail
| FIELD UNIT || The selected unit for field strength: [dBuV/m], [dBmV/m], [dBV/m], [uV/m], [mV/m] or [V/m]
| TEST START TIME || The time at which the test is stopped
| POWER UNIT || The selected unit for power: [dBuW], [dBm], [dBmW], [dBW], [uW], [mW] or  [W]
| TEST STOP TIME || The time at which the test is started
| VOLTAGE UNIT || The selected unit for voltage:  [dBuVrms], [dBmVrms], [dBVrms], [uVrms], [mVrms] or  [Vrms]
1) Substitution Method only
2) Substitution Method and Fixed Field Method only
=== Equipment for Radiated Immunity Tests ===
The equipment keyword consists of two parts: the keyword and a parameter. For each keyword all parameters are valid.
! Keyword || Description
| TEST SITE NAME || The name of the test equipment list
| AD CONVERTOR ... || Specifications of the used A/D Converter
| BRAND || Brand of Measurement equipment
| AMPLIFIER ... || Specifications of the used Amplifier
| CALIBRATION EXPIRES || Date when calibration expires of equipment, given by the user
| ANTENNA ... || Specifications of the used Antenna
| DESCRIPTION || Description of Measurement equipment given by the user
| CABLE x ... || Specifications of the used Cable number [x], where x is a number between 1 to 8
| COUPLER ... || Specifications of the used Coupler
| CURRENT SENSOR ... || Specifications of the used Current Sensor
| FIELD SENSOR x ... || Specifications of the used Field Sensor number [x], where x is a number between 1 and 8
| FORWARD POWER METER ... || Specifications of the used Forward Power Meter
| REFLECTED POWER METER ... || Specifications of the used Reflected Power Meter
| SENSOR POWER METER ... || Specifications of the used Sensor Power Meter
| SIGNAL GENERATOR ... || Specifications of the used Signal Generator
Where ... is one of the following parameters:
! Parameter || Description
| BRAND || Brand of Measurement equipment
| CALIBRATION EXPIRES || Date when calibration expires of equipment, given by the user
| DESCRIPTION || Description of Measurement equipment given by the user
| DEVICE DRIVER NAME || The internal name of the device driver
| DEVICE DRIVER NAME || The internal name of the device driver
Line 1,203: Line 1,472:
| TYPE || Type of Measurement equipment
| TYPE || Type of Measurement equipment
{{Example|text={{ReportGeneratorCode|AMPLIFIER SERIAL NUMBER}} returns the serial number of the amplifier.}}
== Radiated Immunity Multiband ==
It is possible to include the test levels of a multi band immunity test.
The name of a test level can be adjusted in the TSF and therefor needs to be looked up first.
To include a field of a test level from band 1 use the following code, where the name needs to match the test level and an appropriate field should be used.
The report generator code is build as following, where <Test level name> is replaced with the name of the configured test level and <Field> is the actual information that is put in the report.
'''{{ReportGeneratorCode|Band1 TestLevel: <Test level name> <Field>}}'''
This example puts the 'Description' of the test level named 'Electrical field substitution method' in the report
'''{{ReportGeneratorCode|Band1 TestLevel: Electrical field substitution method Description}}'''
This example puts the 'Calibration filename' of the test level named 'Electrical field substitution method' in the report
'''{{ReportGeneratorCode|Band1 TestLevel: Electrical field substitution method Calibration File}}'''
This example puts the 'Field' of the test level named 'Electrical field substitution method' in the report
'''{{ReportGeneratorCode|Band1 TestLevel: Electrical field substitution method Fixed Field}}'''
This example puts the 'Power' of the test level named 'Power closed loop method' in the report
'''{{ReportGeneratorCode|Band1 TestLevel: Power closed loop method Fixed Power}}'''
Other fields than "Description" and "Calibration File" can be accessed, keep in mind that it depends on the test level which fields are exposed.
Some examples of other fields:
! Parameter || Description
| (L1-L2)/PE MEASURED || (L1-L2)/PE Measured: Yes / No
| Name || Name of test level
| AMPLITUDE || Amplitude of burst in Volt [V]
| CAPCLAMP MEASURED || Capacitive Clamp Measured: Yes / No
| Description || Description of test level
| CONFIGURATION TIME || The date and time when the TSF file is saved
| Tolerance || The tolerance of the test level
| DESCRIPTION || Description of the Test Setup File (TSF)
| Calibration File || Calibration file used in a substitution test
| DURATION || Duration of test in milliseconds [ms]
| Calibration method || Calibration method
| FREQUENCY || Frequency of burst in Hertz [Hz]
| Fixed Field || The field strength to regulate to
== Conducted Immunity ==
=== Calibration ===
! Keyword || Description
| HUMIDITY || Relative Humidity during the test in percentage relative Humidity [%RH]
| NUMBER OF EVENTS || The number of events that occur during a test
| L1 MEASURED || L1 Measured: Yes / No
| TEST START TIME || The date and time at which the test is started
| L1/L2 MEASURED || L1/L2 Measured: Yes / No
| TEST STOP TIME || The date and time at which the test is stopped
| L1/PE MEASURED || L1/PE Measured: Yes / No
| TEST DATE || The date at which the test is performed
| L2 MEASURED || L2 Measured: Yes / No
| TEST ENGINEER || The name of the test engineer
| L2/PE MEASURED || L2/PE Measured: Yes / No
| TEST TIME || The time at which the test is performed
| MAIN VOLTAGE || Mains Voltage during the test in Volt [V]
| TEST SITE NAME || The name of the test equipment list
! Keyword || Description
| NOTE || Note or remark made during the test
| AMPLIFIER PROTECTION MODE || The Amplifier Protection mode: Signal Power, Forward Power and / or Reflected Power.
| NOTE (L1-L2)/PE || Notes or remarks for (L1-L2)/PE
| CALIBRATION METHOD || The calibration method used: Signal Generator Level, Forward Power or Net-Power
| NOTE CAPCLAMP || Notes or remarks for Capacitive Clamp
| CURRENT MEASURED || Indication whether or not the current is measured: Yes / No
| NOTE L1 || Notes or remarks for L1
| CURRENT TEST LEVEL || The current test level in Ampere [A]
| NOTE L1/L2 || Notes or remarks for L1/L2
| CURRENT UNIT || The selected current unit: [dBuA], [dBmA], [dBA], [uA], [mA] or [A]
| NOTE L1/PE || Notes or remarks for L1/PE
| DESCRIPTION || The description of the Test Setup File (TSF)
| NOTE L2 || Notes or remarks for L2
| DISTANCE || The distance between the antenna and the EUT in meters [m]
| NOTE L2/PE || Notes or remarks for L2/PE
| DWELL TIME || The dwell time in seconds [s]
| NOTE PE || Notes or remarks for PE
| FORWARD POWER MEASURED || Indication whether or not the forward power is measured: Yes / No
| PE MEASURED || PE Measured: Yes / No
| FREQUENCY CHANGE MODE || The method used to change frequency: Stress Method, Ramp Method, Constant Method or Fast Constant Method.
| PRESSURE || Air Pressure during the test in milliBar [mbar]
| HUMIDITY || Relative Humidity during the test in percentage rel.  Humidity [%RH]
| TBURST || Duration of burst in milliseconds [ms]
| MAIN VOLTAGE || The mains voltage during the test in Volt [V]
| TEMPERATURE || Temperature during the test in degrees Celsius [oC]
| NET POWER MEASURED || Indication whether or not the net-power power is measured: Yes / No
| NOTE || Note or remark made during the test
| POLARIZATION || Antenna polarisation: Horizontal or Vertical
| PRESSURE || Air Pressure during the test in milliBar [mbar]
| TEST ENGINEER || The name of the test engineer
| REFLECTED POWER MEASURED || Indication whether or not the reflected power is measured: Yes / No
| TPERIOD || Duration of period in milliseconds [ms]
| START FREQUENCY || The start frequency in megahertz [MHz]
| EQUIPMENT TABLE || A table containing all used equipment
| STOP FREQUENCY || The stop frequency in megahertz [MHz]
| EVENTS || Table of events which occur during a test
| FREQUENCY STEP || The linear frequency step in megahertz [MHz]
For every possible line the following items are available:
! Keyword || Description
| MEASURED || If the line was measured
| LOGARITHMIC STEP || The logarithmic frequency step in a percentage of the previous step
| RESULT || The result on this line
| LOGARITHMIC STEP FROM || The frequency the test was started from to calculate the proper logarithmic step size
| AMPLITUDE || The amplitude on this line
| STEP || A textual description of the used frequency step, also containing if it is linear or logarithmic step size
| NOTE || The note that is related to this line
| TEMPERATURE || Temperature during the test in degrees Celsius [oC]
So for example code ||<testname>|L1 / L2 RESULT|| is valid.
===Equipment for EFT Tests===
The equipment keyword consists of two parts: the keyword followed by a parameter. For each keyword all parameters are valid.
Example: EFTGENERATOR TYPE returns the type of the EFT generator.
! Keyword || Description
| EFTGENERATOR ... || Specifications of the used EFT Generator
| TSF FILENAME || The filename of the TSF file
Where ... is one of the following parameters:
! Parameter || Description
| BRAND || Brand of Measurement equipment
| USE CURRENT TEST LEVEL || Indication the current test level is used: Yes / No
| CALIBRATION EXPIRES || Date when calibration expires of equipment, given by the user
| USE VOLTAGE TEST LEVEL || Indication the voltage test level is used: Yes / No
| DESCRIPTION || Description of Measurement equipment given by the user
| VOLTAGE TEST LEVEL || The voltage test level in the unit selected by the user
| EQUIPMENT TABLE || A table containing all used equipment
| DEVICE DRIVER NAME || The internal name of the device driver
| EVENTS || Table of events which occur during a test
| HARDWARE VERSION || Hardware version of Measurement equipment
| POWER UNIT || The selected unit for power: [dBuW], [dBm], [dBmW], [dBW], [uW], [mW] or  [W]
| ID || Internal ID of Measurement equipment
| VOLTAGE UNIT || The selected unit for voltage:  [dBuVrms], [dBmVrms], [dBVrms], [uVrms], [mVrms] or  [Vrms]
=== Equipment for Calibration ===
The equipment keyword consists of two parts: the keyword and a parameter. For each keyword all parameters are valid.
! Keyword || Description
| AMPLIFIER ... || Specifications of the used Amplifier
| NAME || Name of Measurement equipment
| ANTENNA ... || Specifications of the used Antenna
| SERIAL NUMBER || Serial number of Measurement equipment
| CABLE x ... || Specifications of the used Cable number [x], where x is a number between 1 to 8
| SOFTWARE VERSION || Software version of Measurement equipment
| CLAMP ... || Specifications of the used Clamp
| CLAMP RESISTANCE || The resistance in Ohm ({{Ohm}}) of the clamp
| TYPE || Type of Measurement equipment
| COUPLER ... || Specifications of the used Coupler
===Surge Test===
! Keyword || Description
| (L1-L2)/PE MEASURED || (L1-L2)/PE measured: Yes / No
| CURRENT SENSOR ... || Specifications of the used Current Sensor
| (L1-L2)/PE RESULT || Results of Surge Test at (L1-L2)/PE: pass or fail
| FORWARD POWER METER ... || Specifications of the used Forward Power Meter
| L1/L2 MEASURED || Indication whether or not L1/L2 is measured: Yes / No
| JIG ... || Specifications of the used Calibration Jig
| L1/L2 RESULT || Results of Surge Test at L1/L2: pass or fail
| REFLECTED POWER METER ... || Specifications of the used Reflected Power Meter
| L1/PE MEASURED || Indication whether or not L1/PE is measured: Yes / No
| SENSOR POWER METER ... || Specifications of the used Sensor Power Meter
| L1/PE RESULT || Results of Surge Test at L1/PE: pass or fail
| SIGNAL GENERATOR ... || Specifications of the used Signal Generator
Where ... is one of the following parameters:
! Parameter || Description
| L2/PE MEASURED || Indication whether or not L2/PE is measured: Yes / No
| BRAND || Brand of Measurement equipment
| L2/PE RESULT || Results of Surge Test at L2/PE: pass or fail
| CALIBRATION EXPIRES || Date when calibration expires of equipment, given by the user
| NUMBER OF EVENTS || The number of events that occur during a test
| DESCRIPTION || Description of Measurement equipment given by the user
| TEST START TIME || The time at which the test is stopped
| TEST STOP TIME || The time at which the test is started
| DEVICE DRIVER NAME || The internal name of the device driver
| TEST SITE NAME || The name of the test equipment list
| HARDWARE VERSION || Hardware version of Measurement equipment
| CINTSETTINGS (L1-L2)/PE || Internal Capacitance for (L1-L2)/PE
| ID || Internal ID of Measurement equipment
| CINTSETTINGS L1/L2 || Internal Capacitance for L1/L2
| CINTSETTINGS L1/PE || Internal Capacitance for L1/PE
| NAME || Name of Measurement equipment
| CINTSETTINGS L2/PE || Internal Capacitance for L2/PE
| SERIAL NUMBER || Serial number of Measurement equipment
| CONFIGURATION TIME || The date and time when the TSF file is saved
| SOFTWARE VERSION || Software version of Measurement equipment
| DESCRIPTION || Description of the Test Setup File (TSF)
| HUMIDITY || Relative Humidity during the test in percentage relative Humidity [%RH]
| TYPE || Type of Measurement equipment
{{Example|text={{ReportGeneratorCode|COUPLER TYPE}} returns the type of the coupler.}}
=== Conducted Immunity Tests ===
! Keyword || Description
| MAIN VOLTAGE || Mains Voltage during the test in Volt [V]
| "keyword or name of photo" || The name or keyword of the photo
| NOTE || Note or remark made during the test
| NUMBER OF EVENTS || The number of events that occur during a test
| NOTE (L1-L2)/PE || Note or remark for Surge Test at (L1-L2)/PE
| TEST START TIME || The date and time at which the test is started
| NOTE L1/L2 || Note or remark for Surge Test at L1/L2
| TEST STOP TIME || The date and time at which the test is stopped
| NOTE L1/PE || Note or remark for Surge Test at L1/PE
| TEST DATE || The date at which the test is performed
| NOTE L2/PE || Note or remark for Surge Test at L2/PE
| TEST ENGINEER || The name of the test engineer
| PHASE (L1-L2)/PE || Phase angle between L1 - L2 and PE in degrees: 0, 90, 270, random
| TEST TIME || The time at which the test is performed
| PHASE L1/L2 || Phase angle between L1 and L2 in degrees: 0, 90, 270, random
| TEST SITE NAME || The name of the test equipment list
| PHASE L1/PE || Phase angle between L1 and PE in degrees: 0, 90, 270, random
| AD GRAPH x || The graph representing the A/D graph of channel number [x], where x is a number between 1 and 8
| PHASE L2/PE || Phase angle between L2 and PE in degrees: 0, 90, 270, random
| CALCULATED CURRENT GRAPH (1) || The graph representing the current graph
| POLARISATION OF (L1-L2)/PE TESTLEVEL || Polarisation of test voltage at (L1-L2)/PE: Positive, Negative or both
| CALCULATED VOLTAGE GRAPH (1) || The graph representing the calculated voltage graph
| POLARISATION OF L1/L2 TESTLEVEL || Polarisation of test voltage at L1/L2: Positive, Negative or both
| CURRENT GRAPH || The graph representing the current graph
| POLARISATION OF L1/PE TESTLEVEL || Polarisation of test voltage at L1/PE: Positive, Negative or both
| FIELD GRAPH x || The graph representing the field graph of field strength sensor number [x], where x is a number between 1 and 8
| POLARISATION OF L2/PE TESTLEVEL || Polarisation of test voltage at L2/PE: Positive, Negative or both
| FORWARD POWER GRAPH || The graph representing the forward power graph
| PRESSURE || Air Pressure during the test in milliBar [mbar]
| NET POWER GRAPH || The graph representing the net-power power graph
| RINTSETTINGS (L1-L2)/PE || Internal Resistance for (L1-L2)/PE
| REFLECTED POWER GRAPH || The graph representing the reflected power graph
| RINTSETTINGS L1/L2 || Internal Resistance for L1/L2
| SIGNAL POWER GRAPH || The graph representing the signal power graph
| RINTSETTINGS L1/PE || Internal Resistance for L1/PE
| VOLTAGE GRAPH || The graph representing the voltage graph
| RINTSETTINGS L2/PE || Internal Resistance for L2/PE
| CALIBRATED POWER GRAPH || The graph representing the calibrated power limitation graph
| TEMPERATURE || Temperature during the test in degrees Celsius [oC]
| CALIBRATED POWER LIMIT GRAPH || The graph representing the calibrated power limitation graph
| TEST ENGINEER || The name of the test engineer
| AMPLIFIER PROTECTION MODE || The Amplifier Protection mode: Signal Power, Forward Power and / or Reflected Power.
! Keyword || Description
| TESTLEVEL (L1-L2)/PE || Test level at (L1-L2)/PE in kilo Volt [kV]
| CALIBRATION FILE (1) || The name of the calibration file used for the test
| TESTLEVEL L1/L2 || Test level at L1/L2 in kilo Volt [kV]
| CALIBRATION METHOD || The calibration method used: Signal Generator Level, Forward Power or Net-Power
| TESTLEVEL L1/PE || Test level at L1/PE in kilo Volt [kV]
| CURRENT LIMIT || The Current limit in Ampere [A]
| TESTLEVEL L2/PE || Test level at L2/PE in kilo Volt [kV]
| CURRENT MEASURED || Indication whether or not the current is measured: Yes / No
| EQUIPMENT TABLE || A table containing all used equipment
| CURRENT TEST LEVEL || The current test level in Ampere [A]
| EVENTS || Table of events which occur during a test
| CURRENT UNIT || The selected current unit: [dBuA],[dBmA], [dBA], [uA], [mA] or [A]
For every available line the following codes can be applied:
! Keyword || Description
| MEASURED || If the selected line was measured
| DESCRIPTION || The description of the Test Setup File (TSF)
| RESULT || The result of the measurement
| DISTANCE || The distance between the antenna and the EUT in meters [m]
| POSITIVE TEST LEVEL || The positive test level(Yes / No)
| DWELL TIME || The dwell time in seconds [s]
| NEGATIVE TEST LEVEL || The negative testlevel(Yes / No)
| FORWARD POWER MEASURED || Indication whether or not the forward power is measured: Yes / No
| CI || The capacity used for this line configuration
| FREQUENCY CHANGE MODE || The method used to change frequency: Stress Method, Ramp Method, Constant Method or Fast Constant Method.
| RI || The resistance used for this line configuration
| HUMIDITY || Relative Humidity during the test in percentage relative Humidity [%RH]
| Test Level || The test level used for this line configuration
| MAIN VOLTAGE || The mains voltage during the test in Volt [V]
| Note || The note that applies to this line configuration
| MODULATION || The type of modulation: none, Internal AM, External AM or Pulse
| PHASE 0 || Phase 0 measured (Yes / No)
| MODULATION CONSERVATION || Indication whether peak conservation is used: Power, Voltage, none
| PHASE 90 || Phase 90 measured (Yes / No)
| MODULATION DEPTH || Modulation depth in percentage of the carrier [%]
| PHASE 270 || Phase 270 measured (Yes / No)
| MODULATION DUTY CYCLE || The duty cycle of the pulse modulation as a percentage [%]
| PHASE RANDOM || Phase random measured (Yes / No)
| MODULATION FREQUENCY || The modulation frequency in Hertz [Hz]
===Equipment for Surge Tests===
The equipment keyword consists of two parts: the keyword followed by a parameter. For each keyword all parameters are valid.
Example: SURGEGENERATOR ID returns the internal ID of the Surge generator.
! Keyword || Description
| SURGEGENERATOR ... || Specifications of the used Surge Generator
| MODULATION SIGNAL || The type of modulation signal: Sine Wave or Square Wave
Where ... is one of the following parameters:
! Parameter || Description
| BRAND || Brand of Measurement equipment
| NET POWER MEASURED || Indication whether or not the net-power power is measured: Yes / No
| CALIBRATION EXPIRES || Date when calibration expires of equipment, given by the user
| NOTE || Note or remark made during the test
| DESCRIPTION || Description of Measurement equipment given by the user
| POLARIZATION || Antenna polarisation: Horizontal or Vertical
| PRESSURE || Air Pressure during the test in milliBar [mbar]
| DEVICE DRIVER NAME || The internal name of the device driver
| REFLECTED POWER MEASURED || Indication whether or not the reflected power is measured: Yes / No
| HARDWARE VERSION || Hardware version of Measurement equipment
| START FREQUENCY || The start frequency in megahertz [MHz]
| ID || Internal ID of Measurement equipment
| STOP FREQUENCY || The stop frequency in megahertz [MHz]
| FREQUENCY STEP || The linear frequency step in megahertz [MHz]
| NAME || Name of Measurement equipment
| LOGARITHMIC STEP || The logarithmic frequency step in a percentage of the previous step
| SERIAL NUMBER || Serial number of Measurement equipment
| LOGARITHMIC STEP FROM || The frequency the test was started from to calculate the proper logarithmic step size
| SOFTWARE VERSION || Software version of Measurement equipment
| STEP || A textual description of the used frequency step, also containing if it is linear or logarithmic step size
| TAKE START PICTURE || Indication whether or not a photo is taken at the start of the test: Yes/No
| TYPE || Type of Measurement equipment
| TEMPERATURE || Temperature during the test in degrees Celsius [oC]
== Radiated Emission ==
{{Note|The pass/fail criteria, shown in the tables of the report generator do not take the measure uncertainty of the test setup into account.}}
===Radiated Emission Tests===
! Keyword || Description
| "keyword or name of photo" || The name or keyword of the photo
| TSF FILENAME || The filename of the TSF file
| NUMBER OF EVENTS || The number of events that occur during a test
| USE CURRENT LIMIT || Is the current limit used: Yes / No
| PEAK DETECTION COUNT || The number of detected peaks
| USE CURRENT TEST LEVEL (2) || Indication the current test level is used: Yes / No
| TEST START TIME || The time at which the test is stopped
| USE VOLTAGE TEST LEVEL (6) || Indication the voltage test level is used: Yes / No
| TEST STOP TIME || The time at which the test is started
| VOLTAGE TEST LEVEL (6) || The voltage test level in the unit selected by the user
| MAX HOLD GRAPH || The max hold graph of the all the traces
| EQUIPMENT TABLE || A table containing all used equipment
| MAX HOLD PEAKS GRAPH || The max hold graph of all the traces and markers
| EVENTS || Table of events which occur during a test
| MAX PEAK GRAPH || The max hold graph of the Peak trace
| MANUAL MODE || Table containing the information collected during a manual mode session
| MAX AVERAGE GRAPH || The max hold graph of the Average trace
| POWER UNIT || The selected unit for power: [dBuW], [dBm], [dBmW], [dBW], [uW], [mW] or  [W]
| MAX QUASI PEAK GRAPH || The max hold graph of the Quasi Peak trace
| VOLTAGE UNIT || The selected unit for voltage: [dBuVrms], [dBmVrms], [dBVrms], [uVrms], [mVrms] or  [Vrms]
| MAX RMS GRAPH || The max hold graph of the RMS trace
| POWER TEST LEVEL (3) || The power test level in the unit selected by the user
| ANGLE STEPS || The number of steps between the start position and the stop position
| STEP DOWN (4) || The number of dB's the test level is stepped down during a minimum performance test
| ATTENUATOR || The attenuation of the attenuator in dB
| TOLERANCE (5) || The maximum allowable tolerance of the test-level
1) Fixed Generator method and Minimum Performance Level Method excluded
2) Substitution method and Fixed Current Method only
3) Fixed Generator level method only
4) Minimum Performance test method only
5) Fixed Current method and Minimum Performance test method only
6) Substitution method only
=== Equipment for Conducted Immunity Tests ===
The equipment keyword consists of two parts: the keyword and a parameter. For each keyword all parameters are valid.
! Keyword || Description
| ATTENUATOR MODE || The Attenuator Mode: Auto, Coupled or Manual
| AD CONVERTOR ... || Specifications of the used A/D Converter
| AVERAGE DETECTOR || Indication whether or not the Average detector is measured: Yes / No
| AMPLIFIER ... || Specifications of the used Amplifier
| AVERAGE MEASURE TIME || The measurement time of the average peak detector in seconds [s]
| ANTENNA ... || Specifications of the used Antenna
| AVERAGE OBSERVATION TIME || The observation time per average peak in seconds [s]
| CABLE x ... || Specifications of the used Cable number [x], where x is a number between 1 to 8
| BELOW LIMITLINE OFFSET || The level of peaks to detect in dB below the limit line
| CLAMP ... || Specifications of the used Clamp
| CONFIGURATION TIME || The date and time when the TSF file is saved
| CLAMP RESISTANCE || The resistance in Ohm ({{Ohm}}) of the clamp
| CURRENT UNIT || The selected unit for current: [dBuA], [dBmA], [dBA], [uA], [mA] or  [A]
| COUPLER ... || Specifications of the used Coupler
| DB/DIV || N/A
| CURRENT SENSOR ... || Specifications of the used Current Sensor
| FORWARD POWER METER ... || Specifications of the used Forward Power Meter
| DESCRIPTION || Description of the Test Setup File (TSF)
| REFLECTED POWER METER ... || Specifications of the used Reflected Power Meter
| DISTANCE || The distance between the antenna and the EUT in meters [m]
| SENSOR POWER METER ... || Specifications of the used Sensor Power Meter
| SIGNAL GENERATOR ... || Specifications of the used Signal Generator
Where ... is one of the following parameters:
! Parameter || Description
| HEIGHT STEPS || The number of steps between the minimum height and the maximum height
| BRAND || Brand of Measurement equipment
| HIGHEST HEIGHT || The maximum height of the antenna tower in meters [m]
| CALIBRATION EXPIRES || Date when calibration expires of equipment, given by the user
| HUMIDITY || Relative Humidity during the test in percentage relative Humidity [%RH]
| DESCRIPTION || Description of Measurement equipment given by the user
| INTERNAL PREAMPLIFIER || The amplification of the internal pre amplifier in [dB]
| INTERNAL PREAMPLIFIER MODE || The Internal Pre Amplifier Mode: Auto, Coupled or Manual
| DEVICE DRIVER NAME || The internal name of the device driver
| LOWEST HEIGHT || The minimum height of the antenna tower in meters [m]
| HARDWARE VERSION || Hardware version of Measurement equipment
| MAIN VOLTAGE || Mains Voltage during the test in Volt [V]
| ID || Internal ID of Measurement equipment
| MAXIMUM PEAK COUNT || The maximum number of peaks to be detected
| MEASURE TIME || The measure time in milliseconds [ms]
| NAME || Name of Measurement equipment
| MEASURE TIME MODE || The Mode: Auto, Coupled or Manual
| SERIAL NUMBER || Serial number of Measurement equipment
| NOTE || Note or remark made during the test
| SOFTWARE VERSION || Software version of Measurement equipment
| PEAK DETECTOR || Indication whether or not the Peak detector is measured: Yes / No
| PEAK MEASURE TIME || The measurement time of the peak detector in seconds [s]
| TYPE || Type of Measurement equipment
{{Example|text={{ReportGeneratorCode|ANTENNA DESCRIPTION}} returns the description of the antenna.}}
== Pulsed Immunity ==
=== ESD Test ===
! Keyword || Description
| PEAK OBSERVATION TIME || The observation time per peak in seconds [s]
| NEG AIR MEASURED POINT x || Indication a Negative Air Discharge is performed at point number [x]: Yes / No
| PEAK SEARCH || Indication whether or not a peak search is performed: Yes / No
| NEG AIR RESULT POINT x || Results of Negative Air Discharge at point number [x]: pass or fail
| PEAK SEARCH || Indication a peak search is performed: Yes / No
| NEG AIR NOTE POINT x || Note of Negative Air Discharge at point number [x]
| PEAK TRACE || Indication whether or not the Peak trace is measured: Yes / No
| NEG CONTACT MEASURED POINT x || Indication a Negative Contact Discharge is performed at point number [x]: Yes / No
| PEAKSWEEPS || Number of peak sweeps performed
| NEG CONTACT RESULT POINT x || Results of Negative Contact Discharge at point number [x]: pass or fail
| Keyword || Description
| NEG CONTACT NOTE POINT x || Note of Negative Contact Discharge at point number [x]
| POINT X FREQUENCY || The frequency of point X in the peak list ( X starting from 1)
| NUMBER OF EVENTS || The number of events that occur during a test
| POINT X PEAK || The peak value of point X in the peak list (X starting from 1)
| POS AIR MEASURED POINT x || Indication a Positive Air Discharge is performed at point number [x]: Yes / No
| POINT X QUASI PEAK || The quasi peak value of point X in the peak list (X starting from 1)
| POS AIR RESULT POINT x || Results of Positive Air Discharge at point number [x]: pass or fail
| POINT X AVERAGE || The average value of point X in the peak list (X starting from 1)
| POS AIR NOTE POINT x || Note of Positive Air Discharge at point number [x]
| POLARIZATION || The polarisation of the antenna: horizontal, vertical or both
| POS CONTACT MEASURED POINT x || Indication a Positive Contact Discharge is performed at point number [x]: Yes / No
| PRESSURE || Air Pressure during the test in milliBar [mbar]
| POS CONTACT RESULT POINT x || Results of Positive Contact Discharge at point number [x]: pass or fail
| QUASIPEAK DETECTOR || Indication whether or not the Quasi peak detector is measured: Yes/No
| POS CONTACT NOTE POINT x || Note of Positive Contact Discharge at point number [x]
| QUASIPEAK MEASURE TIME || The measurement time of the quasi peak detector in seconds [s]
| TEST START TIME || The time at which the test is stopped
| QUASIPEAK OBSERVATION TIME || The observation time per quasi peak in seconds [s]
| TEST STOP TIME || The time at which the test is started
| QUASIPEAK TRACE || Indication whether or not the Quasi peak trace is measured: Yes / No
| TEST SITE NAME || The name of the test equipment list
| RBW || The Radio Bandwidth in kilo Hertz [kHz]
| AMPLITUDE POINT x || Amplitude of pulse performed at point number [x] in [V]
| RBW MODE || The RBW Mode: Auto, Coupled or Manual
| CONFIGURATION TIME || The date and time when the TSF file is saved
| RECEIVER DATA SAVE MODE || Indication whether all data is saved or only the test results
| DESCRIPTION || Description of the Test Setup File (TSF)
| REFERENCE LEVEL || The reference level in the unit selected by the user
| DISCHARGE INTERVAL || The interval of the discharge in seconds.
| REFERENCE LEVEL MODE || The Reference Level Mode: Auto, Coupled or Manual
| HUMIDITY || Relative Humidity during the test in percentage relative Humidity [%RH]
| RMS DETECTOR || Indication whether or not the RMS detector is measured: Yes / No
| MAIN VOLTAGE || Mains Voltage during the test in Volt [V]
| RMS MEASURE TIME || The measurement time of the RMS peak detector in seconds [s]
| NEG AIR LEVEL POINT x || Level of the Negative Air Discharge at point number [x] in [V]
| RMS OBSERVATION TIME || The observation time per RMS peak in seconds [s]
| NEG CONTACT LEVEL POINT x || Level of the Negative Contact Discharge at point number [x] in [V]
| RMS TRACE || Indication whether or not the RMS trace is measured: Yes / No
| NOTE || Note or remark made during the test
| START ANGLE || The start position in degrees
| NOTE POINT x || Note or remark for point number [x]
| START FREQUENCY || The start frequency in megahertz [MHz]
| NUMBER OF DISCHARGES || The number of discharges
| STEP FREQUENCY || The step frequency in kilo Hertz [kHz]
| PERFORMANCE CRITERIA CUSTOMER || The performance criteria according to the customer
| STEP FREQUENCY MODE || The Step frequency Mode: Auto, Coupled or Manual
| PERFORMANCE CRITERIA PRODUCT STANDARD || The performance criteria according to the product standard
| STOP ANGLE || The stop position in degrees
| POS AIR LEVEL POINT x || Level of the Positive Air Discharge at point number [x] in [V]
| STOP FREQUENCY || The stop frequency in megahertz [MHz]
| POS CONTACT LEVEL POINT x || Level of the Positive Contact Discharge at point number [x] in [V]
| SWEEP TIME || The sweep time in milliseconds [ms]
| PRESSURE || Air Pressure during the test in MilliBar [mbar]
| SWEEP TIME MODE || The Sweep Time Mode: Auto, Coupled or Manual
| TDURATION POINT x || Duration of pulse at point number [x] in milliseconds [ms]
| TAKE START PICTURE || Indication whether or not a picture is taken at the start of the test: Yes / No
| TEMPERATURE || Temperature during the test in degrees Celsius [oC]
| TEMPERATURE || Temperature during the test in degrees Celsius [oC]
Line 1,672: Line 1,952:
| TEST ENGINEER || The name of the test engineer
| TEST ENGINEER || The name of the test engineer
| TEST SITE NAME || The name of the test equipment list
| TESTPOINT DESCRIPTION POINT nr || Position at EUT where discharge was applied
| TRISE POINT x || Rise time of pulse at point number [x] in milliseconds [ms]
| USE START STOP FREQUENCY || Yes / No, if Yes: Start/Stop if No: Frequency list is used.
| EQUIPMENT TABLE || A table containing all used equipment
| VBW || The Video Bandwidth in kilo Hertz [kHz]
| EVENTS || Table of events which occur during a test
| POS HCP MEASURED POINT X||  Indication a Positive HCP Discharge is performed at point number [x]: Yes / No
| NEG HCP MEASURED POINT X||  Indication a Negative HCP Discharge is performed at point number [x]: Yes / No
| POS HCP RESULT POINT X|| Results of Positive HCP Discharge at point number [x]: pass or fail
| VBW MODE || The Video Bandwidth Mode: Auto, Coupled or Manual
| NEG HCP RESULT POINT X|| Results of Negative HCP Discharge at point number [x]: pass or fail
| EMISSION TABLE || Table of detected peaks and per peak: frequency, level(s), limit value, pass/fail, location
| POS HCP LEVEL POINT X|| Level of the Positive HCP Discharge at point number [x] in [V]
| EQUIPMENT TABLE || A table containing all used equipment
| NEG HCP LEVEL POINT X|| Level of the Negative HCP Discharge at point number [x] in [V]
| EVENTS || Table of events which occur during a test
| POS HCP NOTE POINT X|| Note or remark for the Positive HCP Discharge at point number [x]
| EUT HEIGHT (1) || The height of the EUT in meters [m]
| NEG HCP NOTE POINT X|| Note or remark for the Negative HCP Discharge at point number [x]
| SEPTUM HEIGHT (1) || The height of the septum in meters [m]
| POS VCP MEASURED POINT X|| Indication a Positive VCP Discharge is performed at point number [x]: Yes / No
1) GTEM Method only
===Equipment for Radiated Emission Tests===
The equipment keyword consists of two parts: the keyword followed by a parameter. For each keyword all parameters are valid.
Example: ANTENNA TOWER BRAND returns the brand name of the antenna tower.
! Keyword || Description
| ANTENNA ... || Specifications of the used Antenna
| NEG VCP MEASURED POINT X|| Indication a Negative VCP Discharge is performed at point number [x]: Yes / No
| ANTENNA TOWER ... || Specifications of the used Antenna Tower
| POS VCP RESULT POINT X|| Results of Positive VCP Discharge at point number [x]: pass or fail
| CABLE x ... || Specifications of the used Cable number [x], where x is a number between 1 to 8
| NEG VCP RESULT POINT X|| Results of Negative VCP Discharge at point number [x]: pass or fail
| NUMBER OF DETECTORS || The number of detectors the Receiver is able to handle simultaneously
| POS VCP LEVEL POINT X|| Level of the Positive VCP Discharge at point number [x] in [V]
| PRE AMPLIFIER ... || Specifications of the used Pre Amplifier
| NEG VCP LEVEL POINT X|| Level of the Negative VCP Discharge at point number [x] in [V]
| RECEIVER TYPE || The type of receiver: Spectrum Analyser, Measurement Receiver or Scanning Receiver
| POS VCP NOTE POINT X||   Note or remark for the Positive VCP Discharge at point number [x]
| SPECTRUM ANALYZER ... || Specifications of the used Spectrum Analyser or Measurement Receiver
| NEG VCP NOTE POINT X||   Note or remark for the Negative VCP Discharge at point number [x]
| TURN TABLE ... || Specifications of the used Turntable
=== Equipment for ESD Tests ===
The equipment keyword consists of two parts: the keyword and a parameter. For each keyword all parameters are valid.
! Keyword || Description
| ESDGUN ... || Specifications of the used ESD Gun
Where ... is one of the following parameters:
Where ... is one of the following parameters:
! Parameter || Description
! Parameter || Description
Line 1,755: Line 2,035:
== Conducted Emission==
{{Example|text={{ReportGeneratorCode|ESDGUN BRAND}} returns the brand name of the ESD gun.}}
{{Note|The pass/fail criteria, shown in the tables of the report generator do not take the measure uncertainty of the test setup into account.}}
===Conducted Emission Tests===
=== EFT Test ===
! Keyword || Description
! Keyword || Description
| "keyword or name of photo" || The name or keyword of the photo
| (L1-L2)/PE RESULT || Results on (L1-L2)/PE: Pass or Fail
| CAPCLAMP RESULT || Results on Capacitive Clamp: Pass or Fail
| L1 RESULT || Results on L1: Pass or Fail
| L1/L2 RESULT || Results on L1/L2: Pass or Fail
| L1/PE RESULT || Results on L1/PE: Pass or Fail
| L2 RESULT || Results on L2: Pass or Fail
| L2/PE RESULT || Results on L2/PE: Pass or Fail
| NUMBER OF EVENTS || The number of events that occur during a test
| NUMBER OF EVENTS || The number of events that occur during a test
| PEAK DETECTION COUNT || The number of detected peaks
| PE RESULT || Results on PE (Protective Earth): Pass or Fail
| TEST START TIME || The time at which the test is stopped
| TEST START TIME || The time at which the test is stopped
Line 1,775: Line 2,065:
| TEST SITE NAME || The name of the test equipment list
| TEST SITE NAME || The name of the test equipment list
| MAX HOLD GRAPH || The max hold graph of the all the traces
| BRAND || Brand of Measurement equipment
| MAX HOLD PEAKS GRAPH || The max hold graph of all the traces and markers
| CALIBRATION EXPIRES || Date when calibration expires of equipment, given by the user
| MAX PEAK GRAPH || The max hold graph of the Peak trace
| DESCRIPTION || Description of Measurement equipment given by the user
| MAX AVERAGE GRAPH || The max hold graph of the Average trace
| MAX QUASI PEAK GRAPH || The max hold graph of the Quasi Peak  trace
| DEVICE DRIVER NAME || The internal name of the device driver
| MAX RMS GRAPH || The max hold graph of the RMS trace
| HARDWARE VERSION || Hardware version of Measurement equipment
| ATTENUATOR || The attenuation of the attenuator in dB
| ID || Internal ID of Measurement equipment
| ATTENUATOR MODE || The Attenuator Mode: Auto, Coupled or Manual
| NAME || Name of Measurement equipment
| AVERAGE DETECTOR || Indication whether or not the Average detector is measured: Yes / No
| SERIAL NUMBER || Serial number of Measurement equipment
| AVERAGE MEASURE TIME || The measurement time of the average peak detector in seconds [s]
| SOFTWARE VERSION || Software version of Measurement equipment
| AVERAGE OBSERVATION TIME || The observation time per average peak in seconds [s]
| BELOW LIMITLINE OFFSET || The level of peaks to detect in dB below the limit line
| TYPE || Type of Measurement equipment
| CONFIGURATION TIME || The date and time when the TSF file is saved
| (L1-L2)/PE MEASURED || (L1-L2)/PE Measured: Yes / No
| CURRENT UNIT || The selected unit for current: [dBuA], [dBmA], [dBA], [uA], [mA] or  [A]
| AMPLITUDE || Amplitude of burst in Volt [V]
| DB/DIV || N/A
| CAPCLAMP MEASURED || Capacitive Clamp Measured: Yes / No
| CONFIGURATION TIME || The date and time when the TSF file is saved
| DESCRIPTION || Description of the Test Setup File (TSF)
| DESCRIPTION || Description of the Test Setup File (TSF)
| DURATION || Duration of test in milliseconds [ms]
| FREQUENCY || Frequency of burst in Hertz [Hz]
| HUMIDITY || Relative Humidity during the test in percentage relative Humidity [%RH]
| HUMIDITY || Relative Humidity during the test in percentage relative Humidity [%RH]
| INTERNAL PREAMPLIFIER || The amplification of the internal pre amplifier in [dB]
| L1 MEASURED || L1 Measured: Yes / No
| INTERNAL PREAMPLIFIER MODE || The Internal Pre Amplifier Mode: Auto, Coupled or Manual
| L1/L2 MEASURED || L1/L2 Measured: Yes / No
| LISN LINE || Which LISN line is used: Neutral, Phase 1, Phase 2 or Phase 3
| L1/PE MEASURED || L1/PE Measured: Yes / No
| L2 MEASURED || L2 Measured: Yes / No
| L2/PE MEASURED || L2/PE Measured: Yes / No
| MAIN VOLTAGE || Mains Voltage during the test in Volt [V]
| MAIN VOLTAGE || Mains Voltage during the test in Volt [V]
| MAXIMUM PEAK COUNT || The maximum number of peaks to be detected
| NOTE || Note or remark made during the test
| NOTE (L1-L2)/PE || Notes or remarks for (L1-L2)/PE
| MEASURE TIME || The measure time in milliseconds [ms]
| NOTE CAPCLAMP || Notes or remarks for Capacitive Clamp
| MEASURE TIME MODE || The Mode: Auto, Coupled or Manual
| NOTE L1 || Notes or remarks for L1
| NOTE || Note or remark made during the test
| NOTE L1/L2 || Notes or remarks for L1/L2
| PEAK DETECTOR || Indication whether or not the Peak detector is measured: Yes / No
| NOTE L1/PE || Notes or remarks for L1/PE
| PEAK MEASURE TIME || The measurement time of the peak detector in seconds [s]
| NOTE L2 || Notes or remarks for L2
| PEAK OBSERVATION TIME || The observation time per peak in seconds [s]
| NOTE L2/PE || Notes or remarks for L2/PE
| PEAK TRACE || Indication whether or not the Peak trace is measured: Yes / No
| NOTE PE || Notes or remarks for PE
| PEAKSWEEPS || Number of peak sweeps performed
| PE MEASURED || PE Measured: Yes / No
| PRESSURE || Air Pressure during the test in milliBar [mbar]
| PRESSURE || Air Pressure during the test in milliBar [mbar]
| QUASIPEAK DETECTOR || Indication whether or not the Quasi peak detector is measured: Yes / No
| TBURST || Duration of burst in milliseconds [ms]
| QUASIPEAK MEASURE TIME || The measurement time of the quasi peak detector in seconds [s]
| TEMPERATURE || Temperature during the test in degrees Celsius [oC]
| QUASIPEAK OBSERVATION TIME || The observation time per quasi peak in seconds [s]
| TEST ENGINEER || The name of the test engineer
| QUASIPEAK TRACE || Indication whether or not the Quasi peak trace is measured: Yes / No
| TPERIOD || Duration of period in milliseconds [ms]
| Keyword || Description
| EQUIPMENT TABLE || A table containing all used equipment
| RBW || The Radio Bandwidth in kilo Hertz [kHz]
| EVENTS || Table of events which occur during a test
For every possible line the following items are available:
! Keyword || Description
| RBW MODE || The RBW Mode: Auto, Coupled or Manual
| MEASURED || If the line was measured
| RECEIVER DATA SAVE MODE || Indication whether all data is saved or only the test results
| RESULT || The result on this line
| REFERENCE LEVEL || The reference level in the unit selected by the user
| AMPLITUDE || The amplitude on this line
| REFERENCE LEVEL MODE || The Reference Level Mode: Auto, Coupled or Manual
| NOTE || The note that is related to this line
{{Example|text={{ReportGeneratorCode|L1 / L2 RESULT}} is a valid code, and will return the actual result of the L1/L2 line.}}
=== Equipment for EFT Tests ===
The equipment keyword consists of two parts: the keyword and a parameter. For each keyword all parameters are valid.
! Keyword || Description
| RMS DETECTOR || Indication whether or not the RMS detector is measured: Yes / No
| EFTGENERATOR ... || Specifications of the used EFT Generator
| RMS MEASURE TIME || The measurement time of the RMS peak detector in seconds [s]
Where ... is one of the following parameters:
! Parameter || Description
| RMS OBSERVATION TIME || The observation time per RMS peak in seconds [s]
| BRAND || Brand of Measurement equipment
| RMS TRACE || Indication whether or not the RMS trace is measured: Yes / No
| CALIBRATION EXPIRES || Date when calibration expires of equipment, given by the user
| START FREQUENCY || The start frequency in megahertz [MHz]
| DESCRIPTION || Description of Measurement equipment given by the user
| STEP FREQUENCY || The step frequency in kilo Hertz [kHz]
| STEP FREQUENCY MODE || The Step frequency Mode: Auto, Coupled or Manual
| DEVICE DRIVER NAME || The internal name of the device driver
| STOP FREQUENCY || The stop frequency in megahertz [MHz]
| HARDWARE VERSION || Hardware version of Measurement equipment
| SWEEP TIME || The sweep time in milliseconds [ms]
| ID || Internal ID of Measurement equipment
| SWEEP TIME MODE || The Sweep Time Mode: Auto, Coupled or Manual
| TAKE START PICTURE || Indication whether or not a picture is taken at the start of the test: Yes / No
| NAME || Name of Measurement equipment
| TEMPERATURE || Temperature during the test in degrees Celsius [oC]
| SERIAL NUMBER || Serial number of Measurement equipment
| TEST ENGINEER || The name of the test engineer
| SOFTWARE VERSION || Software version of Measurement equipment
| USE START STOP FREQUENCY || Yes / No, if Yes: Start/Stop if No: Frequency list is used.
| TYPE || Type of Measurement equipment
{{Example|text={{ReportGeneratorCode|EFTGENERATOR TYPE}} returns the type of the EFT generator.}}
=== Surge Test ===
! Keyword || Description
| (L1-L2)/PE MEASURED || (L1-L2)/PE measured: Yes / No
| (L1-L2)/PE RESULT || Results of Surge Test at (L1-L2)/PE: pass or fail
| L1/L2 MEASURED || Indication whether or not L1/L2 is measured: Yes / No
| L1/L2 RESULT || Results of Surge Test at L1/L2: pass or fail
| L1/PE MEASURED || Indication whether or not L1/PE is measured: Yes / No
| L1/PE RESULT || Results of Surge Test at L1/PE: pass or fail
| L2/PE MEASURED || Indication whether or not L2/PE is measured: Yes / No
| L2/PE RESULT || Results of Surge Test at L2/PE: pass or fail
| NUMBER OF EVENTS || The number of events that occur during a test
| TEST START TIME || The time at which the test is stopped
| VBW || The Video Bandwidth in kilo Hertz [kHz]
| TEST STOP TIME || The time at which the test is started
| TEST SITE NAME || The name of the test equipment list
| VBW MODE || The Video Bandwidth Mode: Auto, Coupled or Manual
| CINTSETTINGS (L1-L2)/PE || Internal Capacitance for (L1-L2)/PE
| EMISSION TABLE || Table of detected peaks and per peak: frequency, level(s), limit value, pass/fail, location
| CINTSETTINGS L1/L2 || Internal Capacitance for L1/L2
| EQUIPMENT TABLE || A table containing all used equipment
| CINTSETTINGS L1/PE || Internal Capacitance for L1/PE
| EVENTS || Table of events which occur during a test
| CINTSETTINGS L2/PE || Internal Capacitance for L2/PE
| ABSORBING CLAMP ... (1) || Specifications of the used Absorbing Clamp
| CONFIGURATION TIME || The date and time when the TSF file is saved
| CLAMP MOVER ... (1) || Specifications of the used Clamp Mover
| DESCRIPTION || Description of the Test Setup File (TSF)
| LARGEST DISTANCE || The maximum distance of the clamp in meters [m]
| HUMIDITY || Relative Humidity during the test in percentage relative Humidity [%RH]
| SMALLEST DISTANCE || The minimum distance of the clamp in meters [m]
| MAIN VOLTAGE || Mains Voltage during the test in Volt [V]
| STEPS || The number of steps between the minimum distance and the maximum distance
| NOTE || Note or remark made during the test
| NOTE (L1-L2)/PE || Note or remark for Surge Test at (L1-L2)/PE
| NOTE L1/L2 || Note or remark for Surge Test at L1/L2
| NOTE L1/PE || Note or remark for Surge Test at L1/PE
| NOTE L2/PE || Note or remark for Surge Test at L2/PE
| PHASE (L1-L2)/PE || Phase angle between L1 - L2 and PE in degrees: 0, 90, 270, random
| PHASE L1/L2 || Phase angle between L1 and L2 in degrees: 0, 90, 270, random
| PHASE L1/PE || Phase angle between L1 and PE in degrees: 0, 90, 270, random
| PHASE L2/PE || Phase angle between L2 and PE in degrees: 0, 90, 270, random
| POLARISATION OF (L1-L2)/PE TESTLEVEL || Polarisation of test voltage at (L1-L2)/PE: Positive, Negative or both
| POLARISATION OF L1/L2 TESTLEVEL || Polarisation of test voltage at L1/L2: Positive, Negative or both
| POLARISATION OF L1/PE TESTLEVEL || Polarisation of test voltage at L1/PE: Positive, Negative or both
| POLARISATION OF L2/PE TESTLEVEL || Polarisation of test voltage at L2/PE: Positive, Negative or both
| PRESSURE || Air Pressure during the test in milliBar [mbar]
| RINTSETTINGS (L1-L2)/PE || Internal Resistance for (L1-L2)/PE
| RINTSETTINGS L1/L2 || Internal Resistance for L1/L2
| RINTSETTINGS L1/PE || Internal Resistance for L1/PE
| RINTSETTINGS L2/PE || Internal Resistance for L2/PE
| TEMPERATURE || Temperature during the test in degrees Celsius [oC]
| TEST ENGINEER || The name of the test engineer
| TESTLEVEL (L1-L2)/PE || Test level at (L1-L2)/PE in kilo Volt [kV]
| TESTLEVEL L1/L2 || Test level at L1/L2 in kilo Volt [kV]
| TESTLEVEL L1/PE || Test level at L1/PE in kilo Volt [kV]
| TESTLEVEL L2/PE || Test level at L2/PE in kilo Volt [kV]
| EQUIPMENT TABLE || A table containing all used equipment
| EVENTS || Table of events which occur during a test
For every available line the following codes can be applied:
! Keyword || Description
| MEASURED || If the selected line was measured
| RESULT || The result of the measurement
| POSITIVE TEST LEVEL || The positive test level(Yes / No)
| NEGATIVE TEST LEVEL || The negative testlevel(Yes / No)
| CI || The capacity used for this line configuration
| RI || The resistance used for this line configuration
| Test Level || The test level used for this line configuration
| Note || The note that applies to this line configuration
| PHASE 0 || Phase 0 measured (Yes / No)
| PHASE 90 || Phase 90 measured (Yes / No)
| PHASE 270 || Phase 270 measured (Yes / No)
| PHASE RANDOM || Phase random measured (Yes / No)
=== Equipment for Surge Tests ===
The equipment keyword consists of two parts: the keyword and a parameter. For each keyword all parameters are valid.
! Keyword || Description
| SURGEGENERATOR ... || Specifications of the used Surge Generator
Where ... is one of the following parameters:
! Parameter || Description
| BRAND || Brand of Measurement equipment
| CALIBRATION EXPIRES || Date when calibration expires of equipment, given by the user
| DESCRIPTION || Description of Measurement equipment given by the user
| DEVICE DRIVER NAME || The internal name of the device driver
| HARDWARE VERSION || Hardware version of Measurement equipment
| ID || Internal ID of Measurement equipment
| NAME || Name of Measurement equipment
| SERIAL NUMBER || Serial number of Measurement equipment
| SOFTWARE VERSION || Software version of Measurement equipment
| TYPE || Type of Measurement equipment
{{Example|text={{ReportGeneratorCode|SURGEGENERATOR ID}} returns the internal ID of the Surge generator.}}
== Pulsed Immunity Multi Band Tests ==
===All Pulsed Immunity MB Tests share the following codes:===
! Keyword || Description
| TestRepeatCount || Count to repeat all the sequences (Whole test)
| CABLE CABLELENGTH || Length of the cable
| CABLE DESCRIPTION || User description of the cable
| CABLE FIXINGSHIELD || Fixing shield of the cable
| CABLE LOADATPORT || Data port of the cable
| CABLE MAXCABLELENGTH || Specified maximum cable length
| CABLE NOTE || User note of the cable
| CABLE PORTTYPE || Used Port Type of the cable
==== Band Specific Codes ====
For the multiband tests, multiple settings are set for each band. To acquire the values for each band, the keyword must contain the selected band.
BAND + X + <Setting>
The X should contain the number of the selected band.
! Keyword || Description
| BAND1 SequenceNumber || The number of the sequence.
| BAND1 TestSiteName || The selected test site with the used devices specified for the first sequence of the test.
| BAND1 TestNote || The user typed note for the first sequence of the test.
| BAND1 TestStatus || The test pass state specified for the first sequence of the test.
There are multiple Pulsed Immunity MB test which each have their own settings and keywords.
=== EFT ===
! Keyword || Description
| BAND1 Line || Selected line coupling.
| BAND1 BurstDuration || The selected burst duration specified in the first sequence of the test.
| BAND1 BurstPeriod || The selected burst period specified in the first sequence of the test.
| BAND1 SequenceDuration|| The selected sequence duration specified in the first sequence of the test.
| BAND1 Polarity || The selected polarity of the VoltageTestLevel.
| BAND1 VoltageTestLevel || The voltage test level specified in the first sequence of the test
| BAND1 PulserepetitionRate || The pulse repetition rate specified in the first sequence of the test.
| BAND1 RepeatCount || The ammount the sequence is repeated.
| BAND1 Test note || The note specified for each band.
=== Surge ===
! Keyword || Description
| BAND1 Line || The selected line specified in the first sequence of the test.
| BAND1 VoltageTestLevel || The voltage test level specified in the first sequence of the test.
| BAND1 Polarity || The polarity specified in the first sequence of the test.
| BAND1 RI || The impedance specified in the first sequence of the test.
| BAND1 CI || The capacitance specified in the first sequence of the test.
| BAND1 PulseRepetitionTime || The pulse repetition time specified in the first sequence of the test.
| BAND1 PulseCount || The pulse count specified in the first sequence of the test.
| BAND1 PhaseAngles || The pulse angles specified in the first sequence of the test.
| BAND1 Test note || The note specified for each band.
=== VDI ===
! Keyword || Description
| BAND1 Changedvoltage|| The changed voltage for the dips specified for the first sequence of the test
| BAND1 Decreasevoltagetime|| The switch time from regular voltage to the dip voltage
| BAND1 Dipcount|| The ammount of dips per sequence
| BAND1 Increasevoltagetime|| The time to switch from dip voltage to regular voltage
| BAND1 Line|| The selected line coupling on which the dip will occur
| BAND1 Locationtypetext|| The AC or DC mode
| BAND1 Phaseangles|| The angle on which the dip will initiate
| BAND1 Ratedvoltage|| The regular voltage
| BAND1 Reducedvoltagetime|| The time that the voltage is at reduced voltage
| BAND1 Repetitiontime|| The duration of one sequence
| BAND1 Repeatcount|| The ammount the sequence will be repeated
| BAND1 Test note || The note specified for each band.
=== Pulsed Immunity MB Example ===
To remove keywords of unused sequences, the {{ReportGeneratorCode|StartDeleteBlock()}} and {{ReportGeneratorCode|EndDeleteBlock()}} codes can be used:
Band 1 notes: {{ReportGeneratorCode|BAND1 TestNote}}
Band 2 notes: {{ReportGeneratorCode|BAND2 TestNote}}
Band 3 notes: {{ReportGeneratorCode|BAND3 TestNote}}
Band 4 notes: {{ReportGeneratorCode|BAND4 TestNote}}
If only 2 sequences are available in the test, only 2 sequences bands will be seen in the Report output.
== Radiated Emission ==
{{Note|The pass/fail criteria, shown in the tables of the report generator, do not take the measure uncertainty of the test setup into account.}}
=== Radiated Emission Tests ===
! Keyword || Description
| "keyword or name of photo" || The name or keyword of the photo
| NUMBER OF EVENTS || The number of events that occur during a test
| PEAK DETECTION COUNT || The number of detected peaks
| TEST START TIME || The time at which the test is stopped
| TEST STOP TIME || The time at which the test is started
| MAX HOLD GRAPH || The max hold graph of the all the traces
| MAX HOLD PEAKS GRAPH || The max hold graph of all the traces and markers
| MAX PEAK GRAPH || The max hold graph of the Peak trace
| MAX AVERAGE GRAPH || The max hold graph of the Average trace
| MAX QUASI PEAK GRAPH || The max hold graph of the Quasi Peak  trace
| MAX RMS GRAPH || The max hold graph of the RMS trace
| ATTENUATOR || The attenuation of the attenuator in dB
| ATTENUATOR MODE || The Attenuator Mode: Auto, Coupled or Manual
| AVERAGE DETECTOR || Indication whether or not the Average detector is measured: Yes / No
| AVERAGE MEASURE TIME || The measurement time of the average peak detector in seconds [s]
| AVERAGE OBSERVATION TIME || The observation time per average peak in seconds [s]
| AVERAGE TRACE || Indication whether or not the Average trace is measured: Yes / No
| BELOW LIMITLINE OFFSET || The level of peaks to detect in dB below the limit line
| CONFIGURATION TIME || The date and time when the TSF file is saved
| CURRENT UNIT || The selected unit for current: [dBuA], [dBmA], [dBA], [uA], [mA] or  [A]
| DB/DIV || N/A
| DESCRIPTION || Description of the Test Setup File (TSF)
| DISTANCE || The distance between the antenna and the EUT in meters [m]
| OPTIMIZE ANGLE OPTIMIZE AREA || The angle optimization area.
| OPTIMIZE ANGLE STEP SIZE || The step size of the angle optimization.
| OPTIMIZE HEIGHT OPTIMIZE AREA || The height optimization area.
| OPTIMIZE HEIGHT STEP SIZE || The step size of the height optimization.
| END ANGLE || The stop position in degrees
| HEIGHT STEPS || The number of steps between the minimum height and the maximum height
| HIGHEST HEIGHT || The maximum height of the antenna tower in meters [m]
| HUMIDITY || Relative Humidity during the test in percentage relative Humidity [%RH]
| INTERNAL PREAMPLIFIER || The amplification of the internal pre amplifier in [dB]
| INTERNAL PREAMPLIFIER MODE || The Internal Pre Amplifier Mode: Auto, Coupled or Manual
| LOWEST HEIGHT || The minimum height of the antenna tower in meters [m]
| MAIN VOLTAGE || Mains Voltage during the test in Volt [V]
| MAXIMUM PEAK COUNT || The maximum number of peaks to be detected
| MEASURE TIME || The measure time in milliseconds [ms]
| MEASURE TIME MODE || The Mode: Auto, Coupled or Manual
| NOTE || Note or remark made during the test
| NUMBER OF ANGLES || The number of steps between the start position and the stop position
| PEAK DETECTOR || Indication whether or not the Peak detector is measured: Yes / No
| PEAK MEASURE TIME || The measurement time of the peak detector in seconds [s]
| PEAK OBSERVATION TIME || The observation time per peak in seconds [s]
| PEAK SEARCH || Indication whether or not a peak search is performed: Yes / No
| PEAK TRACE || Indication whether or not the Peak trace is measured: Yes / No
| PEAKSWEEPS || Number of peak sweeps performed
| Keyword || Description
| POINT X FREQUENCY || The frequency of point X in the peak list ( X starting from 1)
| POINT X PEAK || The peak value of point X in the peak list (X starting from 1)
| POINT X QUASI PEAK || The quasi peak value of point X in the peak list (X starting from 1)
| POINT X AVERAGE || The average value of point X in the peak list (X starting from 1)
| POLARIZATION || The polarization of the antenna: horizontal, vertical or both
| PRESSURE || Air Pressure during the test in milliBar [mbar]
| QUASIPEAK DETECTOR || Indication whether or not the Quasi peak detector is measured: Yes/No
| QUASIPEAK MEASURE TIME || The measurement time of the quasi peak detector in seconds [s]
| QUASIPEAK OBSERVATION TIME || The observation time per quasi peak in seconds [s]
| QUASIPEAK TRACE || Indication whether or not the Quasi peak trace is measured: Yes / No
| RBW || The Radio Bandwidth in kilo Hertz [kHz]
| RBW MODE || The RBW Mode: Auto, Coupled or Manual
| RECEIVER DATA SAVE MODE || Indication whether all data is saved or only the test results
| REFERENCE LEVEL || The reference level in the unit selected by the user
| REFERENCE LEVEL MODE || The Reference Level Mode: Auto, Coupled or Manual
| RMS DETECTOR || Indication whether or not the RMS detector is measured: Yes / No
| RMS MEASURE TIME || The measurement time of the RMS peak detector in seconds [s]
| RMS OBSERVATION TIME || The observation time per RMS peak in seconds [s]
| RMS TRACE || Indication whether or not the RMS trace is measured: Yes / No
| START ANGLE || The start position in degrees
| START FREQUENCY || The start frequency in megahertz [MHz]
| FREQUENCY STEP || The step frequency in kilo Hertz [kHz]
| STEP FREQUENCY MODE || The Step frequency Mode: Auto, Coupled or Manual
| STOP FREQUENCY || The stop frequency in megahertz [MHz]
| SWEEP TIME || The sweep time in milliseconds [ms]
| SWEEP TIME MODE || The Sweep Time Mode: Auto, Coupled or Manual
| TAKE START PICTURE || Indication whether or not a picture is taken at the start of the test: Yes / No
| TEMPERATURE || Temperature during the test in degrees Celsius [oC]
| TEST ENGINEER || The name of the test engineer
| TEST SITE NAME || The name of the test equipment list
| USE START STOP FREQUENCY || Yes / No, if Yes: Start/Stop if No: Frequency list is used.
| VBW || The Video Bandwidth in kilo Hertz [kHz]
| VBW MODE || The Video Bandwidth Mode: Auto, Coupled or Manual
| EMISSION TABLE || Table of detected peaks and per peak: frequency, level(s), limit value, pass/fail, location
| EQUIPMENT TABLE || A table containing all used equipment
| EVENTS || Table of events which occur during a test
Following keywords are applicable for the GTEM Method only:
! Keyword || Description
| EUT HEIGHT || The height of the EUT in meters [m]
| SEPTUM HEIGHT || The height of the septum in meters [m]
=== Radiated Emission Table ===
Each keyword can also be accessed in RAW format, which generally implies that only the RAW data (without unit) is retrieved.
To retrieve the RAW value, extend the keyword by applying "_RAW" (without any white space) to this keyword. E.g. "PEAK_RAW".
The LIMIT, DIFFERENCE and STATUS keywords are only available when a valid LLF is present for those peaks. Otherwise, no calculations of these values can be made.
Following keywords are only applicable for the Table information:
! Keyword || Description
| EMISSION TABLE || The selection of the Emission Table
| SELECTED || The selection of the peak(s)
| PEAK NUMBER || The number of the peak(s)
| FREQUENCY || The frequency of the peak(s)
| PEAK || The measurement value of the peak(s)
| PEAK LIMIT || The limit value of the peak(s)
| PEAK DIFFERENCE || The difference value between the measured peak(s) value and the limit value.
| PEAK CORRECTION || The correction value of the peak(s)
| PEAK STATUS || The status of the peak(s): Pass / Fail
| AVERAGE || The average measurement value of the peak(s)
| AVERAGE LIMIT || The average limit value of the peak(s)
| AVERAGE DIFFERENCE || The average difference value between the measured average(s) value and the limit value.
| AVERAGE CORRECTION || The average correction value of the peak(s)
| AVERAGE STATUS || The average status of the peak(s): Pass / Fail
| QUASI-PEAK || The Quasi-peak measurement value of the peak(s)
| QUASI-PEAK LIMIT || The Quasi-peak limit value of the peak(s)
| QUASI-PEAK DIFFERENCE || The Quasi-peak difference value between the measured Quasi-peak(s) value and the limit value.
| QUASI-PEAK CORRECTION || The Quasi-peak correction value of the peak(s)
| QUASI-PEAK STATUS || The Quasi-peak status of the peak(s): Pass / Fail
| RMS || The RMS measurement value of the peak(s)
| RMS LIMIT || The RMS limit value of the peak(s)
| RMS DIFFERENCE || The RMS difference value between the measured RMS(s) value and the limit value.
| RMS CORRECTION || The RMS correction value of the peak(s)
| RMS STATUS || The RMS status of the peak(s): Pass / Fail
| STATUS || The overall status of the peak(s): Pass / Fail
| ANGLE|| The angle of the peak(s) in degrees
| HEIGHT || The height of the peak(s) in meters [m]
| POLARIZATION || The polarization of the peak(s)
=== Radiated Emission Burst ===
Following keywords are applicable for the Burst Method only:
! Keyword || Description
| BURST GRAPH || The graph plot
| CARRIER FREQUENCY || The carrier frequency in [MHz]
| BURST TRIGGER LEVEL || The burst trigger level in [dBm]
| BURST MEASURE TIME || The burst measure time in seconds [s]
| BURST SAMPLE RATE || The burst sample rate
| BURST MINIMUM GAP TIME || The burst gap time in milli seconds [ms]
| BURST THRESHOLD LEVEL || The burst threshold level in [dBc]
| ANTENNA ASSEMBLY || The Antenna assembly gain in [dBi]
| BEAMFORMING GAIN || The Beamforming gain in [dB]
| MAXIMUM EIRP || The Maximum E.I.R.P. in [dBm]
| MEDIUM UTILISATION || The Medium Utilisation in percentage [%]
| DUTY CYCLE || The Duty Cycle in percentage [%]
| MINIMUM GAP TIME || The minimum Gap time in seconds [s]
| MAXIMUM SEQUENCE TIME || The Maximum Sequency time in seconds [s]
| RMS || The RMS value in [dBm]
=== Equipment for Radiated Emission Tests ===
The equipment keyword consists of two parts: the keyword and a parameter. For each keyword all parameters are valid.
! Keyword || Description
| ANTENNA ... || Specifications of the used Antenna
| ANTENNA TOWER ... || Specifications of the used Antenna Tower
| CABLE x ... || Specifications of the used Cable number [x], where x is a number between 1 to 8
| NUMBER OF DETECTORS || The number of detectors the Receiver is able to handle simultaneously
| PRE AMPLIFIER ... || Specifications of the used Pre Amplifier
| RECEIVER TYPE || The type of receiver: Spectrum Analyser, Measurement Receiver or Scanning Receiver
| SPECTRUM ANALYZER ... || Specifications of the used Spectrum Analyser or Measurement Receiver
| TURN TABLE ... || Specifications of the used Turntable
Where ... is one of the following parameters:
! Parameter || Description
| BRAND || Brand of Measurement equipment
| CALIBRATION EXPIRES || Date when calibration expires of equipment, given by the user
| DESCRIPTION || Description of Measurement equipment given by the user
| DEVICE DRIVER NAME || The internal name of the device driver
| HARDWARE VERSION || Hardware version of Measurement equipment
| ID || Internal ID of Measurement equipment
| NAME || Name of Measurement equipment
| SERIAL NUMBER || Serial number of Measurement equipment
| SOFTWARE VERSION || Software version of Measurement equipment
| TYPE || Type of Measurement equipment
{{Example|text={{ReportGeneratorCode|ANTENNA TOWER BRAND}} returns the brand name of the antenna tower.}}
== Conducted Emission ==
{{Note|The pass/fail criteria, shown in the tables of the report generator, do not take the measure uncertainty of the test setup into account.}}
=== Conducted Emission Tests ===
! Keyword || Description
| "keyword or name of photo" || The name or keyword of the photo
| NUMBER OF EVENTS || The number of events that occur during a test
| PEAK DETECTION COUNT || The number of detected peaks
| TEST START TIME || The time at which the test is stopped
| TEST STOP TIME || The time at which the test is started
| TEST SITE NAME || The name of the test equipment list
| MAX HOLD GRAPH || The max hold graph of the all the traces
| MAX HOLD PEAKS GRAPH || The max hold graph of all the traces and markers
| MAX PEAK GRAPH || The max hold graph of the Peak trace
| MAX AVERAGE GRAPH || The max hold graph of the Average trace
| MAX QUASI PEAK GRAPH || The max hold graph of the Quasi Peak  trace
| MAX RMS GRAPH || The max hold graph of the RMS trace
| ATTENUATOR || The attenuation of the attenuator in dB
| ATTENUATOR MODE || The Attenuator Mode: Auto, Coupled or Manual
| AVERAGE DETECTOR || Indication whether or not the average detector is measured: Yes / No
| AVERAGE MEASURE TIME || The measurement time of the average peak detector in seconds [s]
| AVERAGE OBSERVATION TIME || The observation time per average peak in seconds [s]
| AVERAGE TRACE || Indication whether or not the average trace is measured: Yes / No
| BELOW LIMITLINE OFFSET || The level of peaks to detect in dB below the limit line
| CONFIGURATION TIME || The date and time when the TSF file is saved
| CURRENT UNIT || The selected unit for current: [dBuA], [dBmA], [dBA], [uA], [mA] or  [A]
| DB/DIV || N/A
| DESCRIPTION || Description of the Test Setup File (TSF)
| HUMIDITY || Relative Humidity during the test in percentage relative Humidity [%RH]
| INTERNAL PREAMPLIFIER || The amplification of the internal pre amplifier in [dB]
| INTERNAL PREAMPLIFIER MODE || The Internal Pre Amplifier Mode: Auto, Coupled or Manual
| LISN LINE || Which LISN line is used: Neutral, Phase 1, Phase 2 or Phase 3
| MAIN VOLTAGE || Mains Voltage during the test in Volt [V]
| MAXIMUM PEAK COUNT || The maximum number of peaks to be detected
| MEASURE TIME || The measure time in milliseconds [ms]
| MEASURE TIME MODE || The Mode: Auto, Coupled or Manual
| NOTE || Note or remark made during the test
| PEAK DETECTOR || Indication whether or not the Peak detector is measured: Yes / No
| PEAK MEASURE TIME || The measurement time of the peak detector in seconds [s]
| PEAK OBSERVATION TIME || The observation time per peak in seconds [s]
| PEAK TRACE || Indication whether or not the Peak trace is measured: Yes / No
| PEAKSWEEPS || Number of peak sweeps performed
| PRESSURE || Air Pressure during the test in milliBar [mbar]
| QUASIPEAK DETECTOR || Indication whether or not the Quasi peak detector is measured: Yes / No
| QUASIPEAK MEASURE TIME || The measurement time of the quasi peak detector in seconds [s]
| QUASIPEAK OBSERVATION TIME || The observation time per quasi peak in seconds [s]
| QUASIPEAK TRACE || Indication whether or not the Quasi peak trace is measured: Yes / No
| Keyword || Description
| RBW || The Radio Bandwidth in kilo Hertz [kHz]
| RBW MODE || The RBW Mode: Auto, Coupled or Manual
| RECEIVER DATA SAVE MODE || Indication whether all data is saved or only the test results
| REFERENCE LEVEL || The reference level in the unit selected by the user
| REFERENCE LEVEL MODE || The Reference Level Mode: Auto, Coupled or Manual
| RMS DETECTOR || Indication whether or not the RMS detector is measured: Yes / No
| RMS MEASURE TIME || The measurement time of the RMS peak detector in seconds [s]
| RMS OBSERVATION TIME || The observation time per RMS peak in seconds [s]
| RMS TRACE || Indication whether or not the RMS trace is measured: Yes / No
| START FREQUENCY || The start frequency in megahertz [MHz]
| FREQUENCY STEP || The step frequency in kilo Hertz [kHz]
| STEP FREQUENCY MODE || The Step frequency Mode: Auto, Coupled or Manual
| STOP FREQUENCY || The stop frequency in megahertz [MHz]
| SWEEP TIME || The sweep time in milliseconds [ms]
| SWEEP TIME MODE || The Sweep Time Mode: Auto, Coupled or Manual
| TAKE START PICTURE || Indication whether or not a picture is taken at the start of the test: Yes / No
| TEMPERATURE || Temperature during the test in degrees Celsius [oC]
| TEST ENGINEER || The name of the test engineer
| USE START STOP FREQUENCY || Yes / No, if Yes: Start/Stop if No: Frequency list is used.
| VBW || The Video Bandwidth in kilo Hertz [kHz]
| VBW MODE || The Video Bandwidth Mode: Auto, Coupled or Manual
| EMISSION TABLE || Table of detected peaks and per peak: frequency, level(s), limit value, location
| EQUIPMENT TABLE || A table containing all used equipment
| EVENTS || Table of events which occur during a test
| ABSORBING CLAMP ... (1) || Specifications of the used Absorbing Clamp
| CLAMP MOVER ... (1) || Specifications of the used Clamp Mover
| LARGEST DISTANCE || The maximum distance of the clamp in meters [m]
| SMALLEST DISTANCE || The minimum distance of the clamp in meters [m]
| STEPS || The number of steps between the minimum distance and the maximum distance
1) Absorbing clamp method only
=== Equipment for Conducted Emission Tests ===
The equipment keyword consists of two parts: the keyword and a parameter. For each keyword all parameters are valid.
! Keyword || Description
| CABLE x ... || Specifications of the used Cable number [x], where x is a number between 1 to 8
| LISN ... || Specifications of the used LISN
| NUMBER OF DETECTORS || The number of detectors the Receiver is able to handle simultaneously
| PRE AMPLIFIER ... || Specifications of the used Pre Amplifier
| RECEIVER TYPE || The type of receiver: Spectrum Analyser, Measurement Receiver or Scanning Receiver
| SPECTRUM ANALYZER ... || Specifications of the used Spectrum Analyser or Measurement Receiver
Where ... is one of the following parameters:
! Parameter || Description
| BRAND || Brand of Measurement equipment
| CALIBRATION EXPIRES || Date when calibration expires of equipment, given by the user
| DESCRIPTION || Description of Measurement equipment given by the user
| DEVICE DRIVER NAME || The internal name of the device driver
| HARDWARE VERSION || Hardware version of Measurement equipment
| ID || Internal ID of Measurement equipment
| NAME || Name of Measurement equipment
| SERIAL NUMBER || Serial number of Measurement equipment
| SOFTWARE VERSION || Software version of Measurement equipment
| TYPE || Type of Measurement equipment
{{Example|text={{ReportGeneratorCode|CABLE 5 BRAND}} returns the brand name of cable nr. 5.}}
== Excel Exporter ==
The EUT data can be exported to Microsoft Excel with the Excel Exporter. Press the {{ScreenElement|Export}} button on the {{ScreenElement|Reports}} tab of the EUT window, and the {{WindowTitle|Excel Export}} window will open:
[[Image:Excel Export.png]]
=== Selecting filename ===
To select the filename you want to use to save the information, press the ‘select file’ button next to the red cross. A ‘save’ window will appear, allowing you to select the path and filename. After closing the save window the name will be displayed on the export window.
=== Selecting tests to be exported ===
You can select or deselect a test (that is to be exported) by checking or un-checking the checkbox in front of the name of the test. Press {{ScreenElement|Select all}} to select all the tests, press {{ScreenElement|Unselect all}} to deselect all the tests and press {{ScreenElement|Invert selection}} to invert the selection. (This means that all the selected tests will be deselected, and all the deselect tests will be selected.)
=== Changing the test order ===
The ‘export module’ exports all the selected tests, starting from the first test at the top and ending with the last test at the bottom of the list. This order is not mandatory and can be changed. To change this order, select the test you want to move and press the ‘arrow up’ [[Image:Button arrow up.png]] or ‘arrow down’ [[Image:Button arrow down.png]] button to move the test up or down in the list.
=== Export options ===
There are some options that can be selected when exporting the test information:
{{ScreenElementDescription|Insert header above data|With ‘insert header above data’ you can insert headers above every exported column. (For example for the signal generator level, forward power and reflected power for immunity test.)}}
{{ScreenElementDescription|Export EUT data|’Export EUT data’ allows you to select the EUT data that is to be exported. Only the EUT information stored in the top test can be exported.}}
{{ScreenElementDescription|Include not measured columns|’Include not measured columns’ allows you to select the ‘not measured’ columns that are to be exported. If you want to run a macro after exporting, it may be easier to export all the columns. You can then use the same macro for a signal level, forward power level and net power level test. It is not possible to have {{RadiMation}} run the macro automatically after the export. Deselecting ‘exporting not measured columns’ will result in faster exporting of the information.}}
=== Performing the export ===
Once the {{ScreenElement|Export}} button is pressed, all the raw data of the selected tests will be exported to the selected Excel file.
The exported data, its format and the amount of data that is exported, depends on the selected tests. When the data has been exported, the {{WindowTitle|Excel Export}} window will close.
1) Absorbing clamp method only
{{Warning|Microsoft Excel needs to be installed on the PC to export the EUT information. This should be version 'Microsoft Excel 97' or newer.}}
===Equipment for Conducted Emission Tests===
== Command Line Interface (CLI) ==
It is possible to automatically generate a report from the command line.
This can be accomplished by calling "radicli.exe", which is available in the same directory in which RadiMation is also installed.
The equipment keyword consists of two parts: the keyword followed by a parameter. For each keyword all parameters are valid.
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Raditeq\RadiMation\Version x.y.z\radicli.exe"
Example: CABLE 5 BRAND returns the brand name of cable nr. 5.
To generate a report from the command line, first open command prompt and go to the correct path. Then pass at least the verb "generatereport", eut filename, template filename and the report filename.
{{Example|header=Example for a command to generate a report:
! Keyword || Description
|text=cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Raditeq\RadiMation\Version x.y.z\"
| CABLE x ... || Specifications of the used Cable number [x], where x is a number between 1 to 8
| LISN ... || Specifications of the used LISN
| NUMBER OF DETECTORS || The number of detectors the Receiver is able to handle simultaneously
| PRE AMPLIFIER ... || Specifications of the used Pre Amplifier
| RECEIVER TYPE || The type of receiver: Spectrum Analyser, Measurement Receiver or Scanning Receiver
| SPECTRUM ANALYZER ... || Specifications of the used Spectrum Analyser or Measurement Receiver
radicli.exe generatereport --eut "C:\EUT_Files\eutfile.eut" --template "C:\templates\template.txt" --report "C:\reports\report.txt"
Where ... is one of the following parameters:
The possible arguments are:
! Parameter || Description
!style="column-width: 350px;" | Argument
! Description
| BRAND || Brand of Measurement equipment
| CALIBRATION EXPIRES || Date when calibration expires of equipment, given by the user
| DESCRIPTION || Description of Measurement equipment given by the user
| DEVICE DRIVER NAME || The internal name of the device driver
| HARDWARE VERSION || Hardware version of Measurement equipment
| ID || Internal ID of Measurement equipment
| generatereport || Required verb that specifies that a report should be generated from the command line interface.
| --eut <eutfilename> || Required argument that specifies the EUT filename that should be used to generate the report.
|- style="break-inside:avoid-column"
| --template <templatefilename> || Required argument that specifies the template filename to use.
| NAME || Name of Measurement equipment
| --report <reportfilename> || Required argument that specifies the report filename to use.
| SERIAL NUMBER || Serial number of Measurement equipment
| --reportforeachtest || Optional argument that specifies that a report is generated for each test individually. This will result in multiple reports being generated. A report generator code can be specified in the <reportfilename> to have a dynamic report filename. See the example below this table.
| SOFTWARE VERSION || Software version of Measurement equipment
| --testnumbers <1[;2][;3][...]>|| Optional argument that specifies a ';' separated list of one or more test numbers (1, 2, 3, ....) for the tests (and their order) that should be included in the generated report. These test numbers correspond to the test numbers as can be seen in the EUT window
| --removeillegalcodes || Optional argument that specifies that report generator codes that are not replaced to an actual value will be removed from the generated report.
| TYPE || Type of Measurement equipment
| --help || Shows all the possible command line arguments that can be used.
{{Example|header=Example to generate a report for each test:
|text=radicli.exe generatereport --eut eutfile.eut --template template.txt --report report{{ReportGeneratorCode|testnumber}}.txt --reportforeachtest
= Excel Exporter =
The EUT data can be exported using Microsoft Excel. Press the {{ScreenElement|Export}} button on the {{ScreenElement|Reports}} tab of the EUT window, and a new screen will open:
[[Image:Excel Export.png]]
== Selecting filename ==
To select the filename you want to use for saving the information press the select file button next to the red cross. A save window will appear allowing you to select the path and filename. After closing the save window the name will be displayed on the export window.
== Selecting tests to be exported ==
You can select or deselect a test for export by checking or un-checking the checkbox in front of the name of the test. Pressing {{ScreenElement|Select all}} will select all tests, pressing {{ScreenElement|Unselect all}} will deselect all tests and pressing {{ScreenElement|Invert selection}} will invert the selected. Invert means that all selected tests will be deselected and all deselect tests will be selected.
== Changing the test order ==
The export module exports all the selected tests from the first test at the top to the last test at the bottom of the list. This order of the tests can be changed. Select the test you want to move, press the arrow up [[Image:Button arrow up.png]] or down [[Image:Button arrow down.png]] button and the test is moved one place up or one place down.
== Export options ==
There are some options that can be selected when exporting the test information:
{{ScreenElementDescription|Insert header above data|With insert header above data you can select, if you want, headers above every exported column, for example signal generator level, forward power and reflected power for immunity test. }}
{{ScreenElementDescription|Export EUT data|Export EUT data allows you to select, if you want, the EUT data to be exported. Only the EUT information stored in the top test can be exported.}}
{{ScreenElementDescription|Include not measured columns|Include not measured columns allows you to select, if you want, not measured columns to be exported. If you want to run a macro after exporting, it may be easier to export all the columns. You can then use the same macro for a signal level, forward power level and net power level test. It is not possible to have {{RadiMation}} run the macro automatically after the export. Deselecting exporting not measured columns will result in faster exporting of the information.}}
{{Warning|Microsoft Excel needs to be installed on the PC to export the EUT information. The version of Microsoft Excel should be greater then or equal to version 'Microsoft Excel 97'.}}
{{Example|header=Example to only include the tests with the testnumber 3, 2 and 4 in the report:
|text=radicli.exe generatereport --eut eutfile.eut --template template.txt --report report.txt --testnumbers "3;2;4"

Revision as of 09:55, 11 April 2024

Report Generator


The Report Generator is a software module that can automatically generate a test report from tests carried out by RadiMation®. This function can save a test engineer a lot of time, since the Report Generator only needs a few minutes to generate a complete test report. These test reports can be written in Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel or Text format.

The basic information needed to create to generate a test report, as well as the more specific features of the Report Generator, are explained in the following paragraphs.

About the Report Generator

Template files and Report files

The Report Generator uses two files to generate a report; the Template file and the Report file.

The Report file is the 'output' of the Report Generator and the actual test report. It is containing all the desired data from the tests performed in the form of text, graphs, tables, etc. . Depending on the Template file, this report will be written in Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel or Text format.

The Template file is the 'input' of the Report Generator. It contains the data for the Report file in the form of specific keywords. The Report Generator then replaces these keywords with test data to produce the actual test report (i.e. the Report file). Depending on the wishes of the test engineer, this file can be written in Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel or Text format.

The Template file is not altered or destroyed when a Report file is generated. As such it can be 're-used' (as an example) for other test reports if the situation allows for it. (Great care should be taken to make sure that the content of the 're-used' Template file is suitable for the desired test report.)

Since the Template file is the foundation for the test report we recommend that you safeguard its content. Make the Template file read-only so it cannot be (accidentally) deleted or modified.

The Template file and report file may not be the same file!

Multiple 'test-specific' templates can be used instead of one 'generic' template. The biggest advantage of this option is that it simplifies the process of setting up and generating very large test reports. For more information, please read the paragraph 'Test-specific templates' (under 'Special features') further down.


In the Template file, the test data is represented by specific keywords that tell the Report Generator which data to insert at the position of the code. These are divided into Main Keywords and Secondary Keywords.

In the (generic) Template file these keywords are coded as followed: || Main keyword | second keyword||

The Main Keyword indicates the part of RadiMation® from which the data must be retrieved, such as; EUT, Configuration, Radiated Immunity, etc. (A list of Main Keywords and their complementing Secondary Keywords is visible further in this chapter.)

The Second Keyword indicates the data that must be retrieved, such as; filename, test start time, frequency, etc. (A list of Main Keywords and their complementing Secondary Keywords is visible further in this chapter.)

Every Main Keyword has a set of (Secondary) Keywords that can only be used in combination with that specific Main Keyword. In many cases tests share the same Keywords even though they refer to different data. (This is not a problem because the combination of the Main and Secondary Keywords will always result in a unique code.)

An overview of these keywords is visible further in this chapter.

Keep in mind that:

  • The Keywords must be spelled correctly, including spaces and other symbols.
  • To separate multiple words, only one space is used.
  • Keywords are not case sensitive.
  • Keywords that are not recognized cannot be replaced with data.
  • Unrecognized Keywords will appear in the Report file 'unchanged' (as codes).
  • In a 'test-specific' template the Main Keywords are not used, (only the second keywords).

Unrecognized Keywords

If a Keyword is not recognized the test engineer will be alerted to this error in the 'settings screen' of the Report Generator. This might occur when:

  • The Keyword is spelled incorrectly.
  • The data it refers to does not exist/no longer exists.
  • The data it refers to does not exist/no longer exists in the specified location.
  • The data it refers to does not exist/no longer exists under the specified name.

Errors are easily located by searching the test report (i.e. Report file) for the characters "||". Once found these can be deleted, or changed into a correct code. If the Report Generator is executed once again, (using the modified file as the template), the Report Generator should generate the report without errors (not replaced keywords).

Generating a report

Generating a report is a three step process. First you (make and) select a Template file to use as the foundation for your report. Then you set-up the desired Report Generator settings. Lastly you generate (and check) the test report (i.e. the Report file).

If the test report contains an error or is not to your liking for some reason, it can be altered. Please read the following paragraphs for more information about 'generating a report'.

We also recommend that you read the 'Specific features' paragraphs, because they contain further and more detailed information about specific features and uses of the Report Generator.

Step 1. Making and selecting a Template file

A Template file is needed to generate a report. Select/alter an existing file or create a new file if necessary.

Making a template file

Template files can be made in Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel or Text format. As described previously, the Template file is the 'input' for the Report Generator and contains the data for the Report file in the form of specific keywords. These codes can be included in the templates in a variety of ways. Some of the possibilities are visible below:

In a template file made in Microsoft Word:

  • Report generator codes can be included 'as is' (meaning, without context).
  • Report generator codes can be included in a table.
  • Report generator codes can be included in a header or footer.
  • Report generator codes can be included in a heading.
  • Report generator codes can be combined with other text and report generator codes in a cell of a table.
  • Report generator codes that include texts into the final report are allowed.
  • Report generator codes that include tables into the final report are allowed.
  • Report generator codes that include pictures into the final report are allowed.

In a template file made in Microsoft Excel:

  • Report generator codes can be included 'as is' (meaning, without context) in a single cell.
  • Report generator codes can be combined with other text in a cell.
  • Multiple report generator codes (and also text) can be combined in a cell.
  • (Multiple) Report generator codes can be included in a note attached to a cell.
  • Multiple worksheets are allowed, all worksheets will be checked for report generator codes.
  • Report generator codes can be used as part of a formula of a cell. However it might be necessary to convert the contents from a text to numerical value. The simplest form of a formula is: "=VALUE("||START FREQUENCY||")".
  • Report generator codes that include texts into the final report are allowed.
  • Report generator codes that include tables into the final report are allowed.
  • Report generator codes that include pictures into the final report are allowed.

Additional information and possibilities about the use of Microsoft Word and Excel as template files is described in the paragraph 'Microsoft Word/Excel report generator editor' (under 'Special features') further below.

Selecting a template file in RadiMation

To generate a report, open the 'EUT' window and go to the 'Reports' tab. Click 'Report' to open the 'Report Generator settings' window.

Report Generator Settings Window.png

To select a Template file, click on the 'Template' path or the folder button next to it and select a file from the pop-up window.

To view the selected Template file, click the magnifying glass.

To delete the file selection, click the red cross. (The red cross does not delete the file itself.)

Step 2. Viewing and/or altering the report content

By default all the tests performed on the EUT are included in the report. To view these tests, click the 'Advanced Options' button in the 'Report Generator settings' window.

The tests that are included in the report, as well as the order in which they are displayed, is visible in the 'Included Tests' section of the 'Report Generator settings' window. Excluding tests from the report and/or changing the order of the tests can be achieved in this section as well.

Click the 'Advanced Options' button in the 'Report Generator settings' window to open this field.

To chance the order of the list, select a test from the list and change its position by using the arrows on the right side of the field.

To include/exclude tests from the list, use the buttons just below the field. Only the tests that are marked be included in the final report.

Report Generator Settings Window Advanced Options.png

Step 3. Generating the report

The report can be generated ones the template file has been selected and the content of the report has been determined.

The report will be generated when you click the 'Generate' button. If you want to print the report directly after it has been generated, check the 'Print Report' checkbox on the bottom left of the window. If you want to open the report in your screen (and possibly edit it as well), check the 'Edit Report' checkbox.

The report generation process cannot be paused or cancelled be the end user. Depending on the content, this process can take a few seconds (for a text file) up to several minutes (for an extensive report containing many tables and graphs in MS Word).

Specific Features

Available report generator codes for EUT's

The Main Keyword for EUT data is "EUT". All the data entered in the EUT Window in RadiMation® can be placed in one Report file. This data can be added as single lines of text or in tables. Tables are supported for Client data, Manufacturer data and Test site data. In addition, a table with all the information can be inserted as well.

Removing unrecognized codes 'automatically'

When working with a template system, it is not unusual for superfluous (or 'unrecognized') codes to appear in the resulting report. There are two 'automatic' ways to remove these codes from the report. The first method simply removes all the unrecognized codes, the second method is more selective and can be used to remove text as well. Both methods are described below.

Removing all 'unrecognized' codes

Normally when a keyword is neither correct nor recognized by the Report Generator, it will remain unchanged. The keyword ||RemoveIllegalCodes(TRUE)|| can automatically remove all these 'errors'. Keep in mind that using this keyword can be both an advantage and a disadvantage. If you are aware of the error(s), then this is a handy way to remove them from the test report. However, if you are not aware of them, this might lead you to miss errors that need to be addressed!

Removing selected text and codes

The special ||STARTDELETEBLOCK()|| and ||ENDDELETEBLOCK()|| keywords identify a block of text that will be removed from the report if none of the report generator codes between the tags are replaced.





  • If the 'Client Contact Person' data has been entered in the EUT file, the code above will be replaced (with the corresponding data) and the text 'Client: ' and the actual data will remain visible in the report.
  • If no data was entered for the 'Client Contact Person' in the EUT file, the code will not be replaced and the complete block including the text 'Client: ' and the not replace report generator code will be removed from the final report.
  • If multiple report generator keywords are specified within the ||STARTDELETEBLOCK()|| and ||ENDDELETEBLOCK()||, the block will only be removed if all of the report generator codes are not replaced. The complete block will remain in the report if one or more of the report generator codes are replaced.
  • It is allowed and possible to use a ||STARTDELETEBLOCK()|| and ||ENDDELETEBLOCK()|| combination within another ||STARTDELETEBLOCK()|| and ||ENDDELETEBLOCK()|| set.

This can help to automatically adjust what is or is not included in the report when certain data is not available.

Test-specific templates

The report generator has been extended in such a way, that it is no longer necessary to create one single template that includes all the codes for all the (performed) tests. Instead, it is now possible to link a 'test-specific' template to each test and then combine these into one 'main-template'. (This is an additional method to create a template file and does NOT replace the original method. Templates made with the original method will still work correctly.)

The biggest advantage of this option is that it simplifies the process of setting up and generating a test report, because:

  • Test-specific template files contain simpler codes, are more compact and easier to 're-use'.
  • The main-template is easier to set up and more accessible because its content is divided into more manageable chunks.

With this system, each test uses a different 'test-specific' template that contains the report generator codes for that test. It is necessary to combine these specific templates in order to generate a (complete) test report. This can be done by including the 'test-specific' templates into one 'main-template' for the report generator to process.

Example of a 'main-template'

Example of a 'main-template':




During the report generation, the ||EUT|ALL TESTS|| code will be replaced with the codes of the ‘test-specific’ templates of all the (different) tests performed on a EUT. It is also possible generate a report based on a specific set of tests, for example ||EUT|ALL IMMUNITY TESTS||. (See the Test specific report generator inclusion codes for a complete list of all the available codes.)


Making a 'test-specifc' template

'Test-specific' templates are created in the same way as the ‘generic’ report generator templates are created. All the available report generator codes (from the 'generic' templates) can also be included in the 'test-specific' templates.

However there is one big difference, and that it is no longer necessary to specify the first-part of the report generator code with a 'Main Keyword' (as described in the previous chapter 'Keywords').

  • In 'generic' templates the Main Keyword is used to indicate the location of the data that needs to be retrieved. For example: ||TEST 1|MODULATION||, where 'TEST 1' refers to the test from which the used modulation should be included.
  • With 'test-specific' templates is it sufficient to specify ||MODULATION||, because the Report Generator already knows that the template (and the codes within) are linked to that test.

A 'test-specific' template can be linked to a test by using the 'Reporting' button of the test. Each TSF configuration window, and each test-information window have this button. By pressing the button the 'Reporting Settings' window will open. More detailed reporting settings can be modified in this configuration window. The top entry field can be used to specify the name of the 'test-specific' template that should be linked to the test.


Combining graphs in a report

The report generator has been extended in such a way that it is more flexible and powerful in its ability to include graphs in a report. Not only is it easier to specify which graphs should be included, but it is even possible to include multiple 'lines' in one single graph.

With the support for this combination of report generator codes, a very powerful solution is presented to include graphs with multiple lines in a report.

Combining multiple graph lines

The code '||SIGNAL POWER GRAPH||' will include a graph with the signal power in a report. The same code can be extended with other 'graph lines' which are semi-colon separated. All the possible graph report generator codes can be combined into one single report generator code, as long as codes are ';' separated. If a specified graph line is not measured, the graph line will not be included in the final graph. It is thus acceptable to include the code '||SIGNAL POWER GRAPH; FORWARD POWER GRAPH||', even if the forward power is not measured. The graph will still be inserted but only contain the graph line for the signal power. If one or more of the graph lines are using a different unit, additional y-axes will be displayed.


||SIGNAL POWER GRAPH; FORWARD POWER GRAPH|| Will create a graph with the signal power and the forward power graph lines.

||FIELD GRAPH 1; FIELD GRAPH 2; AVERAGE FIELD GRAPH|| Will create a field strength graph with the field strength of the probes 1 and 2, and the average field graph.

||CURRENT GRAPH; NET POWER GRAPH|| Will create a graph with the current and the net power. This graph will have two y-axes to indicate the different units.

A special report generator code '||ALL GRAPHS||' is available, which will include a graph in the report which includes all the measured graph lines.

Single band immunity tests

The known graph report generator codes for a single band immunity test are:

  • AD GRAPH 1
  • AD GRAPH 2
  • AD GRAPH 3
  • AD GRAPH 4
  • AD GRAPH 5
  • AD GRAPH 6
  • AD GRAPH 7
  • AD GRAPH 8
  • POINT 16 POWER GRAPH <n> where <n> is a number between 1 and 16 inclusive.
  • POINT 16 FIELD GRAPH <n> where <n> is a number between 1 and 16 inclusive.
  • POINT 16 ERROR GRAPH <n> where <n> is a number between 1 and 16 inclusive.

These report generator codes are currently only implemented in the single band version of the immunity tests. The functionality for the multiband version is a little bit different.

Multiband immunity and Multiband emission

The list of known graph report generator codes for multiband tests is not a fixed list, because an unlimited number of graph lines can be created in a multiband test. However, the report generator can include any graph that is also available in the multibnad test. The report generator code to include a graph in the report for a multiband test is the same as the name of the graph as it is shown in the legend above the graph in the multiband test results. A combination of the available graphs can also be included as a single graph in the report by combining the desired graph names in a single report generator code. As long as the labels of the graph are ';' separated, any number of graph lines can be included in the graph in the report.


||POWER; MEASURED POWER LIMIT; Amplifier forward power; Amplifier input||

will result in the following graph:


By default the graphs are used from the frequency tab. It is also possible to include a time, angle or height graph. If a graph from another graph tab should be included in the report, the graph name should be prefixed with one of the following prefixes:

  • time:
  • frequency:
  • angle:
  • height:

Export an angle graph: ||angle:RBW: 1000 kHz, Horizontal Max Peak for peak 1||

Export a time graph: ||time:Signal Power;Channel1;Channel2||

Export a height graph: ||height:RBW: 1000 kHz, Horizontal Max Peak for peak 1||

It is also possible to include a time, angle or height table in the report. This is done by prefixing the graph name with the applicable graph tab prefix and ending the keyword with the TABLE suffix.


Export an angle indexed table: ||angle:RBW: 1000 kHz, Horizontal Max Peak for peak 1 TABLE||

Export an time indexed table: ||time:Signal Power TABLE||

Export a height indexed table: ||height:RBW: 1000 kHz, Horizontal Max Peak for peak 1 TABLE||

Customizable AD-Channel measurement table

The report generator is extended in such a way that it is more flexible and powerful in its ability to specify the columns that should be included in a 'frequency sorted table' that includes the values of one or more measured channels.

With the support for this extensive report generator code, a very powerful solution is presented to include tables in a report with a customizable number of columns.

Implementation in version 5.2

The code '||AD CHANNEL 1 LIST||' will generate a table with the columns:

  • Frequency
  • Measured value of AD-Channel 1

The code '||AD CHANNEL 3,2,4,1 LIST||' will generate a table with the columns:

  • Frequency
  • Measured value of AD-Channel 3
  • Measured value of AD-Channel 2
  • Measured value of AD-Channel 4
  • Measured value of AD-Channel 1

If one of the specified channels is not measured, those columns will not be included in the table.

The code '||AD CHANNEL 5,8 TABLE||' will generate a table with the columns:

  • Frequency
  • Measured value of AD-Channel 5
  • Measured value of AD-Channel 8

Please keep in mind that there is a significant difference between the '||.... LIST||' and '||.... TABLE||' codes.

  • The '||.... TABLE||' code will only include the frequencies for which the values were out of the specified range for that AD-Channel.
  • The '||.... LIST||' code will include all the frequencies.

These report generator codes are currently only implemented in the single band version of the immunity tests. This functionality is not yet included in the multiband version, because the support for AD-Channels is not yet for 100% supported in the multiband test modules.

Implementation in version 5.3

The 'column' report generator codes are even more powerful in RadiMation version 5.3. From version 5.3.0 (and higher) it is also possible to include other 'measurement values' in the code.





All the above report generator codes will result in a table that is included in the final report, containing the columns that are included in the report generator code. The order of the columns in the table is the same as the order in which the 'measurement values' are included in the code. A frequency column is always included as a first column. Invalid 'measurement values' or channels that are not measured will not be included in the generated table.

The frequency dependent measurement values that can be used in the codes are:

  • FIELD 1
  • FIELD 2
  • FIELD 3
  • FIELD 4
  • FIELD 5
  • FIELD 6
  • FIELD 7
  • FIELD 8

All the 'measurement values' mentioned above are dependent on the frequency that is used for that row of the table. It is also possible to include frequency independent data as part of the table. If one or more of these frequency independent codes are included in the report generator code, an additional column will be added to the table, where the value is repeated on each row. This feature can for example be used in combination with the Microsoft Excel report generator, where each row contains all the needed information.

The frequency independent measurement values that can be used in the codes are:


These report generator codes are currently only implemented in the single band version of the immunity tests. This functionality has not been included in the multiband version yet, because the support for AD-Channels is not supported in the multiband test modules.

Microsoft Word report generator editor

Inclusion of other files

When the "||InsertFile(<OTHER WORD DOCUMENT FILENAME>)||" code is used, the contents from the other specified Microsoft Word document will be included in the generated report. The complete contents of the other document will be inserted at the location of the report generator code.

The filename of a Bitmap, JPEG or PNG file can also be specified as part of the "||InsertFile(<PICTURE FILENAME>)||" report generator code. The corresponding picture will then be loaded from the specified disk location and will be included at the location of the report generator code. This function is similar to the 'Insert Picture, From File' action of Microsoft Word.

The filename of a text or ASCII file can also be specified as part of the "||InsertFile(<TXT FILENAME>)||" report generator code. The contents of the file be loaded from the specified disk location and will be included at the location of the report generator code.

Inclusion of EUT attachments

Pictures, Microsoft Word documents and other files can also be attached to the EUT document, on the Attachments tab. These attachments can also be included in the generated report using the code "||EUT|ATTACHMENT <FILENAME> CONTENTS||". The '<FILENAME>' part should be the name of the attachment. It is also possible to use the code "||EUT|ATTACHMENT 1 CONTENTS||", where the "1" is the number of the attachment, but can be any number. The complete contents of the attachment will be inserted at the location of the report generator code.



With the report generator code "||RunMacro(<MACRO NAME>)||" it is possible to start a predefined macro function. The '<MACRO NAME>' may be:

  • A macro defined by Microsoft Word
  • The name of a public function in a public macro module
  • A macro name predefined by the Microsoft Word report generator editor. These macro's are:
    • AutoFitThisTable: Will perform an 'Auto-Fit' on the table in which the "||RunMacro(AutoFitThisTable)||" is present.

It is not possible to call macro functions that require an argument, so only 'argument-less' macro functions can be called.

Table Formatting

The report generator will also use the formatting and settings, that are present in the template document. This does allow to define how inserted tables are formatted in the final report. To make this possible, the table code should be placed in a table in the template. In Microsoft Word, you then can set the border styles of the outer table.

Specific graph sizes

It is also possible to specify the size of the graph in the report generator template. This can be done by including a table in the report generator template, where the report generator code for the graph is placed in a cell of that table. By disabling the auto resizing of the table cell, the final report will contain the graph with the specified size. In the screenshot below, you will find how to disable auto resizing of the table.


Microsoft Excel report generator editor

The Microsoft Excel report generator editor allows that Microsoft Excel reports can be generated. A normal Microsoft Excel file can be specified as the template file for the report generator, and all the available RadiMation® report generator codes can be used in that template file.

Values that are inserted in the generated in Microsoft Excel report are always using the US English formatting, to prevent problems with the interpretation of the values, if Microsoft Excel is using different Culture settings. If additional formulas and calculations are performed in the generated Microsoft Excel report, the formulas should be aware that the values are inserted in the US English format, and may need to be converted to the local format.

Table-inclusion modes

The report generator has several modes to include a table into the final report if the Microsoft Excel report generator editor is used. These are the:

  • Row insert mode
  • Cell insert mode
  • Overwrite mode
  • Sheet insert mode

Each mode works differently and has its own advantages. Please read the descriptions of these modes to decide which mode suits your intentions.

Row insert mode

The 'row insert mode' is the default mode used by the report generator.

For example:

  • An Excel-sheet contains a report generator code for a table with 10 rows and 5 columns.
  • When the code is detected, 9 rows are inserted below the cell containing the code. (Together creating a '10 row area'.)
  • After the new rows have been added, the table is inserted at the cell where the code is detected, overwriting the '10 rows and 5 columns area' connected to this starting cell.

Because additional rows are inserted before the table is included, the content/codes below the starting cell are shifted down (and not overwritten).

This mode can be activated by including the following report generator code: "||RunMacro(CELL_PASTE_MODE_ROWS)||"

Cell insert mode

The 'cell insert mode' is very similar to the 'row insert mode' in that new cells are inserted before the table is included. The difference however is that the surrounding content is not just moved down, but also to the right. Meaning that, ones the table is inserted, any content that was placed next to the starting cell will now be present next to the table. This can be useful if calculations should be performed on the data that is present in the inserted table.

For example:

  • An Excel-sheet contains a report generator code for a table with 10 rows and 5 columns.
  • When the code is detected, a block of 9 rows and 4 columns is inserted to the right and below the cell containing the code. (Together creating a '10 row, 5 column area'.)
  • After the new rows and columns have been added, the table is inserted at the cell where the code is detected, overwriting the '10 rows and 5 columns area' connected to this starting cell.

Because additional rows and columns are inserted before the table is included, the content/codes below the starting cell are shifted down and to the right (and not overwritten).

This mode can be activated by including the following report generator code: "||RunMacro(CELL_PASTE_MODE_CELLS)||"

Overwrite mode

In the 'overwrite mode' a table is inserted at the cell where the code is detected, overwriting the cells that are to the right and below this starting cell.

For example:

  • An Excel-sheet contains a report generator code for a table with 10 rows and 5 columns.
  • When the code is detected, the table is inserted at the cell where the code is detected, overwriting the '10 rows and 5 columns area' connected to this starting cell.

Because of this the content of other cells (below and next to the starting cell) can be lost if the inserted table is bigger than expected.

This mode can be activated by including the following report generator code: "||RunMacro(CELL_PASTE_MODE_OVERWRITE)||"

Sheet insert mode

If, in the 'sheet insert mode', a report generator code is detected that will result in the inclusion of a table, then a new worksheet will be created after the active worksheet. The table will be inserted at the 'A1' cell of the newly created worksheet, overwriting the cells that are to the right and below the 'A1' cell.

This means that each table will be placed on a new worksheet. 'Non-table' content (such as graphs or text) that follows after the table will be placed on the same worksheet as the table.

This mode can be activated by including the following report generator code: "||RunMacro(CELL_PASTE_MODE_SHEET)||"

Inclusion of other files

When the "||InsertFile(<OTHER EXCEL WORKBOOK>)||" code is used, the contents from the other specified Microsoft Excel workbook or worksheet will be included in the generated report. The complete contents of the other document will be inserted at the location of the report generator code. The size of the 'to be inserted' data is determined, starting at the 'A1' cell until the last filled cell. This data is then inserted at the location of the keyword, using the selected table-inclusion mode. To prevent that unnecessary worksheets are included in the report, a check is done which prevents that empty worksheets are inserted.

The filename of a Bitmap, JPEG or PNG file can also be specified as part of the "||InsertFile(<PICTURE FILENAME>)||" report generator code. The corresponding picture will then be loaded from the specified disk location and will be included at the location of the report generator code. This function is similar to the 'Insert Picture, From File' action of Microsoft Excel.

Inclusion of EUT attachments

Pictures, Microsoft Excel documents and other files can also be attached to the EUT document, on the Attachments tab. These attachments can also be included in the generated report using the code "||EUT|ATTACHMENT <FILENAME> CONTENTS||". The '<FILENAME>' part should be the name of the attachment. It is also possible to use the code "||EUT|ATTACHMENT 1 CONTENTS||", where the "1" is the number of the attachment, but can be any number. The complete contents of the attachment will be inserted at the location of the report generator code.



With the report generator code "||RunMacro(<MACRO NAME>)||" it is possible to start a predefined macro function. The '<MACRO NAME>' may be:

  • A macro defined by Microsoft Excel
  • The name of a public function in a public macro module
  • A macro name predefined by the Microsoft Excel report generator editor, which can be:

It is not possible to call macro functions that require an argument, so only ‘argument-less’ macro functions can be called.

SQL queries on tables

The report generator of RadiMation supports the usage of SQL Queries on tables that are provided by the report generator. This makes it possible to include a customised table in the final report.

In combination with the 'SQL' queries, more advanced table configurations are possible, such as:

  • Changing the order of the columns in the table
  • Hiding selected columns from the table
  • Changing the sorting of the rows, based on a specific column
  • Filtering of the rows, based on the data that is included

The most simple SQL statement is:


Where '<TABLE>' is an existing report generator code that includes a table in the report. This simple SQL statement can be extended with:

  • An optional 'WHERE' clause that defines an additional filter that should be used on the rows.
  • An optional 'ORDER BY' clause that specifies any specific ordering of the rows.

The names of the columns that can be used in the SQL queries are the same as they names that appear in the header row of the generated table itself. Any column name that includes a space, should be included in '[ ]' brackets.

The general keywords can't be used for selection within a table. For an example of keywords used within the table selection see the Radiated Emission Table

The report generator is passing the SQL statements and the table data itself through an internal SQLite database engine. Because the SQLite database engine is used, almost all variations of the SQL queries are supported.


Example to only include the frequencies above 50 MHz:

||SELECT * FROM AD CHANNEL 4,3,2,1 LIST WHERE Frequency > 50E6||

Example to only include the frequencies between 1 Hz and 20 MHz, where the AD-channel was measured out of the specified range ('TABLE'), and the table is reverse-sorted on the frequency column:

||SELECT * FROM AD CHANNEL 8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 TABLE WHERE FREQUENCY >= 1 and FREQUENCY <= 20E6 ORDER BY Frequency desc||

Example to include the 'EQUIPMENT TABLE' including all the columns (also the hidden columns):


Including additional columns in the table

By default the report generator codes that insert a table in the report, only show a reduced set of the columns that are available for the table. It is possible to also include additional columns in the table that is inserted in the report.

The report generator code ||SELECT ALL FROM <TABLE>|| (where <TABLE> is the actual report generator code that inserts a table), will insert the table including all available (and by default hidden) columns.

Example to include all columns of a table:

The report generator code ||SELECT ALL FROM PEAKTABLE|| will show the table including all the available columns, and could result in:

Peak Number Peak Number_RAW Frequency Frequency_RAW Peak Peak_RAW Peak Limit Peak Limit_RAW Peak Difference Peak Difference_RAW Peak Correction Peak Correction_RAW Peak Status Peak Status_RAW Status Status_RAW Angle Angle_RAW Height Height_RAW Polarization Polarization_RAW
1 1 829.92 MHz 829921205 80 dBµV/m 80 60 dBµV/m 60 20 dB 20 0.00 dB 0.00 Fail Fail Fail Fail 0 Degree 0 1 m 1 Horizontal Horizontal

Instead of the previous table, we would like to create one with the following information:

  • Peak Number
  • Frequency
  • Peak
  • Peak Limit
  • Peak difference to the limit
  • Peak status
  • Peak status overall

When you try to do this with the following code …

||SELECT Peak Number,Frequency,Peak,Peak Limit,Peak Difference,Peak Status,Status FROM PEAKTABLE||

… you find out that it does not work.

The reason for this, as stated earlier, is that any column name that include a space, should be included in '[ ]'.

When you alter the code with that in mind, you end up with the code …

||SELECT [Peak Number],Frequency,Peak,[Peak Limit],[Peak Difference],[Peak Status],Status FROM PEAKTABLE||

… which does work.

The resulting table will look like this:

Peak Number Frequency Peak Peak Limit Peak Difference Peak Status Status
1 829,92 MHz 80 dBµV 60 dBµV 20 dB Fail Fail

Limiting the number of rows in the table

To limit the number of rows that are included in a table, the 'LIMIT <nr>' keyword can be appended to the SQL query, where the '<nr>' is the maximum number of rows in the table.

Example to limit the number of rows in the table to 3 rows:

||SELECT [Peak Number],Frequency,Peak,[Peak Limit],[Peak Difference],[Peak Status],Status FROM PEAKTABLE LIMIT 3||

will thus result in:

Peak Number Frequency Peak Peak Limit Peak Difference Peak Status Status
1 829.92 MHz 80 dBµV/m 60 dBµV/m 20 dB Fail Fail
2 749.42 MHz 68.8 dBµV/m 60 dBµV/m 8.8 dB Fail Fail
3 951.44 MHz 73.2 dBµV/m 60 dBµV/m 12.2 dB Fail Fail

Sorting the rows in another order

To sort the rows in a table in another order, the 'ORDER BY <column-name>' keyword can be appended to the SQL query, where the '<column-name>' is the name of the column that should be used for the sorting. Additionally the 'ASC' or 'DESC' keyword can also be appended to use ascending or descending ordering.

Example to sort the rows in the table descending on the frequency:

||SELECT [Peak Number],Frequency,Peak,[Peak Limit],[Peak Difference],[Peak Status],Status FROM PEAKTABLE ORDER BY Frequency DESC||

will thus result in:

Peak Number Frequency Peak Peak Limit Peak Difference Peak Status Status
3 951.44 MHz 73.2 dBµV/m 60 dBµV/m 12.2 dB Fail Fail
1 829.92 MHz 80 dBµV/m 60 dBµV/m 20 dB Fail Fail
4 805.11 MHz 62.1 dBµV/m 60 dBµV/m 1.2 dB Fail Fail
2 749.42 MHz 68.8 dBµV/m 60 dBµV/m 8.8 dB Fail Fail

Keywords Overview



Keyword Description
||EUT|FILENAME|| The filename of the EUT
||EUT|BRAND|| The brand of the EUT specified in the EUT Window
||EUT|CONDITION UPON RECEPTION|| The condition of reception of the EUT specified in the EUT Window
||EUT|DATE OF RECEIPT|| The date of reception of the EUT specified in the EUT Window
||EUT|DATE OF MEASUREMENT|| The date of measurement of the EUT specified in the EUT Window
||EUT|DIMENSIONS|| The dimensions of the EUT specified in the EUT Window
||EUT|EMISSION STANDARD|| The emission standard of the EUT specified in the EUT Window
||EUT|ENVIRONMENT|| The environment of the EUT specified in the EUT Window
||EUT|IMMUNITY STANDARD|| The immunity standard of the EUT specified in the EUT Window
||EUT|NAME|| The name of the EUT specified in the EUT Window
||EUT|ORDER NUMBER|| The order number of the EUT specified in the EUT Window
||EUT|PCB RELEASE|| The PCB release of the EUT specified in the EUT Window
||EUT|PERIPHERAL EQUIPMENT|| The peripheral equipment of the EUT specified in the EUT Window
||EUT|PLACE MEASURMENT|| The place of measurment of the EUT specified in the EUT Window
||EUT|RADIMATION VERSION|| The RadiMation® version
||EUT|RATED POWER|| The rated power of the EUT specified in the EUT Window
||EUT|SERIAL NUMBER|| The serial number of the EUT specified in the EUT Window
||EUT|TEST SETUP TYPE|| The test setup type of the EUT specified in the EUT Window
||EUT|SOFTWARE RELEASE|| The software release of the EUT specified in the EUT Window
||EUT|TYPE NUMBER|| The type number of the EUT specified in the EUT Window
||EUT|VOLTAGE SUPPLY|| The voltage supply of the EUT specified in the EUT Window

Client Address Information

Keyword Description
||EUT|CLIENT ADDRESS|| The address of the client specified in the EUT Window
||EUT|CLIENT CAPACITY|| The capacity of the client specified in the EUT Window
||EUT|CLIENT CITY|| The city of the client specified in the EUT Window
||EUT|CLIENT COMPANY|| The client name specified in the EUT Window
||EUT|CLIENT CONTACT PERSON|| The contact person of the client specified in the EUT Window
||EUT|CLIENT COUNTRY|| The country of the client specified in the EUT Window
||EUT|CLIENT EMAIL ADDRESS|| The email address of the client specified in the EUT Window
||EUT|CLIENT FAX NUMBER|| The fax number of the client specified in the EUT Window
||EUT|CLIENT STATE|| The state of the client specified in the EUT Window
||EUT|CLIENT TELEPHONE NUMBER|| The telephone number of the client specified in the EUT Window
||EUT|CLIENT ZIP CODE|| The ZIP code of the client specified in the EUT Window

Manufacturer Address Information

Keyword Description
||EUT|MANUFACTURER ADDRESS|| The address of the manufacturer specified in the EUT Window
||EUT|MANUFACTURER CITY|| The city of the manufacturer specified in the EUT Window
||EUT|MANUFACTURER COMPANY|| The manufacturer name specified in the EUT Window
||EUT|MANUFACTURER CONTACT PERSON|| The contact person of the manufacturer specified in the EUT Window
||EUT|MANUFACTURER COUNTRY|| The country of the manufacturer specified in the EUT Window
||EUT|MANUFACTURER EMAIL ADDRESS|| The email address of the manufacturer specified in the EUT Window
||EUT|MANUFACTURER FAX NUMBER|| The fax number of the manufacturer specified in the EUT Window
||EUT|MANUFACTURER STATE|| The state of the manufacturer specified in the EUT Window
||EUT|MANUFACTURER TELEPHONE NUMBER|| The telephone number of the manufacturer specified in the EUT Window
||EUT|MANUFACTURER ZIP CODE|| The ZIP code of the manufacturer specified in the EUT Window

Test Site Address Information

Keyword Description
||EUT|TEST SITE ADDRESS|| The address of the test site specified in the EUT Window
||EUT|TEST SITE CITY|| The city of the test site specified in the EUT Window
||EUT|TEST SITE COMPANY|| The test site name specified in the EUT Window
||EUT|TEST SITE CONTACT PERSON|| The contact person of the test site specified in the EUT Window
||EUT|TEST SITE COUNTRY|| The country of the test site specified in the EUT Window
||EUT|TEST SITE EMAIL ADDRESS|| The email address of the test site specified in the EUT Window
||EUT|TEST SITE FAX NUMBER|| The fax number of the test site specified in the EUT Window
||EUT|TEST SITE STATE|| The state of the test site specified in the EUT Window
||EUT|TEST SITE TELEPHONE NUMBER|| The telephone number of the test site specified in the EUT Window
||EUT|TEST SITE ZIP CODE|| The ZIP code of the test site specified in the EUT Window

Cable information

Keyword Description
||EUT|CABLE TABLE|| A table with the cable information specified in the EUT Window
||EUT|CABLE X PORT TYPE|| The port type of cable X in the EUT window ( X starting from 1)
||EUT|CABLE X CABLE TYPE|| The cable type of cable X in the EUT window (X starting from 1)
||EUT|CABLE X CABLE LENGTH|| The cable length of cable X in the EUT window (X starting from 1)
||EUT|CABLE X FIXING SHIELD|| The fixing shield of cable X in the EUT window (X starting from 1)
||EUT|CABLE X LOAD AT PORT|| The load at port of cable X in the EUT window (X starting from 1)

Standards Information

Keyword Description ||EUT|PRODUCT STANDARD ...|| Specifications of the used Product Standard ||EUT|BASIC STANDARD ...|| Specifications of the used Basic Standard

Where ... is one of the following parameters:

Parameter Description
DATEOFRELEASE Release date of the standard
DESCRIPTION String containing official name / scope
FILELOCATION The location of the file associated with the standard
LANGUAGE The language in which the standard is described
NOTE Additional note to the standard
OFFICIALNAME The official name of the standard
REFERRED STANDARDS A string of referred standards, separated by a "," (Only applicable to product standards)
SCOPE The scope of the standard
STANDARDISATIONINSTITUTE Description of Measurement equipment given by the user
TABLE Table of the used standards







Report Generator

Keyword Description
COMNAME Internal COM Name selected report generator
DESCRIPTION Selected report generator
EXTENSION Report generator extension
CHECKEXTENSION Report generator should check extension
EDITOR Report generator
STARTDELETEBLOCK() Start block to remove unused keywords
ENDDELETEBLOCK() End block to remove unused keywords
RemoveIllegalCodes(TRUE) Removal illegal keywords


Keyword Description
||Configuration|CALFILESDIRECTORY|| CAL Files directory
||Configuration|EUTFILESDIRECTORY|| EUT Files directory
||Configuration|TSFFILESDIRECTORY|| TSF Files directory
||Configuration|SEQFILESDIRECTORY|| SEQ Files directory
||Configuration|CORFILESDIRECTORY|| COR Files directory
||Configuration|DIRECTORIES|| All directories


Keyword Description
||Configuration|CURRENT|| Current
||Configuration|EMISSION AMPLITUDE|| Emission
||Configuration|FIELD|| Electrical Field
||Configuration|FREQUENCY|| Frequency
||Configuration|POWER|| Power
||Configuration|VOLTAGE|| Voltage
||Configuration|UNITS|| All units


Keyword Description
||Configuration|CURRENTUSERNAME|| Current username
||Configuration|RADIMATION VERSION|| The RadiMation® version

EUT Calibration

EUT's can be calibrated in multiple ways:

  • Attenuation / Gain
  • Amplifier linearity
  • Gain compression
  • Harmonics
  • S Parameter
  • Antenna scan
  • Antenna
  • Field strength

The available report generator codes for those calibrations are listed in the sections below.

Amplifier Linearity

Keyword Description
DESCRIPTION Test level to calibrate with
TEST-TYPE Signal gen, forward-power or net-power
START FREQUENCY Start frequency of the calibration
STOP FREQUENCY End frequency of the calibration
CALIBRATION FILE Used Calibration file
ALL GRAPHS Output graph

Gain compression

Keyword Description
START FREQUENCY Start frequency of the calibration
STOP FREQUENCY End frequency of the calibration
STEP Step size specifically for using log step in %
CALIBRATION METHOD Signal gen, forward-power or net-power
TABLE Output table
GRAPH Output graph
POWER TABLE Table with all the compression power levels for every frequency


Keyword Description
START FREQUENCY Start frequency of the calibration
STOP FREQUENCY End frequency of the calibration
STEP Step size specifically for using log step in %
CALIBRATION METHOD Signal gen, forward-power or net-power
TABLE Output table
GRAPH Output graph
POWER TABLE Specific table for harmonics

S Parameter

The xx after the S must be replaced by the appropriate test number: 11, 12, 21 or 22.

Keyword Description
ALL GRAPHS All available graphs plotted in one graph
Sxx PRESCAN GRAPH Prescan Graph
Sxx MAGNITUDE AVG GRAPH Magnitude Average Graph
Sxx MAGNITUDE MAX GRAPH Magnitude Maximum Graph
Sxx MAGNITUDE MIN GRAPH Magnitude Minimum Graph
Sxx MAGNITUDE STDDEV GRAPH Magnitude Standard Deviation Graph
Sxx IMPEDANCE AVG GRAPH Graph with the average of the measured impedance
Sxx IMPEDANCE MAX GRAPH Graph with the max-hold of the measured impedance
Sxx IMPEDANCE MIN GRAPH Graph with the min-hold of the measured impedance
Sxx IMPEDANCE STDDEV GRAPH Graph with the Standard Deviation of the measured impedance

It is also possible to retrieve the data as table

Keyword Description
S11 TABLE All columns default visible
Select * FROM S11 TABLE Using sql to retrieve all values
Select IMPEDANCE FROM S11 TABLE Because we added impedance later, it is not visible by default

Antenna scan

To request the data as table from an antenna scan use the following code

Keyword Description
POWER TABLE Default table with frequency, signal power and forward power.
SELECT ALL FROM [Power Table] To request all possible columns

Radiated Immunity


Keyword Description
NUMBER OF EVENTS The number of events that occur during a test
EVENTS Table of events which occur during a test

Uniform Field Area Calculation

Keyword Description
NUMBER OF EVENTS The number of events that occur during a test
TEST START TIME The date and time at which the test is started
TEST STOP TIME The date and time at which the test is stopped
TEST DATE The date at which the test is performed
TEST ENGINEER The name of the test engineer
TEST TIME The time at which the test is performed
TEST SITE NAME The name of the test equipment list
AVERAGE FIELD GRAPH The graph representing the average field graph
CALCULATED FIELD GRAPH The graph representing the calculated field graph
ERROR GRAPH The graph representing the error graph
FIELD GRAPH x The graph representing the field graph of field strength sensor number [x], where x is a number between 1 and 8
FORWARD POWER GRAPH The graph representing the forward power graph
NET POWER GRAPH The graph representing the net-power power graph
POINT 16 ERROR GRAPH x The graph representing the error graph of point number [x], where x is a number between 1 and 16
POINT 16 FIELD GRAPH x The graph representing the field graph of point number [x], where x is a number between 1 and 16
POINT 16 POWER GRAPH x The graph representing the power graph of point number [x], where x is a number between 1 and 16
REFLECTED POWER GRAPH The graph representing the reflected power graph
SIGNAL POWER GRAPH The graph representing the signal power graph
AMPLIFIER PROTECTION MODE The Amplifier Protection mode: Signal Power, Forward Power and / or Reflected Power.
AVERAGE FIELD Which probes are selected for the calculation of the average field
CURRENT MEASURED Indication whether or not the current is measured: Yes / No
DESCRIPTION The description of the Test Setup File (TSF)
DISTANCE The distance between the antenna and the EUT in meters [m]
DWELL TIME The dwell time in seconds [s]
FIELD TEST LEVEL The field strength level in the unit selected by the user
FORWARD POWER MEASURED Indication whether or not the forward power is measured: Yes / No
FREQUENCY CHANGE MODE The method used to change frequency: Stress Method, Ramp Method, Constant Method or Fast Constant Method.
HUMIDITY Relative Humidity during the test in percentage relative Humidity [%RH]
MAIN VOLTAGE The mains voltage during the test in Volt [V]
NET POWER MEASURED Indication whether or not the net-power power is measured: Yes / No
NOTE Note or remark made during the test
POLARIZATION Antenna polarisation: Horizontal or Vertical
PRESSURE Air Pressure during the test in milliBar [mbar]
RECALCULATE AVERAGE Indication whether or not the average is recalculated: Yes / No
REFLECTED POWER MEASURED Indication whether or not the reflected power is measured: Yes / No
START FREQUENCY The start frequency in megahertz [MHz]
STOP FREQUENCY The stop frequency in megahertz [MHz]
FREQUENCY STEP The linear frequency step in megahertz [MHz]
LOGARITHMIC STEP The logarithmic frequency step in a percentage of the previous step
LOGARITHMIC STEP FROM The frequency the test was started from to calculate the proper logarithmic step size
STEP A textual description of the used frequency step, also containing if it is linear or logarithmic step size
TEMPERATURE Temperature during the test in degrees Celsius [oC]
TSF FILENAME The filename of the TSF file
EQUIPMENT TABLE A table containing all used equipment
EVENTS Table of events which occur during a test
FIELD UNIT The selected unit for field strength: [dBuV/m], [dBmV/m], [dBV/m], [uV/m], [mV/m] or [V/m]
POWER UNIT The selected unit for power: [dBuW], [dBm], [dBmW], [dBW], [uW], [mW] or [W]
VOLTAGE UNIT The selected unit for voltage: [dBuVrms], [dBmVrms], [dBVrms], [uVrms], [mVrms] or [Vrms]
NUMBER OF TOTAL POINTS The total of calibration points
NUMBER OF POINTS TO REMOVE The number of points removed
ACCEPTED TOLERANCE The accepted tolerance in dB
ACCEPTED EXTENDED TOLERANCE The accepted extended tolerance in dB
PERCENTAGE WITHIN TOLERANCE The percentage of frequencies within the accepted tolerance
PERCENTAGE WITHIN EXTENDED TOLERANCE The percentage of frequencies within the accepted extended tolerance
PERCENTAGE OUTSIDE TOLERANCE The percentage of frequencies outside the tolerance
MAX STANDARD DEVIATION MEASURED The maximum standard deviation
FREQUENCY FOR MAX STANDARD DEVIATION The frequency with the maximum standard deviation
MAX TOLERANCE DEVIATION MEASURED The maximum tolerance deviation
FREQUENCY FOR MAX DEVIATION The frequency with the max tolerance
RESULT UFA pass or fail result
STDEV GRAPH The graph representing the standard deviation per frequency
PROBABILITY PERCENTAGE The probability percentage
CROSS POLAR PROBABILITY PERCENTAGE The cross-polar probability percentage
CROSS POLAR ACCEPTED TOLERANCE The cross-polar accepted tolerance in dB
CROSS POLAR ACCEPTED EXTENDED TOLERANCE The cross-polar accepted extended tolerance in dB
CROSS POLAR EXTENDED TOLERANCE PERCENTAGE The cross-polar extended tolerance percentage
CROSS POLAR RESULT The cross-polar result, pass or fail
CROSS POLAR PERCENTAGE WITHIN TOLERANCE The cross-polar percentage within tolerance
CROSS POLAR NUMBER OF POINTS WITHIN TOLERANCE The cross-polar number of frequency points within tolerance
CROSS POLAR PERCENTAGE WITHIN EXTENDED TOLERANCE The cross-polar percentage of frequency points within the extended tolerance
CROSS POLAR NUMBER OF POINTS WITHIN EXTENDED TOLERANCE The cross-polar number of frequency points within the extended tolerance
CROSS POLAR PERCENTAGE OUTSIDE TOLERANCE The cross-polar percentage outside the tolerance
CROSS POLAR NUMBER OF POINTS OUTSIDE TOLERANCE The cross-polar number of points outside the tolerance
CROSS POLAR MAX PQUANTILE The cross-polar maximum PQuantile
CROSS POLAR FREQUENCY FOR MAX PQUANTILE The cross-polar frequency for the max PQuantile
PQUANTILE GRAPH The graph representing the PQuantile per frequency

Equipment for Uniform Field Area calculation

The equipment keyword consists of two parts: the keyword and a parameter. For each keyword all parameters are valid.

Keyword Description
AMPLIFIER ... Specifications of the used Amplifier
ANTENNA ... Specifications of the used Antenna
COUPLER ... Specifications of the used Coupler
FIELD SENSOR x ... Specifications of the used Field Sensor number [x], where x is a number between 1 and 8
FORWARD POWER METER ... Specifications of the used Forward Power Meter
REFLECTED POWER METER ... Specifications of the used Reflected Power Meter
SIGNAL GENERATOR ... Specifications of the used Signal Generator

Where ... is one of the following parameters:

Parameter Description
BRAND Brand of Measurement equipment
CALIBRATION EXPIRES Date when calibration expires of equipment, given by the user
DESCRIPTION Description of Measurement equipment given by the user
DEVICE DRIVER NAME The internal name of the device driver
HARDWARE VERSION Hardware version of Measurement equipment
ID Internal ID of Measurement equipment
NAME Name of Measurement equipment
SERIAL NUMBER Serial number of Measurement equipment
SOFTWARE VERSION Software version of Measurement equipment
TYPE Type of Measurement equipment

||AMPLIFIER BRAND|| returns the brand name of the amplifier.

Radiated Immunity Tests

Keyword Description
"keyword or name of photo" The name or keyword of the photo
NUMBER OF EVENTS The number of events that occur during a test
TEST START TIME The date and time at which the test is started
TEST STOP TIME The date and time at which the test is stopped
TEST DATE The date at which the test is performed
TEST ENGINEER The name of the test engineer
TEST TIME The time at which the test is performed
TEST SITE NAME The name of the test equipment list
AD GRAPH x The graph representing the A/D graph of channel number [x], where x is a number between 1 and 8
AVERAGE FIELD GRAPH The graph representing the average field graph
CALCULATED FIELD GRAPH (1) The graph representing the calculated field graph
CURRENT GRAPH The graph representing the current graph
FIELD GRAPH x The graph representing the field graph of field strength sensor number [x], where x is a number between 1 and 8
FORWARD POWER GRAPH The graph representing the forward power graph
NET POWER GRAPH The graph representing the net-power power graph
REFLECTED POWER GRAPH The graph representing the reflected power graph
SIGNAL POWER GRAPH The graph representing the signal power graph
AMPLIFIER PROTECTION MODE The Amplifier Protection mode: Signal Power, Forward Power and or Reflected Power.
AVERAGE FIELD Which probes are selected for the calculation of the average field
CALCULATED FIELD MEASURED(1) Indication whether or not the calculated power is measured: Yes / No
CALIBRATION FILE (1) The name of the calibration file used for the test
CALIBRATION METHOD The calibration method used: Signal Generator Level, Forward Power or Net-Power
CURRENT LIMIT The Current limit in Ampere [A]
CURRENT MEASURED Indication whether or not the current is measured: Yes / No
CURRENT UNIT The selected current unit: [dBuA],[dBmA], [dBA], [uA], [mA] or [A]
DESCRIPTION The description of the Test Setup File (TSF)
DISTANCE The distance between the antenna and the EUT in meters [m]
DWELL TIME The dwell time in seconds [s]
FIELD TEST LEVEL (2) The field strength level in the unit selected by the user
FORWARD POWER MEASURED Indication whether or not the forward power is measured: Yes / No
FREQUENCY CHANGE MODE The method used to change frequency: Stress Method, Ramp Method, Constant Method or Fast Constant Method.
HUMIDITY Relative Humidity during the test in percentage relative Humidity [%RH]
MAIN VOLTAGE The mains voltage during the test in Volt [V]
MODULATION The type of modulation: none, Internal AM, External AM or Pulse
MODULATION CONSERVATION Indication whether peak conservation is used: Power, Voltage, none
MODULATION DEPTH Modulation depth in percentage of the carrier [%]
MODULATION DUTY CYCLE The duty cycle of the pulse modulation as a percentage [%]
MODULATION FREQUENCY The modulation frequency in Hertz [Hz]
MODULATION SIGNAL The type of modulation signal: Sine Wave or Square Wave
NET POWER MEASURED Indication whether or not the net-power power is measured: Yes / No
NOTE Note or remark made during the test
POLARIZATION Antenna polarisation: Horizontal or Vertical
PRESSURE Air Pressure during the test in milliBar [mbar]
REFLECTED POWER MEASURED Indication whether or not the reflected power is measured: Yes / No
START FREQUENCY The start frequency in megahertz [MHz]
STOP FREQUENCY The stop frequency in megahertz [MHz]
FREQUENCY STEP The linear frequency step in megahertz [MHz]
LOGARITHMIC STEP The logarithmic frequency step in a percentage of the previous step
LOGARITHMIC STEP FROM The frequency the test was started from to calculate the proper logarithmic step size
STEP A textual description of the used frequency step, also containing if it is linear or logarithmic step size
TAKE START PICTURE Indication whether or not to take a photo at the start of the test: Yes/No
TEMPERATURE Temperature during the test in degrees Celsius [oC]
TSF FILENAME The filename of the TSF file
USE CURRENT LIMIT Is the current limit used: Yes / No
EQUIPMENT TABLE A table containing all used equipment
EVENTS Table of events which occur during a test
MANUAL MODE Table containing the information collected during a manual mode session
FIELD UNIT The selected unit for field strength: [dBuV/m], [dBmV/m], [dBV/m], [uV/m], [mV/m] or [V/m]
POWER UNIT The selected unit for power: [dBuW], [dBm], [dBmW], [dBW], [uW], [mW] or [W]
VOLTAGE UNIT The selected unit for voltage: [dBuVrms], [dBmVrms], [dBVrms], [uVrms], [mVrms] or [Vrms]

1) Substitution Method only 2) Substitution Method and Fixed Field Method only

Equipment for Radiated Immunity Tests

The equipment keyword consists of two parts: the keyword and a parameter. For each keyword all parameters are valid.

Keyword Description
AD CONVERTOR ... Specifications of the used A/D Converter
AMPLIFIER ... Specifications of the used Amplifier
ANTENNA ... Specifications of the used Antenna
CABLE x ... Specifications of the used Cable number [x], where x is a number between 1 to 8
COUPLER ... Specifications of the used Coupler
CURRENT SENSOR ... Specifications of the used Current Sensor
FIELD SENSOR x ... Specifications of the used Field Sensor number [x], where x is a number between 1 and 8
FORWARD POWER METER ... Specifications of the used Forward Power Meter
REFLECTED POWER METER ... Specifications of the used Reflected Power Meter
SENSOR POWER METER ... Specifications of the used Sensor Power Meter
SIGNAL GENERATOR ... Specifications of the used Signal Generator

Where ... is one of the following parameters:

Parameter Description
BRAND Brand of Measurement equipment
CALIBRATION EXPIRES Date when calibration expires of equipment, given by the user
DESCRIPTION Description of Measurement equipment given by the user
DEVICE DRIVER NAME The internal name of the device driver
HARDWARE VERSION Hardware version of Measurement equipment
ID Internal ID of Measurement equipment
NAME Name of Measurement equipment
SERIAL NUMBER Serial number of Measurement equipment
SOFTWARE VERSION Software version of Measurement equipment
TYPE Type of Measurement equipment

||AMPLIFIER SERIAL NUMBER|| returns the serial number of the amplifier.

Radiated Immunity Multiband

It is possible to include the test levels of a multi band immunity test. The name of a test level can be adjusted in the TSF and therefor needs to be looked up first.

To include a field of a test level from band 1 use the following code, where the name needs to match the test level and an appropriate field should be used.


The report generator code is build as following, where <Test level name> is replaced with the name of the configured test level and <Field> is the actual information that is put in the report.

||Band1 TestLevel: <Test level name> <Field>||

This example puts the 'Description' of the test level named 'Electrical field substitution method' in the report

||Band1 TestLevel: Electrical field substitution method Description||

This example puts the 'Calibration filename' of the test level named 'Electrical field substitution method' in the report

||Band1 TestLevel: Electrical field substitution method Calibration File||

This example puts the 'Field' of the test level named 'Electrical field substitution method' in the report

||Band1 TestLevel: Electrical field substitution method Fixed Field||

This example puts the 'Power' of the test level named 'Power closed loop method' in the report

||Band1 TestLevel: Power closed loop method Fixed Power|| 

Other fields than "Description" and "Calibration File" can be accessed, keep in mind that it depends on the test level which fields are exposed. Some examples of other fields:

Parameter Description
Name Name of test level
Description Description of test level
Tolerance The tolerance of the test level
Calibration File Calibration file used in a substitution test
Calibration method Calibration method
Fixed Field The field strength to regulate to

Conducted Immunity


Keyword Description
NUMBER OF EVENTS The number of events that occur during a test
TEST START TIME The date and time at which the test is started
TEST STOP TIME The date and time at which the test is stopped
TEST DATE The date at which the test is performed
TEST ENGINEER The name of the test engineer
TEST TIME The time at which the test is performed
TEST SITE NAME The name of the test equipment list
AMPLIFIER PROTECTION MODE The Amplifier Protection mode: Signal Power, Forward Power and / or Reflected Power.
CALIBRATION METHOD The calibration method used: Signal Generator Level, Forward Power or Net-Power
CURRENT MEASURED Indication whether or not the current is measured: Yes / No
CURRENT TEST LEVEL The current test level in Ampere [A]
CURRENT UNIT The selected current unit: [dBuA], [dBmA], [dBA], [uA], [mA] or [A]
DESCRIPTION The description of the Test Setup File (TSF)
DISTANCE The distance between the antenna and the EUT in meters [m]
DWELL TIME The dwell time in seconds [s]
FORWARD POWER MEASURED Indication whether or not the forward power is measured: Yes / No
FREQUENCY CHANGE MODE The method used to change frequency: Stress Method, Ramp Method, Constant Method or Fast Constant Method.
HUMIDITY Relative Humidity during the test in percentage rel. Humidity [%RH]
MAIN VOLTAGE The mains voltage during the test in Volt [V]
NET POWER MEASURED Indication whether or not the net-power power is measured: Yes / No
NOTE Note or remark made during the test
POLARIZATION Antenna polarisation: Horizontal or Vertical
PRESSURE Air Pressure during the test in milliBar [mbar]
REFLECTED POWER MEASURED Indication whether or not the reflected power is measured: Yes / No
START FREQUENCY The start frequency in megahertz [MHz]
STOP FREQUENCY The stop frequency in megahertz [MHz]
FREQUENCY STEP The linear frequency step in megahertz [MHz]
LOGARITHMIC STEP The logarithmic frequency step in a percentage of the previous step
LOGARITHMIC STEP FROM The frequency the test was started from to calculate the proper logarithmic step size
STEP A textual description of the used frequency step, also containing if it is linear or logarithmic step size
TEMPERATURE Temperature during the test in degrees Celsius [oC]
TSF FILENAME The filename of the TSF file
USE CURRENT TEST LEVEL Indication the current test level is used: Yes / No
USE VOLTAGE TEST LEVEL Indication the voltage test level is used: Yes / No
VOLTAGE TEST LEVEL The voltage test level in the unit selected by the user
EQUIPMENT TABLE A table containing all used equipment
EVENTS Table of events which occur during a test
POWER UNIT The selected unit for power: [dBuW], [dBm], [dBmW], [dBW], [uW], [mW] or [W]
VOLTAGE UNIT The selected unit for voltage: [dBuVrms], [dBmVrms], [dBVrms], [uVrms], [mVrms] or [Vrms]

Equipment for Calibration

The equipment keyword consists of two parts: the keyword and a parameter. For each keyword all parameters are valid.

Keyword Description
AMPLIFIER ... Specifications of the used Amplifier
ANTENNA ... Specifications of the used Antenna
CABLE x ... Specifications of the used Cable number [x], where x is a number between 1 to 8
CLAMP ... Specifications of the used Clamp
CLAMP RESISTANCE The resistance in Ohm (Ω) of the clamp
COUPLER ... Specifications of the used Coupler
CURRENT SENSOR ... Specifications of the used Current Sensor
FORWARD POWER METER ... Specifications of the used Forward Power Meter
JIG ... Specifications of the used Calibration Jig
REFLECTED POWER METER ... Specifications of the used Reflected Power Meter
SENSOR POWER METER ... Specifications of the used Sensor Power Meter
SIGNAL GENERATOR ... Specifications of the used Signal Generator

Where ... is one of the following parameters:

Parameter Description
BRAND Brand of Measurement equipment
CALIBRATION EXPIRES Date when calibration expires of equipment, given by the user
DESCRIPTION Description of Measurement equipment given by the user
DEVICE DRIVER NAME The internal name of the device driver
HARDWARE VERSION Hardware version of Measurement equipment
ID Internal ID of Measurement equipment
NAME Name of Measurement equipment
SERIAL NUMBER Serial number of Measurement equipment
SOFTWARE VERSION Software version of Measurement equipment
TYPE Type of Measurement equipment

||COUPLER TYPE|| returns the type of the coupler.

Conducted Immunity Tests

Keyword Description
"keyword or name of photo" The name or keyword of the photo
NUMBER OF EVENTS The number of events that occur during a test
TEST START TIME The date and time at which the test is started
TEST STOP TIME The date and time at which the test is stopped
TEST DATE The date at which the test is performed
TEST ENGINEER The name of the test engineer
TEST TIME The time at which the test is performed
TEST SITE NAME The name of the test equipment list
AD GRAPH x The graph representing the A/D graph of channel number [x], where x is a number between 1 and 8
CALCULATED CURRENT GRAPH (1) The graph representing the current graph
CALCULATED VOLTAGE GRAPH (1) The graph representing the calculated voltage graph
CURRENT GRAPH The graph representing the current graph
FIELD GRAPH x The graph representing the field graph of field strength sensor number [x], where x is a number between 1 and 8
FORWARD POWER GRAPH The graph representing the forward power graph
NET POWER GRAPH The graph representing the net-power power graph
REFLECTED POWER GRAPH The graph representing the reflected power graph
SIGNAL POWER GRAPH The graph representing the signal power graph
VOLTAGE GRAPH The graph representing the voltage graph
CALIBRATED POWER GRAPH The graph representing the calibrated power limitation graph
CALIBRATED POWER LIMIT GRAPH The graph representing the calibrated power limitation graph
AMPLIFIER PROTECTION MODE The Amplifier Protection mode: Signal Power, Forward Power and / or Reflected Power.
CALIBRATION FILE (1) The name of the calibration file used for the test
CALIBRATION METHOD The calibration method used: Signal Generator Level, Forward Power or Net-Power
CURRENT LIMIT The Current limit in Ampere [A]
CURRENT MEASURED Indication whether or not the current is measured: Yes / No
CURRENT TEST LEVEL The current test level in Ampere [A]
CURRENT UNIT The selected current unit: [dBuA],[dBmA], [dBA], [uA], [mA] or [A]
DESCRIPTION The description of the Test Setup File (TSF)
DISTANCE The distance between the antenna and the EUT in meters [m]
DWELL TIME The dwell time in seconds [s]
FORWARD POWER MEASURED Indication whether or not the forward power is measured: Yes / No
FREQUENCY CHANGE MODE The method used to change frequency: Stress Method, Ramp Method, Constant Method or Fast Constant Method.
HUMIDITY Relative Humidity during the test in percentage relative Humidity [%RH]
MAIN VOLTAGE The mains voltage during the test in Volt [V]
MODULATION The type of modulation: none, Internal AM, External AM or Pulse
MODULATION CONSERVATION Indication whether peak conservation is used: Power, Voltage, none
MODULATION DEPTH Modulation depth in percentage of the carrier [%]
MODULATION DUTY CYCLE The duty cycle of the pulse modulation as a percentage [%]
MODULATION FREQUENCY The modulation frequency in Hertz [Hz]
MODULATION SIGNAL The type of modulation signal: Sine Wave or Square Wave
NET POWER MEASURED Indication whether or not the net-power power is measured: Yes / No
NOTE Note or remark made during the test
POLARIZATION Antenna polarisation: Horizontal or Vertical
PRESSURE Air Pressure during the test in milliBar [mbar]
REFLECTED POWER MEASURED Indication whether or not the reflected power is measured: Yes / No
START FREQUENCY The start frequency in megahertz [MHz]
STOP FREQUENCY The stop frequency in megahertz [MHz]
FREQUENCY STEP The linear frequency step in megahertz [MHz]
LOGARITHMIC STEP The logarithmic frequency step in a percentage of the previous step
LOGARITHMIC STEP FROM The frequency the test was started from to calculate the proper logarithmic step size
STEP A textual description of the used frequency step, also containing if it is linear or logarithmic step size
TAKE START PICTURE Indication whether or not a photo is taken at the start of the test: Yes/No
TEMPERATURE Temperature during the test in degrees Celsius [oC]
TSF FILENAME The filename of the TSF file
USE CURRENT LIMIT Is the current limit used: Yes / No
USE CURRENT TEST LEVEL (2) Indication the current test level is used: Yes / No
USE VOLTAGE TEST LEVEL (6) Indication the voltage test level is used: Yes / No
VOLTAGE TEST LEVEL (6) The voltage test level in the unit selected by the user
EQUIPMENT TABLE A table containing all used equipment
EVENTS Table of events which occur during a test
MANUAL MODE Table containing the information collected during a manual mode session
POWER UNIT The selected unit for power: [dBuW], [dBm], [dBmW], [dBW], [uW], [mW] or [W]
VOLTAGE UNIT The selected unit for voltage: [dBuVrms], [dBmVrms], [dBVrms], [uVrms], [mVrms] or [Vrms]
POWER TEST LEVEL (3) The power test level in the unit selected by the user
STEP DOWN (4) The number of dB's the test level is stepped down during a minimum performance test
TOLERANCE (5) The maximum allowable tolerance of the test-level

1) Fixed Generator method and Minimum Performance Level Method excluded 2) Substitution method and Fixed Current Method only 3) Fixed Generator level method only 4) Minimum Performance test method only 5) Fixed Current method and Minimum Performance test method only 6) Substitution method only

Equipment for Conducted Immunity Tests

The equipment keyword consists of two parts: the keyword and a parameter. For each keyword all parameters are valid.

Keyword Description
AD CONVERTOR ... Specifications of the used A/D Converter
AMPLIFIER ... Specifications of the used Amplifier
ANTENNA ... Specifications of the used Antenna
CABLE x ... Specifications of the used Cable number [x], where x is a number between 1 to 8
CLAMP ... Specifications of the used Clamp
CLAMP RESISTANCE The resistance in Ohm (Ω) of the clamp
COUPLER ... Specifications of the used Coupler
CURRENT SENSOR ... Specifications of the used Current Sensor
FORWARD POWER METER ... Specifications of the used Forward Power Meter
REFLECTED POWER METER ... Specifications of the used Reflected Power Meter
SENSOR POWER METER ... Specifications of the used Sensor Power Meter
SIGNAL GENERATOR ... Specifications of the used Signal Generator

Where ... is one of the following parameters:

Parameter Description
BRAND Brand of Measurement equipment
CALIBRATION EXPIRES Date when calibration expires of equipment, given by the user
DESCRIPTION Description of Measurement equipment given by the user
DEVICE DRIVER NAME The internal name of the device driver
HARDWARE VERSION Hardware version of Measurement equipment
ID Internal ID of Measurement equipment
NAME Name of Measurement equipment
SERIAL NUMBER Serial number of Measurement equipment
SOFTWARE VERSION Software version of Measurement equipment
TYPE Type of Measurement equipment

||ANTENNA DESCRIPTION|| returns the description of the antenna.

Pulsed Immunity

ESD Test

Keyword Description
NEG AIR MEASURED POINT x Indication a Negative Air Discharge is performed at point number [x]: Yes / No
NEG AIR RESULT POINT x Results of Negative Air Discharge at point number [x]: pass or fail
NEG AIR NOTE POINT x Note of Negative Air Discharge at point number [x]
NEG CONTACT MEASURED POINT x Indication a Negative Contact Discharge is performed at point number [x]: Yes / No
NEG CONTACT RESULT POINT x Results of Negative Contact Discharge at point number [x]: pass or fail
NEG CONTACT NOTE POINT x Note of Negative Contact Discharge at point number [x]
NUMBER OF EVENTS The number of events that occur during a test
POS AIR MEASURED POINT x Indication a Positive Air Discharge is performed at point number [x]: Yes / No
POS AIR RESULT POINT x Results of Positive Air Discharge at point number [x]: pass or fail
POS AIR NOTE POINT x Note of Positive Air Discharge at point number [x]
POS CONTACT MEASURED POINT x Indication a Positive Contact Discharge is performed at point number [x]: Yes / No
POS CONTACT RESULT POINT x Results of Positive Contact Discharge at point number [x]: pass or fail
POS CONTACT NOTE POINT x Note of Positive Contact Discharge at point number [x]
TEST START TIME The time at which the test is stopped
TEST STOP TIME The time at which the test is started
TEST SITE NAME The name of the test equipment list
AMPLITUDE POINT x Amplitude of pulse performed at point number [x] in [V]
CONFIGURATION TIME The date and time when the TSF file is saved
DESCRIPTION Description of the Test Setup File (TSF)
DISCHARGE INTERVAL The interval of the discharge in seconds.
HUMIDITY Relative Humidity during the test in percentage relative Humidity [%RH]
MAIN VOLTAGE Mains Voltage during the test in Volt [V]
NEG AIR LEVEL POINT x Level of the Negative Air Discharge at point number [x] in [V]
NEG CONTACT LEVEL POINT x Level of the Negative Contact Discharge at point number [x] in [V]
NOTE Note or remark made during the test
NOTE POINT x Note or remark for point number [x]
NUMBER OF DISCHARGES The number of discharges
PERFORMANCE CRITERIA CUSTOMER The performance criteria according to the customer
PERFORMANCE CRITERIA PRODUCT STANDARD The performance criteria according to the product standard
POS AIR LEVEL POINT x Level of the Positive Air Discharge at point number [x] in [V]
POS CONTACT LEVEL POINT x Level of the Positive Contact Discharge at point number [x] in [V]
PRESSURE Air Pressure during the test in MilliBar [mbar]
TDURATION POINT x Duration of pulse at point number [x] in milliseconds [ms]
TEMPERATURE Temperature during the test in degrees Celsius [oC]
TEST ENGINEER The name of the test engineer
TESTPOINT DESCRIPTION POINT nr Position at EUT where discharge was applied
TRISE POINT x Rise time of pulse at point number [x] in milliseconds [ms]
EQUIPMENT TABLE A table containing all used equipment
EVENTS Table of events which occur during a test
POS HCP MEASURED POINT X Indication a Positive HCP Discharge is performed at point number [x]: Yes / No
NEG HCP MEASURED POINT X Indication a Negative HCP Discharge is performed at point number [x]: Yes / No
POS HCP RESULT POINT X Results of Positive HCP Discharge at point number [x]: pass or fail
NEG HCP RESULT POINT X Results of Negative HCP Discharge at point number [x]: pass or fail
POS HCP LEVEL POINT X Level of the Positive HCP Discharge at point number [x] in [V]
NEG HCP LEVEL POINT X Level of the Negative HCP Discharge at point number [x] in [V]
POS HCP NOTE POINT X Note or remark for the Positive HCP Discharge at point number [x]
NEG HCP NOTE POINT X Note or remark for the Negative HCP Discharge at point number [x]
POS VCP MEASURED POINT X Indication a Positive VCP Discharge is performed at point number [x]: Yes / No
NEG VCP MEASURED POINT X Indication a Negative VCP Discharge is performed at point number [x]: Yes / No
POS VCP RESULT POINT X Results of Positive VCP Discharge at point number [x]: pass or fail
NEG VCP RESULT POINT X Results of Negative VCP Discharge at point number [x]: pass or fail
POS VCP LEVEL POINT X Level of the Positive VCP Discharge at point number [x] in [V]
NEG VCP LEVEL POINT X Level of the Negative VCP Discharge at point number [x] in [V]
POS VCP NOTE POINT X Note or remark for the Positive VCP Discharge at point number [x]
NEG VCP NOTE POINT X Note or remark for the Negative VCP Discharge at point number [x]

Equipment for ESD Tests

The equipment keyword consists of two parts: the keyword and a parameter. For each keyword all parameters are valid.

Keyword Description
ESDGUN ... Specifications of the used ESD Gun

Where ... is one of the following parameters:

Parameter Description
BRAND Brand of Measurement equipment
CALIBRATION EXPIRES Date when calibration expires of equipment, given by the user
DESCRIPTION Description of Measurement equipment given by the user
DEVICE DRIVER NAME The internal name of the device driver
HARDWARE VERSION Hardware version of Measurement equipment
ID Internal ID of Measurement equipment
NAME Name of Measurement equipment
SERIAL NUMBER Serial number of Measurement equipment
SOFTWARE VERSION Software version of Measurement equipment
TYPE Type of Measurement equipment

||ESDGUN BRAND|| returns the brand name of the ESD gun.

EFT Test

Keyword Description
(L1-L2)/PE RESULT Results on (L1-L2)/PE: Pass or Fail
CAPCLAMP RESULT Results on Capacitive Clamp: Pass or Fail
L1 RESULT Results on L1: Pass or Fail
L1/L2 RESULT Results on L1/L2: Pass or Fail
L1/PE RESULT Results on L1/PE: Pass or Fail
L2 RESULT Results on L2: Pass or Fail
L2/PE RESULT Results on L2/PE: Pass or Fail
NUMBER OF EVENTS The number of events that occur during a test
PE RESULT Results on PE (Protective Earth): Pass or Fail
TEST START TIME The time at which the test is stopped
TEST STOP TIME The time at which the test is started
TEST SITE NAME The name of the test equipment list
BRAND Brand of Measurement equipment
CALIBRATION EXPIRES Date when calibration expires of equipment, given by the user
DESCRIPTION Description of Measurement equipment given by the user
DEVICE DRIVER NAME The internal name of the device driver
HARDWARE VERSION Hardware version of Measurement equipment
ID Internal ID of Measurement equipment
NAME Name of Measurement equipment
SERIAL NUMBER Serial number of Measurement equipment
SOFTWARE VERSION Software version of Measurement equipment
TYPE Type of Measurement equipment
(L1-L2)/PE MEASURED (L1-L2)/PE Measured: Yes / No
AMPLITUDE Amplitude of burst in Volt [V]
CAPCLAMP MEASURED Capacitive Clamp Measured: Yes / No
CONFIGURATION TIME The date and time when the TSF file is saved
DESCRIPTION Description of the Test Setup File (TSF)
DURATION Duration of test in milliseconds [ms]
FREQUENCY Frequency of burst in Hertz [Hz]
HUMIDITY Relative Humidity during the test in percentage relative Humidity [%RH]
L1 MEASURED L1 Measured: Yes / No
L1/L2 MEASURED L1/L2 Measured: Yes / No
L1/PE MEASURED L1/PE Measured: Yes / No
L2 MEASURED L2 Measured: Yes / No
L2/PE MEASURED L2/PE Measured: Yes / No
MAIN VOLTAGE Mains Voltage during the test in Volt [V]
NOTE Note or remark made during the test
NOTE (L1-L2)/PE Notes or remarks for (L1-L2)/PE
NOTE CAPCLAMP Notes or remarks for Capacitive Clamp
NOTE L1 Notes or remarks for L1
NOTE L1/L2 Notes or remarks for L1/L2
NOTE L1/PE Notes or remarks for L1/PE
NOTE L2 Notes or remarks for L2
NOTE L2/PE Notes or remarks for L2/PE
NOTE PE Notes or remarks for PE
PE MEASURED PE Measured: Yes / No
PRESSURE Air Pressure during the test in milliBar [mbar]
TBURST Duration of burst in milliseconds [ms]
TEMPERATURE Temperature during the test in degrees Celsius [oC]
TEST ENGINEER The name of the test engineer
TPERIOD Duration of period in milliseconds [ms]
EQUIPMENT TABLE A table containing all used equipment
EVENTS Table of events which occur during a test

For every possible line the following items are available:

Keyword Description
MEASURED If the line was measured
RESULT The result on this line
AMPLITUDE The amplitude on this line
NOTE The note that is related to this line

||L1 / L2 RESULT|| is a valid code, and will return the actual result of the L1/L2 line.

Equipment for EFT Tests

The equipment keyword consists of two parts: the keyword and a parameter. For each keyword all parameters are valid.

Keyword Description
EFTGENERATOR ... Specifications of the used EFT Generator

Where ... is one of the following parameters:

Parameter Description
BRAND Brand of Measurement equipment
CALIBRATION EXPIRES Date when calibration expires of equipment, given by the user
DESCRIPTION Description of Measurement equipment given by the user
DEVICE DRIVER NAME The internal name of the device driver
HARDWARE VERSION Hardware version of Measurement equipment
ID Internal ID of Measurement equipment
NAME Name of Measurement equipment
SERIAL NUMBER Serial number of Measurement equipment
SOFTWARE VERSION Software version of Measurement equipment
TYPE Type of Measurement equipment

||EFTGENERATOR TYPE|| returns the type of the EFT generator.

Surge Test

Keyword Description
(L1-L2)/PE MEASURED (L1-L2)/PE measured: Yes / No
(L1-L2)/PE RESULT Results of Surge Test at (L1-L2)/PE: pass or fail
L1/L2 MEASURED Indication whether or not L1/L2 is measured: Yes / No
L1/L2 RESULT Results of Surge Test at L1/L2: pass or fail
L1/PE MEASURED Indication whether or not L1/PE is measured: Yes / No
L1/PE RESULT Results of Surge Test at L1/PE: pass or fail
L2/PE MEASURED Indication whether or not L2/PE is measured: Yes / No
L2/PE RESULT Results of Surge Test at L2/PE: pass or fail
NUMBER OF EVENTS The number of events that occur during a test
TEST START TIME The time at which the test is stopped
TEST STOP TIME The time at which the test is started
TEST SITE NAME The name of the test equipment list
CINTSETTINGS (L1-L2)/PE Internal Capacitance for (L1-L2)/PE
CINTSETTINGS L1/L2 Internal Capacitance for L1/L2
CINTSETTINGS L1/PE Internal Capacitance for L1/PE
CINTSETTINGS L2/PE Internal Capacitance for L2/PE
CONFIGURATION TIME The date and time when the TSF file is saved
DESCRIPTION Description of the Test Setup File (TSF)
HUMIDITY Relative Humidity during the test in percentage relative Humidity [%RH]
MAIN VOLTAGE Mains Voltage during the test in Volt [V]
NOTE Note or remark made during the test
NOTE (L1-L2)/PE Note or remark for Surge Test at (L1-L2)/PE
NOTE L1/L2 Note or remark for Surge Test at L1/L2
NOTE L1/PE Note or remark for Surge Test at L1/PE
NOTE L2/PE Note or remark for Surge Test at L2/PE
PHASE (L1-L2)/PE Phase angle between L1 - L2 and PE in degrees: 0, 90, 270, random
PHASE L1/L2 Phase angle between L1 and L2 in degrees: 0, 90, 270, random
PHASE L1/PE Phase angle between L1 and PE in degrees: 0, 90, 270, random
PHASE L2/PE Phase angle between L2 and PE in degrees: 0, 90, 270, random
POLARISATION OF (L1-L2)/PE TESTLEVEL Polarisation of test voltage at (L1-L2)/PE: Positive, Negative or both
POLARISATION OF L1/L2 TESTLEVEL Polarisation of test voltage at L1/L2: Positive, Negative or both
POLARISATION OF L1/PE TESTLEVEL Polarisation of test voltage at L1/PE: Positive, Negative or both
POLARISATION OF L2/PE TESTLEVEL Polarisation of test voltage at L2/PE: Positive, Negative or both
PRESSURE Air Pressure during the test in milliBar [mbar]
RINTSETTINGS (L1-L2)/PE Internal Resistance for (L1-L2)/PE
RINTSETTINGS L1/L2 Internal Resistance for L1/L2
RINTSETTINGS L1/PE Internal Resistance for L1/PE
RINTSETTINGS L2/PE Internal Resistance for L2/PE
TEMPERATURE Temperature during the test in degrees Celsius [oC]
TEST ENGINEER The name of the test engineer
TESTLEVEL (L1-L2)/PE Test level at (L1-L2)/PE in kilo Volt [kV]
TESTLEVEL L1/L2 Test level at L1/L2 in kilo Volt [kV]
TESTLEVEL L1/PE Test level at L1/PE in kilo Volt [kV]
TESTLEVEL L2/PE Test level at L2/PE in kilo Volt [kV]
EQUIPMENT TABLE A table containing all used equipment
EVENTS Table of events which occur during a test

For every available line the following codes can be applied:

Keyword Description
MEASURED If the selected line was measured
RESULT The result of the measurement
POSITIVE TEST LEVEL The positive test level(Yes / No)
NEGATIVE TEST LEVEL The negative testlevel(Yes / No)
CI The capacity used for this line configuration
RI The resistance used for this line configuration
Test Level The test level used for this line configuration
Note The note that applies to this line configuration
PHASE 0 Phase 0 measured (Yes / No)
PHASE 90 Phase 90 measured (Yes / No)
PHASE 270 Phase 270 measured (Yes / No)
PHASE RANDOM Phase random measured (Yes / No)

Equipment for Surge Tests

The equipment keyword consists of two parts: the keyword and a parameter. For each keyword all parameters are valid.

Keyword Description
SURGEGENERATOR ... Specifications of the used Surge Generator

Where ... is one of the following parameters:

Parameter Description
BRAND Brand of Measurement equipment
CALIBRATION EXPIRES Date when calibration expires of equipment, given by the user
DESCRIPTION Description of Measurement equipment given by the user
DEVICE DRIVER NAME The internal name of the device driver
HARDWARE VERSION Hardware version of Measurement equipment
ID Internal ID of Measurement equipment
NAME Name of Measurement equipment
SERIAL NUMBER Serial number of Measurement equipment
SOFTWARE VERSION Software version of Measurement equipment
TYPE Type of Measurement equipment

||SURGEGENERATOR ID|| returns the internal ID of the Surge generator.

Pulsed Immunity Multi Band Tests

All Pulsed Immunity MB Tests share the following codes:

Keyword Description
TestRepeatCount Count to repeat all the sequences (Whole test)
CABLE CABLELENGTH Length of the cable
CABLE DESCRIPTION User description of the cable
CABLE FIXINGSHIELD Fixing shield of the cable
CABLE LOADATPORT Data port of the cable
CABLE MAXCABLELENGTH Specified maximum cable length
CABLE NOTE User note of the cable
CABLE PORTTYPE Used Port Type of the cable

Band Specific Codes

For the multiband tests, multiple settings are set for each band. To acquire the values for each band, the keyword must contain the selected band.

BAND + X + <Setting>

The X should contain the number of the selected band.

Keyword Description
BAND1 SequenceNumber The number of the sequence.
BAND1 TestSiteName The selected test site with the used devices specified for the first sequence of the test.
BAND1 TestNote The user typed note for the first sequence of the test.
BAND1 TestStatus The test pass state specified for the first sequence of the test.

There are multiple Pulsed Immunity MB test which each have their own settings and keywords.


Keyword Description
BAND1 Line Selected line coupling.
BAND1 BurstDuration The selected burst duration specified in the first sequence of the test.
BAND1 BurstPeriod The selected burst period specified in the first sequence of the test.
BAND1 SequenceDuration The selected sequence duration specified in the first sequence of the test.
BAND1 Polarity The selected polarity of the VoltageTestLevel.
BAND1 VoltageTestLevel The voltage test level specified in the first sequence of the test
BAND1 PulserepetitionRate The pulse repetition rate specified in the first sequence of the test.
BAND1 RepeatCount The ammount the sequence is repeated.
BAND1 Test note The note specified for each band.


Keyword Description
BAND1 Line The selected line specified in the first sequence of the test.
BAND1 VoltageTestLevel The voltage test level specified in the first sequence of the test.
BAND1 Polarity The polarity specified in the first sequence of the test.
BAND1 RI The impedance specified in the first sequence of the test.
BAND1 CI The capacitance specified in the first sequence of the test.
BAND1 PulseRepetitionTime The pulse repetition time specified in the first sequence of the test.
BAND1 PulseCount The pulse count specified in the first sequence of the test.
BAND1 PhaseAngles The pulse angles specified in the first sequence of the test.
BAND1 Test note The note specified for each band.


Keyword Description
BAND1 Changedvoltage The changed voltage for the dips specified for the first sequence of the test
BAND1 Decreasevoltagetime The switch time from regular voltage to the dip voltage
BAND1 Dipcount The ammount of dips per sequence
BAND1 Increasevoltagetime The time to switch from dip voltage to regular voltage
BAND1 Line The selected line coupling on which the dip will occur
BAND1 Locationtypetext The AC or DC mode
BAND1 Phaseangles The angle on which the dip will initiate
BAND1 Ratedvoltage The regular voltage
BAND1 Reducedvoltagetime The time that the voltage is at reduced voltage
BAND1 Repetitiontime The duration of one sequence
BAND1 Repeatcount The ammount the sequence will be repeated
BAND1 Test note The note specified for each band.

Pulsed Immunity MB Example

To remove keywords of unused sequences, the ||StartDeleteBlock()|| and ||EndDeleteBlock()|| codes can be used:



Band 1 notes: ||BAND1 TestNote||



Band 2 notes: ||BAND2 TestNote||



Band 3 notes: ||BAND3 TestNote||



Band 4 notes: ||BAND4 TestNote||


If only 2 sequences are available in the test, only 2 sequences bands will be seen in the Report output.

Radiated Emission

Note: The pass/fail criteria, shown in the tables of the report generator, do not take the measure uncertainty of the test setup into account.

Radiated Emission Tests

Keyword Description
"keyword or name of photo" The name or keyword of the photo
NUMBER OF EVENTS The number of events that occur during a test
PEAK DETECTION COUNT The number of detected peaks
TEST START TIME The time at which the test is stopped
TEST STOP TIME The time at which the test is started
MAX HOLD GRAPH The max hold graph of the all the traces
MAX HOLD PEAKS GRAPH The max hold graph of all the traces and markers
MAX PEAK GRAPH The max hold graph of the Peak trace
MAX AVERAGE GRAPH The max hold graph of the Average trace
MAX QUASI PEAK GRAPH The max hold graph of the Quasi Peak trace
MAX RMS GRAPH The max hold graph of the RMS trace
ATTENUATOR The attenuation of the attenuator in dB
ATTENUATOR MODE The Attenuator Mode: Auto, Coupled or Manual
AVERAGE DETECTOR Indication whether or not the Average detector is measured: Yes / No
AVERAGE MEASURE TIME The measurement time of the average peak detector in seconds [s]
AVERAGE OBSERVATION TIME The observation time per average peak in seconds [s]
AVERAGE TRACE Indication whether or not the Average trace is measured: Yes / No
BELOW LIMITLINE OFFSET The level of peaks to detect in dB below the limit line
CONFIGURATION TIME The date and time when the TSF file is saved
CURRENT UNIT The selected unit for current: [dBuA], [dBmA], [dBA], [uA], [mA] or [A]
DESCRIPTION Description of the Test Setup File (TSF)
DISTANCE The distance between the antenna and the EUT in meters [m]
OPTIMIZE ANGLE OPTIMIZE AREA The angle optimization area.
OPTIMIZE ANGLE STEP SIZE The step size of the angle optimization.
OPTIMIZE HEIGHT OPTIMIZE AREA The height optimization area.
OPTIMIZE HEIGHT STEP SIZE The step size of the height optimization.
END ANGLE The stop position in degrees
HEIGHT STEPS The number of steps between the minimum height and the maximum height
HIGHEST HEIGHT The maximum height of the antenna tower in meters [m]
HUMIDITY Relative Humidity during the test in percentage relative Humidity [%RH]
INTERNAL PREAMPLIFIER The amplification of the internal pre amplifier in [dB]
INTERNAL PREAMPLIFIER MODE The Internal Pre Amplifier Mode: Auto, Coupled or Manual
LOWEST HEIGHT The minimum height of the antenna tower in meters [m]
MAIN VOLTAGE Mains Voltage during the test in Volt [V]
MAXIMUM PEAK COUNT The maximum number of peaks to be detected
MEASURE TIME The measure time in milliseconds [ms]
MEASURE TIME MODE The Mode: Auto, Coupled or Manual
NOTE Note or remark made during the test
NUMBER OF ANGLES The number of steps between the start position and the stop position
PEAK DETECTOR Indication whether or not the Peak detector is measured: Yes / No
PEAK MEASURE TIME The measurement time of the peak detector in seconds [s]
PEAK OBSERVATION TIME The observation time per peak in seconds [s]
PEAK SEARCH Indication whether or not a peak search is performed: Yes / No
PEAK TRACE Indication whether or not the Peak trace is measured: Yes / No
PEAKSWEEPS Number of peak sweeps performed
Keyword Description
POINT X FREQUENCY The frequency of point X in the peak list ( X starting from 1)
POINT X PEAK The peak value of point X in the peak list (X starting from 1)
POINT X QUASI PEAK The quasi peak value of point X in the peak list (X starting from 1)
POINT X AVERAGE The average value of point X in the peak list (X starting from 1)
POLARIZATION The polarization of the antenna: horizontal, vertical or both
PRESSURE Air Pressure during the test in milliBar [mbar]
QUASIPEAK DETECTOR Indication whether or not the Quasi peak detector is measured: Yes/No
QUASIPEAK MEASURE TIME The measurement time of the quasi peak detector in seconds [s]
QUASIPEAK OBSERVATION TIME The observation time per quasi peak in seconds [s]
QUASIPEAK TRACE Indication whether or not the Quasi peak trace is measured: Yes / No
RBW The Radio Bandwidth in kilo Hertz [kHz]
RBW MODE The RBW Mode: Auto, Coupled or Manual
RECEIVER DATA SAVE MODE Indication whether all data is saved or only the test results
REFERENCE LEVEL The reference level in the unit selected by the user
REFERENCE LEVEL MODE The Reference Level Mode: Auto, Coupled or Manual
RMS DETECTOR Indication whether or not the RMS detector is measured: Yes / No
RMS MEASURE TIME The measurement time of the RMS peak detector in seconds [s]
RMS OBSERVATION TIME The observation time per RMS peak in seconds [s]
RMS TRACE Indication whether or not the RMS trace is measured: Yes / No
START ANGLE The start position in degrees
START FREQUENCY The start frequency in megahertz [MHz]
FREQUENCY STEP The step frequency in kilo Hertz [kHz]
STEP FREQUENCY MODE The Step frequency Mode: Auto, Coupled or Manual
STOP FREQUENCY The stop frequency in megahertz [MHz]
SWEEP TIME The sweep time in milliseconds [ms]
SWEEP TIME MODE The Sweep Time Mode: Auto, Coupled or Manual
TAKE START PICTURE Indication whether or not a picture is taken at the start of the test: Yes / No
TEMPERATURE Temperature during the test in degrees Celsius [oC]
TEST ENGINEER The name of the test engineer
TEST SITE NAME The name of the test equipment list
USE START STOP FREQUENCY Yes / No, if Yes: Start/Stop if No: Frequency list is used.
VBW The Video Bandwidth in kilo Hertz [kHz]
VBW MODE The Video Bandwidth Mode: Auto, Coupled or Manual
EMISSION TABLE Table of detected peaks and per peak: frequency, level(s), limit value, pass/fail, location
EQUIPMENT TABLE A table containing all used equipment
EVENTS Table of events which occur during a test

Following keywords are applicable for the GTEM Method only:

Keyword Description
EUT HEIGHT The height of the EUT in meters [m]
SEPTUM HEIGHT The height of the septum in meters [m]

Radiated Emission Table

Each keyword can also be accessed in RAW format, which generally implies that only the RAW data (without unit) is retrieved. To retrieve the RAW value, extend the keyword by applying "_RAW" (without any white space) to this keyword. E.g. "PEAK_RAW". The LIMIT, DIFFERENCE and STATUS keywords are only available when a valid LLF is present for those peaks. Otherwise, no calculations of these values can be made.

Following keywords are only applicable for the Table information:

Keyword Description
EMISSION TABLE The selection of the Emission Table
SELECTED The selection of the peak(s)
PEAK NUMBER The number of the peak(s)
FREQUENCY The frequency of the peak(s)
PEAK The measurement value of the peak(s)
PEAK LIMIT The limit value of the peak(s)
PEAK DIFFERENCE The difference value between the measured peak(s) value and the limit value.
PEAK CORRECTION The correction value of the peak(s)
PEAK STATUS The status of the peak(s): Pass / Fail
AVERAGE The average measurement value of the peak(s)
AVERAGE LIMIT The average limit value of the peak(s)
AVERAGE DIFFERENCE The average difference value between the measured average(s) value and the limit value.
AVERAGE CORRECTION The average correction value of the peak(s)
AVERAGE STATUS The average status of the peak(s): Pass / Fail
QUASI-PEAK The Quasi-peak measurement value of the peak(s)
QUASI-PEAK LIMIT The Quasi-peak limit value of the peak(s)
QUASI-PEAK DIFFERENCE The Quasi-peak difference value between the measured Quasi-peak(s) value and the limit value.
QUASI-PEAK CORRECTION The Quasi-peak correction value of the peak(s)
QUASI-PEAK STATUS The Quasi-peak status of the peak(s): Pass / Fail
RMS The RMS measurement value of the peak(s)
RMS LIMIT The RMS limit value of the peak(s)
RMS DIFFERENCE The RMS difference value between the measured RMS(s) value and the limit value.
RMS CORRECTION The RMS correction value of the peak(s)
RMS STATUS The RMS status of the peak(s): Pass / Fail
STATUS The overall status of the peak(s): Pass / Fail
ANGLE The angle of the peak(s) in degrees
HEIGHT The height of the peak(s) in meters [m]
POLARIZATION The polarization of the peak(s)

Radiated Emission Burst

Following keywords are applicable for the Burst Method only:

Keyword Description
BURST GRAPH The graph plot
CARRIER FREQUENCY The carrier frequency in [MHz]
BURST TRIGGER LEVEL The burst trigger level in [dBm]
BURST MEASURE TIME The burst measure time in seconds [s]
BURST SAMPLE RATE The burst sample rate
BURST MINIMUM GAP TIME The burst gap time in milli seconds [ms]
BURST THRESHOLD LEVEL The burst threshold level in [dBc]
ANTENNA ASSEMBLY The Antenna assembly gain in [dBi]
BEAMFORMING GAIN The Beamforming gain in [dB]
MAXIMUM EIRP The Maximum E.I.R.P. in [dBm]
MEDIUM UTILISATION The Medium Utilisation in percentage [%]
DUTY CYCLE The Duty Cycle in percentage [%]
MINIMUM GAP TIME The minimum Gap time in seconds [s]
MAXIMUM SEQUENCE TIME The Maximum Sequency time in seconds [s]
RMS The RMS value in [dBm]

Equipment for Radiated Emission Tests

The equipment keyword consists of two parts: the keyword and a parameter. For each keyword all parameters are valid.

Keyword Description
ANTENNA ... Specifications of the used Antenna
ANTENNA TOWER ... Specifications of the used Antenna Tower
CABLE x ... Specifications of the used Cable number [x], where x is a number between 1 to 8
NUMBER OF DETECTORS The number of detectors the Receiver is able to handle simultaneously
PRE AMPLIFIER ... Specifications of the used Pre Amplifier
RECEIVER TYPE The type of receiver: Spectrum Analyser, Measurement Receiver or Scanning Receiver
SPECTRUM ANALYZER ... Specifications of the used Spectrum Analyser or Measurement Receiver
TURN TABLE ... Specifications of the used Turntable

Where ... is one of the following parameters:

Parameter Description
BRAND Brand of Measurement equipment
CALIBRATION EXPIRES Date when calibration expires of equipment, given by the user
DESCRIPTION Description of Measurement equipment given by the user
DEVICE DRIVER NAME The internal name of the device driver
HARDWARE VERSION Hardware version of Measurement equipment
ID Internal ID of Measurement equipment
NAME Name of Measurement equipment
SERIAL NUMBER Serial number of Measurement equipment
SOFTWARE VERSION Software version of Measurement equipment
TYPE Type of Measurement equipment

||ANTENNA TOWER BRAND|| returns the brand name of the antenna tower.

Conducted Emission

Note: The pass/fail criteria, shown in the tables of the report generator, do not take the measure uncertainty of the test setup into account.

Conducted Emission Tests

Keyword Description
"keyword or name of photo" The name or keyword of the photo
NUMBER OF EVENTS The number of events that occur during a test
PEAK DETECTION COUNT The number of detected peaks
TEST START TIME The time at which the test is stopped
TEST STOP TIME The time at which the test is started
TEST SITE NAME The name of the test equipment list
MAX HOLD GRAPH The max hold graph of the all the traces
MAX HOLD PEAKS GRAPH The max hold graph of all the traces and markers
MAX PEAK GRAPH The max hold graph of the Peak trace
MAX AVERAGE GRAPH The max hold graph of the Average trace
MAX QUASI PEAK GRAPH The max hold graph of the Quasi Peak trace
MAX RMS GRAPH The max hold graph of the RMS trace
ATTENUATOR The attenuation of the attenuator in dB
ATTENUATOR MODE The Attenuator Mode: Auto, Coupled or Manual
AVERAGE DETECTOR Indication whether or not the average detector is measured: Yes / No
AVERAGE MEASURE TIME The measurement time of the average peak detector in seconds [s]
AVERAGE OBSERVATION TIME The observation time per average peak in seconds [s]
AVERAGE TRACE Indication whether or not the average trace is measured: Yes / No
BELOW LIMITLINE OFFSET The level of peaks to detect in dB below the limit line
CONFIGURATION TIME The date and time when the TSF file is saved
CURRENT UNIT The selected unit for current: [dBuA], [dBmA], [dBA], [uA], [mA] or [A]
DESCRIPTION Description of the Test Setup File (TSF)
HUMIDITY Relative Humidity during the test in percentage relative Humidity [%RH]
INTERNAL PREAMPLIFIER The amplification of the internal pre amplifier in [dB]
INTERNAL PREAMPLIFIER MODE The Internal Pre Amplifier Mode: Auto, Coupled or Manual
LISN LINE Which LISN line is used: Neutral, Phase 1, Phase 2 or Phase 3
MAIN VOLTAGE Mains Voltage during the test in Volt [V]
MAXIMUM PEAK COUNT The maximum number of peaks to be detected
MEASURE TIME The measure time in milliseconds [ms]
MEASURE TIME MODE The Mode: Auto, Coupled or Manual
NOTE Note or remark made during the test
PEAK DETECTOR Indication whether or not the Peak detector is measured: Yes / No
PEAK MEASURE TIME The measurement time of the peak detector in seconds [s]
PEAK OBSERVATION TIME The observation time per peak in seconds [s]
PEAK TRACE Indication whether or not the Peak trace is measured: Yes / No
PEAKSWEEPS Number of peak sweeps performed
PRESSURE Air Pressure during the test in milliBar [mbar]
QUASIPEAK DETECTOR Indication whether or not the Quasi peak detector is measured: Yes / No
QUASIPEAK MEASURE TIME The measurement time of the quasi peak detector in seconds [s]
QUASIPEAK OBSERVATION TIME The observation time per quasi peak in seconds [s]
QUASIPEAK TRACE Indication whether or not the Quasi peak trace is measured: Yes / No
Keyword Description
RBW The Radio Bandwidth in kilo Hertz [kHz]
RBW MODE The RBW Mode: Auto, Coupled or Manual
RECEIVER DATA SAVE MODE Indication whether all data is saved or only the test results
REFERENCE LEVEL The reference level in the unit selected by the user
REFERENCE LEVEL MODE The Reference Level Mode: Auto, Coupled or Manual
RMS DETECTOR Indication whether or not the RMS detector is measured: Yes / No
RMS MEASURE TIME The measurement time of the RMS peak detector in seconds [s]
RMS OBSERVATION TIME The observation time per RMS peak in seconds [s]
RMS TRACE Indication whether or not the RMS trace is measured: Yes / No
START FREQUENCY The start frequency in megahertz [MHz]
FREQUENCY STEP The step frequency in kilo Hertz [kHz]
STEP FREQUENCY MODE The Step frequency Mode: Auto, Coupled or Manual
STOP FREQUENCY The stop frequency in megahertz [MHz]
SWEEP TIME The sweep time in milliseconds [ms]
SWEEP TIME MODE The Sweep Time Mode: Auto, Coupled or Manual
TAKE START PICTURE Indication whether or not a picture is taken at the start of the test: Yes / No
TEMPERATURE Temperature during the test in degrees Celsius [oC]
TEST ENGINEER The name of the test engineer
USE START STOP FREQUENCY Yes / No, if Yes: Start/Stop if No: Frequency list is used.
VBW The Video Bandwidth in kilo Hertz [kHz]
VBW MODE The Video Bandwidth Mode: Auto, Coupled or Manual
EMISSION TABLE Table of detected peaks and per peak: frequency, level(s), limit value, location
EQUIPMENT TABLE A table containing all used equipment
EVENTS Table of events which occur during a test
ABSORBING CLAMP ... (1) Specifications of the used Absorbing Clamp
CLAMP MOVER ... (1) Specifications of the used Clamp Mover
LARGEST DISTANCE The maximum distance of the clamp in meters [m]
SMALLEST DISTANCE The minimum distance of the clamp in meters [m]
STEPS The number of steps between the minimum distance and the maximum distance

1) Absorbing clamp method only

Equipment for Conducted Emission Tests

The equipment keyword consists of two parts: the keyword and a parameter. For each keyword all parameters are valid.

Keyword Description
CABLE x ... Specifications of the used Cable number [x], where x is a number between 1 to 8
LISN ... Specifications of the used LISN
NUMBER OF DETECTORS The number of detectors the Receiver is able to handle simultaneously
PRE AMPLIFIER ... Specifications of the used Pre Amplifier
RECEIVER TYPE The type of receiver: Spectrum Analyser, Measurement Receiver or Scanning Receiver
SPECTRUM ANALYZER ... Specifications of the used Spectrum Analyser or Measurement Receiver

Where ... is one of the following parameters:

Parameter Description
BRAND Brand of Measurement equipment
CALIBRATION EXPIRES Date when calibration expires of equipment, given by the user
DESCRIPTION Description of Measurement equipment given by the user
DEVICE DRIVER NAME The internal name of the device driver
HARDWARE VERSION Hardware version of Measurement equipment
ID Internal ID of Measurement equipment
NAME Name of Measurement equipment
SERIAL NUMBER Serial number of Measurement equipment
SOFTWARE VERSION Software version of Measurement equipment
TYPE Type of Measurement equipment

||CABLE 5 BRAND|| returns the brand name of cable nr. 5.

Excel Exporter

The EUT data can be exported to Microsoft Excel with the Excel Exporter. Press the Export button on the Reports tab of the EUT window, and the Excel Export window will open:

Excel Export.png

Selecting filename

To select the filename you want to use to save the information, press the ‘select file’ button next to the red cross. A ‘save’ window will appear, allowing you to select the path and filename. After closing the save window the name will be displayed on the export window.

Selecting tests to be exported

You can select or deselect a test (that is to be exported) by checking or un-checking the checkbox in front of the name of the test. Press Select all to select all the tests, press Unselect all to deselect all the tests and press Invert selection to invert the selection. (This means that all the selected tests will be deselected, and all the deselect tests will be selected.)

Changing the test order

The ‘export module’ exports all the selected tests, starting from the first test at the top and ending with the last test at the bottom of the list. This order is not mandatory and can be changed. To change this order, select the test you want to move and press the ‘arrow up’ Button arrow up.png or ‘arrow down’ Button arrow down.png button to move the test up or down in the list.

Export options

There are some options that can be selected when exporting the test information:

ScreenElementDescription.png Insert header above data With ‘insert header above data’ you can insert headers above every exported column. (For example for the signal generator level, forward power and reflected power for immunity test.)
ScreenElementDescription.png Export EUT data ’Export EUT data’ allows you to select the EUT data that is to be exported. Only the EUT information stored in the top test can be exported.
ScreenElementDescription.png Include not measured columns ’Include not measured columns’ allows you to select the ‘not measured’ columns that are to be exported. If you want to run a macro after exporting, it may be easier to export all the columns. You can then use the same macro for a signal level, forward power level and net power level test. It is not possible to have RadiMation® run the macro automatically after the export. Deselecting ‘exporting not measured columns’ will result in faster exporting of the information.

Performing the export

Once the Export button is pressed, all the raw data of the selected tests will be exported to the selected Excel file.

The exported data, its format and the amount of data that is exported, depends on the selected tests. When the data has been exported, the Excel Export window will close.

Warning: Microsoft Excel needs to be installed on the PC to export the EUT information. This should be version 'Microsoft Excel 97' or newer.

Command Line Interface (CLI)

It is possible to automatically generate a report from the command line. This can be accomplished by calling "radicli.exe", which is available in the same directory in which RadiMation is also installed.

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Raditeq\RadiMation\Version x.y.z\radicli.exe"

To generate a report from the command line, first open command prompt and go to the correct path. Then pass at least the verb "generatereport", eut filename, template filename and the report filename.

Example for a command to generate a report:

cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Raditeq\RadiMation\Version x.y.z\"

radicli.exe generatereport --eut "C:\EUT_Files\eutfile.eut" --template "C:\templates\template.txt" --report "C:\reports\report.txt"

The possible arguments are:

Argument Description
generatereport Required verb that specifies that a report should be generated from the command line interface.
--eut <eutfilename> Required argument that specifies the EUT filename that should be used to generate the report.
--template <templatefilename> Required argument that specifies the template filename to use.
--report <reportfilename> Required argument that specifies the report filename to use.
--reportforeachtest Optional argument that specifies that a report is generated for each test individually. This will result in multiple reports being generated. A report generator code can be specified in the <reportfilename> to have a dynamic report filename. See the example below this table.
--testnumbers <1[;2][;3][...]> Optional argument that specifies a ';' separated list of one or more test numbers (1, 2, 3, ....) for the tests (and their order) that should be included in the generated report. These test numbers correspond to the test numbers as can be seen in the EUT window
--removeillegalcodes Optional argument that specifies that report generator codes that are not replaced to an actual value will be removed from the generated report.
--help Shows all the possible command line arguments that can be used.
Example to generate a report for each test:

radicli.exe generatereport --eut eutfile.eut --template template.txt --report report||testnumber||.txt --reportforeachtest

Example to only include the tests with the testnumber 3, 2 and 4 in the report:

radicli.exe generatereport --eut eutfile.eut --template template.txt --report report.txt --testnumbers "3;2;4"